The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    Extreme modding and amazing RNG in the raid that has horrific RNG (the splash damage that can easily kill a critical support in one turn, mainly), generally awful gameplay, and then a guild user experience requiring ridiculous coordination that this game obviously wasn't made to support and that CG hasn't done anything to make better (re viewing raid damage, airplane mode, holding damage, seeing damage % at the end of a run while holding the damage, etc).

    All CG did is add high relic requirements and make things ridiculous. And one guy with good mods and great RNG who already has r8 does well in one phase and suddenly something needs to be looked into.
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    It's as if the controversial raid-wide ramping damage mechanic which is supposed to encourage teamwork and prevent soloing is actually having the opposite effect. ;)

    Attempting to force onerous levels of coordination with the raid-wide ramping damage mechanic of Pit Fighter II encourages players to look for ways to post more individual damage.

    An 11-1 ratio between the top and bottom payouts for the key reward which is only obtainable through this raid encourages players to look for ways to post more individual damage.

    The ramping damage mechanic is a huge pain for the player base and does not in fact fulfil its intensed role of constraining individual damage and fostering teamwork.

    It's time to go back to the whiteboard and rethink the raid mechanics and rewards. That is the message the dev team should be getting from this mess @CG_Doja_Fett .
  • TVF
    36707 posts Member
    FistyCuffs wrote: »
    Perhaps the community need to take control like a wide spread strike on not doing the c pit raid.

    You first. We're right behind you. But don't look back.
    I need a new message here.
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    I hope above all hope, that this was just a knee **** reaction to an unexpected aspect of one part of the raid. It was bound to happen- but I hope by investigation it is as viewed as acceptable and left alone. He can’t solo the raid just one phase. If they nerf his siphon - that will always affect his performance in the other phases as well. Or even hstr?
    This would be one of the greater nerfs to ever hit a toon, and the repercussions would be dire.
    I hope we’re just all imagining a doomsday scenario, they can’t nerf him now can they?
    Hell nightsisters and anakin solo p3 of the hstr phase... geez it’s going to be a long weekend anticipating the “ruling” on this....
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    By all means fix it so one squad cannot solo any particular phase, hard cap it at 20% if you need to. But make two guild friendly changes.

    Make the rewards actually flat as described in your original post.

    Get rid of the ramping stats for each phase as the boss gets damaged. This makes it so that everyone in the guild has to post damage at the same time, and makes it super tough on the officers and is literally making guilds fold.
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    Hahaha the funniest thing is when they said the rewards are flattened. Literally requires the entire guild to do partake in the raid but half of the guild get nothing.
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    CG: We saw your thousands of posts to buff GL SEE the last 4 months, but we finally reached a decision: No buffs.

    Also CG: We saw a video yesterday where GL SLKR, when properly modded with mods most people don't have, can beat 1 phase of the new insanely and ridiculously hard raid we designed to destroy guilds. Quick, nerf!!!

    Guys, stop giving these guys your money. Something something, a fool and their money parted...
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    I think it's more likely they buff the raid than nerf SLKR. Though really, they shouldn't do either.

    This is a stupid raid. The mechanics are lame. Seeing someone solo phase 1 was the best thing I've seen in this game for a while. Don't ruin it CG.
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    Was noone here when the same was happening in other raids? Hard to see the why people are surprised.
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    Huntman wrote: »
    CUFCfan wrote: »
    'We can't have a squad completing a whole phase on its own, we didn't budget for that to happen!'

    @CG_Doja_Fett why does it seem like CG are fully against the community theory crafting and stamping out anything successful?

    Good luck getting a real answer. If you didn't notice that CG tag in front or his name you're just going to get a generic answer. CG "protecting the integrity of the game". CG is just protecting their wallets.

    Follow the money trail.

    They stand to gain a lot more $$$ by having 50 members in a guild spend to make a full team of R5 characters, than a single person spending to get SLKR and soloing the whole phase.

    Let's just break it down.

    Spend needed to take one character from G12 to R5 (assuming you just buy the gear and don't farm it):
    ~$120. Now multiply that by 5 for a full raid team: ~$600. Now multiply that by 50 people for full raid coordination: ~$30,000.

    Now contrast and compare to a single GL team beating a whole phase: Only ~$600 in gear assuming GL was already unlocked.

    So you can see obviously there is a good motivation to not let a single GL solo a whole phase, and instead it's more profitable to keep the raid difficult and make the entire guild participate to clear a phase.

    I'm not saying what CG is doing is wrong. On the contrary. They are a company, and their objective is to make money, feed their employees, and increase the profits of their shareholders. I'm just stating the obvious as to why things are the way they are.
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    For real. This raid is the absolute worst thing they have ever done. I started a month after launch, and this is the first content I’ve seen and said, “yeah, I’ll never do that.” Which is a horrible direction for the game.
    Change the mechanics, the entire community is screaming it. Just listen.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    So let me get this straight. SLKR can solo a phase of ReRancor....and CG is surprised??!?

    They didn't thoroughly test the only GL that could solo the entire HSith raid - the hardest raid at the time?

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    With which Team is/was That ?
  • Adoy_IdeJ
    310 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    Nerf Wat. They wanted a new toon for Geo TB, they picked Wat; honestly I had to Google "Wat Tambor" when they announced him. Lame character. Nerf him, limit his tech to other Separatists. Leave SLK alone please.
    And rework Mace
    Nerf Wat, rework Mace Windu. Problem solved.

    He's a very well known character in the SW universe. So, no. Maybe know more about SW in the first place?

    As for this "investigation". Kitten you CG, all the way to your core. If you decide to make these changes I want my R8 materials back from SLKR.

    Besides to be able to solo P1 you need some ungodly mods which most won't.

    P2-p4 is still a faeces show, the whole raid is a shower of excrement.

    So no. Don't change P1. Go get kittened.

    If you're going to investigate anything. Investigate this absolute travesty of a raid
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    I think it's more likely they buff the raid than nerf SLKR. Though really, they shouldn't do either.

    This is a stupid raid. The mechanics are lame. Seeing someone solo phase 1 was the best thing I've seen in this game for a while. Don't ruin it CG.

    And on that hand- if they buff the raid and now Slkr can’t even get 10% - smaller guilds won’t be able to clear it - that could sour a lot of people. Not to mention those that dropped r8 mats on Slkr - I hope this is just us over reacting
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    I believe you should investigate the credentials and expertise of whoever proposed doing the raid in such **** way. It’s boring, it’s old content and the way it needs to be completed is counterintuitive to anything reasonable in games ever. Does your team have ANY idea how to manage a community based game? I think not.
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    Also, maybe investigate how to do an interesting and FUN game mode? You FAILED miserably with Galactic Challenges, with LSGTB, with the new Rancor... should I continue?
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    It's probably the most hilarious dev post I read for all years I play the game. They designed the toon with non-linear damage scaling which will obviously outperform all other by huge margin if able to survive long enough. And NOW they suddenly "investigating", blazing fast. As if it wasn't obvious right from the start. :)
  • MikKro
    333 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    Meanwhile at CG's HQ:


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    The irony of a kylo soloing phase 1 of a raid being a problem. When did tank come out again?

    I know it’s unlikely but let’s hope rather than nerfing a toon they take this as the opportunity to make the changes many of us want. They can kill 2 birds with one stone here. I’m not gonna hold my breath mind, but you never know.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Well, on the surface, "investigating" it doesn't mean any more than "looking into" the coordination issue. But then there's the manner of the announcenents - months vs. days, response in a thread vs. separate announcement, the fact that they have something real enough to make a public announcement, on a weekend no less... Yeah, it's clear what is taken more seriously.
  • Bartek
    116 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    Well... if they nerf any character because of their own inability to test their own game.. it will be hell. CG, just leave it be. You have already made every effort to create as player unfriendly raid as you could. With "flat rewards".
    Maybe tell your "investigators" to fix the missing buttons bug instead.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Well, on the surface, "investigating" it doesn't mean any more than "looking into" the coordination issue. But then there's the manner of the announcenents - months vs. days, response in a thread vs. separate announcement, the fact that they have something real enough to make a public announcement, on a weekend no less... Yeah, it's clear what is taken more seriously.

    The only real thing they said is that they are investigating it.
    This to me sound very similar to the looking into it of the mechanics.

    Best case: they fix the dumb mechanics and implement something hindering high scores in single runs, would give us what we’ve asked and would prevent current phase solo.

    Worst case: they nerf slkr

    Medium case: they buff the raid in a specific way to prevent this phase solo, but don’t change mechanics otherwise and don’t impact other decent teams significantly.

    Let’s reserve judgement until something real is actually communicated.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Well, on the surface, "investigating" it doesn't mean any more than "looking into" the coordination issue. But then there's the manner of the announcenents - months vs. days, response in a thread vs. separate announcement, the fact that they have something real enough to make a public announcement, on a weekend no less... Yeah, it's clear what is taken more seriously.

    The only real thing they said is that they are investigating it.
    This to me sound very similar to the looking into it of the mechanics.

    Best case: they fix the dumb mechanics and implement something hindering high scores in single runs, would give us what we’ve asked and would prevent current phase solo.

    Worst case: they nerf slkr

    Medium case: they buff the raid in a specific way to prevent this phase solo, but don’t change mechanics otherwise and don’t impact other decent teams significantly.

    Let’s reserve judgement until something real is actually communicated.

    When they are determined to give us as little information as possible, we have to look at where/when/how the announcements are made for more. And the direction where this "secondary" information points is more than clear. I guess I could look past the weekend announcement, it's something that popped up just now so it kinda makes sense, but the biggest giveaway is the official announcement vs. comment in a thread. Especially in the light of Kyno arguing yesterday that they make announcement only when they are reasonably certain - it seems they are more certain about SLKR solo than about the coordination issue, which is worrying.
  • MikKro
    333 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    If people can replicate then it could lead to more guilds clearing it and affecting pack purchases. Daddy EA doesn't want that
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    Because p1 of CPit is the problem for guilds, not p4 where 4% with JKL/JML is a good score and you need at least 15 (Rey) to 20 (JKL/JML) people posting at the same time and then zerging with CLS, Malak, GG and Jango. Looks like they truly understand the real burden of this raid.

    Remember guys:
    SLKR doing 50-80% and therefor 2-maning p1 (for weeks)? That's ok.
    SLKR soloing p1 (known since a few days)? OmG, iT's a SOLO!! ShOoT hIM oR SoMeThInG!!!!1!1!11
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    There is nothing in the way SLKR solo's P1 that isn't WAI.
    It is the classic: We are many, CG is only a few - but still they refuse to listen to the community (which has been suggest countless times, including by me, ). The arrogance - the irony!
    IF they nerf the team in any way, then they must compensate everyone that upgraded one of the 5 toons from the release of the raid until now. No questions asked. MAYBE they can get away with it if they combine it with one of the many requested fixes to the raid mechanic that punishes guilds for damage above 80/60/40/20% (see my thoughts on that mechanic here: ). Maybe.
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