QnA discrepancies


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    I am both a long term player who took a break but has been around since Dec 2015, and someone who recently started a new account that is at level 70, and I think my feedback on a lot of this represents both old and new, as well as whale and f2p players.

    Everything they said in the Q&A was ****. The lack of sandbox doesn't tick me off as much as some people, but the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate. Not to mention that Galactic Legends is literally an event that has no purpose in replaying other than forced reward replays and no purpose in general for anyone other than the top 1%. It is completely out of reach of F2P for at least four years or so, and only when they focus solely on unusable characters like Rose or Phasma who will, apparently, never have reworks until they decide it's convenient for them. So if replay-ability and player access is their main concern, they should never have released GL events in the first place. It only took four months WITH other development still happening to make an event that included a whole poly update and new backgrounds and mechanics and two of the most complex characters ever, so my guess is a devoted sandbox creation team would be done in a month at most. The only difference in stats between their projected sandbox participation and GL participation is money, plain and simple. They made thousands per kraken on GL, so they have no reason to assume a mode like sandbox, which is more replayable with higher access, would be worth their time when they can crank out content specific to money.

    Secondly, the lack of reworks disgusts me. Some of the biggest content in the game right now, LSGeo, GL, and even GAC quests to help rank to kyber, all require characters that just can't get the job done. Other than a failed rework attempt years ago, Mace Windu hasn't been touched since the game released in Dec 2015. I've had him at seven stars since the first quarter of 2016 and never once has he been useful to me. Yet he is a character that is potentially usable in LSGeo, and thus should be capable of surviving at least 1 phase if I was to R7 him. Luminara Unduli, of which mine is one of the strongest in the world at R7, is unusable at high levels of competition even though I arguable have one of the most usable ones in existence. Plo Koon is a joke unless you care about his ship, and his Tank tag is hardly applicable when his only tanking is defense up. Kit Fisto shouldn't even exist in his capacity, seeing as potency up doesn't synergize with almost any Jedi and he deals next to no damage even at the gear level some top players have him. Saying GL characters like Rose and Phasma will not get reworked for a long time is just cheap, because the amount of investment it takes to get them to a relic level is worth some return. My account used to be F2P and that is when I R7'd my Lumi. It took me 3 and a half years to get her to G13 F2P, and another 6 months to relic her. Now I have put money in, but if I hadn't, relicing any other character would take me another year or so, on a good rng farming schedule. No reworks when we are being told to hit this power threshold for almost every piece of new content kills the interest of 90% of the player base. I shouldn't be anticipated to put 13 years into GL farming because I haven't geared any of them to relic level.

    Thirdly, with regards to the raid being cancelled for now, I am shocked that they even bothered to tell us. They could just have easily said "it's in the works" as they have before. The difference in response means that before now, they were ACTUALLY making substantial progress on it, seeing as it's been in the works for a year. And yet, this project of a year, highly requested and anticipated, that is likely near completion if they have any efficiency in developing projects, got put on pause? And they bothered telling us instead of just delaying it for another few months? To me that means it's either getting scrapped and they're building up to telling us, or the new content/game mode/whatever is anticipated to take like a year, so the pause was worth noting.

    And finally, the amount of attention paid to the art and the audio is fantastic but discouraging. I love that these teams are being appreciated, I love that they get to devote so much soul to their work, but this means two things. 1. A part of the game that few people have a devoted interest in, art and audio (most people play on silent anyway) receives a significant amount of attention from dev teams. This takes away a ton from actual content development, which is fine! It is a needed set of development teams! However any excuses about streamlining the process and not taking away from development mean absolutely nothing when such devoted attention is given to lightsaber variant sounds and Nihilus saying a Sith creed in reverse. And 2. Putting so much Q&A effort into this topic means they are smokescreening us. To be frank, they gave a **** excuse about GL's and other females looking awful, and then released a fabulous Cara Dune and chalked it up to practice despite having four months to polish Rey. Unless Cara has been in the works since September, I don't wanna hear about practice, you cranked out Cara in like three weeks tops. Videos have been made criticizing them on so many fronts, but the most scathing are about artwork and the GL events. They skirted the GL event criticisms and then patted themselves on the back for art and audio for over half the Q&A, avoiding many other more important questions. Half of the audio questions they answered stemmed from a single user's post, showing that they didn't even put effort into community engagement with this Q&A. This is a smokescreen to placate us with positives, and redirect community ire by showing how excited and happy and passionate their art and audio teams are. I am now touched by the effort put into the audio and love the personality their team put in, which shows that obviously the smokescreen worked, but I can't help but wonder why at this tumultuous time in SWGOH they would spend so much time on a relatively unimportant and niche topic?

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    I’m surprised they went into such detail about how expensive it would be. I really don’t get the “it can’t be monetized” or “it won’t make money” arguments. Marketing, ads, and artwork in game can’t directly be tied to making money, but they spend a lot of time on those.

    Marketing, ads, and artwork in game aren't directly tied to making money?

    I feel like you’re trying to make a point...what is it?

    Marketing, ads, and artwork in game are directly tied to making money

    How so? If they increase the art department’s budget by 20%, how much additional revenue would that bring in?

    well clearly art is the least important, if we go by how it looks (sometimes, to be fair) and how successful the game is. I mean, obviously. But art is important to get people into the game and many people like it. Just look at all the art questions!

    If you are asking how marketing and ads tie into revenue, well...

    Well what? I could have picked any of those 3 and made the same argument. There is no direct correlation. Companies guess at it all the time, but an increase in spending on any of these cannot be directly tied to an increase in revenue.

    “ But art is important to get people into the game and many people like it. Just look at all the art questions!” I think if we change the word “art” for “sandbox mode” we would see basically the same argument.
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Gifafi wrote: »
    I’m surprised they went into such detail about how expensive it would be. I really don’t get the “it can’t be monetized” or “it won’t make money” arguments. Marketing, ads, and artwork in game can’t directly be tied to making money, but they spend a lot of time on those.

    Marketing, ads, and artwork in game aren't directly tied to making money?

    I feel like you’re trying to make a point...what is it?

    Marketing, ads, and artwork in game are directly tied to making money

    How so? If they increase the art department’s budget by 20%, how much additional revenue would that bring in?

    well clearly art is the least important, if we go by how it looks (sometimes, to be fair) and how successful the game is. I mean, obviously. But art is important to get people into the game and many people like it. Just look at all the art questions!

    If you are asking how marketing and ads tie into revenue, well...

    Well what? I could have picked any of those 3 and made the same argument. There is no direct correlation. Companies guess at it all the time, but an increase in spending on any of these cannot be directly tied to an increase in revenue.

    “ But art is important to get people into the game and many people like it. Just look at all the art questions!” I think if we change the word “art” for “sandbox mode” we would see basically the same argument.

    if you don't think product, marketing, and ads can be directly tied to revenue I can't help you. I mean, what exactly can be directly tied to revenue iyo?

    By “I can’t help you,” do you mean that you don’t know how they can be tied so you can’t tell me? If you can’t bother to prove you’re own point, I’m not going to work on it for you.
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    If I had seen proof that that is the case, I would be inclined to agree. I would like to see them send a survey regarding these issues, as it seems they had no problem seeking community feedback on GL's. It shouldn't be too hard to accurately gather data, I would love to see what the majority actually is!
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    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Perhaps you could illustrate that percentage split? What is the vocal minority? Where's your data?

    It's hard to hear the voices of people that don't say anything. But maybe we can think that those that choose to say something are in some way reflecting a broader sentiment.
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    ZAP wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Why do you think we don’t have more positive and fun threads like your project 86 thread or Ultra’s fastest mod set thread?

    I do know that generally people will take the time to complain about something rather than praise something, but if the game is in such a good state then why aren’t we seeing more positive and fun threads?

    You answered your question in the first half of the sentence. I notice people coming here for 3 things: complaining about something, looking for news, and asking strategy/mechanics questions. People like myself who are positive about the game and are having fun don't feel the need to make a thread regularly expressing our enjoyment of the game as it doesn't really do anything for anyone.
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:https://discord.gg/wvrYb4Q
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    ZAP wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Why do you think we don’t have more positive and fun threads like your project 86 thread or Ultra’s fastest mod set thread?

    I do know that generally people will take the time to complain about something rather than praise something, but if the game is in such a good state then why aren’t we seeing more positive and fun threads?

    This leads me to believe that if the majority are content, it is because they are apathetic, and what some people should look at instead of the player base as a whole is the *engaged* player base. Then we might be able to get some more accurate data on concerns and what the community wants. Which is why I think a survey, which people would have to take the time to complete, or even just a perusing of the forums, could both be great ways for CG to gauge community support of certain things. Which like you said is mostly a negative response to what they said. I would love to see what data they have about the engaged player base that would contradict the forums and the in-game guild chats of several top 50 guilds.
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    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Prove it.
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    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    I didn't know you were the be all end all of the playing collective. Did you poll everyone?

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    Mr_White wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    I didn't know you were the be all end all of the playing collective. Did you poll everyone?

    dalosto147 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Prove it.

    I think the way CG so confidently stated that it was a minority of players means they have *some* data, so I didn't wanna rip into this guy as bad as you guys, but I would just love to *see* what data they apparently have, and apparently this guy thinks he has access to for some reason
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    dalosto147 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Prove it.

    I believe the appropriate troll statement is “Source?”
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    dalosto147 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Prove it.

    I think the Q&A made this fact very clear
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:https://discord.gg/wvrYb4Q
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    ZAP wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    Why do you think we don’t have more positive and fun threads like your project 86 thread or Ultra’s fastest mod set thread?

    I do know that generally people will take the time to complain about something rather than praise something, but if the game is in such a good state then why aren’t we seeing more positive and fun threads?

    You answered your question in the first half of the sentence. I notice people coming here for 3 things: complaining about something, looking for news, and asking strategy/mechanics questions. People like myself who are positive about the game and are having fun don't feel the need to make a thread regularly expressing our enjoyment of the game as it doesn't really do anything for anyone.

    Really? You think threads like TVFs and Ultras aren’t good for the forums? I happen to think they are and wish there was more of it here. I personally struggle with what positive fun thread I could contribute and that doesn’t sit well with me.

    As much as I’ve not been a fan of CGDF in a lot of threads and posts, I can say that some do add fun and positivity to the forums. I think if the game were in a better state we might even see more of that.

    But TVFs is not a thread about expressing enjoyment, it is about a project in game, and yes it is great to see these threads. There are many threads on a daily basis that are not negative, its just anytime CG says or does anything there are posters who show up to complain and nothing else. The reason is that if you read something that CG says and go "cool, that sounds good" you are unlikely to create a "I agree with you CG" thread.
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:https://discord.gg/wvrYb4Q
  • BobcatSkywalker
    2194 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Kyno wrote: »
    They have explained where they are coming from with the "data", and they have other places where they monitor and talk with players.

    agree or dont, they have some information about the situation. There are also other points that can be made:

    - if a player has something going on IRL, anything not rewards based would probably be the first thing they dont play.
    - not everyone will use it. plain and simple, a mode like this will without a doubt have the lowest % of interaction compared to modes that give rewards.

    unfortunately there is no "simple compromise", once it is in game people are going to ask for upgrades and QOL, its a game feature and it would need attention as time moves on. in for a penny in for a pound.

    I think the last reason there is one of the main reasons we have been dragged on for a while with a maybe, and now its more of a hard no. At one point it was considered, but now the long term investment of resources is just not something they want to considering investing in, because it would start to limit their ability to put out content.

    Think about it, since the JG has been introduced, how many times have you redone events just for something to play?

    from a business sense (not $$) it makes sense, its a large (and continuing) investment for a lower/unknown gain.

    How can you say a sandbox mode - where you fight your own roster or created teams for testing will without a doubt have the lowest % interactions of all game modes? Just because other modes give rewards? I think you are 100% wrong

    Did you intentionally not think about the players who...

    Will finish their dailies in 10 minutes and spend hours playing in sandbox because they are bored and have nothing else to do in the game... or

    Will play sandbox mode but have semi retired from competitive play so dont care about progressing they just want to use what they have unlocked for fun... or

    Are super competitive and will want to test out every combination possible... or

    The streamers who will record and post free publicity for the game on youtube by making their own creative videos using sandbox mode... or

    The little kids who just like playing something for entertainment and dont really understand progression... or

    I could keep going on there are a lot of types of players that would use sandbox mode MORE THAN REWARD MODES. Some may even say the majority of active players would.

    Actually I can only think of a couple player types who would play rewards modes stuff more frequently than a sandbox mode =

    lazy people and

    people who only care about progression.

    if you only care about progression then that means you do care about progression. If you care about progression as a #1 goal then your obviously competitive. Everyone who's competitive would want to experiment and make good use of a sandbox mode to improve their game knowledge and test out their teams before actual combat use. So people who care about progression only would by default use sandbox mode.

    That leaves just lazy people. Oh and people who are super busy in real life which I doubt is a significant portion of the player base. Most people play phone games because they have additional spare time not because they are super busy in real life. Maybe I'm wrong and my doctor is playing star wars in between surgeries to get his 600 in and hitting the tank. Really doubt this is any sizable amount of CGs target market...

    Anyways that just leaves lazy people

    So your saying most of the player base is lazy and wont use a sandbox mode because there is no in game reward for their time investment?

    Do you have any data to support your case? Or your just making up stuff to support CGs lack of excitement about being asked to make a sandbox mode.

    But your thinking highlights exactly what's wrong with CG in my opinion.

    Your thinking is essentially that people wont play it because there is no in game reward.

    The reward is knowledge, actually playing the game, theory crafting and experimenting but all of this is meaningless to you and CG because it can not be boxed up and sold in q bundle for Crystal's. That's the real truth and reason why there will never be a sandbox mode.

    In the end your probally right. If they did make a sandbox mode it would be so broken (like 100 Crystal's for 1 test fight) that no one would use it and it would be the event played by the lowest % of people. (Only because CG would try to monetize it heavily)
    Post edited by BobcatSkywalker on
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    TVF wrote: »
    the near violent reaction from the community upon hearing, both on and off the forums as well as in-game, disproves that a small majority would participate.

    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    A person/ customer is 8x more likely to share a negative experience/ interaction with a business than a positive one.
    All the people quoting this post can look into that if they want, idc.
    But to say "it doesn't mean anything" doesn't mean anything.
    The reason businesses try to appease the minority who are so vocal about their bad experience is because it obviously hurts them.
    CGs communication however has been terrible. Sure, they just did a q&a, they effectively get to script the whole thing by picking their questions out. Point is, they hyped a new raid and shut it down, they hyped a mace rework and shut it down, they made us gear bad toons if we wanted the new GLs and they're not improving them. All that and they have barely had any meaningful communication with us in the first quarter.
    They pulled their dev tracker from their friends over at apex legends, a team that is excellent at interacting with the community, despite being grossly toxic at times. And what state is the dev tracker in? Oh that's right, it hasn't been touched since Jan 9th.
    CG has maybe a fortnights worth of work to show for their first quarter in a year said to have been an ocean of content.

    This all became a rant v quickly..
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    All due respect.... the QnA proves they dont listen to the community.
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    dalosto147 wrote: »
    mickyluv wrote: »
    Yeah, I just can't imagine the expense and time it would take to allow a player to set 5 of their characters on defence, and choose another 5 of their characters to attack that defence. You know, test out some teams.

    Billions most likely.

    Sandbox does not generate profits.
    You would save all the crystals you would spend in the arena by asking a friend to switch teams for testing.
    That simple.

    battlesnot sure this is supported enough in this game to be true. If sandbox could = play more it could also = more bought crystals
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!

    You have completely neglected the the perspective of effective f2p who are able to do things like: get GLs in a few months rather than years; relic multiple characters in a reasonable timeframe; not make absurd complaints about it taking 3.5 years to r7 a useless character when the reason for that is that relics didn't exist until then.
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    All due respect.... the QnA proves they dont listen to the community.

    But but, we got to know what their favorite sound in the game was? Isn't that communication?

  • Options
    Liath wrote: »

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!

    You have completely neglected the the perspective of effective f2p who are able to do things like: get GLs in a few months rather than years; relic multiple characters in a reasonable timeframe; not make absurd complaints about it taking 3.5 years to r7 a useless character when the reason for that is that relics didn't exist until then.

    I qualified for the GL Kylo event about 2 weeks after it was released and I agree with his statement. All it took was saving basically everything since August and only bringing 5 characters to g13 (none to R7) prior to the event. I did it f2p.
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!

    You have completely neglected the the perspective of effective f2p who are able to do things like: get GLs in a few months rather than years; relic multiple characters in a reasonable timeframe; not make absurd complaints about it taking 3.5 years to r7 a useless character when the reason for that is that relics didn't exist until then.

    Which is a minuscule iorta of the f2p blayerbase.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!

    You have completely neglected the the perspective of effective f2p who are able to do things like: get GLs in a few months rather than years; relic multiple characters in a reasonable timeframe; not make absurd complaints about it taking 3.5 years to r7 a useless character when the reason for that is that relics didn't exist until then.

    Which is a minuscule iorta of the f2p blayerbase.

    I don't care how many people it is. Don't pretend you have "well-represented" "every demographic in the community" when you haven't come anywhere close to saying anything that represents me.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Potato211 wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    All due respect.... the QnA proves they dont listen to the community.

    But but, we got to know what their favorite sound in the game was? Isn't that communication?


    Exactly. The soft ball questions while ignoring the negativity on ls geo and galactic legends is just staggering.

    Also where is our sim to haat? I can now beat it with slkr and hoda.... if the game had better ai on his ultimate i could do it on auto without proper moding or a reliced hoda. 15 min run no issue and im not modded for speed on either.

    No acknowledgement of the can we rotate lshoth and dshoth so i can pic dsgeo and dshoth.... even though they were supposed to get back to us on that.

    Just ignore what the players want.... more clone wars content.... sandbox mode... nope, lets talk audio!

    Also seriously no more talking about the art department if tiu then have to justify that other games are graphically superior and the ugly rey is the best you can do with the current engine.

    And is there really that many old phones connected that you cant bump the graphics?
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    TVF wrote: »
    The loud complaining from the loud minority doesn't mean anything.

    But, do you have any proof that people NOT on the forums DON'T want the same things as those Loud Forum members?

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    Liath wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!

    You have completely neglected the the perspective of effective f2p who are able to do things like: get GLs in a few months rather than years; relic multiple characters in a reasonable timeframe; not make absurd complaints about it taking 3.5 years to r7 a useless character when the reason for that is that relics didn't exist until then.

    Which is a minuscule iorta of the f2p blayerbase.

    I don't care how many people it is. Don't pretend you have "well-represented" "every demographic in the community" when you haven't come anywhere close to saying anything that represents me.

    Because it's all about you, right?
  • Shadowmaster4
    475 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Liath wrote: »

    I welcome healthy debate, but I do believe I have well-represented the opinions of whales, f2p, mid-level guilds, and high-level guilds, which essentially encompasses every demographic in the community. If I am wrong, please tell me so I can better understand the community!

    You have completely neglected the the perspective of effective f2p who are able to do things like: get GLs in a few months rather than years; relic multiple characters in a reasonable timeframe; not make absurd complaints about it taking 3.5 years to r7 a useless character when the reason for that is that relics didn't exist until then.

    Wow, its almost like you missed the part where I said I run several accounts, a few of which are new. I know the grind, firsthand from every perspective. It's laughable to say any F2P player can get a GL in a few months, or even less than a year. Maybe a year if they grind every day, since even getting to level 85 and having access to all the nodes for grinding for anyone short of an insanely competitive player is going to take several months of regular but casual play. No one F2P is going to go through such an insane grind in as short a time as a few months, and those who do will barely relic one maybe two characters tops, and possibly not even one of the 20+ needed for these events.

    Edit: My clarification should help, sorry I came out of the gate swinging lol
    I also mean from the perspective of a completely new player, not a level 85 F2P with several months or years of hoarded gear and no relics because they've been waiting for this. Not someone who knew from the second GL's were announced that they would need to hoard harder. I'm saying F2P as a whole, as a general statement, was effectively locked out of GL's by these requirements, for at least a few months post-release. And I grind every day on my 85 F2P account, yet I almost guarantee the time it would take me with dedicated farming to get even one GL is at least 4 months, and I *have* the hoarded gear and stuff. The "effective F2P" of the magnitude you're suggesting is most likely a smaller fraction of the player base than those who pay $10,000 to buy their way to GLs. It's unlikely that I am misrepresenting anything more than maybe 1 or 2% of the community this way, but if it's that egregious of a slight on my part I apologize.
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