The sunset of SWGoH?

1648 posts Member
With the Ahnaldgate lately and Jedi Knight Luke coming soon some people predict this to be the end of the game. With these thoughts something came to my mind.

The Devs told us that all events were handmade and that they develop a new platform where they can make new events more easy. This almost sounds like they just build something that can generate events automatically like for full auto/ no maintenance mode. I absolutely hope that i'm wrong with this but i don't believe anymore in anything.
"Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn


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    Not at all, this is not a full on RotJ and there is plenty more they can do.

    I do think it will be all down hill from here how ever and more and more players will quit playing once they tire of JKL
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Ever since I started playing this game 3 years ago, the forums have constantly been full of threads saying the game is dying. I put this thread with the other thousand like it I have read.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kisakee wrote: »
    With the Ahnaldgate lately and Jedi Knight Luke coming soon some people predict this to be the end of the game. With these thoughts something came to my mind.

    The Devs told us that all events were handmade and that they develop a new platform where they can make new events more easy. This almost sounds like they just build something that can generate events automatically like for full auto/ no maintenance mode. I absolutely hope that i'm wrong with this but i don't believe anymore in anything.

    Nothing can be made on full auto, and any coder that can write a program that will fully automate content generation would be "a god".

    They are working on things to make events less hand made, but it sound like it's more based on the idea of a game mode. They are likely to still have to make larger or more singular events in a more hand made way.

    People will always predict the end of the game, and just like others with the power of foresight, why are they wasting it here and not on the lotto?
  • Akenno
    538 posts Member
    My prediction:
    End of the current game? Yes but... We'll get a new period of SWGOH.
    I really hope that we get the road ahead blog out on monday with JKL and a complete new event for him!
    The PvE event that they are working on since the last updates upon the new tool set they are doing.
  • LukeDukem8
    609 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    They have said a lot of things and havent delivered, why should we start believing them now? The next announcement could be lip service to squeeze out the jkr event and they come up with another excuse. All they have done for two years is come up with more characters that require higher gear.

    Am sure they could have come up with something while still working on their new platform. They are a billion dollar company. New tw map or features, new gac map or features, lower waiting times between arena battles, cheaper arena costs and extended battles.

  • KM1
    145 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    With the Ahnaldgate lately and Jedi Knight Luke coming soon some people predict this to be the end of the game. With these thoughts something came to my mind.

    The Devs told us that all events were handmade and that they develop a new platform where they can make new events more easy. This almost sounds like they just build something that can generate events automatically like for full auto/ no maintenance mode. I absolutely hope that i'm wrong with this but i don't believe anymore in anything.

    Nothing can be made on full auto, and any coder that can write a program that will fully automate content generation would be "a god".

    They are working on things to make events less hand made, but it sound like it's more based on the idea of a game mode. They are likely to still have to make larger or more singular events in a more hand made way.

    People will always predict the end of the game, and just like others with the power of foresight, why are they wasting it here and not on the lotto?

    When so many are predicting the end of SWGOH, when so many see so many of their guild mates leaving, when there is so much despair about the state of the game and lack of communication from the developers, to mock them is a small, petty despicable act. Of course, it's the zealots and the guys who enable the developer's abuse of their player base who'll be the last ones left turning off the lights.
  • R_Val_17
    144 posts Member
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    I have this hinging feeling, people want swgoh to end because even if they don't enjoy the game anymore, they don't see in themselves to walk away silently or drop the addiction. So the whole world has to burn and justify their choice.

    It's not a question coming from a place like "hey I'm still investing, but is it all in vain?" These type of games don't shut down suddenly while their financial metrics is fine. Even if there's a mass exodus, it will drag towards death quite some time until it's not profitable anymore.

    The nature of complaints were hardly any different and latest debacle merely snowballed them all into one. pulled in another 14m$. While none of us can possibly know the figure that's still profitable, think how huge that amount is.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    R_Val_17 wrote: »

  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    With the Ahnaldgate lately and Jedi Knight Luke coming soon some people predict this to be the end of the game. With these thoughts something came to my mind.

    The Devs told us that all events were handmade and that they develop a new platform where they can make new events more easy. This almost sounds like they just build something that can generate events automatically like for full auto/ no maintenance mode. I absolutely hope that i'm wrong with this but i don't believe anymore in anything.

    Nothing can be made on full auto, and any coder that can write a program that will fully automate content generation would be "a god".

    They are working on things to make events less hand made, but it sound like it's more based on the idea of a game mode. They are likely to still have to make larger or more singular events in a more hand made way.

    People will always predict the end of the game, and just like others with the power of foresight, why are they wasting it here and not on the lotto?

    So what, they are working on a tool that is suppose to help them give us more content, but just because they are working on this tool, it doesn't mean that they get a free pass for not giving us any new content for plus 6 months.

    People predict the end of the game, because they are fed up with CG and now they don't want to spend money on it, they dont have foresight, they just look at what's happening. Again is the game gonna end? No. Will the new content disappear once people stop spending money? Yes.

    Is the tool something they're working on or is it the top earners at CG? I get lost...
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    This doom and gloom constantly is so tedious! I find these forums worse than the covid crisis of late, crikey.
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    This wasn't meant salty or apocalyptic in any way, i just don't trust anything before i can see it with my own eyes.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Options
    When so many are predicting the end of SWGOH, when so many see so many of their guild mates leaving, when there is so much despair about the state of the game and lack of communication from the developers, to mock them is a small, petty despicable act. Of course, it's the zealots and the guys who enable the developer's abuse of their player base who'll be the last ones left turning off the lights.[/quote]

    This post is epic 😂
    1. The only people of notoriety I’ve seen predict the end of SWGOH are former Game Changers that got their feelings hurt. Then it just gets repeated by the sheep that follow them as if it’s actually true.
    2. None of my guild mates left. Also, none of my Squad Arena mates left and none of my Fleet Arena mates left. I wish they would though so I could climb easier.
    3. Despair? If this game is truly giving you actual despair then yes, you should stop playing and reevaluate your real life.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    It's not the end of the game. It's not the sunset of the game.

    What it is, is a moment where some players are coming to an uncomfortable truth: This game isn't made for them. They're not the target demographic and they're aging out of the game. But that's okay! The game will continue without you and new players will sign up. You'll be replaced and you'll be forgotten and that's okay because it's just a video game and there are thousands of them out there. You can put this one down, never log into it again, and then pick up Dragon Champions or Strike Force or just refresh Facebook until an ad for a new game pops up and play that. Then you can have a ton of fun in the early stretch as you figure things out and work on your roster. And then you can get bored and frustrated again in the middle stretch when you hit the max level and run out of fungible content. And then you can join a competitive guild and feel that stress again. And then you can go to the forum and complain that there isn't enough to do. And then you can move onto another game.

    It's okay. All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again. You'll keep on repeating the same patterns until you reflect on why you play these games. Hopefully once you know that answer you can start enjoying them again.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    KM1 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    With the Ahnaldgate lately and Jedi Knight Luke coming soon some people predict this to be the end of the game. With these thoughts something came to my mind.

    The Devs told us that all events were handmade and that they develop a new platform where they can make new events more easy. This almost sounds like they just build something that can generate events automatically like for full auto/ no maintenance mode. I absolutely hope that i'm wrong with this but i don't believe anymore in anything.

    Nothing can be made on full auto, and any coder that can write a program that will fully automate content generation would be "a god".

    They are working on things to make events less hand made, but it sound like it's more based on the idea of a game mode. They are likely to still have to make larger or more singular events in a more hand made way.

    People will always predict the end of the game, and just like others with the power of foresight, why are they wasting it here and not on the lotto?

    When so many are predicting the end of SWGOH, when so many see so many of their guild mates leaving, when there is so much despair about the state of the game and lack of communication from the developers, to mock them is a small, petty despicable act. Of course, it's the zealots and the guys who enable the developer's abuse of their player base who'll be the last ones left turning off the lights.

    Why are you sad when you see your guildmates leave? This is the age of social media. If you like someone, follow them on twitter or discord or instagram or youtube or twitch or facebook or exchange e-mail addresses or exchange numbers and text. If you're sad that they left, it's because you had a connection with someone and didn't try to broaden that connection out to a context other than one specific video game. That's a healthy response, but instead of resenting the game for ending your relationship to your guildmate, resent yourself for not cultivating it more.

    If you're sad because someone you didn't have a connection with left, then why? What is it that makes you sad? Is it because them leaving and being replaced by some new face reminds you of your own mortality? That one day you'll die and be replaced and everything will continue without you? Or is it because you only valued that person who left for the contribution they put towards TW, TB, and raids? In which case you aren't actually sad they're gone, you're sad that you won't go as far as you used to.

    I've been on this forum a long time. You folks aren't a particularly self-reflective lot.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »

    These Game developers lack integrity And In the mobile market when our own brains are used against us they really should. That being said, they couldve saved a shred of respect by releasing the content that was promised. Instead most of us keep waiting and laughably hoping the game becomes fun again.

    If I had to make an educated guess though, I’d say Disney pulled talent/funding from CG awhile ago. Disney owns many of the “other games” you spoke about and so they don’t seem to care if players long as they play another “great” Disney title.

    You might be confusing ea with disney.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    I just hope that if I ever get a terminal illness and ask the doc how long I have to live he'll say "you're dying as fast as swgoh."
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Options
    This game has become too expensive.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    I just hope that if I ever get a terminal illness and ask the doc how long I have to live he'll say "you're dying as fast as swgoh."

    Hey, that’s not funny :/
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    They keep saying that they are working on something big, and I don't think that's a complete lie. Therefore, I don't think the game is ending, they will at least mine that new thing for all it's worth before that. Unless the new thing is SWGOH 2, which is actually something I would be on board with. This game carries a lot of baggage from past iterations, both visible (the whole ship-pilot system, for example) and behind-the-scenes (spaghetti code), so a fresh start could be a good idea. Especially when some form of account transfer is available.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Nauros wrote: »
    They keep saying that they are working on something big, and I don't think that's a complete lie. Therefore, I don't think the game is ending, they will at least mine that new thing for all it's worth before that. Unless the new thing is SWGOH 2, which is actually something I would be on board with. This game carries a lot of baggage from past iterations, both visible (the whole ship-pilot system, for example) and behind-the-scenes (spaghetti code), so a fresh start could be a good idea. Especially when some form of account transfer is available.

    That would be great actually
  • Options
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    They keep saying that they are working on something big, and I don't think that's a complete lie. Therefore, I don't think the game is ending, they will at least mine that new thing for all it's worth before that. Unless the new thing is SWGOH 2, which is actually something I would be on board with. This game carries a lot of baggage from past iterations, both visible (the whole ship-pilot system, for example) and behind-the-scenes (spaghetti code), so a fresh start could be a good idea. Especially when some form of account transfer is available.

    That would be great actually

    I would hope it failed...they need to fix this mess of no content now. Hope the “big thing” they are working on is better than the garbage GLs events they were working on for months. Still don’t know how that took them so long to produce such low quality.
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    I just hope that if I ever get a terminal illness and ask the doc how long I have to live he'll say "you're dying as fast as swgoh."

    Be careful what you wish for.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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