Aggressive Negotiations Tier 5 Helppppp

52 posts Member
edited April 2020
This is my profile -
Separatist Characters:

ps the mods on the site are not the one I would use for the event
All Skill are at least LV7 (except poggle and dooku leadership which are LV3)

so I have

Ventress 7* LV 85 G11 (could bring her her to G11 + 2) 3 Omega No Zeta
Dooku 7* LV 85 G10 +5 3 Omega No Zeta
Poogle The Lesser 7* LV 85 G11 No Omega No Zeta
General Grievous 7* LV 85 G9 +3 No Omega No Zeta
Genosian Soldier 7* LV 80 G8 +3 No Omega No Zeta
Sun Fac 7* LV 80 G8 +1 No Omega No Zeta
IG-100 MagnaGuard 7* LV 80 G8 +3 No Omega No Zeta
Genosian Spy 7* LV 85 G8 +1 No Omega No Zeta

Can I beat TIER 5?
What lineup should I use?
Who should I upgrade etc.
What lineup/gear/zeta etc I need to beat tier 7

Any tips would be awesome.

Thank you
Post edited by Skywalkerr on


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    So you can probably get it done with a combination of what you have there, my guess would be Dooku, AV, Sun Fac, soldier, poggle. I know I originally unlocked with basically AV solo (she was like g12+5, double zeta, and it took far too many tries to get rng right).

    However, my advice would be to farm Geo Brood Alpha. Under his lead, the geos are a formidable early game team that can decide GAC battles, and he makes the Padme event trivial (its weird, because you would expect all the extra attacks to make it hard, but it doesn't really).
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    i'm getting my **** whooped right now

    any other advice ?
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    Skywalkerr wrote: »
    i'm getting my **** whooped right now

    any other advice ?

    What is your strategy? iirc, you want to try and get padme out first, but that usually requires getting a buff immunity on GK, or lots of buff removal. After that i think you want to kill fish-jolee so he doesn't revive GK and ani.
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
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    I didn't have one really that why I'm here.


    I was hoping for a lot of information.
    I might go after GBA at one point.

    I saw that a lot of people mostly solo it using AV G12 with Zeta

    Can I beat TIER 5?
    What lineup should I use?
    Who should I upgrade etc.
    What lineup/gear/zeta etc I need to beat tier 7
    What skill should I omega for this event?
    Any tips would be awesome.
    Thank you
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    little update

    Genosian Spy is now 7*

    Genosian Spy 7* LV 85 G8 +1 No Omega No Zeta
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    Geo Spy was my hero in Tier7 of that event. I don't remember how tough Tier5 is, but in t7 my spy was still only g9+something.

    Dooku can be helpful, but what you really need from him is Shock. They're going to cleanse a bunch of things right away so it can be useful to wait until Dooku's 2nd turn to inflict shock, unless Padme's squad has a bunch of pre-loaded TM (I forget that, too, maybe I should replay the event for info). Then Padme will have used her cleanse special already, so it's probably okay.

    AV is the most useful toon there other than Spy for this event. I'm also someone who relied on AV solo for this event, and she has to have her Rampage zeta, but you can't remove Padme turn meter, so Ventress Lead zeta won't help much at all (it will only help give TM when falling below 100% health - which with the right RNG can be great, because you get his, then you hit back and health steal puts you at 100%, then you get hit again, etc... but it usually won't work out well for you b/c usually your health steal isn't enough to get back to 100%).

    I think out of that group, I'd probably run Ventress, Dooku, Poggle, Grievous, Spy.

    Spy hits incredibly hard against all those buffs. Poggle is geared enough to survive and then buff your damage dealers and maybe land some Ability Block (target these at Kenobi and Padme early).

    Grievous takes no out-of-turn attacks, but if you can zeta him, he still gets bonus turns with mass damage He'd be like your side's Anakin...again, IF you zeta him. Grievous also stuns and inflicts healing immunity which are both very helpful.

    If you have any gear to give, I'd give it to Spy, Grievous, Ventress in that order. If you have a zeta to give, I'd give it to Ventress first, Grievous second, Dooku third.

    As a strategy tip for what to do during the battle, I'd say don't be afraid of using Ventress' dispel as her first move. It's probably even necessary. Then I'd say to remember that the only 3 toons that are true problems are
    1) Padme
    2) Anakin
    3) the Jedi that brings people back from the dead.

    Once those 3 are dead, the rest is easy. The Reviver has more health than you expect, and it can be hard to whittle him down. Using Spy against him is probably best. It's also really hard to whittle anyone down while Padme is still there providing bonus protection. But it's Anakin who is going to kill all your toons, especially is you're killing other toons while Anakin is still alive. So different people have different ideas about who to kill first - the most popular is Anakin, Padme, then Reviver. But on my successful run I remember killing the Reviver first, then Anakin, then Padme. Other people had the best luck killing Padme first.

    What do I learn from that? I learn that the best strategy is probably an opportunistic one. Killing Anakin is worthless if he just comes back from the dead. Trying to kill anyone is worthless if they keep getting more protection while you're trying to kill them. Killing Padme or the Reviver is worthless if as soon as you kill them, Anakin AoEs your whole squad.

    So instead of trying to follow a rigid schedule of which one to kill first, I'd stick to those three, but focus on whichever one seems the most vulnerable. Be flexible and willing to kill any of the three of them you can, whenever you can. While doing that, though, try not to bounce people under and over the 50% health line. You want to take someone from green health, but less than 100%, down to dead in just one shot. Ventress is the one that can do that for you reliably. Spy can do it easily with his special, but it's much harder for him with his basic. So really only go for the kill shot with the special UNLESS ANAKIN IS ALREADY DEAD. At that point it doesn't matter if you make someone's health yellow first.

    Tonight I'll replay the event just so I remember what it's like with more precision, then I'll come and write a little more. but it's going to be really hard for me to give perfect advice since my toons have so much more gear on them. I don't think I have any separatists at all that have gear 11 or less. Everyone is g12 or more. Except Wat Tambor. And you don't have him, so...

    In any case, I'll do my best to gather some more info. Best of luck.

  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Okay, I tried to use my least powerful toons other than Dooku & Ventress and then use them in the worst, most inefficient ways just to see what toons I had most to fear and what toons needed to be killed first.

    It looks like you really need to take Anakin out first, he'll get revived, you take him out again, and this time it will take a few turns before FishHead can resurrect him. You use that time to take out FishHead. Then you go after Padme, then GK last.

    No pre-loaded TM, so you don't have to use Ventress' dispel on the first turn, you can use it on the 2nd. And also, use Dooku's Stealth Special "Master of Makashi" as often as possible to prevent counter-attacks from GK's Retribution buff. (You'll also be dispelling that buff, but you don't want to get counter-attacked AT ALL.) At your gear levels, that Anakin is very dangerous.
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    thank you for all that like always I will try it soon and give you some news.

    you said :
    I think out of that group, I'd probably run Ventress, Dooku, Poggle, Grievous, Spy.

    Both Grevious and Spy need the MK 5 CEC Fusion Furnance to (GG for gear 10 and Spy for Gear 9)
    I will give it to Spy first like you said.

    I added 2 gear to Ventress
    4 Gear to Spy
    1 to Grevious

    So they look like that now

    Ventress 7* LV 85 G11 + 2 3 Omega No Zeta
    Dooku 7* LV 85 G10 +5 3 Omega No Zeta
    Poogle The Lesser 7* LV 85 G11 No Omega No Zeta
    General Grievous 7* LV 85 G9 +3 No Omega No Zeta
    Genosian Spy 7* LV 85 G8 +1 No Omega No Zeta

    Should I omega any of them ?
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    oh and I forgot to say I have 2 Zetas available

    I know you told me to zeta Palp leadership.
    if you look at my caracther would it be a setback to zeta AV ?

    and I'm not that far off to bring AV to G12
    if I do that Han Solo will have to wait patiently at G10
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    Ventress has a wonderful zeta on her unique that will get use for a long time to come, probably as long as the game exists.

    But if you're just doing it for this event? I wouldn't. A geared up Spy will help more than dropping the zeta on Ventress.

    Again, it's a great zeta, but if you haven't gotten your Palp lead zeta'd yet, I'd stick with that plan. I'd also leave Solo at g10 ***IF*** getting Padme is a priority for you. If not, then you can go a little slower on Ventress and a little quicker on Solo.

    I can't remember what your overall plan is, but I'd try to stick with it over the long haul rather than diverting from the plan to go after distractions, even good distractions.

    So, the question is, "Is Padme central to your plan? Is Solo?" If Padme is central, give all gear to Ventress, at least until she's g12- a couple. If Padme is NOT, then give that gear to solo.

    You thought very carefully when creating your plan, so trust that plan, whatever it is.
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Well that's probably the problem I don't have a plan and I'm trying to do too many things at once.
    I will try to break them into categories and post them in different post so that it's easier for you to read

    After all this reading if you could provide me with a priority list that would help me a lotttttttttttt.
    I appreciate all your help SO MUCH.

    Yes Ventress it would only be for this event since my night sister are 3 or 4* so can't use her in that team.
    I could maybe use her in a separatist team but that probably it.

    I will try to explain as much as possible but I might change from right to left so if I lose you at anypoint just let me know.

    My Teams :
    Z = Zetas
    I have my Jedi Team (All G12) :
    Bastila Z, GMY Z, Ezra Z, Old-Ben, JKA

    I'm working on Jolee 5* 60/85 to replace Old-Ben (and I also need him for Revan)

    I have Ashoka G10 that I will have to gear up to replace JKA once I have Padme.

    I have My Empire/Sith Team
    The reason I'm hesitant to zeta Palp is just because right now I run
    Palp G11/GAT G10/Vader G10/Dooku G10 and Kylo Unmasked G11.

    Tarkin is G8 + 3 no omega so not strong enough
    Darth Maul G8 + 4 no omega so not strong enough
    Tie Fighter Pilot is on his way (5* 8/85) but I prioritize more the ships than him right now.

    I guess the Zeta would still benifit this team greatly event if I have 4 of 5 (empire or sith)

    Other Squads :
    1. I could have a decent Resistance Squad but they still need a lot of work (They are pretty much all G8)\
    2. First Order squad, both my Kylo are good but FOE, FOO and Phasma would need a boost in gear.
    3. Genosian I'm missing Genosian Brood Alphaa so..
    4. My Pheonix Squad is decent but haven't work on them in a while because they all need the same gear it's crazy
    5. And I sometimes use Wedge Biggs Stromtrooper Han Lea K2SO
    6. If I could get Baze Malbu I could run a team with Him Chirrut Imwe, Fulcrum but that's far away

    I have my Clone Team :
    All Level 75 and 7* // All Gear 8 // No Omega/ No Zeta // All Skills LV 7 except (Fives Lead LV3)

    Rex G8 +3 / Fives G8 + 5 / Echo G8 + 3 / Sergeant G8 + 5/ Cody G8 +3

    they pretty much need all the same gear so there pretty much stuck there for now
    if I upgrade them I little bit there would be pretty decent. Eventually I could work on Shaak Ti

    I have my rebel team.
    CLS G12 Z, R2-D2 G11 Z, Han Solo G10 Z, Ashoka Fulcrum G11, Admiral Ackbar G11
    Old ben could eventually be use in here. I know it's not the best place for Fulcrum but since she's G11 their no one better I can use right now.

    I know the best would have to be add Chewbacca and C3PO that I'm slowly trying to get as you will see below.

    Any recommendation ?
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Trying to acquire :

    Chewbacca :

    I upgrade my Bounty Hunter on and off. I have to start grinding Bossk but he's still far away from 7* so maybe I should stop investing on my BH gear for now?

    Bobba Fett LV 85 G9 +2 7* No Omega No Zeta (Ability all LV 7)
    Cad Bane LV 70 G8 +3 7* No Omega No Zeta (Ability all LV 7 except is Lead that's LV 3)
    Greedo LV 70 G8 +1 7* No Omega No Zeta (Ability all LV 3)
    Dengar LV 72 G8 +4 7* No Omega No Zeta (Ability all LV 3)
    Bossk LV 70 G8 +3 +1 4* 0/65 No Omega No Zeta (Ability all LV 3)

    C3PO :

    I started buying every Ewok I can find in the store and yesterday I upgraded all their gear to what I could without farming anything
    ps : All Skills are LV 3

    Teebo LV 52 G6 +5 (6* 56/100) (farming him in GWS)
    Ewok Scout LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 30/100)
    Logray LV 53 G7 +3 (4* 52/65) (farming him in Guild Store)
    Ewok Elder LV 50 G6 +5 (5* 83/85) (farming him in Guild Store)
    Paploo LV 52 G6 +3 (4* 59/65) (farming him in Guild Store)
    Chief Chirpa LV 52 G6 +5 (3* 14/30) (farming him in Cantina Battle)
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    Fleet :

    Right now I did what you told me

    Fleet Arena SQUAD :

    Ackbar Capital Ship Home One 6* 45/100

    Since last time I was able to level up Ackbar to

    Admiral Ackbar LV 85 7* G11 +0 (no omega)
    I leveled up the 2 ability you told me.
    Band Together is now LV 6 (soon LV 7)
    Defiant Volley LV 7
    Master Plan is LV 4 and the 2 others all LV 3.

    I run this like you told me
    ps : the first one is the caracther Ability LV and the 2 other one are the ship Ability Level
    ps : All ships bellow are 7* and all Caracther are 7* except Cassian which is 4 and Sabine 5*
    ps : All ships are LV 85
    • Biggs (LV 4/ LV 7 / LV 7) (Biggs G8)
    • Ghost (LV 4 X 3/ LV 7/ LV 7) (All 3 Caracther are G8)
    • Vader (LV 6 / LV 7 / LV 6) (Vader G10/I was able to promote is ship to 7* since last time)

    ps : Reinforcements ability are maxed except Kylo which is LV2
    • Phantom (LV 4-MAX-6 / LV MAX / LV 7) (Sabine G8/Erza G12/Chopper G9)
    • Kylo (LV MAX/ LV 7 / LV 6) (Kylo G11)
    • Cassian's U Wing (LV 4-4-3/ LV 7/ LV 6) (Cassian G8, Jyn G7, K-2SO G8 and both Cassian and Jyn skills are all at LV3 still.)
    I haven't had the chance to gear up those 3 yet and I leveled up Ventress to 7* instead of Cassians..Only reason I put his ship in instead of Ashoka or Biggs is because I maxed the reinforcement ability which is pretty good like you told me.

    Ships I have to work on :
    I know I have to work on Anakin Ships.
    I tough he was yellow energy lol my bad I will start working on him right away

    Hound Tooth..I know I have to get to this + the great Jango

    Ships I am working on :

    I'm farming Sun Fac ship in the store.
    I'm farming Slave 1 in the the store 5* 39/85

    Also getting a lot of Umbaran Starfighter/Imperial Tie Fighter and First Other TIE Fighter, sometimes Poe.
    they went up a bit since last time we spoke
    • Umbaran Starfighter 5* 8/85
    • Imperial Tie Fighter 6* 10/100
    • First Other TIE Fighter 5* 0/85

    Genosian Ship :
    You told me to work on that ASAP.
    • Genosian Soldier 7* LV 80 G8 +3 No Omega No Zeta
    • Sun Fac 7* LV 80 G8 +1 No Omega No Zeta
    • Genosian Spy 7* LV 85 G8 +1 No Omega No Zeta

    ps : the first one is the caracther Ability LV and the 2 other one are the ship Ability Level
    ps : All Ships are LV 85
    • Genosian Soldier Ship 7* (LV 4/ LV 7 / LV 6) (Reinforcement LV1)
    • Genosian Spy Ship 7* (LV 4/ LV 7 / LV 6) (Reinforcement LV1)
    • Sun Fac Ship 5* 7/85 (LV 4/ LV 7 / LV 6) (Reinforcement LV1)

    Not too long from now I should be able to run them with GAT

    Chimaera 6* (LV 4 / LV 4 / LV 2 / LV 6 / LV 5) (GAT G10)

    GOLD Ship Material :
    Since last time I was able to unlock the last level of ship ability materials
    I have 42 of them now which ability would you recommend that I level up?

    do I continue to boost my rebel ship, do I start leveling up the ability of my genosian ships
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    MODS :

    I went trough all of them yesterday watching a lot of guides and keeping upgrading what they told me and seeling the rest.
    I deleted all my loadouts.
    I did my jedi team yesterday.

    I have a few 17-20 Secondary Speed mods that I could slice to 6E.
    I'm hesitant to do so because I could only use them on 6 of my caracthers. (my 5 jedi's and CLS) I would lose the ability to equipe them on ventress for example to help me finish the event.
    What is your opinion on this?

    ZETA :
    My 2 Zetas.
    Do you still recommend to Zeta Palp and what about the other one ?

    I have so many things to do if you could write me a priority list that would help me a lotttttttttttt.

    Sorry for all the reading you have to do. I tried to detailled as much has possible
    I appreciate all your help SO MUCH.
  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Reading this, I would say:

    Put off Padme until you have a good spy (5* and g10 or 7* and g9). Spy is easy enough to gear, so no worries.

    You'll never regret the gear you put on Ventress. Don't fret. There's actually a great HAAT squad for p3 & p4 that uses Ventress heavily, but none of the other NS. So don't worry about that either.

    That squad is:
    Ackbar (L), CLS, Ventress (or Raid Han, but he's definitely. not as good), Thrawn, & BB-8.

    Thrawn keeps down the counter-attacks and regenerates protection on Ackbar & Ventress as much as possible. You can start running this team at g10 for some damage, but you don't see it's power until they all hit g11 because that's what it takes to live long enough between cannon shots to regenerate your protection. Ventress is your main damage dealer, because every time another side-bot dies, she gains offense. The only zeta required is Ventress, though CLS can be helpful. (Don't bother with BB-8 or Thrawn for this team).

    I'm not saying you have to work on this team, I just noticed that you have most of it already. So this can be a quick way to make Ventress more useful without bringing up all of the NightSisters.

    If you don't have BB-8, you can get him with g11 KRU, g11 Kylo Ren, and 3 level 1/ gear 1 FO toons. You can even get him with g12 Kylo Ren and no KRU, just 4x level 1/gear 1 FO toons.

    So to sum up on this:

    1. Give up on Padme. You have too many other toons to gear right now, and even if you got her, you couldn't gear her without giving up gearing someone else important.
    2. Gear Geo Spy at least to g9. At that point you should be able to unlock Padme at any time, but you still might not be ready to gear her. This is okay. You're always better off focussed. Unlocking her and leaving her at level 1 is the thing to do right now. Just because you can unlock her, doesn't mean that this is the right thing to do.
    3. Don't worry about Ventress. If you don't have BB-8, you can use her in HAAT as soon as you do. Her gear is well spent.
    4. If you do have BB-8, give one of your zetas to Ventress so you can starting hitting harder in HAAT right now.

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    Next Topic: Bounty Hunters

    Here's the test: Can you beat the ultimate level in the Credit Heist? If yes, then hold off on their gear. They still need shards when you can get them, but your first goal is just the Credit Heist. Once you can beat that, you can pause on their gear to let you bump up a couple other priorities.

    Yes, you want Chewbacca, but you need a ton right now, and pausing the gear doesn't mean doing nothing. You're still farming shards for Bossk and that's great.

    DO NOT increase any leadership abilities in your bounty hunters EXCEPT Bossk.

    DO NOT give gear to any BH except Bossk (assuming you're beating the Credit Heist).

    Once Bossk is 5* and g9 or 4* and g10, slap a zeta on Bossk's leadership. It may seem early, but you can still use your BH in Grand Arena, and that zeta will make the most massive difference.

    Next topic: Ewoks

    Shards, shards, shards.

    You can do C-3P0 event with low gear and lots of zetas. This seems bad, but actually was really fun for me. An ewok squad with a bunch of zetas is fun to play and absolutely ruins First Order squads, even with KRU lead, of one gear tier higher than your ewoks' gear. People STILL underestimate this squad. And again, since the game is supposed to be fun, fun teams are their own reward.

    Remember that the hard ewoks to farm are:
    Logray & Paploo, with lesser difficulty but high priority on Elder & Chirpa. Get all 5 of these toons to 7* as soon as you can. Once Chirpa is g10, you can zeta him and bring up the gear of Paploo. Once Paploo is g10, it's time for Logray. Then Elder. After that it gets tricky. You'll probably have Wicket by then, but Elder (for revive) and Paploo (to soak up damage) are probably the first you want to take to g11.

    Your ideal squad for C3P0 is Chirpa (L), Elder, Logray, Paploo & Wicket. If you want to throw away some gear on a toon you'll never use once you have wicket, you can sub Scout for Wicket to maybe get 7* C3P0 sooner. This might be worth it if you get better rewards in arena with 3P0, but probably not. Why? Because 3P0 can do heroic raids at 7* - which is important - but because of his kit his gear level doesn't matter much. All you need is enough health so that Threepio isn't taken out by AoE attacks. So in Arena, a 5* Threepio is almost as deadly as a 7* one.

    Ewoks should be a serious priority for you, since if I remember correctly, your Arena squad is rebels and in ANY rebel arena squad, getting a 5* Threepio in there as soon as possible is a big deal. If that's not your arena squad, then you can slow down on the gear, but keep up on the shards.
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    keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like in this area of the game, you do have a plan. That's great.


    IIRC, we talked about you giving your next zetas to Palp & R2. You have 2 zetas. Give the first one to Palp right now.

    I have a general rule about not giving zetas to characters below g10. But you have a g10 Palp and this is going to make that squad so much better you won't believe it, even if you run 4 sith/empire and one FO.

    After that, do you have all three zetas on CLS? You've got the only Raid Han zeta, so that's fine. You have at least one zeta on R2, and that's good, but you want to put another zeta on that second r2 ability, the one that cleanses. And you might want that on Ventress as well.

    So. Here's what I would do with the 2nd zeta:
    1. Do you have a 7* BB8? If yes, then zeta Ventress and start hitting HAAT hard. Watch a video on the Ackbar squad and learn the strategy. Bigger rewards in HAAT means faster progress on a lot of things. Older players complain that HAAT raid rewards are actually the worst of all the raids. THIS IS TRUE, but that doesn't mean that the rewards are useless. The higher you score, the more likely you are to get gold gear and you're going to need a LOT of gold gear over time. You also get more guild tokens for the shop, and those are also incredibly useful.
    2. If no 7* BB8, then do you have all 3 zetas complete on CLS? If no, zeta Luke's next ability. Repeat until Luke has all three.
    3. Still no 7* BB8 and now luke is done? Get that 2nd zeta on R2. Otherwise, go back to step 1 and zeta Ventress's unique (Rampage, not her leadership).

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    Mods: No slicing to 6E until you have at least 8 g12 toons.

    If you have that, then slicing select mods to 6E for your Arena squad is fine. Swapping them over to Ventress can be done once Ventress is herself g12. But you're right that the ability to move modes can sometimes be important. If you don't have a variety of g12 toons without 6E mods, then you have no one to move those 6E mods to. That loss of flexibility is something to be avoided. Of course, as I imply, you don't actually lose flexibility once you have a bunch of g12 toons.
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    Squad Priorities:

    #1: Your Arena squad - which, if I remember correctly, is your Rebels.
    You want to prioritize this squad SO MUCH that you're willing to build up other factions to support it. For rebels this means that Ewoks become a priority just to get you Threepio. Don't think about it as prioritizing ewoks. Think of it as part of your plan for Rebels.
    You also want to prioritize BH, but you're going to need Bossk OR a bunch of g12 Bounty Hunters. It's probably harder right now to get 5x 7* g12 bounty hunters than it is just to wait for Bossk. So keep working on Bossk shards, Jango shards, and Hound's Tooth blueprints. But don't worry about gear for them (as long as you can beat Credit Heist) until Bossk hits 70/85 shards (almost 6*). Then you have plenty of time to start throwing gear on your BH squad for the Chewie event. Most of the bounty hunters use very few Stun Guns. So they aren't super-easy to gear, but they're definitely an easier faction than a lot of them. After Bossk gets high enough, you're going to want to bring all your BH to g11, then after the Chewie event, pause them again for other priorities ... but you will want to take your most important five BH to g12 eventually. (Bossk you actually want to relic even if the rest of the squad is g12).

    so... got that? Arena rebels are your top priority, and because of that you're prioritizing Ewoks.

    #2: Gearing up Empire.
    Now that you have zeta Palp, you're going to want to zeta Thrawn's unique and get 5x g11 Empire toons. G11 Tarkin is probably your best 5th because of how solid he is in dealing out debuffs. Debuffs drive this Palp squad, so get those going.

    The next best is the Dark Side character Bastilla Shan (Fallen). She also deals out debuffs like nobody's business, and you need her for Darth Revan. She's amazing in a Palp squad, and when you have Darth Revan she only gets better.

    At the same time, you should be working on an Imperial Trooper squad. Both Palp's Empire squad and a General Veers Imperial Trooper squad are vital for good success in DarkSide Hoth. For right now, your priority is getting all those toons in your future Trooper squad to 7*, but you're not going to gear them right away. You won't gear the rest of the toons until Veers is 7*, g10, and zeta'd. All the Imps stay at g7 until then.

    #3: Crucial individual toons
    The only one I know you need shards for right now is Jolee, but if you don't have BB-8 or JTR, you should also farm the toons you need for the BB-8 and JTR events. Ventress you have 7*, but bringing her to g12 is also a priority. Geo Spy also falls under this category. You want to relic Geo Spy eventually, and GeoSpy's ships is amazing, so no gear is wasted. If you get GeoSpy up to g11, the Spy ship can be an excellent reinforcement even for a Rebel fleet.

    #4: Pilots that aren't already covered above.
    This includes a lot of toons, since you're running some very good multi-pilot ships. Pick a couple and give them gear when not needed by the 3 priorities above. I'd work Biggs to g11, then Cassian's ship next, then Phoenix third, but that's just me.

    I also wouldn't be worried too much about switching to Geos right away. To get that done, you'll have to get Sun Fac's ship finished and Sun Fac to g11 - which isn't easy. SF requires a bunch of stun guns. But if you want to switch over from Rebels earlier rather than later, do Biggs, then Cassian, then Sun Fac instead of Phoenix squadron.
  • Options
    Reading this, I would say:

    Put off Padme until you have a good spy (5* and g10 or 7* and g9). Spy is easy enough to gear, so no worries.

    You'll never regret the gear you put on Ventress. Don't fret. There's actually a great HAAT squad for p3 & p4 that uses Ventress heavily, but none of the other NS. So don't worry about that either.

    That squad is:
    Ackbar (L), CLS, Ventress (or Raid Han, but he's definitely. not as good), Thrawn, & BB-8.

    Thrawn keeps down the counter-attacks and regenerates protection on Ackbar & Ventress as much as possible. You can start running this team at g10 for some damage, but you don't see it's power until they all hit g11 because that's what it takes to live long enough between cannon shots to regenerate your protection. Ventress is your main damage dealer, because every time another side-bot dies, she gains offense. The only zeta required is Ventress, though CLS can be helpful. (Don't bother with BB-8 or Thrawn for this team).

    I'm not saying you have to work on this team, I just noticed that you have most of it already. So this can be a quick way to make Ventress more useful without bringing up all of the NightSisters.

    If you don't have BB-8, you can get him with g11 KRU, g11 Kylo Ren, and 3 level 1/ gear 1 FO toons. You can even get him with g12 Kylo Ren and no KRU, just 4x level 1/gear 1 FO toons.

    Thank you very much for that team I will go read on it.
    So to sum up on this:

    1. Give up on Padme. You have too many other toons to gear right now, and even if you got her, you couldn't gear her without giving up gearing someone else important.
    2. Gear Geo Spy at least to g9. At that point you should be able to unlock Padme at any time, but you still might not be ready to gear her. This is okay. You're always better off focussed. Unlocking her and leaving her at level 1 is the thing to do right now. Just because you can unlock her, doesn't mean that this is the right thing to do.
    3. Don't worry about Ventress. If you don't have BB-8, you can use her in HAAT as soon as you do. Her gear is well spent.
    4. If you do have BB-8, give one of your zetas to Ventress so you can starting hitting harder in HAAT right now.

    1. Noted.
    2. I'm just waiting on the 18 MK 5 CEC Fusion Furnance Salvage that I'm missing and he will be G9. Do I need to omega him?
    3. I do have BB8 7* LV 85 G8 +4 All Ability LV 7 no Omega No Zetas
    4. Done I gave my second zeta to Ventress and her Rampage ability
  • Options
    Next Topic: Bounty Hunters

    Here's the test: Can you beat the ultimate level in the Credit Heist? If yes, then hold off on their gear. They still need shards when you can get them, but your first goal is just the Credit Heist. Once you can beat that, you can pause on their gear to let you bump up a couple other priorities.

    Yes, you want Chewbacca, but you need a ton right now, and pausing the gear doesn't mean doing nothing. You're still farming shards for Bossk and that's great.

    DO NOT increase any leadership abilities in your bounty hunters EXCEPT Bossk.

    DO NOT give gear to any BH except Bossk (assuming you're beating the Credit Heist).

    Once Bossk is 5* and g9 or 4* and g10, slap a zeta on Bossk's leadership. It may seem early, but you can still use your BH in Grand Arena, and that zeta will make the most massive difference.

    1. Yes I can beat the ultimate level in the Credit Heist.
    2. Farm Bossk..Noted
    3. DO NOT give gear to any BH except Bossk Noted
    4. Once Bossk is 5* and g9 or 4* and g10, slap a zeta on Bossk's leadership. Noted

    How strong do all the BH need to be to beat Chewbacca event ?
    Next topic: Ewoks

    Shards, shards, shards.

    You can do C-3P0 event with low gear and lots of zetas. This seems bad, but actually was really fun for me. An ewok squad with a bunch of zetas is fun to play and absolutely ruins First Order squads, even with KRU lead, of one gear tier higher than your ewoks' gear. People STILL underestimate this squad. And again, since the game is supposed to be fun, fun teams are their own reward.

    Remember that the hard ewoks to farm are:
    Logray & Paploo, with lesser difficulty but high priority on Elder & Chirpa. Get all 5 of these toons to 7* as soon as you can. Once Chirpa is g10, you can zeta him and bring up the gear of Paploo. Once Paploo is g10, it's time for Logray. Then Elder. After that it gets tricky. You'll probably have Wicket by then, but Elder (for revive) and Paploo (to soak up damage) are probably the first you want to take to g11.

    Your ideal squad for C3P0 is Chirpa (L), Elder, Logray, Paploo & Wicket. If you want to throw away some gear on a toon you'll never use once you have wicket, you can sub Scout for Wicket to maybe get 7* C3P0 sooner. This might be worth it if you get better rewards in arena with 3P0, but probably not. Why? Because 3P0 can do heroic raids at 7* - which is important - but because of his kit his gear level doesn't matter much. All you need is enough health so that Threepio isn't taken out by AoE attacks. So in Arena, a 5* Threepio is almost as deadly as a 7* one.

    Ewoks should be a serious priority for you, since if I remember correctly, your Arena squad is rebels and in ANY rebel arena squad, getting a 5* Threepio in there as soon as possible is a big deal. If that's not your arena squad, then you can slow down on the gear, but keep up on the shards.

    1. When you say low gear, how low ? (if you have the 2 zetas)
    2. My Jedi squad is my Arena team. I have 5 G12 Jedi. Only have 1 G12 Rebel (CLS) and 2 if I count OLD Ben. Since I already have 1 Zeta on CLS, Raid Han, R2, if I get C3P0 and Chewbacca..Rebels could become my best team by far.
    3. I wasn't planning on getting wicket. I have other toons to farm with that energy (Jolee and Bossk) + All my other Ewok are far more advance except Chirpa but I'm farming him in cantina right now.
    4. I read on the event and I know that I need Chirpa and Elder. They are the 2 MVP.
    5. Paploo is really helpfull to keep EE alive.
    6. 1 Attacker (Wicket or Scout) I will have scout since he far more advance 6* vs 3*
    7. 1 Support (Teebo or Logray) I will have Teebo 7* soon but I read that Logray is pretty dam good also
    8. I will keep getting shards for these 6 ewoks (Teebo/Scout/Elder/Logray/Paploo/Chirpa)
    9. Out of those 6 I don't know what combinaison I will use. I just know that I need Chirpa and Elder and that I need to keep elder alive
    10. They seems to said it's possible to complete the event with multiple combinaison of ewoks

    ps : All Abilities are LV 3
    • Teebo LV 52 G6 +5 (6* 67/100) (farming him in GWS)
    • Ewok Scout LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 30/100)
    • Ewok Elder LV 50 G6 +5 (6* 3/100) (farming him in Guild Store)
    • Logray LV 53 G7 +4 (4* 57/65) (farming him in Guild Store)
    • Paploo LV 52 G6 +3 (4* 64/65) (farming him in Guild Store)
    • Chief Chirpa LV 52 G7 +4 (3* 18/30) (farming him in Cantina Battle)
    • Wicket LV 28 G1 +2 (3* 29/30)

    Your Ewok priority list :
    • Once Chirpa is g10, you can zeta him
    • bring up the gear of Paploo
    • Once Paploo is g10, it's time for Logray
    • Then Elder
    • but Elder (for revive) and Paploo (to soak up damage) are probably the first you want to take to g
    • 14.

    I got my information for this event in here
  • Options
    Mods: No slicing to 6E until you have at least 8 g12 toons.

    If you have that, then slicing select mods to 6E for your Arena squad is fine. Swapping them over to Ventress can be done once Ventress is herself g12. But you're right that the ability to move modes can sometimes be important. If you don't have a variety of g12 toons without 6E mods, then you have no one to move those 6E mods to. That loss of flexibility is something to be avoided. Of course, as I imply, you don't actually lose flexibility once you have a bunch of g12 toons.

    My G12 are : Bastila, CLS, GMY, Ezra, Old Ben, JKA,

    So for now I think I would lose too much flexibility since I have a lot of event to finish with no G12 toons (Chewbacca/C3P0/Padme) (and other event like Revan but I only wrote the one's that I'm close)
  • Options
    Squad Priorities:

    #1: Your Arena squad - which, if I remember correctly, is your Rebels.
    You want to prioritize this squad SO MUCH that you're willing to build up other factions to support it. For rebels this means that Ewoks become a priority just to get you Threepio. Don't think about it as prioritizing ewoks. Think of it as part of your plan for Rebels.
    You also want to prioritize BH, but you're going to need Bossk OR a bunch of g12 Bounty Hunters. It's probably harder right now to get 5x 7* g12 bounty hunters than it is just to wait for Bossk. So keep working on Bossk shards, Jango shards, and Hound's Tooth blueprints. But don't worry about gear for them (as long as you can beat Credit Heist) until Bossk hits 70/85 shards (almost 6*). Then you have plenty of time to start throwing gear on your BH squad for the Chewie event. Most of the bounty hunters use very few Stun Guns. So they aren't super-easy to gear, but they're definitely an easier faction than a lot of them. After Bossk gets high enough, you're going to want to bring all your BH to g11, then after the Chewie event, pause them again for other priorities ... but you will want to take your most important five BH to g12 eventually. (Bossk you actually want to relic even if the rest of the squad is g12).

    so... got that? Arena rebels are your top priority, and because of that you're prioritizing Ewoks.

    My Jedi squad is my Arena team. I have 5 G12 Jedi. Only have 1 G12 Rebel (CLS) and 2 if I count OLD Ben. Since I already have 1 Zeta on CLS, Raid Han, R2, if I get C3P0 and Chewbacca..Rebels could become my best team by far.

    1. Prioritize Ewoks for 3PO
    2. Prioritize BH for Chewy
    3. But don't worry about gear for them (BH) until Bossk hits 70/85 shards (almost 6*)
    4. After Bossk gets high enough, you're going to want to bring all your BH to g11
    5. then after the Chewie event, pause them again for other priorities
    6. but you will want to take your most important five BH to g12 eventually. (Bossk you actually want to relic even if the rest of the squad is g12).

    At what gear do I need them to get Chewy 7* you think?
    #2: Gearing up Empire.
    Now that you have zeta Palp, you're going to want to zeta Thrawn's unique and get 5x g11 Empire toons. G11 Tarkin is probably your best 5th because of how solid he is in dealing out debuffs. Debuffs drive this Palp squad, so get those going.

    The next best is the Dark Side character Bastilla Shan (Fallen). She also deals out debuffs like nobody's business, and you need her for Darth Revan. She's amazing in a Palp squad, and when you have Darth Revan she only gets better.

    At the same time, you should be working on an Imperial Trooper squad. Both Palp's Empire squad and a General Veers Imperial Trooper squad are vital for good success in DarkSide Hoth. For right now, your priority is getting all those toons in your future Trooper squad to 7*, but you're not going to gear them right away. You won't gear the rest of the toons until Veers is 7*, g10, and zeta'd. All the Imps stay at g7 until then.
    • Bring my 5 Empire to G11.
    • Gear up Tarkin so he can replace Kylo U
    • Zeta Thrawn Unique
    • Farm Bastilla Shan (Fallen)

    Also work on Imperial Trooper Squad
    but that won't be before a long time haha. I'm not even close and I have so many other things to do
    #3: Crucial individual toons
    The only one I know you need shards for right now is Jolee, but if you don't have BB-8 or JTR, you should also farm the toons you need for the BB-8 and JTR events. Ventress you have 7*, but bringing her to g12 is also a priority. Geo Spy also falls under this category. You want to relic Geo Spy eventually, and GeoSpy's ships is amazing, so no gear is wasted. If you get GeoSpy up to g11, the Spy ship can be an excellent reinforcement even for a Rebel fleet.

    I have BB8 and JTR 7*

    On another post you told me to pospone Ventress G12 so that I can boost my Han Solo to G11
    Now Ventress is a priority for G12 but after Han or has that change?

    I need so many individual toon. Boosk, All the toons for both Revans ans Malak. Ewoks, BH etc.
    #4: Pilots that aren't already covered above.
    This includes a lot of toons, since you're running some very good multi-pilot ships. Pick a couple and give them gear when not needed by the 3 priorities above. I'd work Biggs to g11, then Cassian's ship next, then Phoenix third, but that's just me.

    I also wouldn't be worried too much about switching to Geos right away. To get that done, you'll have to get Sun Fac's ship finished and Sun Fac to g11 - which isn't easy. SF requires a bunch of stun guns. But if you want to switch over from Rebels earlier rather than later, do Biggs, then Cassian, then Sun Fac instead of Phoenix squadron.

    perfect thank you

    Why Cassian before pheonix squad?

    my fleet is

    Ackbar G11
    Sabine G8 (5* 42/85) / Chopper G9 +3 / Ezra G12 (Phantom)
    Hera G8 +5 / Kanan G8 +3 / Zeb G8 +4 (Ghost)
    Kylo G11 +4
    Vader G10 +2
    Biggs G10 +4
    Cassian G8 +3 (4* 8/65) / K2SO G8 +4 / Jynn G7 +1 (U Wing)
    ps : all 3 toons of U Wing are LV 75. and both Jynn and Cassian ability are LV 3

    others :
    Ashoka G10 +2
    Wedge G8 +3

    which one would you prioritize
    what would be the list of priorities and to what Gear for now
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020

    keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like in this area of the game, you do have a plan. That's great.

    I'm following what you told me
    Would you still keep the same lineup Home One Vader Biggs Ghost with REN : Phantom Kylo Cassian.
    Or maybe add one of the genosian ship ?

    GOLD Ship Material :
    Since last time I was able to unlock the last level of ship ability materials
    I have 42 of them now which ability would you recommend that I level up?
    Which ship do you recommend ? I wrote all the level ability of my ship a few post above where I talk about my fleet.
  • Skywalkerr
    52 posts Member
    edited May 2020

    IIRC, we talked about you giving your next zetas to Palp & R2. You have 2 zetas. Give the first one to Palp right now.

    I have a general rule about not giving zetas to characters below g10. But you have a g10 Palp and this is going to make that squad so much better you won't believe it, even if you run 4 sith/empire and one FO.

    After that, do you have all three zetas on CLS? You've got the only Raid Han zeta, so that's fine. You have at least one zeta on R2, and that's good, but you want to put another zeta on that second r2 ability, the one that cleanses. And you might want that on Ventress as well.

    So. Here's what I would do with the 2nd zeta:
    1. Do you have a 7* BB8? If yes, then zeta Ventress and start hitting HAAT hard. Watch a video on the Ackbar squad and learn the strategy. Bigger rewards in HAAT means faster progress on a lot of things. Older players complain that HAAT raid rewards are actually the worst of all the raids. THIS IS TRUE, but that doesn't mean that the rewards are useless. The higher you score, the more likely you are to get gold gear and you're going to need a LOT of gold gear over time. You also get more guild tokens for the shop, and those are also incredibly useful.
    2. If no 7* BB8, then do you have all 3 zetas complete on CLS? If no, zeta Luke's next ability. Repeat until Luke has all three.
    3. Still no 7* BB8 and now luke is done? Get that 2nd zeta on R2. Otherwise, go back to step 1 and zeta Ventress's unique (Rampage, not her leadership).

    I do have BB8 7* LV 85 G8 +4 All Ability LV 7 no Omega No Zetas
    Done I gave my second zeta to Ventress and her Rampage ability

    You recommended for the next Zeta :
    • CLS Rebel Maneuvers (Lead)
    • CLS Learn Control
    • R2D2 Combat Analysis

    Some others you mentionned in past discussions
    • Bossk Lead
    • 2 Ewoks for C3PO (Chirpa and who ever)
    • Vaders Unique
    • KRU lead
    • Fives Tactical Awareness
    • Jynn Erso
    • JTR
    • Thrawn's unique

    Once I have them (or have them 7*) :
    • 3PO (2 Zetas)
    • Chewy
    • Jolee

    And Maybe someone like BB8?

    So what would you recommend, what are the priorities here because that a lottttttttt of zeta haha

    Zeta I have now :
    • Bastila Shan
    • CLS IBAT
    • Ezra (it was my first one I didn't know about zeta then haha, my bad)
    • GMY Battle Meditation
    • Palp Lead
    • Ventress Rampage
    • R2-D2 Number Crunch
    • Raid Han

  • Options
    ps : just promoted Spy to G9

    Genosian Spy 7* LV 85 G9 +2 No Omega No Zeta
  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Okay, zetas first: I like the zetas you have. Don't worry too much about Ezra. A g12 Ezra is worthy of a zeta. Great damage on that guy and being able to name your assisting characters is very helpful. He's a lot like an improved QGJ.

    Everything I said about the priority of ewoks and Rebels is probably wrong, b/c I thought you were using them as your arena squad.

    Keep up with shard farming for ewoks, but put off their gear and zetas for now.

    All the zetas on your priority list are good zetas. When sorting between those for which has highest priority in the group, transformative leadership zetas are better than great individual zetas. BUT the character/faction is likely even more important.

    Since you're already bringing Jolee along, and since as soon as you have Jolee you'll get JKRevan, you can plan for Ezra and Old Ben to be moved back to your Rebels. Since Rebels aren't your Arena squad, and since they're both good toons at g12, you don't need to push hard for Threepio or Chewbacca right now. They're still on your radar, but no longer the topmost priority. You have a good long while to get their zetas collected.

    So, Leadership zetas:
    JK Revan (you don't have him yet, but you will as soon as you have 7* Jolee, he's pretty easy once you qualify)
    Veers (Again, I don't think you have him yet, but you will)

    But of course, you probably won't have all factions equally developed. Once you've done JKRevan and Bossk, the rest of the leadership zetas are better given when you have a faction to give them to instead of giving Jyn before Chirpa when you have 5 ewoks and you're trying to get Threepio while you only have 2-3 Rogue 1 toons. You'll have to adjust this on the fly to meet the needs of your factions.

    As an example of this, you already have a Rebel squad worthy of CLS's leadership zeta. Now his leadership isn't as good as KRU or JTR, but if you don't have those factions ready (leader at least g10, at least one other toon at g10, at least two other toons g9 with the 5th toon either a gear priority who will hit g9 pretty soon, or a non-faction addition who slots in well and is g10+), you'll be skipping them to drop a zeta on someone lower on the list. So I expect that after Bossk, you'll probably zeta CLS unless your FO and Resistance are up to speed by then.

    Non-leadership zetas:
    ANYONE ON YOUR ARENA SQUAD. Zetas on your arena squad are almost always a good idea. That said, since you're going to be moving Old Ben off your Arena squad soon, don't bother with him.
    Thrawn's unique
    BB-8 (Roll with the punches)
    Vaders Unique
    (Maybe even Paploo or Wicket?)
    Fives Tactical Awareness
    BB-8 (Self-Preservation Protocol)

    If you have a zeta ready, but don't have a faction that deserves a leadership zeta (and you're not close enough to save it for when the faction is ready, like if you're almost ready to unlock JKRevan or something), go ahead and work down the non-leadership list.

    There are also many good zetas on toons we haven't discussed, but many of those you won't have unlocked yet (like JKRevan, Darth Revan, etc.). There are also other toons like Bastilla Shan (Fallen) who have zetas that don't work correctly unless you have another character that they synergize with. For ****(F) you don't want to zeta the unique that works with Darth Revan until you've unlocked DR. So if you had her, I would put her above even Jolee ... but have you keep skipping her over and over again until also have DR.

    It's also thinking like this that leads me to put BB-8's second zeta so low on this list. For it to be worth it, you have to be running other droids with BB-8, but you don't have Threepio yet, and you'll be running R2 with your rebels most of the time. Much later you'll be running raid squads with JTR, bb8, and Threepio all on the same squad. You'll want that 2nd zeta on BB8 then, but not so much before. Likewise, you don't even want the first zeta on BB8 unless you're running a JTR resistance squad, and if you're running that squad, JTR's leadership comes first. So if you don't have JTR's leadership, you're not ready for BB8's first zeta.

    Make sense? So when you get new toons and you're wondering where to put them on this list. read the zeta details very carefully and never be afraid to ask questions.

  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    A couple quick notes:
    On another post you told me to pospone Ventress G12 so that I can boost my Han Solo to G11
    Now Ventress is a priority for G12 but after Han or has that change?

    I was wrong. This was when I thought Rebels were your Arena squad. Definitely change that. Ventress =>g12 is a higher priority now. ESPECIALLY since you spent a zeta on her and you don't want that to go to waste.
    Why Cassian before pheonix squad?

    Bang for the buck. Phoenix requires a TON of stun guns and has 6 characters (well, 5 since you have Ezra at g12). Cassian's ship only requires 3 toons and fewer stun guns. Also, you can use Cassian as a good reinforcement in non-rebel fleets because of the AoE dispel, but Ghost is pretty much a rebel-fleet-only ship.

    Fleet priorities:
    You asked about Fleet priorities. As I said, you want to boost Phoenix if you expect you'll be running Rebels for a long time to come. But if you're switching to Geos sooner rather than later, your priorities are different.

    If staying with rebels your pilot/crew priorities are to get the following to g11+2 or 3 (except Ackbar & Biggs):
    Ackbar => g12 + 1 or 2.
    Biggs => g12 + 1 or 2

    If moving on soon,
    Biggs => g12 +1 or 2
    Spy => g9 (makes a great reinforcement in any squad)
    Thrawn => g12 +1 or 2
    Sun Fac
    Spy => g12

    BUT ALSO... if moving on soon, you want to farm the Hyena bomber and the Vulture Droid (you don't have to gear these, but they are long farms).

    Further note: You can only farm one capital ship at a time with the GET2 currency - Negotiator or Malevolence.

    Because Separatists are the easier faction to get when starting out, and all you need to make it work is Geos + 2 droid ships that require no gear, I would go with Malevolence, for sure.

  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member
    GOLD Ship Material :
    Since last time I was able to unlock the last level of ship ability materials
    I have 42 of them now which ability would you recommend that I level up?
    Which ship do you recommend ?

    1. Biggs (Daring Assault)
    2. Vader (Deadly Accuracy)
    3. Phantom (Sights Locked)
    4. Phantom (Slip Away)
    5. Cassian (Guerrilla Strike)
    6. Cassian (Infiltration Tactics)

    At that point you might need to take another look at what ships you have and whether you're transitioning soon. Boosting Ghost, if you're sticking with rebels, is probably next, then getting K-2's special maxed on Cassian's ship (it gives an extra dispel, requires k2 at g11), then GeoSpy Basic (Undermine). If you're transitioning soon, you'll want to be maxing GeoSpy Clandestine Operations ASAP and Sun Vac's unique (Grudge), then Sun Fac's special (Prime Target), then GeoSoldier Unique (Swarm Aggression) then GeoSpy Basic (Undermine), then Hyena bomber (all), then Vulture droid (all), then all the other Geo abilities that weren't already maxed.
  • MasterSeedy
    5217 posts Member
    You asked about gear for Ewoks & BH.

    Remember I'm reprioritizing Ewoks because your arena squad isn't rebels. Keep working on Bossk, though. We're going to make Chewbacca your next big Rebel instead of Threepio.

    You'll need g11 BH for 7* Chewie and it will be very helpful if you can get 2 BH at g12 (usually Bossk + one attacker). The one exception is that Dengar is there for his unique, and he can get by with g9+. If you can get him to g11 that's great, he'll do more damage, but his main purpose is just stopping the R2 stealth machine. If R2 gives Chewbacca stealth, you're in a world of hurt, because you need to kill Chewie first in that event. If you don't have Dengar to stop stealth from happening, you're going to have to start the event over and over and over and over to get the perfect RNG.

    I know you could get a great Rebel squad together if you went all out for Rebels right now, but you're actually probably closer to getting JKRevan, and that squad will be much better for you even than the Rebs.

    When you do get around to working on Ewok gear for Threepio, remember that you need less gear if you have the right toons and the right zetas. I did the event with three zetas , 3xg11 and 2xg10. If I had had 4 zetas, I could have gotten by with 3-4xg10, 1-2 g9 or maybe even 5xg9, not sure. All I know is because I had the perfect squad and 3 zetas, it ended up being a complete cakewalk for me. So sure, you can do it with less gear, but that means more zetas and you have to have the perfect squad. You have to decide . With a less perfect squad (Scout instead of Wicket, Teebo instead of Logray) you can still do the event, but more gear is required and/or more zetas. I was lucky to have ewoks nearly ready except for gear, so while I was finishing up gear I could also get Wicket to 7*. So I ended up with the optimal team of Chirpa, Paploo, Elder, Logray Wicket, with zetas on Chirpa, Logray, & Wicket.

    but again, since Rebels aren't your Arena squad, I would work harder on other things than Ewoks right now.
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