Luke trailer and release [MERGE]


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    Imagine all the spare time I suddenly have if the game ends 😂

    The whole 10 minutes of simming your dailies! 😂
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Still better then the Last Jedi

    Nope that's false, it has 43% approval rating

    Yeah but 40% of that are not star wars fans

  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    It’s planned. I doubt they can clobber together that in just a week.

    Worse timing. Bad luck I think.
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    Baldpet wrote: »
    Imagine all the spare time I suddenly have if the game ends 😂

    The whole 10 minutes of simming your dailies! 😂

    It would be more then that. I spend an hour do do my arena climbs and if there is a raid, TB, TW or assault battle. That's another hour
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    Looking at the video, it will cover events of ESB in the same way as the journey to CLS covered ANH.
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    To be honest I’m surprised that this isn’t a GL. Who will we get for GL Original Trilogy duo?

    And this is happening because GAS is supposed to be active all year around sometime in October. Just surprised it’s Luke Skywalker with a green lightsaber form.
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    It was an attempt to distract focus and it’ll work perfectly. People that actually fund the game will open their wallets like usual. Don’t act like you figured out something that no one else saw or that you not spending your $200 is going to make a difference to CG 😆
  • UdalCuain
    5041 posts Member
    Damon_Skye wrote: »
    Looking at the video, it will cover events of ESB in the same way as the journey to CLS covered ANH.

    Looks like its covering both ESB and RotJ, at least in part.
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    $20k+ spender on the game as I am, I haven’t spent a penny since early March (albeit already had the reqs for the boring GLs). Don’t foresee dropping a penny more until there’s something to do with the new characters. There’s nothing to do in the game except old content or boring TB/TW. GAC is a joke at 7m GP, and I’m finding myself logging in half as much as I used to. It’s a shame.
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    Ok, but the timing is still bad
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    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Damon_Skye wrote: »
    Looking at the video, it will cover events of ESB in the same way as the journey to CLS covered ANH.

    Looks like its covering both ESB and RotJ, at least in part.

    I know what you mean, but I think that final shot is just for the display purposes of the character unlock - same as getting force powered CLS as he is at end of ESB but only going through events of ANH.

    But I’m only speculating. Could easily be something different.

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    Deany123 wrote: »
    The release of JKL has always been seen as the end of game heralding character... but just 2 years ago we were told that there was a 5 year plan... was wondering what this seemingly early release could mean for the long term future of the game

    New Star Wars movies are coming out. Maybe a new even more powerful character is coming which they can add to the game, or just some side characters.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    Don't try to paint something black that isn't even there. Luke is a nice teaser to bridge the weekened. If the road ahead on Monday doesn't contain anything else of interest than a new character, there is still plenty of time to get enraged. In the meantime why not just go outside a bit. Weather is fine. It's weekend.
    What I see up to now is a community manager getting in touch with the community again. A very important RA being anounced for Monday and a Character, that everybody was waiting for, confirmed. Perhaps I am naive and optimistic, but that's a step in the right direction.
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    Damon_Skye wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Damon_Skye wrote: »
    Looking at the video, it will cover events of ESB in the same way as the journey to CLS covered ANH.

    Looks like its covering both ESB and RotJ, at least in part.

    I know what you mean, but I think that final shot is just for the display purposes of the character unlock - same as getting force powered CLS as he is at end of ESB but only going through events of ANH.

    But I’m only speculating. Could easily be something different.

    That's what I think too, a "part 2" of the Hero's journey, with higher requirements than the first one (makes sense), using characters lots of players didn't gear up (ROLO, Captain Solo, Lobot...), but without GL like requirements. ANH anniversary: CLS, ESB anniversary: JKL, ROTJ anniversary: ???

    I'm curious to see the final tier of the event though. If it ends in Cloud City, then a final "part 3" in a couple of years will make a lot of sense. If final tier is in the Throne Room, then the Hero's journey is over.

    Guessing game on the Hero's journey, based on what we saw in the trailer (and hoping the final stage isn't the Throne Room):

    Hoth (outside or Wampa Cave): CLS vs Wampa
    Echo base: ROLO+Capt solo vs Imperial forces
    Dagobah: CLS+R2 vs Swamp Monster (unlikely, but could be fun)
    Dagobah: CLS+Hyoda vs Fake Vader
    Cloud City: Lobot+Lando+Capt solo+ROLO+R2 vs Boba Fett+Imperial forces
    Could City: CLS vs True Vader

    Not sure about Hyoda (not sure about anything, but this even less), as it's a character linked to guild activity, so out of reach for some players. Didn't happen in Hero's journey before, if I'm not mistaken.

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    Will still take many years to get all characters to G13 relic 7 without spending.

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    Deany123 wrote: »
    The release of JKL has always been seen as the end of game heralding character... but just 2 years ago we were told that there was a 5 year plan... was wondering what this seemingly early release could mean for the long term future of the game

    The game will be 5 years old in November so the timing looks about right.
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    CCyrilS wrote: »
    You started with a false pretense that JKL signals the end.

    Nothing to see here.

    I assume you aren't a swgoh developer and therefore don't know the future plans for the game to any greater extent than anyone else. So whether it's a false pretence very much remains to be seen.
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    They need more legends to be able to ace ls get tb. I see legends yoda, palps, and Vader coming too
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    Deany123 wrote: »
    The release of JKL has always been seen as the end of game heralding character... but just 2 years ago we were told that there was a 5 year plan... was wondering what this seemingly early release could mean for the long term future of the game

    The 5 year plan end in 2023, year of the 40th anniversary of ROTJ. I guess the True "Jedi Luke", "Ghost Anakin" or "Braid Hair Leia" will be at the end of the Hero's Journey we'll have in 2023, Hero's journey "part 3".

    Ending the Hero's journey: part 2 in the Throne Room as seen at the end of the trailer could be a sign of a change of plans though, ending the Hero's journey before covering ROTJ. If not, the 5-years plan is still a thing imo.

    And a 5 years plan doesn't mean the game will end in 5 years. The game will most likely end when it will stop making money or if EA lose Disney license. In a couple of years, if the game's still alive, they probably cook up a new 5 years plan to follow this one.
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    CG’s total lack of communication, treatment of their content creators, and overall community management is a joke. By far the worst in the industry. They have a second IP in development and they can’t even manage the one they have - you get the feeling this studio just got lucky getting an established and loved IP like Star Wars to build on or they would have never generated the kind of revenue they have. Good luck to them trying to get anyone to try their new game after this debacle. Disney does not tolerate damaging Their brands like this - especially their top brand. I expect EA and CG will be getting a call from Disney licensing when they get wind of the mismanagement and damage CG is doing to the SW brand.
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    joelgs23 wrote: »
    I've always heard that JKL (Jedi Luke) would signify the end of the game. Is that true CG??? Where is my incentive to play on if so? :(:( So sad by the lack of communication.

    Why the hell should he?
    People are talking so much nonsense…
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    Yes, spot on Starslayer. That makes sense on those character requirements - some less well farmed than others.
    Tricky one for our heroes as everything goes wrong for our heroes in that film except for R2 saving the day at the end. So winning battles just to escape from the enemy in a way I guess.

    And I agree with plan to do events from ROTJ in 3 years time to complete that story. Unlocks more of a Jedi Master Luke seen in flashbacks from the ST, rather than hermit Luke maybe.

    Again, just friendly speculation.
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    A couple of small points for consideration.

    Firstly they said more details on monday, not the road ahead on monday. Lets not get too excited to save from disappointment.

    Luke isn’t jedi luke until after he faces vader on the death star st the end of rotj, so the event must cover the entirety of rotj (not saying cg must follow lore but this is over and above esb content)
  • Calagon
    80 posts Member
    edited June 2020

    It'll be alright fellow F2P, we still have time. There's still plenty of Star Wars content available that CG hasn't explored and new stuff that's coming up through D+.
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    A couple of small points for consideration.

    Firstly they said more details on monday, not the road ahead on monday. Lets not get too excited to save from disappointment.

    Luke isn’t jedi luke until after he faces vader on the death star st the end of rotj, so the event must cover the entirety of rotj (not saying cg must follow lore but this is over and above esb content)

    Crumb actually said it is Jedi Knight Luke. For CLS (which is the Luke we see going through cloud city) we had events on tatooine and the first Death Star, nothing from ESB. So keeping with precedence, Hoth, Dagobah, and Cloud City would be in-line with that. These are also the scenes from the video leading up to the char reveal.

    Now as far as end of game? Seriously that talk of Jedi Luke being held of to be one of the last chars as he would remain one of the most powerful (or however it was put) was stated how long ago? And how many of those working there at the time are still there? And when have they EVER kept their word on plans for the future? Plans change get over it.
  • Doofios
    32 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Damon_Skye wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Damon_Skye wrote: »
    Looking at the video, it will cover events of ESB in the same way as the journey to CLS covered ANH.

    Looks like its covering both ESB and RotJ, at least in part.

    I know what you mean, but I think that final shot is just for the display purposes of the character unlock - same as getting force powered CLS as he is at end of ESB but only going through events of ANH.

    But I’m only speculating. Could easily be something different.

    That's what I think too, a "part 2" of the Hero's journey, with higher requirements than the first one (makes sense), using characters lots of players didn't gear up (ROLO, Captain Solo, Lobot...), but without GL like requirements. ANH anniversary: CLS, ESB anniversary: JKL, ROTJ anniversary: ???

    I'm curious to see the final tier of the event though. If it ends in Cloud City, then a final "part 3" in a couple of years will make a lot of sense. If final tier is in the Throne Room, then the Hero's journey is over.

    Guessing game on the Hero's journey, based on what we saw in the trailer (and hoping the final stage isn't the Throne Room):

    Hoth (outside or Wampa Cave): CLS vs Wampa
    Echo base: ROLO+Capt solo vs Imperial forces
    Dagobah: CLS+R2 vs Swamp Monster (unlikely, but could be fun)
    Dagobah: CLS+Hyoda vs Fake Vader
    Cloud City: Lobot+Lando+Capt solo+ROLO+R2 vs Boba Fett+Imperial forces
    Could City: CLS vs True Vader

    Not sure about Hyoda (not sure about anything, but this even less), as it's a character linked to guild activity, so out of reach for some players. Didn't happen in Hero's journey before, if I'm not mistaken.

    I wish you worked for CG’s as this sounds amazing lol
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    A wiseman once said, bad news is better than no news. And I think that is more true than ever for the current situation.

    Many people wondered why CG is introducing such an iconic character like JKL in the middle of the ongoing controversy. Isn't this bad timing? Does it make sense?

    Let me tell you, it makes perfect sense! I think CG's marketing department chose exactly the right moment to launch JKL.

    Sure, the context SWGOH is currently being covered outside the community is not positive. But in this industry, brand exposure is everything. Come on, when was the last time so many people outside the regular community talking so intensively about SWGOH? Not only about the main topics of account ban and cheating, but also about what the game SWGOH is about, how much money it makes and how passionate its community is. I bet many other mobile games out there would die for so much attention SWGOH received the recent days.

    And it is quite ironic that the very content creators, whether they like it or not, actually contributed to this marketing campaign by raising awareness to the game outside the community! And for free! And just when the whole media interest is about to decline, CG dropped the big news: Jedi Knight Luke coming to SWGOH... hey, if this has not been planned well in advance.. I dont know man. At least I won't be surprised if the number of new players skyrockets for this month.

    I even dare to believe this is actually the true reason for the recent Ahnaldt ban. Dude, you have been played by the CG marketing fact all of us have been played.
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