Developer Q&A - 02/27/2020

685 posts EA Community Manager
edited February 2020
Hi Holotable Heroes,

The team is getting ready for the Q&A at 12:30pm PT today. We've got a bunch of questions that we answering already from the survey so post your questions in the thread and we'll try to answer as many as we can live!

Today's Categories:
Who's Here Today:
  • CG_Tophat - Live Producer Out with sickness Stepping in for Tophat is CG_Coffee - Assistant Producer
  • CG_SvenGG - Sr. Game Designer
  • CG_Vyeking - Creative Director
  • CG_Cyanides - Data Analyst/Lead Product Manager
  • CG_Miller - Senior Game Designer
  • CG_RagingSpaniard - Sr. Artist
  • CG_SBCrumb - Sr. Community Manager

EDIT: 12:20pm PT The team is sitting down to start responding. Going to get started soon!

EDIT: 12:40pm PT Going to start posting now!

EDIT: 2:20pm PT Thanks for coming folks, I'm sorry if we didn't get to your question. We are going to start wrapping up now

Some of the CG Team getting started on your questions
Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on


  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2020
    TOPIC: General

    Q: Do you plan on adding events such as Malak's Starforge Showdown event or GAS' Clash On Kamino event to the journey guide to be played at any time? If so, how long should players expect between an Epic Confrontation and its release as a permanent event?
    Q: I recall, a long time ago, you guys saying that you wouldnt be putting any new marquee toons in platoons. Yet, here on the new LS Geo TB, the ship platoons are riddled with them. What gives?
    • A: CG_Miller - There was some confusion around this when we launched so let me try to clarify again. By "New Marquee" we meant marquee characters that were released after the TB's initial launch. For LS Geo TB, we snapshotted what units were available at the moment it launched and built the platoons around those units. All platoons in all Territory Battles are static now, and we don't have any plans to change, so you can have some targeted farming in order to help out your guild.

    Q: Any plans to add characters/update characters from Clone Wars Season 7 *cough Bad Batch *cough. Do you know why there is a different number for Echo in the episode(1409) vs. what we have in game(0408)?
    • A: CG_Miller - We are definitely fans of Clone Wars and are excited by what we have seen so far! As for Echo's number, he's canonically had both designations over the course of the show. The one revealed recently is different than the one that was known about when we created the character. Since lists both designations as canon, we're probably not going to go and change his designation now.

    Q: What was the thinking with Finalizer and Raddus? Are they to counter the arena meta? Used in TB battles? The new raid?
    • A: CG_Miller - We see capital ships as the "leaders" of fleet battles. You need one for each fleet you intend to use beyond just Fleet Arena (so GAC and Territory Wars), and our goal is to get as many capital ships into the game as we can and worry less about where their meta placement ends up. The supporting ships in the fleet go a long way in shaking up the meta, so once we feel we've got a good handle on capital ships, we will start introducing new ones.

    Q: Why do you not utilize the in game inbox more? I feel as though the best way to communicate to your players are in the actual game. I know you guys put out push notifications but often times i am clicking through dailies and miss the message with no way to look at what it was (update coming, new pack, etc.) Can we get all updates as an inbox message that we can manage? Is it possible to see dev posts from the forum as well or at the least a notification that there is a new post?
    • A: CG_SvenGG - There are currently limits to the inbox where it gets full and messages get pushed out. The UI is also limiting for the information we can readily convey through that form factor. This makes me wonder if a better News / Updates section (besides linking to the forums) could improve this in a relatively efficient way.

    Q: While ships have gotten more capital ships lately to shake up the meta and develop some excitement, ships will undoubtedly fall into another lull. What sort of features or changes are you bringing to make this an exciting game mode?
    • A: CG_SvenGG - This ties into some of my other answers, but we're working on new game modes that would make all unit types exciting.

    Q: Dear Developers! There are 2 Empire Capital ships in the game, but only 5 Empire starfighters and non of them is a Tank. Without a good tank a fleet isn’t competitive. Are there any plans to make an Empire Tank starfighter?
    • A: CG_Miller - TIE Bomber would be a perfect ship to make, it had many appearances in the canon and it would carry on the line of bombers(Hyena, Y-wing) The Empire has a ton of cool TIEs we have yet to put into the game as collectible units. The TIE Bomber is just one of them, and your instinct on carrying on the tradition in bombers like the Hyena and Y-wing is a smart one.

    Q: How will the new ticket system work?? For example when a player reaches the amount of tickets to enter the GL event but loses, does that mean he/she will have to grind for those tickets again?
    • A: CG_Miller - You will need to engage in the core game to earn the new tickets, and there is a cap on how many you can hold. Your tickets are consumed upon attempting the Galactic Legend event, and win or lose you will need additional tickets to play the event again. The event itself is not intended to be the challenge level we have seen in the past with units like Malak and General Skywalker, so expect better success rate for each attempt.

    Q: Will the faction-based portraits in GAC feats be recycled? I missed a few and would like to obtain them.
    • A: CG_Miller - There are currently no plans to revisit old GAC themes, but we've got some spaces in our planning that could allow us to rerun themes and allow players another attempt to re-earn the portraits they missed.

    Q: Why did you require non-sequel ships for the Raddus? I've been investing in Resistance and FO since I started the game 2 years ago, and they were my first factions to put g13 and relics on. I feel really screwed over for investing in sequel ships when you require ships from other eras. I never would've predicted that I would need an old republic ship for my resistance fleet, and now I fear for the Finalizer requirements.
    • A: CG_Miller - We would have loved to include a suite of Resistance ships as the requirements for the Raddus (and FO ships for the Finalizer), however we have a limited number of ships to choose from, so we have to look at synergistic ships as additional requirements. Suffice it to say none of requirements were chosen without considering how well they interact with the rest of the fleet, or just how good they were in general.

    Q: Hi, why aren’t arena shards rotated? I am launch player and have been trapped in a shard where a large percentage of top 30 or so are two of the larger spending guilds and they coordinate and prevent people from climbing. There are days where the hour of my payout is just them taking turns engaging me so I don’t get the ability to play. Ti is frustrating to play a mobile game where people game the system because nothing is being done to prevent it. Why aren’t shards shaken up to make the collusion and fixing of payouts require more effort?
    • A: CG_Coffee - We don't have current plans to tackle this but it is a common point of discussion for us. Arena is a very old part of the game and the main source of crystals for players so we're careful when we touch it but we're aware of this request and will keep iterating on it.

    Q: How are the new offices? Anything interesting to share about them?
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard - Can't lie, its nice! I liked the old office as well, it had personality, charm and ... a lot of smells. The new digs have plenty of meeting rooms (that is usually the biggest problem in most game studios, by the way), better access to food (Shake Shack is opening nearby soon, there's a speakeasy on the bottom floor, a brewery and a ... West Elm? yeah ok) and a lot of natural light which the art team stays very far away from because we're all afraid of glare on our monitors. It's a good place to work, I dig it.

    Q: I’ve really appreciated getting to know the Galactic Legends requirements this far in advance of the event, and having time to farm. Are you guys seeing a positive response or this on your end? Is it something we can expect again in the future, and do you have any planned changes to how you announce requirements moving forward?
    • A: CG_Miller - As you know, this was a new way of us doing things. We are carefully monitoring how it performs and if it meets or exceeds our expectations. So far, like yourself, the players seem to prefer an early peak at what they will need, however it does also lead to the inevitable question of "where are the Galactic Legends?" since they were announced so much further out than our normal characters. Currently, we plan that future Galactic Legends will behave the same way, but as with all plans, they may change.

    Q: How do you decide what constitutes a Hero Journey, an Epic Confrontation, a Legendary or a Galactic Legend? (both according to the lore and in term of in-game balance). How I understand it is Legendary: random cool characters, key members of their own faction Hero's Journey: main character of their franchise Epic Confrontation: OP characters, boss-like gameplay, REAL challenge Galactic Legends: Ultimate Badass
    • A: CG_Vyeking - We balance intended gameplay, power, and the expected impact the character will have on the game with our internal meta targets and categorize those characters using adjectives to describe their power and deliver an authentic Star Wars experience. While meta placement and general squad usefulness can be flexible ideas, we want players to understand the expectation we have for the character. 'Galactic' is a good adjective for the impact expected for our Galactic Legends characters. Likewise, we try to craft the event names so that players can correlate the name with the type of event. We have not revealed our name for the Galactic Legend events yet, but it will have a unique name to represent its event type.

    Q: Is there a framework issue that is preventing the development of new content? If so, is there an ETA on the completion of that?
    • A: CG_Vyeking - I'm not aware of a 'framework issue'. Content is, however, fairly challenging for us to create for a variety of reasons that we are addressing. Some of those are process changes and the implementation of new tool sets, but, largely, the biggest lever for us over the coming year is the development of our new content feature. This feature is expected to yield multiple, varied content experiences and improve the availability and frequency of meaningful content. Our main goal for this feature is to deliver a way for our game design team to author interesting game play for players of all levels as well as use this feature to deliver a large, authentic, Star Wars content experience that we are really excited about, but can't talk about yet.

    Q: Have you guys finalized the kits of the new galactic legends yet? And if you haven’t, do you have an idea as to what role each galactic legend will ie: support,tank,healer, or attacker?
    • A: CG_Vyeking - We are in final stages of balance testing and quality assurance for our upcoming Galactic Legend releases. This means we have the kits at a 'final' stage, but at a stage where we may need to make mechanical or numerical changes based on testing results. So, the answer is, yes we have the kits finalized, but also, no they can still change. I don't expect them to change dramatically from where CG_Prototype and CG_Fugitive have them now. As to their role - I have to leave that information for our upcoming kit reveals. Sorry!

    Q: I would like to know why you as a group ignore what’s generally the communities biggest issues in your Q/A’s. I would like to know why those questions are ignored or brushed off. These Q/A’s are becoming more of a self promotion then anything. Tackle the hard stuff first, worry aboot the fluffy art stuff later.
    • A: CG_Vyeking - There are so many factors that go into the creation, development, release, and communication of any piece of content, feature, and title update, it is often challenging or outright impossible for us to answer every question. Add into that our partnership and responsibility with and to the Star Wars brand, and we often find there are too many unknowns to adequately give our players the definitive answers they want. It is never our intent to sugar-coat our responses. Instead, we want to make sure our comments are not creating false promises. This is why we don't often comment on the specific nature and timelines for upcoming content and features, and why we don't, as a matter of course, comment on anything for which there isn't a definite solution or timeline.
    • A: CG_SBCrumb - I try to surface the hottest community topics to the team, but sometimes we can't answer them all as Vyeking elaborated on above. That said, I don't think the current format is the best way to do these Q&A. The live Q&A can be hard to follow and there's no way to find new responses other than scrolling through the categories so very I'm open to feedback on how we do these in the future. I grab a bunch of Qs in advance for the team from the survey that I think are the hot topics based on my reads of the forums/reddit/discord/youtube/etc but how do we create a solid list of questions that satisfies the majority of players? Maybe we show the list of Qs we are working on in advance for feedback but that doesn't solve the problem when we are live and answering in the moment. I'm open to your thoughts on this
    Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2020
    TOPIC: Art

    Q: The Art Department has done an excellent job with character/ship/location designs! As the designs get more intricate, is there a plan to update previous designs? Especially ones that are similar (I.e. Rey, Kylo, Han, Chewbacca, etc.)? I want to say thank you for everything that y’all do. I look forward to the communication and I’m excited for what you have planned!
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard - Thank you! We generally only consider changes/updates when a character is up for a rework or touch-up. Magnaguard got a nice art update when it got its rework, we made the mesh and texture more detailed, made new icons for him, even new animations, if I remember correctly. Cad Bane had a smaller touch-up but he got some edits as well. If a character is up for a rework it opens a window for art and it justifies us re-evaluating the art on the unit. Doing this out of sync with content is difficult because we soend the vast majority of our time working on upcoming content.
      To further elaborate (because reddit tells me people love the art questions ;), updating art out of cycle is risky for a few reasons. Jedi Knight Anakins face being a great example of this. When he got his rework last year we made small alterations to his body that I felt were necessary (he had giant hands, for instance) and the community did not notice. Then, when General Anakin came out and had a new face design, we thought it would make sense to update JKA's face as well and ... the community sure noticed that one. Changing the presentation on a unit that players have invested in for years is very risky, even if done with the right intentions. Han Solo's unit has a distinctly different art style than, lets say, Resistance Hero Poe and thats Okay, this is something that happens often on Live games that have been around for as long as ours has, they both look great In my opinion and the best we can do is to be as consistent as possible with our current art style.

    Q: Could you please bring back the yellow color for the fav flag? It was much more visible than the present blue one in the stores
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard - I liked the yellow better myself, however, when we moved the icon to make room for relics, the yellow bookmark was blending with the yellow stars in a way that created a tangent that didn't look good. It was fine on the bigger devices but on smaller screens those pixels starts getting real close to each other and cause clarity issues. Making the icon a silver color helped in differentiating the two elements.

    Q: A lot of Star Wars game add to the canon by introducing original characters (Force Unleashed, Fallen Order etc). The game does too but in the form of nameless grunts such as Brood Alpha, CUP, Mob Enforcer etc.
    Did you guys ever submit a named Jedi Knight or a character with an actual backstory to LucasArts? Do you have an artwork? Ever considered an original character for a raid boss?
    I actually like the lack of OC but do you have any artwork of any such cases where you proposed a character that was rejected?
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard - I designed the Brood Alpha so this speaks to my interests! When I was asked if I wanted to tackle that character I jumped on the chance because being able to add something new to the universe was too tempting to pass up. When it comes to something completely original (like the cast of Fallen Order, for instance) it's something we would obviously love to do at some point but it's very hard to fit in or justify, because that would be taking resources away from adding a character that fans are expecting to see. When we add characters to the cantina we try and make them as unique as possible, so we have contributed some in that area, the Scavenger being a pretty good recent example.

      All that being said, adding a brand new named character would be awesome and I think we could do something very cool if given the chance, we just have to find the right timing for it.

    Q: Resistance Hero Poe is probably the best looking character in the game, can we expect that level of detail in most of the new characters coming to the game?
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard[ - We talked about this when Resistance Hero Finn was announced, we are making an effort to increase the fidelity of our new playable units. That is possible due to upping the polycount limit because our partners at Lucasfilm have responded in kind, giving us the kind of reference that enables us to get to that next level of fidelity. We are carrying that momentum into our Galactic Legends and we intend to keep that up with future content as well.

    Q: I've been playing through SW Jedi: Fallen Order, the rush attach that Cal does feels so much like Ezra's Flourish movements that its the only move I want to use when playing as Cal. Props to the team for capturing this feeling in such a way! What criteria/source material do you use when choosing the movements/animations of the characters abilities? Also, feature request: can we see those moves played out from the character screen?! That would be awesome! long press the ability to trigger it.
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard - Ah, I remember that animation from Fallen Order, I'm sure Respawn will be sending that royalty check any day now. Coming up with animations is a multi step process and it varies from character to character because we have to leverage the following:

      Reference: what does the character actually do/doesn't do in the movies, shows, etc. Chewbacca is not shown doing backflips, for instance
      Expectation: even if not found in the reference, I expect this character to do something like this based on their knowledge, lore, fan expectation, etc
      Technology: can we even pull off that animation with our current tech, what tech do we need to add?
      Characters Kit: is this animation too much for a basic, or special 1, does adding this animation need us to alter the kit?
      Budget: does this character warrant this much R&D or the other way around, for this character we need to go all out
      Misc: the ""you don't know what you don't know"" side of things. Internal feedback sessions, bugs, ability to execute, approvals, etc

      As for being able to play combat animations on the inventory screen, the Feature Team has definitely made that request before but unfortunately there's no easy way to do it without reworking a lot of code. Basically those animations play out in our combat engine, meaning the game needs to be running combat in order to play those animations ... and getting that to happen in our character inventory screen would break the game so hard that even more KAM shards would go missing, probably."

    Q: Art team!!!!! How dare you?!?!You need to fix the load screen for Chewbacca. His Bandolier is on the wrong shoulder.
    • A: CG_RagingSpaniard - Don't dare me too much or I'll begin to pontificate about the 5 year art journey of this game, complete with a bonus commentary track. In Spanish.

      I agree, the bandolier is on the wrong side. Making edits to the splash screen is not the most straight forward process so I can't get edits made to it nearly as quickly as I would like.
    Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2020
    TOPIC: Economy

    Q: Are you able to share any details regarding what CG is doing next in order to relieve the tight gear crunch? The new assault tiers are much appreciated.
    • A: CG_Cyanides - We are planning more challenge tiers for Assault Battles. Outside of the new challenge tiers, we don't have any additional plans to alter the gear economy in the immediate future.

    Q: Do u plan to repeat offers like hyperdrive bundle more often or was this a one time thing?
    • A: CG_Cyanides - The Hyperdrive Bundle is a one-time purchase and we do not plan on doing another version of the Hyperdrive Bundle.

    Q: Will you be adding a feature to slice 4 dot mods to 5 dot? I bet there are many of us that have good speed secondaries on some 4 dots that good use a boost in stats.
    • A: CG_Cyanides - We debated this a lot with the original design of mod slicing. At one point, we wanted the ability to slice a 1-dot mod all the way to 5-dot. We ultimately decided to not do this, and we do not have any plans for this functionality in the future.

    Q: Will you be adding a feature to slice 4 dot mods to 5 dot? I bet there are many of us that have good speed secondaries on some 4 dots that good use a boost in stats.
    • A: CG_Cyanides - We debated this a lot with the original design of mod slicing. At one point, we wanted the ability to slice a 1-dot mod all the way to 5-dot. We ultimately decided to not do this, and we do not have any plans for this functionality in the future.

    Q: Are there any plans to remove 4 dot mods from the higher challenge or to allow us to slice these up to 5 dot mods?
    • A: CG_Cyanides - We don't have plans to remove the 4-dot mods, and see the above for the second part of the question.
    Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2020
    TOPIC: Content
    Q: Are we ever going to see Legendary events or Hero's Journey events for new characters again? Or are Epic Confrontations and Galactic Legends the new bar you have set for all major character releases moving forward?
    • A: CG_Coffee - Absolutely! Galactic Legends and Epic Confrontations exist as new ways for us to release iconic characters and interesting events, but do not replace our existing release structures.

    Q: Awhile back, you said that content creation was slowed due to having different code sets in the game. And recently you promised more new content was coming. The new challenge tiers are a steel in the right direction, but it's left some players feeling like you aren't keeping that word. Is the reason for the "lack of comment" as some players feel because you are working to setup a better framework to introduce the content that you promised?
    • A: CG_Vyeking - "I answered this question previously, but I want to repeat that answer, because it is important -

      As we move through 2020, we are actively working on systems to aid in the authoring of interesting and new content. These systems take time to build, but are expected to yield a fresh, new content landscape. I know, "hold on, it's coming" can be cold comfort so I won't repeat that verbatim, but I will say, "we've heard you, we're working on it, and we think you'll like the results."

      The time frame for this delivery is not something I want to promise, however, as there are many factors that go into planning and executing a client update. What I can tell you, however, is that we are in pre-production for this feature."

    Q: How often do you hear a feature request that you have not already thought out? From my own software development experience, the development team dreams up all sorts of ideas during the project and its not too often that you hear from external sources ideas that you haven't already considered. I imagine the consumer space that SWGOH is in differs from the enterprise space.
    • A: CG_Vyeking - While we don't often hear of features that we haven't either played in other games or have ideated internally, we, as a game design team, thrive on fresh ideas, input, suggestions, and feedback. In fact, we often hear about new perspective on how to tackle some of our most challenging issues right here in this format, so please know that your voice is heard.

      To shed a bit of light on our process, we generate ideas, questions to explore, and our player needs and track those not only as a design team, but also in our overall backlog. The truth of the matter is that there is more work (and hopes and dreams) represented there than we can realistically tackle, and we triage this backlog so that it represents the most pressing needs.
    • A: CG_SvennGG - One of the fun ways that I find validation as a feature designer is when I've written a design document or when we are developing a feature and then these Q&As or a Reddit post ask about an experience we're making or plan to make, which happens all the time. We have a pretty significant feature, content, and quality of life backlog, so that makes it likely we'll see convergent ideas as we're all playing the same game, but players often have fresh takes or new versions of a core idea which are great for challenging our own vision and sparking even more creativity. So I think as a whole we tend not to see all new patterns from external ideas, but that doesn't make those ideas any less valuable!

    Q: Are Mythic events ever returning? We used to have one a weekend.
    Q: Are there any plans to add Home One, Executrix and Endurance to the journey guide ?
    • A: CG_SvenGG - There are not currently any plans to bring the Fleet Mastery events into the Journey Guides because a significant portion of the unit unlock occurs through the Fleet Challenges, and the Journey Guide focuses on units which are acquired through a single activity.

    Q: Could you please define what you consider “new content?” I believe that there is a significant disconnect between what CG thinks of as “new content,” and what a large part of the playerbase does.
    • A: CG_Vyeking - While we broadly term characters, ships, and their corresponding events as content, this is not the 'new' content that I referred to in previous Q&A's. Nor would I consider the addition of the Challenge Tiers in Assault Battles the form of 'new' content I think meets the needs of our players. When I say 'new' content I mean wholly-new and fresh experiences served up to our players at regular intervals.

      As we move through 2020, we are actively working on systems to aid in the authoring of interesting and 'new' content. These systems take time to build, but are expected to yield a fresh, new content landscape. I know, "hold on, it's coming"" can be cold comfort so I won't repeat that verbatim, but I will say, "we've heard you, we're working on it, and we think you'll like the results."

    Q: Will there ever be anymore new pve content? Not counting events with increased difficulty. Added nodes or a single player raid or territory battle.
    • A: CG_SvenGG - Yes! We're building a new PvE game mode in addition to new PvE authoring systems which will let us produce content more efficiently for players. Stay tuned!

    Q: Will you make a infinite journey mode? Kind of like Galaxy wars but something that doesn't end and you keep fighting more and more difficult odds?
    • A: CG_SvenGG - There are aspects of this that we put into the DNA of the new game mode we are building. We're really hoping for a rich PvE experience that strengthens the Star Wars and the Holotable game feelings.

    Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2020
    TOPIC: Tech/Game Mechanics

    Q: I would like to know what defines “mass assists” attack order such as General Kenobi “Lead The Charge” or C-3PO “Oh My Godness” abilities for instance. Is it the animation delay, the order of the characters on the lineup or something else? I ask it because last week I was told that you could optimize a Geonosian team choosing Alpha to position 1, Sun Fac To position 2, Geonosian Soldier on 3 and so on... According to this guy, this would make Sunc Fac attack first and remove buffs, then geonosian soldier attacks and applies tenacity down and finally Poggle would attack applying ability block. Is that true or the order on the lineup has nothing to do with attacks order on mass assists?
    • A: CG_Miller - This is a tricky one. While squad order placement plays a large role in assist order, there are other factors at work here beyond that. If I were determined enough, I would experiment with squad order placement until you find a result you're satified with, and note that changes to the units (from mods to bug fixes) may impact the order.

    Q: Will non-combat characters receive some Mastery love? Hoda’s relic stats are 2/3.... dead stats.... (accuracy, damage)... I sort of understand the let the relic stats play out for other characters but... (gmy has damage as a relic stat, but only deals special damage, so 1/3 of his relic stat is a dead too)
    • A: CG_Miller - We were fully aware that some Mastery stats are dead on some characters. While there is no "love" coming their way to compensate for this, we tried to ensure that their Gear 12 finisher piece had a tiny bit of compensation built in. Once more players have Reliced larger parts of collection we will have a better idea if the characters that have dead mastery stats need some extra work beyond what we have done already.

    Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited February 2020
    TOPIC: QoL

    Q: Will you add a confirmation button for the gac registration or the chance to cancel and register again like it is with the TW registration?
    • A: CG_Miller - We've looked into this in the past, and the task is bigger than most players realize. Once you register for the GAC we start the process of building the matchups immediately, and you can imagine the havoc one would wreck if players could drop in and out and in and out of the GAC while the game is trying to do some matchup heavy lifting. That said, it's oft-requested, so we'd like to find time to give the players some agency over this.

    Q: Is there any chance we could get a Territory Battle review period, similar to the review period for Territory Wars?
    • A: CG_SvenGG - This might not be directly possible, but I'd like to add a Territory Battle history function that lets players and/or guilds review their TB history.
    Post edited by CG_SBCrumb on
  • Options
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    At what point, exactly, did you stop caring if we had fun? I imagine it was around November 2019, and you got tired of us hounding you about LSTB, so you made it as un-fun as possible just to spite us.
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    When will we get a Princess Leia portrait?
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    1) Are there any plans for Galactic Bounty I/II events to happen more often then once every six weeks (on average)? Perhaps have each one run once per calendar month? Is a Galactic Bounty III event in the works?

    2) We have had a credit heist for a long time now. It's great. Will we ever have a ship credit heist? Instead of using toons, we could use ships. Even a seldom used faction would be great as it would encourage people to upgrade their ships (which generally means upgrading the ship's pilots as well).

    3) I think most people would agree that the LS Geo TB is “Hard”. I would imagine that even 300 million GP guilds are struggling with it. That being said, instead of forcing guilds to either choose between a very easy LS Hoth TB or a very hard LS Geo TB, would it possible to tweak the choices? For instance, LS Hoth TB OR a DS Geo TB? Two weeks later, a DS Hoth TB OR a LS Geo TB? This way, a guild would be in a position to choose a TB that is better suited to their guild.

    Just to be clear:
    Choice 1 - LS Hoth TB / DS Geo TB
    Choice 2 - DS Hoth TB / LS Geo TB

    Another alternative idea would be:
    Choice 1 - LS Hoth TB / DS Hoth TB / DS Geo TB
    Choice 2 - LS Hoth TB / DS Hoth TB / LS Geo TB

    Yet another alternative idea would be:
    Choice 1 - LS Hoth TB / DS Hoth TB / LS Geo TB / DS Geo TB
    Choice 2 - LS Hoth TB / DS Hoth TB / LS Geo TB / DS Geo TB

    To be 100% clear, the choice we do NOT want is: LS Hoth TB / LS Geo TB

    4) I know you (CG) have said in the past that you don't want both the Hoth TBs and Geo TBs running at the same time. My proposal below, IMO, I think is a good compromise.

    Every three to six months, during a week that the regular TB is not running, give all guilds a **CHOICE** to run a bonus LS Hoth TB (and three to six months later a bonus DS Hoth TBs) for either full or even half rewards.

    You (CG) have said in the past that:
    • We don't want to use up too much time of the players.
    • We want to make getting players to G11/G12 easier.
    • We don't want to upset the game economy with too many rewards.

    I say:
    • If the guild thinks the optional bonus Hoth TB is not worth their time, they will choose not to do it.
    • Having extra bonus rewards will help players reach G11/G12
    • If members of the guild are doing Hoth based quests or achievements, they can progress.
    • The game is not flooded with tonnes of extra rewards as the Hoth bonus "event" would only happen two to four times a year.
    • Some players complain about not having enough things to do. Doing a week long event is something to do.
    • Some players are interested in acquiring Rebel Officer Leia Organa and Imperial Probe Droid shards without having to spend GET2 currency.
    • Because Hermit Yoda, Wampa, Malak and General Skywalker all need GET1 currency, there is an ever greater need to play Hoth TBs as they provide much more GET1 currency.

    If you don't think this is a good compromise, can you please explain why?

    5) Can any or all of the raids be added to the journey guide for fun and/or practice? No rewards of course, apart from allowing people to progress in any of the quests that they may be doing.

    6) Can the past Marquees events be added to the Journey Guide? This would help new-ish players catch up to veteran players by potential giving them access to these characters earlier. Also if a player missed the event the first time, they can collect the shards that most other players had collected.
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    1) About the data cards, I would be willing to spend crystals and/or actual money buying data cards so I can acquire character shards. My issue is as follows. When I look at, for example, the Empire faction pack, of the character shards available, there are only two characters that I own that are below 7 stars. How do I know I will get shards for a character that is below 7 stars?

    Another example was the Anniversary Character Trove Pack (330 shards for 5000 crystals). As of the time the pack was released, out of the 123 toons being offered, only 17 of my characters were not already at 7 stars. That's roughly a 1/14 chance. Same question, how do I know I will get shards for a character that is below 7 stars?

    According to the Pack Probabilities, everything is random. This is a huge turn off for me and in turn, I don't buy the packs. Have you ever considered tweaking the algorithm so that characters that are below 7 stars get the priority?

    2) There are 2 Sith ships with Sith Empire pilots but the ships themselves none are flagged as Sith Empire. Why not? Before you say it...."Lenders, There is no point to do this. There is no synergy between Sith Empire ships and there is no Sith Empire capital ship".

    Hear me out....The two U-Wings are flagged as Rouge One as their pilots are Rogue One but there is no Rogue One synergy and no Rogue One capital ship either. Same applies to 501st pilots. No 501st tag for their ships. So just to be consistent, why not flag the two Sith Empire ships as Sith Empire and the 501st ships as 501st?

    3) Will either kind of training droids be salvageable? What about sim tickets? What about mods? What about ability materials including omegas & zetas (and ship omegas & ship zetas)? All of my characters and ships are at level 85. What are players suppose to do with several hundred thousand training droids? What are players suppose to do with over one hundred thousand sim tickets? When a player surpasses 100,000 of any item, you know they have too much!

    4) The new "Objectives" interface looks really nice. Kudos. May I suggest a small cosmetic tweak? Under the Quests section, the conditions of the quest could have be seen in their entirely without having to scroll down. Now, after the update, the bottom text is cut off. Is there any chance you can fix that?

    You can see photos of what I am referring to here:

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    1) Can the ingame chat let us know when a Raid's phase 4 is completed? It already says when the first three phases are complete. Why not phase 4?

    2) Why can't we have all four kinds of energy listed at the top on the main screen. If there is not enough space, why can't you make the XP bar half the size to free up space?

    3) On the character inventory page, a player may select a filter to show Rebels, Empire, First Order etc. That being said, more and more charters have multiple tags these days. While I can select Separatists or Droids, I cannot select Separatist Droids. Do you think being able to select multiple tags would make for a good QOL update?

    4) About double drops. I want to be clear, I am not complaining about them. Anytime you want to give away free stuff, I am all for it. That being said, would it be feasible to give a 100% drop rate instead of giving double drops? It does leave a semi bad taste in your mouth when you spend 100 crystals on a cantina refresh, for example and get zero drops of whatever you are farming. Two times zero still equals zero after all.

    5) You recently removed the 4 dot mods from the mod store. Kudos!!! Can the 3 dot mods be removed from tier III of the mod challenges? They serve no purpose whatsoever.

    6) Some battles that we have already achieved 3 stars in are starting to get tedious. All of the eight round assault battles come to mind. Are there any plans to allow us to sim ALL battles that we have already achieved 3 stars in?

    7) At the moment, there are three prestigious quests that are tied to the ranking in the HAAT (Tank) Raid. The relevant part of the quest is listed below.

    • Jedi Knight 4/4 - Earn rank 10 or higher 5 times in the HAAT Raid
    • Jedi Master 1/4 - Earn rank 3 or higher 3 times in the HAAT Raid
    • Jedi Master 4/4 - Earn rank 1 in the HAAT Raid

    In the eventuality that the Tank Raid becomes simmable, will there be any special consideration for the players trying to do these quests or will each player have to ask their guild's leadership NOT to sim the tank raid at least 9 times? Perhaps simply ***designating*** everyone as 1st place and give everyone the same 5th, 10th, 15th or whatever rewards?

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    For the Galactic Legends events, will it be possible to complete/unlock them on day 1, or will we need multiple tickets/attempts to get the full 7* unlock?
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    1) We are running out of Q1 for the raid to come :(

    2) Can we get a meta level view of how you design teams/synergies? For instance when designing how the new First Order characters interact with others in the faction are you specifically queuing them to be used with the new Galactic Legends and their abilities in mind, or are you building kits first and tweaking them to mesh with the rest of the faction? Applicable to all post faction character releases.
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    For GACs, If I happened to "miss" on a feat which has a portrait tied to it, will these be in a rotation and I will have another chance? (still farming some characters/ships up, unfortunately)
  • Ultra
    11525 posts Moderator
    edited February 2020
    Hope tophat doesn’t have coranavirus and wish him the best of recovery
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    When do you plan on REALLY fixing the Undying Loyalty bug?
  • Ultra
    11525 posts Moderator
    Why does CG_Erik playing Flight simulator all day? It’s not even a good game. Heck, it’s not even a real game it’s a simulator. You guys should gift him a real game to play.

    2. Crumb, are we out of fun facts? I miss those. Maybe we can do gloomy facts instead


    3. Since Hux / Sith Trooper broke the cadence, can we expect earlier than usual marquee to farm dates in the future?

    4. GL toons are suppose to be plug and play but Hux has been nerfed to a significant degree that he can’t run with GL Kylo anymore if you plug in even one non-FO Dark Side toon. Is there any chance we can buff Hux? Maybe require one other FO ally instead of all allies being FO?

    5. Can we get relic levels displayed in-battle HUD? Hard to tell what relic levels the enemies are from screenshots

    6. Which Galactic Legend prerequisite toons were not needed at relics and at what were the requirements of those toons instead before the internal review?

    7. For the fifth raid have you considered making each phase of the raid from each of the four eras (OR, Prequel, OT, ST)?

    8. Why isn’t a Tarentatek farmable like the Wampa is?

    Art question

    Q) A lot of Star Wars game add to the canon by introducing original characters (Force Unleashed, Fallen Order etc). The game does too but in the form of nameless grunts such as Brood Alpha, CUP, Mob Enforcer etc.

    Did you guys ever submit a named Jedi Knight or a character with an actual backstory to LucasArts? Do you have an artwork? Ever considered an original character for a raid boss?

    I actually like the lack of OC but do you have any artwork of any such cases where you proposed a character that was rejected?
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    **CHARACTERS aka TOONs**

    1) There are six members of the Phoenix squad yet we are only allowed to have five toons at once. As a summoning mechanic already exists, how about adding it to Hera so she can summon Chopper? This Chopper would be a "clone" of the Chopper a player would have in inventory with the same stats and abilities. This Chopper would use the ally slot. It would make a more interesting team at that point and better reflect the TV show. You could even make it a second zeta ability for Hera.

    2) Some older toons are not available in any store (apart for crystals). Baze Malbus for example. Since he and most of these older toons are no longer meta, is there a possibility that the energy requirements to farm them could be lowered (again, I am referring to the ones NOT found in stores)? You had recently done this for Vet Solo & Chewie. Kudos.

    3) You have said in the past many times that you don't want to add new toons to the existing stores. I beg you to reconsider. Can you PLEASE add new toons to the stores, even if its just the really old ones to the stores. Baze Malbus is a great example as he can only be farmed. Please add him to any of the stores and not just charge crystals for his shards.

    4) Why are there only three Tuskens? I know they are FAR from meta but why three? Were there plans back at the beginning of the game for two more? At least one other non playable Tusken exsists (Brute) and he already appears in the Journey Guide.

    5) This game needs eight clone troopers. Let me explain. Shaaki Ti’s leadership skills are truly optimized for clone troopers. Since General Skywalker now commands four of them (Rex, Echo, Fives & Arc Trooper) that doesn’t leave enough clones for Shaaki Ti to command, just Cody & Sergeant. Are there any plans to add two more clones to the game so that both Shaaki Ti and General Skywalker can each have four troops? There are plenty to choose from the DS Geo TB. If there are no plans, why did you create a leader knowing she would have no troops?
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    1) Bounty Hunter Quest 3/7, Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Territory Battles. Since this quest only works with the dark side Hoth territory battles, why haven't you "fixed" this bug by simply renaming the text to read "Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Hoth dark side Territory Battles"? Renaming the text (in every language of course) would surely be simpler than fixing the code behind it.

    2) Guild Quest, Raid Attempts - Do 4 attempts in the Pit raid. ***WITHOUT*** leaving the guild they are in, how can a player do this quest if their guild ONLY wants to sim the rancor raid?

    One possible way to fix this is to allow players to attempt the raid during the 24 hour join period. Players would receive the same simmed rewards and would have to wait for the rewards just like everyone else. This way, at least people doing this quest could progress. As a bonus, those people who complain about having nothing to do could practice their skills and have a bit of fun!

    Another idea is just to add the Rancor Raid to the Journey Guide (for no rewards) and allow people to progress in their quests.

    3) With the hyperdrive bundle you created some new quests exclusive to it. Awesome job..however... Situational Awareness Quest, Destroy the Rancor Door Panel 10 times. ***WITHOUT*** leaving the guild they are in, how can a player do this quest if their guild ONLY wants to sim the Rancor raid? Why would you create this quest knowing that to complete it, a veteran player would have to join a "baby" guild that doesn’t sim the Rancor raid (and potentially have to give up on TB/Tank/Sith rewards). Why make this quest incompatible with the sim Rancor raid?

    One possible way to fix this is to allow players to attempt the raid during the last hour or two of the 24 hour join period. Players would receive the same simmed rewards and would have to wait for the rewards just like everyone else. This way, at least people doing this quest could progress. As a bonus, those people who complain about having nothing to do could practice their skills and have a bit of fun!

    Another idea is just to add the Rancor Raid to the Journey Guide (for no rewards) and allow people to progress in their quests.

    4) Bounty Hunter Quest 4/7, Complete Galactic Bounty event tier IV. This quest only can be completed by beating tier 4 of the Galactic Bounty I event, not the Galactic Bounty II event. The quest's description does not mention I or II so the description is vague because of this. Do you (CG) ever have any plans to fix this bug by either updating the description to reflect "Galactic Bounty I event" or making either event applicable? I thinking adding an "I" after the word "event" would surely be far simpler.

    5a) ***WITHOUT*** leaving the guild they are in, how are players suppose to complete achievements & prestigious quests (see below) that are tied to both the light side and dark side Hoth Territory Battles when their guild is ***ONLY*** willing to do the Geonosis TBs?

    5b) As you probably already know, powerful guilds tend to only want to do the GeoTBs only. This does not sit well with some players. Have you considered giving guilds the choice or opportunity to do a “bonus” Hoth LS & DS TB, perhaps once, twice or four times year? This would certainly help players complete some of the quests & achievements (see below) that are strictly tied to the Hoth TBs.

    • Achievement, The Frozen Rebellion - Earn 45 Stars in a single Hoth LS TB map.
    • Achievement, The Frozen Empire - Earn 48 Stars in a single Hoth DS TB map.
    • Fulcrum Quest 3/4, Defeat Hoth Rebel Assault phase 6 Rogue One mission (only available Hoth LS TB)
    • Bounty Hunter Quest 1/7 - Defeat 50 Wampas with Boba Fett present (Only reliable place found for Wampas is the Hoth DS TB)
    • Bounty Hunter Quest 3/7, Win 12 Battles with IG-88 in Territory Battles (Only works with Hoth DS TB, does not work with Geo DS TB)

    6) Why are we limited to only doing a maximum of three prestigious quests at the same time? Why can't we do them all at the same time?

    7) If a player already has the Tank Tamer title (for being in 1st place in the HAAT/Tank raid), why does that player need to prove himself/herself yet again when they get to Jedi Master Quest 4/4? The game already knows they have done this at least once already.
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    @CG_SvenGG @CG_Miller @CG_Cyanides

    1) When can we have our “sandbox mode” infinite play mode where we can keep tweaking and learning and theory crafting our squads as so many have said they wanted?

    2) When can we have inter-guild GAC tournaments among the members in our own guild (like a March Madness tournament)?

    3) When can we have more TW maps and analytics (we are limping through and tiring of the one-liner TW that we’ve had for over a year now)?
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    With us being required to gear all the useless characters now what are we going to use to craft gear for the scavenger. I assume you'll be implementing something before I have no way of crafting low level gear pieces.
  • Ultra
    11525 posts Moderator
    Also, why use ticket system for unlocking Galactic Legends and throttle its unlock? Will the events give out more than just shards such as gear or relic salvage?
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    Is there any thought in reduce the cantina refresh price (with respect to cristal) like you did with fleet energy? Now we have to farm toons AND relics, I think it’s time.
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    when can we expect the game framework to be fixed, so that we can cut down on bugs, and can move content in more quickly? Is that something that needs the game to be shut down to get done? If so, is there a timetable?
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    What are your futures plans for MK1 GET currency? Will you release more characters requiring this currency in the future? If there are no current plans for future characters requiring this currency, will you commit to never requiring this currency for another character?
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    Hey there. One quick question straight. Why are the summoned Vulture Droids from Malevolence (fully maxed out) not as strong as the "regular" 7star maxed ones? I'm missing about 1/3 damage, some health and most importantly the buff immunity from the buzz droid rocket. Please tell me reasons.
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    When will you rework the Jawas?

    How about some Jawa zetas? Soo-gah.... OOOOOTINI!!!!
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    When you guys in the office see the cash flow in, do you throw the money in the air like crystal maze and try to catch as much as you can, or form piles of cash and use a trampoline to jump into it? We are to ask questions that you want to answer right?
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    StarSon wrote: »
    At what point, exactly, did you stop caring if we had fun? I imagine it was around November 2019, and you got tired of us hounding you about LSTB, so you made it as un-fun as possible just to spite us.


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