How to beat a lone Malak?

489 posts Member
edited March 2020
So in GAC, I just took on a R6 DR/Malak team with Padmé. They're all dead except for Malak himself.
How do I beat him without having to use all my teams?


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    Thought about that, but I tried that before and it didn't end well for me lol.
    I've looked it up, and all of the "counters" are in defense: KRU, Zavage, ...
    I could of course bring in my complete JKR team and hope for the best?
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    Thrawn. The answer involves Thrawn.
    Participation trophy? No. You want something: earn it.
  • Stick
    647 posts Member
    Thrawn and cls team could work for sure , kylo ren unmasked works well.

    Depends how good yours are. I use luke , han, chewie wedge and Biggs.

    Stun with Han , remove all turn meter with Luke , time Malak getting out of stun with chewie stun. Then I use the triple shot from Biggs.
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    Ewoks can kill a R7 Malak. They only need to be gear 11
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    Just for future reference, I did it (easily) with CLS, RHan, Chewie, Thrawn and Finn. A lot of stuns, he didn't get a turn.
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    Arneth2 wrote: »
    Ewoks can kill a R7 Malak. They only need to be gear 11

    They we're in defence, together with FO
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    Moorebid wrote: »
    Just for future reference, I did it (easily) with CLS, RHan, Chewie, Thrawn and Finn. A lot of stuns, he didn't get a turn.
    Yup, stun-lock and nuke, nothing fancy. I've done it with Wiggs and some support before though not vs a relic'd Malak.
  • Jarvind
    3926 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    I can tell you that Nihilus is a bad idea, because his stupid unique will keep putting dots on Malak and causing him to get feared.

    Why no, I'm not bitter about having learned this the hard way, why do you ask

  • Mephisto_style
    5724 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    My R7 Han Solo solos Malaks when it comes down to the 2 of them. He's part of my arena team though, so my mods are tight on him. Most people I fight in GAC don't put DR/Malak on defense. Kinda funny to if they did they would beat me. Hmmm, now that I think about it, maybe R7 Han Solo isn't good at Malak 1v1 if what I am seeing is that of the DR Malak teams I can beat with my CLS team, my Han Solo takes out Malak. That is probably preventing me from seeing the Malaks Han can't take out.
    Try and get 3 stacks of confuse on Malak 1st either way
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    Most people I fight in GAC don't put DR/Malak on defense. Kinda funny to if they did they would beat me.

    Lucky you. I've been battling a wave of opponents with both Revans on D and it's kind of a dealbreaker for me.

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    Stun, shock, heal block seem to work pretty well. Unless Malak has an ultra-high tenacity build, of course. I ran into one with 170%+ tenacity, it didn't go well.
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    Thrawn L and a couple of other Empire toons. Key is to control TM, so that Malak is either fractured, or about to be fractured. DT and Shore are my preferred two. (so fracture Malak, do your damage, and when it's Thrawn's turn again use his L ability and 2nd special (TM swap) to make sure the next hit on Malak is fracture).
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Dwinkelm
    768 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    Han Solo + Savage Opress, gear level doesn’t even matter.

    This works assuming you left Malak in the “yellow” health, or can get him there with one attack from Han.

    Han shoots first, stuns Malak, then SA uses Overpower special and go SMASH. ByeBye Malak. Works every time.
  • MomoTheNinja
    102 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    The two kylos also work well. Kylo has healing immunity on his basic, KRU has tenacity down and a two turn stun, both take reduced damage from drain life. Dooku can also help, with shock and stun. I always look for healing immunity and stuns to take out lone malaks.

    Edit: another team I use is Maul, Savage, Sideous, Dooku, and sith assassin.
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    Arneth2 wrote: »
    Ewoks can kill a R7 Malak. They only need to be gear 11
  • TVF
    36608 posts Member
    I have literally never seen a "G13 Malak team" with L3 until now.
    I need a new message here.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    "g13 with a few relics and g12 L3, to kill synergy, team"*
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • mikk207
    242 posts Member

    some rng may be involved, but until now it worked for me.

    you have to evaluate if probe can take malak below 50% health and you need
    a lot of poteny on sid to have a better chance on inflicting healing immunity
  • SkipHonk
    1 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    I had one team left to beat in GA - HK,Badstilla,G13Malak (I had already beat DR and SETrooper)

    GG took em out no sweat. His healing immunity was key
  • TVF
    36608 posts Member
    I really wish people would stop bumping threads from March 2020.
    I need a new message here.
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    I once used a Traya lead combo with Savage, and skipped having to do a bunch of damage by using Savage’s special when he dipped below 50%
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    I feel like the wayback machine just hit me on the head!
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    I run G8/9 Traya trio plus one additional tank. They don't do enough damage to trigger his Drain Life reset and you just sit around waiting for Annihilate. It's worked every time I've had to clean up.
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    You could use Mando to disintegrate him. He doesn't even need to be high gear, just as long as he stays alive and you've got a leader with a quick contract.
  • Budgernaut
    118 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    You could use Mando to disintegrate him. He doesn't even need to be high gear, just as long as he stays alive and you've got a leader with a quick contract.

    Yep. For a full DR/Malak team I would use Jango lead for the speed and the enemy debuffs themselves, making the contract easy to fulfill. But for a lone Malak, I'd take an Aurra Sing lead with Bossk, Greef Karga, Mando and Dengar. Bossk will not be stealthed, so he should take the hit that removes buffs, allowing your other BHs to use 10 abilities while stealthed to fulfill the contract so Mando can disintegrate Malak.

    Although I've found that a 1-2 punch from r7 Boba's and Jango's rockets can topple a Malak. I've beat Malak before without getting Mando's disintegrate ready. I'm assuming, though that most people aren't zealots who r7'd their Bounty Hunters first.

    EDIT: I did some more testing and Aurra Sing is better than I thought for this. Her contract says, "Use an ability 10 times while stealthed." What I discovered is that during assists, if at least one bounty hunter is stealthed, bith attacks count as stealth attacks. So when a stealthed Greef calls in assists, you get 1 for his ability and 4 for the assisting bounty hunters - even though Bossk isn't stealthed! If malak is debuffed and a stealthed Dengar's basic calls Bossk to assist, that counts as 2 stealthed attacks! And if Bossk calls a stealthed bounty hunter to assist, his electro net also counts toward the contract, even if he isn't stealthed! I did a quick Goigle search to see if this came up but I didn't find anything. I'm sure others have discovered this, too, but I just found it out for myself this morning.
    Post edited by Budgernaut on
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    Thrawn. The answer involves Thrawn.

    Thanks a lot. I also felt like it involves him. Had a single R7 Malak in 3v3 left so went in again with GG B2 and thrawn. Worked out well.
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    I usually use JTR/BB8.

    So, JTR's healing immunity straight up prevents him from healing, and she also keeps him from generally taking any turns outside of the health thresholds, AND keeps him ability blocked, which means he just basics. His basic doesn't go through foresight, so he can't hit either of them.

    If your JTR's not geared enough to do it 2-man, just throw RT, or R2 or 3PO on the team.

    Since Malak should realistically never hit JTR, outside of maybe the first turn, you should be able to pretty consistently keep him stuck in a loop of not taking turns or being ability blocked, and keep healing immunity up 100% of the time.

    You can also maybe throw a pre-taunt tank on the team to absorb that first hit to ensure JTR stays clear of debuffs for the reduced cooldowns. Can literally be ungeared, only needs to take 1 hit.

    Normal JTR/BB8 strat, wave, wiggle, call bb8 to assist, wiggle, wave, repeat until ID is up.

    Since I don't have a proper 3v3 DR counter outside of GL Rey, I'll usually throw either JKR or CLS at the team to kill BSF/DR, then finish Malak off with JTR if he lives.

    And unlike other healing immunity based teams, tenacity does nothing to JTR's.
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