So where are you in Conquest and how'd you spend?



  • Gawejn
    1126 posts Member
    Main 3,4m GP max rewards. Few refreshes Just for fun. Gear Gear and Gear for currency
    Alt 995k GP 6th reward box 360/425...not expected to do so well.. So nice surprise..
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    368/425, no GL's and 0 refreshes. I could keep trying for some of the rewards but I'm content at crate 6.
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    I am up to iml with just 1 million gp can't beat him though but padme with cooldown reduction is op
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    no refreshes
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    I finished and have max reward. I know you can complete feats you missed or get 3* on battles you didn't, but does this earn you additional conquest currency? It appears not, as i 3*'d one i was missing and it didn't seem to increase. Perhaps only for the feats? Is there a reason to burn the extra energy or just for completion sake?
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I finished and have max reward. I know you can complete feats you missed or get 3* on battles you didn't, but does this earn you additional conquest currency? It appears not, as i 3*'d one i was missing and it didn't seem to increase. Perhaps only for the feats? Is there a reason to burn the extra energy or just for completion sake?

    From my experience, just completion sake on feats and 3* battles once max crate is achieved.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Not sure if I should try Hard or not. Max rewards for Normal may be better than what I can get from Hard. We'll see.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Not sure if I should try Hard or not. Max rewards for Normal may be better than what I can get from Hard. We'll see.

    Theyve said that the first crate in hard is better than the last one in normal.
    “But you know what I always say: Speak softly and drive a big tank.”
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    My alt account lost heaps of battles trying to beat stuff or get feats with bad teams. Still got max crate with no refreshes.

    Just made sure not to let the energy reach max so I was always building it up.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Not sure if I should try Hard or not. Max rewards for Normal may be better than what I can get from Hard. We'll see.

    Theyve said that the first crate in hard is better than the last one in normal.

    Welp. Nevermind, then! I’ll go as far as I can go and then just keep filling in blanks, I guess. Thanks!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Of course it's possible that it will be so hard you won't even earn the first rewards crate on Hard.

    But as long as you earn any crate, you'll get rewards that are worth it.

    (Technically the 1st rewards crate is exactly equal to the max crate in normal mode, not better. Since you'll also miss more of those progress rewards (the 100k credits + trinket ones between crates) it's possible to do better in Normal than in Hard (same reward crate + more progress rewards).

    Still, since the progress rewards are mere trinkets, and since you at least have the possibility of getting better than you did under normal with the Tier 2 crate, I would strongly recommend anyone who got max crate in Normal to try the Hard mode. Theoretically you could fail to earn any prize box, but I doubt that will happen. So the worst you should actually expect is to lose a few trinkets. I think the potential reward is more than worth the risk. Even at low GP, if you were clever enough to get a bad roster up to max rewards in Normal, you're probably clever enough to score a reward crate tier worth of points.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I feel like if your roster is good enough to max out Normal you can AT LEAST get one box in Hard. You might need to do every node with the same Galactic Legend and may only clear the first board, but you’ll get all the feats. Or at least enough for that first box.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I think you're right, Nic, but since I haven't seen Hard i don't want to promise anyone a box and have them get mad at me later, so I'm just being a little hesitant on that point until we get that look at Hard Mode.
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    I think Nic is probably right too, however with no data disks to start, if the normal mode sector 5 was a struggle for you, it may be possible to miss getting a reward crate in hard mode. GL owners should be fine, but no one really knows yet.
  • Stryde
    152 posts Member
    It looks like most people who posted on this thread did really well with Conquest. Congrats!

    I wanted to offer one counterpoint, but it's not one which will teach you to play better. It's just my notes. I struggled with three key pieces of Conquest: getting started, understanding data disks, and locating feats.

    Morning, Day 1, I looked at Conquest and thought it was too complicated to play without more reading up on it. So I worked a 10-hour day and came back to my still full energy. I know now this delay was a mistake. Multiple days, I had max energy before I started for the day, compounding my error. If I could go back--and I'll be able to start on a better foot going forward in about 5 hours--I would have just started playing without worrying too much, especially as I never got to reading up on anything about Conquest for two weeks until the first round was over.

    I "completed" the first two sectors without even using data disks. Zero point to hindering myself, except I misunderstood the disks as the consumables and didn't want to waste them, and I was able to 3* most battles on the first try and work toward the event feats. I didn't grasp why I didn't have full points for each sector yet. I wasn't curious enough, and I knew I was already "behind." [Be curious*.] I don't enjoy having to use Conquest credits to remove disks, especially without a stronger interface to view purchased disk bonuses, but I get it from a game economy argument, even though I'd vote for gold credits for removing equipped disks.

    And finally, feats. I don't have anything to add beyond what's been said, both positively and negatively, but I missed the sector and boss feats until sector 3. I understand where to find them now.

    I beat sector 5 only thirty hours before this Conquest ended. I went back for feats and maxed sectors 1-3. I did not manage my time to figure out the last two sectors and feats. I did not spend crystals, and I only earned the second-to-last crate; I should have done better. Seeing that players finished four days early with max rewards truly let's me see how far behind I got, but I'll have a better sense with the hard mode of how to manage my time to not make the same mistakes.

    Good luck out there, y'all.

    *Thanks, Walt. Thanks for the reminder, Ted.
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