Christmas goodies speculation.

What do you guys hope to receive from CG for Christmas?
Personally, im hoping for some signal data.


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    Same as last year, 0 of everything
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    They confirmed there won't be any Christmas gifts, so yeah.
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    They simultaneously do not celebrate any winter holidays, so no gifts, but also do celebrate winter holidays, so many packs!
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    So we get packs but no goodies ?
    This is the only game i play that doesnt give away christmas goodies.
    EA = scrooge

    We get this thread every year. You get goodies on Star Wars day and on the game’s anniversary. Do other games give you freebies on those dates?
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    Packs that I can ignore!
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Makes one wonder what all these festivities events are about.
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    Our gift is the daily packs... Isn't this how the holidays work?
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    They're clearly falling behind on their yearly income, so we have packs on packs on packs to purchase as our holiday gift to them. For only 99.99, you too can sponsor a starving EA dev.
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    Am I the only one getting these -free- events that are obviously made as a christmas present or is everyone of the posters blind?
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    Logic and facts don’t have any place on this forum @MaruMaru - go get your torch and pitchfork!
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    Nothing. They have even answered in QA why:

    "The primary reason for this is that the Star Wars universe doesn't celebrate Christmas and as a consequence we don't either. "

    Except those Christmas packs ofc.
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    Yup, they don’t typically send out freebies at Christmas time but they do run a bunch of extra events over the holiday period.
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    Jokes aside and truth be told, I'd be happy with a single CWC shard. :)
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    Has no one here heard of Life Day?
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Am I the only one getting these -free- events that are obviously made as a christmas present or is everyone of the posters blind?

    Tbf they didn't hold those events throughout the month like they normally do. So this isn't then giving us anything more than usual. It isn't really a gift.
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Am I the only one getting these -free- events that are obviously made as a christmas present or is everyone of the posters blind?

    Tbf they didn't hold those events throughout the month like they normally do. So this isn't then giving us anything more than usual. It isn't really a gift.

    Are you sure? Have you compared frequency of each with the previous months?
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    The multiple concurrent events currently in progress provide the extra rewards to fulfill your entitlement needs.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Has no one here heard of Life Day?

    Has no one here looked at the event calendar?
    I need a new message here.
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    The multiple concurrent events currently in progress provide the extra rewards to fulfill your entitlement needs.

    Entitlement? How dare you sir/madam! I DESERVE this free stuff!
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    The multiple concurrent events currently in progress provide the extra rewards to fulfill your entitlement needs.

    extra mythic events? which they stopped running more regularly in the first place and give out miniscule rewards? Raddus and Finalizer are always 2x a month so nothing has changed on that front. There's 2 extra heroic events which mostly just give 2 zetas and some character shards. Except the Zombie/Spirit one. That one doesn't give zetas. 2 extra assault battles. Which if you can't beat at least CT 1 you're only getting extra omegas and character shards tops. Some extra Home One, Executrix, Endurance shards......hurray?

    It's rather silly to say you don't celebrate Christmas (Life Day) in the game because Christmas doesn't exist in Star Wars (which it does. it's called Life Day. Top Hat needs to watch the Holiday Special, apparently) but then post packs with images of ice and calling them "Week of Festivities" packs and "Festive Relic Bundle" "Jolly Festive Relic Bundle" "Jubilant Festive Relic Bundle" telling us to "Celebrate the holidays with this limited time bundle". If Star Wars is sterile from Christmas because there is no Christmas in Star Wars (seriously CG, you should know better) why are they invoking Christmas in the game?
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    It is your perogative to skip the events if you wish to better air your grievances in honor of the Festivus season.
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    Bottom line is they just don’t celebrate Christmas like every other mobile game in the universe. Whether it’s out of PC (remember, they courted China very hard) or greed, who’s to say.

    But then CG has never really seen the value in building goodwill with its player base. The general attitude flowing down from Disney has always been ‘we have Star Wars; give us your money and say thank you’
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
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    I know we'll never get consistency again from CG. We had it, briefly, once upon a time but looking at the calendar they're now just reorganizing it to give the illusion they're gifting us things that were already scheduled. The assault battles being the shining example of that. 5 days of assault battles but only 2 extra assault battles for the "gift". But it feels like they're giving you something more because they're back to back to back.

    The anniversary pack was very generous but I'm off to make Star Wars gingerbread droids, wookies, jedi, and bounty hunters. Happy Life Day everyone I hope you have a good one!
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    They won’t give us anything other then packs. I find it ironic, laughably at that, we get holiday packs for purchase but CG then says they don’t celebrate Christmas or the holidays.

    I wouldn’t buy a single holiday pack out of sheer spite. If it has the word holiday in it, I won’t be buying it. Sorry CG, you don’t celebrate Christmas/the holidays so I can’t spend on anything you put out for the holodays (pun intended that they missed) :)
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Am I the only one getting these -free- events that are obviously made as a christmas present or is everyone of the posters blind?

    Tbf they didn't hold those events throughout the month like they normally do. So this isn't then giving us anything more than usual. It isn't really a gift.

    Are you sure? Have you compared frequency of each with the previous months?

    LOL - This made my day....If you have to compare a possible "gift", I'd say it's pretty safe to assume it's not really a great gift.

    Anywho it's whatever....we do get quite a bit on the anniversary.
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    This is what MSF gave their player base for the holidays. Is it much? In game value is decent, and more so during double XP and a campaign event. By their own pricing it’s worth about $35. They’re also doing special holiday deals as well.

    CG could’ve definitely done something aside from poor packs
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