Non-Speed Arrows

120 posts Member
As far as mods are concerned, it's pretty universally agreed that, in a broad sense, a speed arrow is the optimal arrow for most characters. Which characters do you consider it optimal to NOT use a speed arrow for, and which arrow do you use?

For me, I have a +15 Speed Offense primary arrow I use on Chewie, and I'm a big fan of it. Considering putting Offense primary arrows on Ahsoka and JKA too but not sure if it would be optimal. Are Crit Avoidance arrows still popular on Traya and the like?


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    Droideka and GG don't use a speed arrow. GG mostly uses health mods and droideka uses protection or offense
    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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    Taunting tanks are good for CA, health, or prot arrows.
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    GMY, Daka, B2, Resistance Trooper, Finn. Or anyone with passive TM gain really.
  • RandomSithLord
    2325 posts Member
    edited February 2020
    Dinotank46 wrote: »
    Droideka and GG don't use a speed arrow. GG mostly uses health mods and droideka uses protection or offense
    Unless you have a 20+ secondary health arrow, GG is better off with a speed arrow if run with a separatist team, not the droid nuke.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    besides tanks most ca/prot/health arrows need high speed secondaries, like sithlord said
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Yeah I got my GG a rare health arrow, love it.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    DrMorpheus wrote: »
    Yeah I got my GG a rare health arrow, love it.

    @DrMorpheus what's the health arrow mod look like?
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    DrMorpheus wrote: »
    Yeah I got my GG a rare health arrow, love it.

    @DrMorpheus what's the health arrow mod look like?

    Here it is, I think (I’m on mobile). It’s other stats are decent, but what’s important is it’s health which I’m gonna 6 dot soon
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    I'd shoot for a better health arrow before 6e. Something with at least 1k health and maybe 10 speed. Just my opinion though live your best life
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Yeah... shoot for more health and speed
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    Dinotank46 wrote: »
    Droideka and GG don't use a speed arrow. GG mostly uses health mods and droideka uses protection or offense
    Unless you have a 20+ secondary health arrow, GG is better off with a speed arrow if run with a separatist team, not the droid nuke.

    For real? I have him with a 6e health arrow but I can move that mod to Padme to slow her down a bit and I'm currently getting my sep droids ready.
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    Worth a swap? (And 6e of course)
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    You are going to want either:
    +speed primary with +health and +%health secondaries
    +%health primary with +health and +speed secondaries

    The more hits you get on those secondaries the better.
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    I'm loving this Speed Arrow on my GG B)
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    Dinotank46 wrote: »
    Droideka and GG don't use a speed arrow. GG mostly uses health mods and droideka uses protection or offense
    Unless you have a 20+ secondary health arrow, GG is better off with a speed arrow if run with a separatist team, not the droid nuke.

    Oh ok
    This is... SPARTAAAAAAA
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