Brackets/inflated gp

22 posts Member
edited February 2021
Is anyone else fed up with GA bracketing system now that gl’s are out? It needs to be reworked and not only based on gp. Especially after they suckered us to inflate our gp’s for TB and then after that come out with gp where it screwed you over.
I feel they should allow each account to at least drop about 20-25 useless characters that we will never use as they are just terrible and aren’t needed anywhere back down to level 1.
GA bracket system needs to be changed and include how many gl’s everyone has along with there gp. From now on since I fight a min of 2 gl’s every match I will set all my weakest characters on d as I have no chance of winning against 3-4 gl’s and those types of rosters with myself only having 1. 2% chance of winning is absolutely no fun at all. I will not be a practice dummy for bigger wallets than mine no longer. Fix the pairing of GA


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Do you have 20-25 useless characters in your top 80?

    The top 80 (or less depending on your bracket), are the only things used for matchmaking in GAC.
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    No but I could have sworn what I saw is based on gp. Once over a certain gp your in with the heavyweights. No matter how many gls each have? K so no matter your gp. Top 80 are counted? It matters nothing that a new guy who bought all 4 gls and has 80 characters at 7* lvl 1 gets into the same bracket as myself when I leveled everything I could for TB deployment.
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    Once these gl’s came out someone who started playing after TB is way way ahead of the ballgame of those of us who inflated our gp’s for TB deployments. Just seems like they need to change it now that gl’s and sucking us into inflating our rosters for TB.
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    No but I could have sworn what I saw is based on gp. Once over a certain gp your in with the heavyweights. No matter how many gls each have? K so no matter your gp. Top 80 are counted? It matters nothing that a new guy who bought all 4 gls and has 80 characters at 7* lvl 1 gets into the same bracket as myself when I leveled everything I could for TB deployment.
    That’s not how it works.

    If you can find one example of what you’re talking about, show us.

    If you have no GL and get matched with people who have 1 or more, it’s nothing to do with what you levelled for TB any more
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    No but I could have sworn what I saw is based on gp. Once over a certain gp your in with the heavyweights. No matter how many gls each have? K so no matter your gp. Top 80 are counted? It matters nothing that a new guy who bought all 4 gls and has 80 characters at 7* lvl 1 gets into the same bracket as myself when I leveled everything I could for TB deployment.
    That’s not how it works.

    If you can find one example of what you’re talking about, show us.

    If you have no GL and get matched with people who have 1 or more, it’s nothing to do with what you levelled for TB any more


    Brackets are determined by your total GP, this is the larger group you are set in and is what defines your rewards.

    Your matched from the larger group with other players based on the GP of your top 80 toons.

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    It was the division I was thinking about. Just found it. Either way it’s still skewed. Just look at the GA I’m in this round. Everyone has minimum 2 gl’s against my 1. You tell me what chance I have unless I get totally lucky and they don’t set 1 on defense. Even then I barely have a chance when they get to use 2 gl’s on offense. I’ve fought the good fight as long as I could. I’m tired of being mismatched and up against 7 unfair opponents. I think last round our loosing bracket the guy I fought didn’t have any gl’s. I felt really bad for him. We fought in the looser bracket last match. He didn’t have a chance cause no gl. Whales should be with whales, baby whales against baby whales and so on and so. It is just totally unfair now days with gl’s. Fair matches are fun but 7 players with 2-4 gl’s against 1. Yeah forget it. They won’t use me as a counter practice anymore. Lost way to many of those and worked way to hard for those loses. I get you like to favor the people who spend the 1.2 billion you’ve made that we’ve all contributed to but for Pete’s sake at least make the matchmaking fair
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    Go look at my GA right now and you tell me. I’m sure you’ll say you got the roster lol. Yeah okay then you go use my roster against 2-4 gls. Let’s see how you hold up GA after GA and don’t get tired of it.
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    How are we supposed to look at your GA?

    Post your account link, maybe we can help you understand why you keep getting matched with 2 GL owners when you’ve only got 1.

    Again, though, if you’re getting matched with 2 GL owners when you’ve only got 1, it’s because of decisions you’ve made LONG after inflating GP for TB was a thing.
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    Haha haven’t been able to get in there in who knows how long. I’ve sent myself an email to change the password for years and never get an email or responded to my emails to help me get back in. Yes yes decisions I’ve made caused me to be placed with 2 gl’s or more every GA even tho I’m not the one who came out with the rules and the GL’s after everything lol. Those were mine and my ideas to favor the ones who pay the most of hat 1.2 billion even tho my dumb **** put in way more than my fair share. I’m out of a job now. I can’t pay the 100’s of thousands your greedy 1.2billion has made to keep up with the whales. Either do I have that kind of money to argue with a company that rich about how unfair the GA is.

    I think the name on .gg is Pappadragon. I don’t even know anymore to be honest that whole mess is so scrued up. Haha now I’ll be banned for speaking how i feel lol. Money is power.
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    You don’t have to explain it. You already said it. Your rich company blames it on me cause it didn’t make good decisions lmao. I also didn’t spend 100k to you to get each gl. Like I knew what I needed 2 years ago to work on to make sure and have all 4 gl’s as soon as they came out. SMH level a bunch of characters we never would have used. I know it won’t change. I don’t expect it to. I just want everyone who is shafted like me cause of the bad decisions I’ve made lmfao to jump on board and start wanting the **** matchmaking changed. It’s ridiculous to not even have a chance. Your gonna look me up to tell me why I am in and why I can’t beat 2-4 gl’s. That’s funny. All you have to say is we want all of your money. We want you broke out in the street so you can keep up with all those who have spent all the money to get every gl. Go ahead tell me the truth. Not bad decisions lol
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    Yep just tried again. Put user name and sent my email for password change and nothing to my inbox.

    Just come out and say it. Not excuses I’ve made bad decisions lmao. Just say it. we do it to force all of you to add to the 1.2 billion we’ve made so that you have no choice but to spend a **** tone more to get he most gls and keep up lmao. That’s what it’s all about. Not about fair matchmaking. There’s a **** good reason why a bunch of talk is going around how much gls have ruined this game. I’m finding out how bad now. O and explain this. If it’s not for even more money grabs. Why when I had no gl’s at about the same gp I am now maybe a tad off was I would fight 1-2. Now I got one and I fight 2-4 90% of the time? It’s cause you all are saying spend more spend more lol. Matchmaking needs rework and gl’s have ruined this game
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    Only having one GL at 6.5M GP puts you in rare company, so I’m not surprised you keep getting matched with 2 GL owners.

    You’re very close to being ready for JML, so the GP that Biggs, Wedge, Lando, ROLO etc are adding to your matchmaking GP without any real benefit (yet) is what’s weighing you down. Once you finish Mon Mothma and Chewpio and get the relics sorted on everyone, you’ll get that 2nd GL and your matchmaking will improve.
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    Sighghhhhh yes I know that. I know what I’m working towards. That doesn’t explain when I didn’t have one I always fought 1-2 of them every match. Now I get one thinking I’ll be competitive again. Hell no now I’m up against 2-4 of them every match. That’s not saying spend more to get all 4?

    And hell yes I’m at 6.5 gp . Once tb came out I inflated it for deployments. Now I’m totally screwed in GA. You say cause of my bad decisions lol.
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    Once I get OML it won’t matter. I won’t fight anyone less than 3 gls then.

    And if there’s any help at all how to get my account back so Incan get logged back in to cause nothing I’ve tried is working
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    Once I get OML it won’t matter. I won’t fight anyone less than 3 gls then.

    And if there’s any help at all how to get my account back so Incan get logged back in to cause nothing I’ve tried is working

    You'll need to contact about that. It's a third party site, which neither EA or CG are involved with
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    I thought you said gp doesn’t matter? What does it matter my gp if it doesn’t matter?
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    Plus you even just proved my point lmao. You just said my gp is weighing me down after saying it had nothing to do with it? Wth is really going on. You also said once I get more gl’s will improve my matchmaking even tho it won’t. That will just insure I fight 4 every time. So why are you contradicting yourself?
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    I’m not contradicting myself (assuming you’re addressing me, it’s hard to tell when you don’t use a quote)

    - you are matched on the GP of your top 80 toons.
    - There is absolutely no way that any of the inflation you did for TB deployment (which first arrived in August 2017) is still in your top 80 toons. Your 80th GP toon is Pao, by the way. Nobody below him is having any bearing on who you get matched with
    - At the moment, your top 80 is being affected by several of the less useful JML toons I mentioned earlier, but you don’t have the benefit of owning JML yet. Some people choose to avoid this by hoarding all the gear / relic materials for all required toons before putting it all on at once when they’re ready for the event. I do what you do, and just apply the gear as I get it, but it does have a downside.

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    You said at the start top 80. Gp has nothing to do with it. Now your saying because of my gp and one gl that’s why I’m in with 2-4.
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    Why when I didn’t have 1 I fought 1-2 every time. Now it’s 2-4.
    When I get OML it will be 3-4 and it’s my top 80? Why am I not fighting more people with only 1 right now? Was can’t it at least be looked at and more fair. Now with gls it’s different. Doesn’t matter top 80. Doesn’t matter gp. It matters gls lol. You can’t consistently win or even win 50% of the time fighting more than what you have.

    I have emailed them at and nobody ever gets back to me to get back my account.
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    You don’t get to 6.5M GP without having lots of relic level characters, etc. There’s a comparison between you and me, above. I’ve got 82 relic toons and 3 GLs. You’ve got 58 and 1 GL. That’ll probably change to 61 and 2 GL soon.

    What I meant was it is rare to find someone with 58 relic toons that has only got 1 GL to show for it.

    And none of that gearing / relicing was part of your TB inflation.
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    Lol yes because I lost my job and can no longer afford to dump in the thousands it takes to get the gls. You got a free account. That is not a fair comparison. I’m back having to grind. Yes what I have now is inflating from TB mainly. I leveled a bunch of stupid characters for that. Ones I never should have. And to keep up with counters hat would come out that I needed. You won’t see the problem the majority of us have as to why most people don’t even set defense or really play anymore cause of how skewed the system is now. I can’t expect you to understand when you have accesss to a free account and know exactly what to gear 2 years in time or have access to money and or a free account to get the exact characters you have to buy in order to get a gl right when it comes out. That bracket of whales should be on there own. Then medium whales, small fish who spend a little (100k) or less and then ftp or something like that. Not this **** we have now.
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    I always thought once you hit 6 million gp and were in division 1 for GA you get matched with anyone above 6 million gp as well irrespective of your top 80 toons?
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Lol yes because I lost my job and can no longer afford to dump in the thousands it takes to get the gls. You got a free account. That is not a fair comparison. I’m back having to grind. Yes what I have now is inflating from TB mainly. I leveled a bunch of stupid characters for that. Ones I never should have. And to keep up with counters hat would come out that I needed. You won’t see the problem the majority of us have as to why most people don’t even set defense or really play anymore cause of how skewed the system is now. I can’t expect you to understand when you have accesss to a free account and know exactly what to gear 2 years in time or have access to money and or a free account to get the exact characters you have to buy in order to get a gl right when it comes out. That bracket of whales should be on there own. Then medium whales, small fish who spend a little (100k) or less and then ftp or something like that. Not this **** we have now.

    um, wut?
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    I don’t expect you to understand. As long as all the whales get there feee wins before the championship match to where that one should be competitive. As long as the company is getting there billions and the little guy who has no chance along with being told unless you give us all your money and live on the street to keep up are all happy. Everyone wins in all the rich eyes. Just want it out there so others now now screwed it is.
  • TVF
    36620 posts Member
    I have less GP than you and three GL and I've spent about $100 per year I've been playing.
    I need a new message here.
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    Richfxxx wrote: »
    I always thought once you hit 6 million gp and were in division 1 for GA you get matched with anyone above 6 million gp as well irrespective of your top 80 toons?

    This is definitely not true.
    Lol yes because I lost my job and can no longer afford to dump in the thousands it takes to get the gls. You got a free account. That is not a fair comparison. I’m back having to grind. Yes what I have now is inflating from TB mainly. I leveled a bunch of stupid characters for that. Ones I never should have. And to keep up with counters hat would come out that I needed. You won’t see the problem the majority of us have as to why most people don’t even set defense or really play anymore cause of how skewed the system is now. I can’t expect you to understand when you have accesss to a free account and know exactly what to gear 2 years in time or have access to money and or a free account to get the exact characters you have to buy in order to get a gl right when it comes out. That bracket of whales should be on there own. Then medium whales, small fish who spend a little (100k) or less and then ftp or something like that. Not this **** we have now.

    Ok. All hopes of rational debate has gone, I see.

    I have spent somewhere in the region of £400-500 over the near 5 years I’ve been playing.

    I don’t know what you mean by “free account”, and your TB claims are quite obviously false - remember everyone from Pao up is what affects your matchmaking.
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    Yes what I have now is inflating from TB mainly. I leveled a bunch of stupid characters for that.

    You have 58 relic'd characters. Relics were introduced after GAC changed matchmaking. So rather you made your decisions knowingly, or you didn't know how matchmaking worked.
    If you didn't know, you could blame CG's communication for that, but that's not matchmaking's fault.
    If you relic'd them knowingly, then you made a strategic decision that favored TB but hurt you in GAC. It's your choice, you play the game as you please, but it's not matchmaking's fault neither.

    On an unrelated note, I hope you find a job that suits you in no time.

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    Yes you are correct all hope of good communication left the building.

    Why is it when I didn’t have a gl I always fought 1-2? Now I get one and it’s nothing but 2-4? What in your words did I do hat changed my top 80 that much when all I worked on was those toons and that gl?

    I don’t expect nothing less from you than to protect the system that is soooooo flawed right now and Turing people away from your billion dollar game.
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    In what world do you not understand when you don’t have a gl and have to fight 1-2. Or have one and fight 2-4 every GA is fair? Since gls came out it should be looked at again cause you have no chance depending on gls now. The system hasn’t changed since gls and have ruined the game in this regard. You think it’s still fair and won’t listen to reason just want to keep blaming god only knows how many are in the same position as myself.
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