Galaxy of Rock Paper Scissors

Who thought this was a good idea?
It was a fun principle but it shouldn't have been put into the game.


  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    It needs the be explained a little more. Still a bit confused by it.

    So far, the GL’s are a big let down. Between the huge requirements just to play the event, the tickets you need to farm and then the huge gear requirements for the GL’s, it leaves no doubt that CG does not care one bit about the player base. Period.
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    I’m still watching his stream and the most entertaining part about it is how irritated he is by the overhyped rock, paper, scissors event
    That's Mr. Oops to you!
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    The duels design is absolutely lame. Especially when considering how many tokens an essentially RNG fest takes to attempt.
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    I had decided a while ago not to bother farming for GL's and after watching this event I feel happy with my decision.
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    It looks terrible anyway but I can't believe they didn't have you and the enemy in the duel attack at the same time. At least then Wed actually have cool lightsabers clashing. Instead they take turns stabbing eachother... Wow epic fail
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    The game is becoming a bigger mess with every new update.

    Wish we could get actual “fun” content for a change, but nope
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator

    hahahahahaha i couldn't believe what i was watching when Ahnald was livestreaming the duel battle
  • Ironjehoshaphat
    335 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    CG is so good at doing nothing... they hyped up an event for 4months to reveal that they reinvented the wheel... paper, rock, scissors. Really? That’s what you came up with after $1 billion earned?

    Also, did CG lower the amount of refreshes that people can do per day? They capped the refreshes at 800 crystals... there were other videos where it went up to 3k+ crystals per refresh.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    Lol this event is sooooooo boring!

    4 months to get bored out of our mind with bo challenge, a stupid ticket system, toon requiring the moon to unlock and the stars to gear...

    CG, you overdid yourselves! Congrats!
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    People keep saying they want rock paper scissors, but that would make for a terrible arena.

    An RPS system would mean everyone can beat everyone on offense and no one can hold, and the dominant meta team would be the one least hard countered by its hard counter.
    Still not a he.
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    15,000 watching AhnaldT101’s stream and clearly the consensus was the duel was “trash”. I’ve been watching as well and I have to say it’s not blowing my socks off.

    Do you have the video link ?
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    I’ll build the respective teams for TBs and such, but getting GL will be a side effect as I horde up for whatever is next
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    Wow, worst event ever. Lame design too.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    People keep saying they want rock paper scissors, but that would make for a terrible arena.

    An RPS system would mean everyone can beat everyone on offense and no one can hold, and the dominant meta team would be the one least hard countered by its hard counter.

    Yeah... that’s exactly what many of us want. Instead of 95% one team. But don’t worry. There will only be two viable arena squads soon, and only 0.001% of players will have them.

    However, that is NOT the RPS referenced in this thread. A stage of the GL event is LITERAL reskinned rock, paper, scissors. It’s the laziest thing I’ve ever seen.
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    Focusing 4 month for that... Waow
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »

    hahahahahaha i couldn't believe what i was watching when Ahnald was livestreaming the duel battle

    Anyone notice the date on the paper?
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    How does this work?
  • ShawDou
    297 posts Member
    Well they said, they eventually want to make Rock Paper Scissors Meta teams, they failed so decided to make Rock Paper Scissors game style? :D
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    They totally ignore what their player base want
    They Always do that. No News.
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    I watched Mobilegamer and AhnaldT101 video and they say rock paper scissor comes from harry potter
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    The funny part is that if you always pick feint, is that you can't lose, because the enemy can't score points
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    I watched Mobilegamer and AhnaldT101 video and they say rock paper scissor comes from harry potter

    Lol what.
    I need a new message here.
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