Thanks for the new tiers in assault battles

Thanks guys for the new tiers in assault battles beside those two who got announced.


  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Yep, especially when it's possible to do tier 1 even without relics. Just stack up enough disintegrations and they melt like butter.
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    Challenge tier 2 is crazy hard and I love it
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    Wish 1st wave enemies were slightly slower than 1,200x speed - they literally make 4x turns each before my 300x speed Bossk can make his turn
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    Yeah, I agree. It was nice to get the extra gear and zetas, and no relics on my BH either.
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    Anyone do it with IT? What gear levels?
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    Anyone do it with IT? What gear levels?

    I did the mythic and tier 1 with IT no problem.

    I think I could have auto’ed tier 1.

    Tier 2 is a different story. I didn’t even make it out of the first wave lol.

    And yes! Loving these new event tiers!
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    I did tier 1 with a mix of g11 and g12 BH mostly on auto. I only played to get the contract triggered quickly since the enemy takes at least 3 turns before you can. For tier 2 i couldnt take even a single turn but i expected as much.
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    I love how for the last tier the enemy takes like 31 turns before I get to go once.


    Whoever thought this was a good idea to do in the game....I better not.
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    I love how for the last tier the enemy takes like 31 turns before I get to go once.


    Whoever thought this was a good idea to do in the game....I better not.
    There would be no challenge now if you could beat the last tier with any G12 team, though. It's nice to have a tier to work towards too.

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    It’s a waste of time and somewhat insulting on these 8 level events to have the last level be impossible. Despite the challenge involved, nobody wants to put their phone on hold for 10 min or so just to die.
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    I auto’d first 2 tiers, third one I got to 3/8 on auto, will try tonight not on auto....

    R7 Bossk and R7 Embo(one shotting Luke was satisfying!) Everyone else gear 12...

    Super nice treat that all of a sudden, my bounty hunters are paying off!!!
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    In tier 2 the rebels have 31 turns (!!!!) before my first move...,
    Funny challenge... ah-ah
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    Managed to clear challenge tier 2 waves 1 and 2 after several attempts only to fall to Phoenix squad on wave 3. The opening Rebel TM-train on each wave is brutal. :o
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    Challeng T2 is super hard. I've given it a couple of goes but will have to focus in on it after work. I can get to p4 with zbossk lead only, all r4-r7. Jango lead didnt work as there just isnt enough healing, and I would lose my r6 aura on p1 before I got a turn. Either way, super happy for the challenge
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    Embo under Boosk was a blast. Because of Many Disintegrations and his unique (bonus turn on crit), he can get 4 turns in a row. Basic crit, bonus turn. Use MD, gives 100% TM and resets the "can't gain consecutive bonus turns" restriction of his unique. Throw his hat (usually a kill), on crit = bonus turn, then roundhouse to get the protection back. He can basically weaken 2 enemies for MD by himself or another BH, and get 1 stack himself. By the end of T1 he had over 20 stacks and was one-shotting the stage 8 crew.

    T2, yeah, nope :) Even tried embo lead to get some counters, but they're too stacked. ...for now...
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    ZAP wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Managed to clear challenge tier 2 waves 1 and 2 after several attempts only to fall to Phoenix squad on wave 3. The opening Rebel TM-train on each wave is brutal. :o

    I managed to make it to wave 4 of tier 2 with
    Bossk r5
    Jango r4
    Boba, Dengar and zam G12

    Wave 3 Phoenix took a long time to whittle down.

    Nice 👍🏻.

    This might be the event that finally gives me the excuse relic my bounty hunter team.

    I’m too scared to try tier 2 with my g12 cohort.

    Would you say Bossk is the key?
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    Bossk is definitely the key. I can auto all except tier 2 and usually use jango lead but you definitely need the healing
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    God mode difficulty:

    Tier 2 with:
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    They could have done this 6 months ago. All they did was increase some stats. No new mechanics, no additional waves, nothing. I mean, it is something, but it is super lazy on their part.
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    They could have done this 6 months ago. All they did was increase some stats. No new mechanics, no additional waves, nothing. I mean, it is something, but it is super lazy on their part.

    This post is almost as original as the content we got today
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    They could have done this 6 months ago. All they did was increase some stats. No new mechanics, no additional waves, nothing. I mean, it is something, but it is super lazy on their part.

    Who had relic BH squads 6 months ago?
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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    Well yes, kudos to the devs. Nice rewards for challenge I and it’s do-able with a good bounty hunter team. I’m very happy, CG hit the right spot here.
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    Tier 2? So Do you only need all R7 toons, or a very specific combination of R7 toons.

    I obviously didn’t expect to beat tier 2 with my g12+ BH, but if that kind of TM train happened on player side CG would have nerved it already.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    KyoO1234 wrote: »
    Tier 2? So Do you only need all R7 toons, or a very specific combination of R7 toons.

    I obviously didn’t expect to beat tier 2 with my g12+ BH, but if that kind of TM train happened on player side CG would have nerved it already.

    They have to do something for it to be a challenge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I need a new message here.
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    Beat it all
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