Newish Player (Level 68) needs some sort of guidance


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    Yeah, I think I would take Tarkin to g9. Make it the last of Sun Fac/Spy/Soldier to hit any particular gear tier, but don't let him get any more behind than that so long as he's your fleet commander.

    After Tarkin, you're beating GW easily now, with Bastila, correct? I think I'd improve the Jedi that serve under her or you'll slowly lose that golden record. Bastila with her refreshed bonus protection is a heck of a protector, but you still need the offense to go with her, and that comes from JKA & GMY better than it does from Ahsoka. I mean, don't get me wrong, Ahsoka was absolutely the best choice at the time we were setting things up, and she still needs to keep up somewhat since you're still using her in Fleet (IIRC), but JKA & GMY are both better, and you'll want them ready to join Padmé on a meta-squad when you hit level 85.

    So I would bring JKA & GMY up to g9, and Ezra up to g8, if it were me.

    You'll eventually want a mix of g8 & g9 for the Thrawn event, but getting Thrawn unlocked at 5* isn't hard. I bet you could do it with only a little improvement in your Phoenix. Just make sure that everyone is g6, maybe give Kanan g7, maybe Hera too, because she's squishy, but really it's probably enough just to have her leadership even if she dies.

    Since Ezra is going g8, there's no reason to think you can't get Thrawn with an all g6 rest of your crew, and I'm sure it would be downright easy with g8 Ezra & 2x g7 + 2x g6.

    Palp is even easier than Thrawn, so you should have Palp by now. (Or maybe you even already told me you had Palp and Thrawn unlocked & 5*. If you did I forgot. Forgive my redundancy.)

    After that, I guess I'd make sure you're completing top-tier Credit Heist. You might be already, but if not you could stand to round out a few Scoundrels with just enough equipment to get it done. Jango + Boba Fett at g8 + 3 other scoundrels at g6-g7 would be enough, I think. Scoundrels with Stealth, like Mission, can go g6. If you want Zaalbar he's a tank and designed to be hit, so maybe g7. But whether Big Z is g6 or g7, you definitely want to load him out with a full survivability kit. Nothing but health, protection & defense on his mods. Even the arrow mod can be a Health, Protection, defense, or Crit Avoidance primary if you have one lying around. His job won't be to take turns & do damage. His job is to just keep the attackers away from your damage dealers.

    Finally, I think Anakin's ETA-2 would make a good backup ship for you with bringing his gear up, but if you need a little extra muscle in dark side ships, Vader is 6* and just waiting for gear. He could make g8 easily and do okay for himself. I like his ship, especially when he has the chance to sit behind a good tank like Sun Fac.

    The TIE Adv X-1 isn't on your ships list. But i know it's on your Fleet Store purchasing priorities, so I'm wondering if it's sitting unlocked so you can conserve Ship Credits. If so, I agree that's generally a good plan, but the time seems ripe to make a move on his ship.

    Of course, if his ship isn't ready, then no need to give Vader any more gear right now. Too many other things going on. Worry about Vader's gear either when you have a ship to put him in or an Empire squad worthy of the name. (Palp, Vader, Thrawn, Tarkin + Dooku would work fine for that. Yes, Dooku is not Empire, but Palp's leadership works on Sith too, so it will work for a while.)

    Okay so reading back over my thoughts, I'm going to slap these in a priority order. HOWEVER, lots of times two different priority toons use very different gear. For that reason, it's good to do 2 or 3 toons at a time, just making sure that you doing toons with different roles (an attacker & a healer, for example). If they have different roles but you look at the gear they require and too much of it is the same, go ahead and pick a different toon to do simultaneously.

    Anyway, Start with the top toon (and gear goal), then add the next toon down unless it conflicts for gear. If it does, choose a toon lower down the list one place for the supplementary toon (and keep dropping places if you have to). But once the top priority reaches the goal, you should move to the next toon on the list, not make your secondary gear toon into your top gear goal toon if you had to skip down places during a gear conflict. I hope that all makes sense.

    Here we go, approximate gear priority:

    Stage 1:
    Tarkin => g9
    JKA => g9
    GMY => g9
    Spy => g10
    Soldier => g10

    ::::::::> ON Hold: Sun Fac => g11 as soon as your level permits, which means you can do the stuff below as long as it doesn't hurt the gear needed for Sun Fac to go g11 as soon as that becomes available. Make sure you put the Stun Gun & Thermal detonator on now so you don't give needed Carbantis to someone else below here. The rest of the gear, though, should be entirely different, so once SF has the Gun & Thermal, you're good to go for everything else below:

    Stage 2:
    Boba => g8
    Kanan => g7
    Jolee Bindo => g7
    Nute => g10
    Ezra => g8
    Jango => g8
    Zaalbar => g7
    Mission => g6

    Special considerations:
    You'll want to put together an Empire team sometime soon, so long as it doesn't mess up your progression with your most important toons. As soon as you have Palp & Thrawn unlocked, I would bring them to Level 70, g5 or 6 (whichever you can manage without taking away from the gear of the people above). At that point you'll have Palp, Tarkin, Vader, Thrawn + 1 (probably Dooku for a while, but eventually that will be another Imperial). Again, you don't want to sacrifice important progress elsewhere, but they make a good backup team in GAC & Territory War & such.

    Then make sure you keep them no more than 10 levels below player level, so they're at least 75 when you hit 85. Tarkin & probably Vader (since his ship will be ready before then) will be much higher than that, obviously, But the others won't necessarily, unless you have the credits to spare.

    In any case that sub-g7 gear for Thrawn & Palp needs to be on your radar, and boosting Vader should happen at some point in the not too distant future. G9 is a good target for Vader right now, but don't start on that until he's seeing more action, either in his ship or with an Empire squad or, preferably, both.
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    Thanks a lot for your - as always - detailed information and thought process

    And I really don't mind if you ask questions twice or more often. You're giving your time and help to so many people on here, that it would be asked far too much, to remember everything, someone told you.
    But I have Palp unlocked at 5* already, but no Thrawn.

    Quick question in between, Bastila is still G8, should I fit her into the plan, somwhere or just keep her there for now?
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    I considered her in the plan and chose to leave her at g8. The important part of Bastila is her kit, not her gear. Make sure her leadership is up to everything except the zeta, mod her 1st for Health & 2nd for speed, then let her take a backseat while Ahsoka heals any health necessary in emergencies and GMY and JKA go nuts with the damage.

    She can also get you through the Revan event at g8 (with a g7 Jolee Bindo, g7 Zaalbar, g6 T3 & g6 Mission), so I considered that as well and although you will definitely want her at g12 at some point, I think right now you have other priorities.
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    Oh, and I don't know if you've realized this on your own just yet, but Galactic War (I guess technically it's "Galactic Battles: War" now) is a very special game mode since your current (regular) health & current (regular) protection carry over. It's very much a war of attrition, and for that reason ...

    Taunt is a bad plan.

    Since Bastila refreshes bonus protection at the beginning of each battle but not normal protection or health, your ideal scenario is that the enemy attacks every one of your characters a little bit so that they keep damaging bonus protection instead of regular protection or health. If you get a taunt up - only in the special circumstance of a Bastila-led team in GB:W - you're hurting yourself more than helping yourself, since you're concentrating the damage on a single character where it can burn through the bonus protection and start affecting that irreplaceable regular protection and somewhat-replaceable health.

    So I'm not sure what your GB:W squad is under Basty, but I hope there's no tank. Bastila, Ahsoka, Ezra, JKA & GMY should work a treat.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Nec_Azares wrote: »

    This is my CharBox right now
    As you can see, there is a lot of gear ready to go to the right toons

    I am struggling with priorities
    SF is G10 now

    Should I directly go on with Spy, Ahsoka, Soldier, Nute or start with Tarkin?
    Should I get Bastila directly to G9 before getting all Jedi to G8?

    I would stil prioritize Tarkin (your fleet commander) and your Geonosian pilots. If you have the chance of reaching top-20 in fleet arena that's an extra 50 crystals. Also, your Geonosian pilots will help you unlock Padmé as well. You may actually be able to unlock her at 5* already.

    However, there's more to it than gear. Your Tarkin has fallen behind on ability upgrades and mods. Use your omegas with care still, but you should take all his abilities to at least just below omega level. Also put level 15, 5* mods on him (other mod stats don't matter for your capital ship). If you check your Executrix speed (currently at 139) and GP before and after the upgrades you will most likely see an increase or two in speed. Speed is essential for Executrix.
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    Agree with almost everything you said, but just FYI:
    Also, your Geonosian pilots will help you unlock Padmé as well. You may actually be able to unlock her at 5* already.

    The Padmé event is available 365 days/year, but it's also level locked. You are not allowed to attempt it until level 85.

    So... Nec couldn't have a 5* Padmé yet.

    But as I said at first, your main point is absolutely correct. I just looked up their abilities and they have fallen behind. nothing in fleet or squad arenas should have anything less than Ability Level 7 for all abilities.

    I somehow missed the question about Omegas, so it's certainly excellent that Waqui brought that to my attention. I won't write about that in detail just now (since it would require looking up each toon and whether or not it's Omega'd yet), but it makes a difference whether you're sitting on 15 Omegas or 50.

    If you're sitting on 50, you probably want to spend a bunch right now. Keeping a reserve of 20, even at your level, is fairly reasonable since you need 10-16 for each zeta (the number of Omegas is different for different zeta abilities) and you can also come upon event that you realize would be much easier if only you had a certain ability. But above 20 you probably want to spend.

    In general, avoid abilities that grant a +X% damage but nothing else on Omega.

    However, even some of those can get Omegas in the short term if it's on one of your Fleet Arena pilots or your Squad Arena toons.

    Right now look on your Pilots & Squad Arena toons for Specials and Uniques that change what the character can do, rather than just adding a damage bonus. Get those done first, keeping back 20 Omegas for sure, and if you still have some to spend, we can talk about the specifics after that.
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    My GW Jedi Team is exactly as you called it:
    Bastila, GMY, Ezra, Ahsoka, JKA ;)

    I only use taunt there with SF when using the Geos sometimes - more often used to save f.e. Poggle or Soldier

    I didn't spend any omegas other than Nute and I only have 20 of them saved 🤔
    I can't really see the gamechangers:
    Spy has a unevadeable Base skill, Ahsoka has some abilities with GR teams...
    Dooku has Makashi but it will be ok, getting it with 85, because it needs lvl82 and is mostly used for doing 3man fights with Jango ;)

    I know GBA and Vader should be my first Zetas, but
    Omegas are hard to decide.

    Abilities are behind with some toons, i know.
    My Jedi also need a lot of the upped. But everything above Lvl3, there is a lot of greedyness involved in my head, because the materials are scarce aswell.
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    Nec_Azares wrote: »
    Bastila: 82/100
    JKA: 26/100
    Jolee: 41/85
    T3: 67/85
    Zalbaar: 59/85
    Mission: 60/65
    Kanan: 100/100

    Thx. I'd say Bastila will be done in no time. I'd prioritize characters like Greef/Rebel Y-wing as they are great help to their respective factions, or ones like Enfys for GAC/GCs sometimes. Also, Shaak Ti/B1 for GAS will help.

    Jolee is a slow farm so getting to his fleet node is a priority.

    Mission will get there.
    Cantina: Mission (Hera with 1-2 rebuys a day)
    Cantina Store: Chopper (50/100)

    So the refreshes go to hera, and free to Mission. The greater should go to mission (if 2 refreshes, refreshes go to Mission, else free to Mission) as she is on a 16 energy node.
    Hard Nodes:
    surplus energy goes to Sabine until 5*, Wicket/Stun Guns, SnowTrooper/Carbanti and gear thats needed

    Why Sabine? For fleet? As JKA is likely the 1st to finish, I'd fit the next in AFTER he's done. Focus-farm, don't farm randomly. Excess energy should really be focused on gear farming to help gear your arena team / jedi for you.
    Fleet Battles:

    As said above, Jolee node should be added to this list ASAP when you can do it. JKA ship is a great move, and as you are going for Padme 1st, I'd keep GAS in mind. T1
    Fleet Store:
    Slave 1
    Saving 2k and adding the plus to SF ship, Geo Ships and FO Tie

    What are your top 2 fleets?
    Geo Ships and FO Tie saved 3k+ atm

    Ok good. Are Zeb and Poggle done?
    Squad Arena:
    Kanan finished maybe Leia or StHan next

    Tarkin, Nute and Asajj done? STHan 1st, he's needed in every tier of CLS event - Obi-Wan vs Vader tier.
    Guild Store:
    Logray (30 more shards)
    Dengar finished
    Starck finished

    Nice to hear. FOSFTF + FOSFTP combo could be another thing, or clone troopers to build up your GR teams, and prepare for GAS.
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My -
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    Sabine was only for 5* because I got her 4* from login rewards and for unlocking Thrawn as soon as possible - but maybe, Zeb will even be faster if i only buy him when there are enough GW tokens

    I'd like to get to Jolee node, because I know how slow his farm is 😔

    Wicket is good farm imho because of the Stun Guns and I will need him anyways for 3po

    Only have my Geo Fleet with Vulture, Ahsoka and ETA on reserve

    Poggle is done, Zeb unlocked

    Nute, Tarkin, Asajj done
    So STHan before Leia?

    Logray needs 1 more buy

    Clones in Guild store maybe an option now
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    I would go STHan first over Leia if you haven't maxed out the Credit Heist yet. He's a decent scoundrel for that event.

    If you have maxed out Credit Heist already then go Leia first. Other than getting you necessary credits (which requires scoundrels) Leia is better in pretty much any game mode.
    Wicket is good farm imho because of the Stun Guns and I will need him anyways for 3po

    Yep. I always love free stun guns.
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    I would go STHan first over Leia if you haven't maxed out the Credit Heist yet. He's a decent scoundrel for that event.

    If you have maxed out Credit Heist already then go Leia first. Other than getting you necessary credits (which requires scoundrels) Leia is better in pretty much any game mode.
    Wicket is good farm imho because of the Stun Guns and I will need him anyways for 3po

    Yep. I always love free stun guns.

    So do I. The main purpose of the two are CLS event, in which Leia is needed later, ST Han earlier.
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My -
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    Credit heist:
    I managed to 3* the highest available tier last time, and I don't know which tiers are coming up and I don't think I will finish them with my core team of Nute, Boba, Jango, some low Dengar, CW Chewie ;)
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Agree with almost everything you said, but just FYI:
    Also, your Geonosian pilots will help you unlock Padmé as well. You may actually be able to unlock her at 5* already.

    The Padmé event is available 365 days/year, but it's also level locked. You are not allowed to attempt it until level 85.

    So... Nec couldn't have a 5* Padmé yet.

    Ah, yes. I forgot about the level requirement. However, OP's current separatist team is probably strong enough for 5* unlock already.

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    Nec_Azares wrote: »
    I am struggling with priorities
    SF is G10 now

    Should I directly go on with Spy, Ahsoka, Soldier, Nute or start with Tarkin?
    Should I get Bastila directly to G9 before getting all Jedi to G8?
    I think there is a lot of gear needed by more than 1 character, so I don't know who's more gamechanging or if the whole team needs to be on par

    Something I did for gear priorities that has really helped was make a simple Excel sheet with the bottleneck gear pieces, then rank the toons as far is which should get them first. Over the last week since I've implemented it, it's really made the decision making more efficient.

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    Thanks @Intimmydation
    Excel always shines in such things, because it's just to easy to set those sheets up

    I used a sheet for shard farming calculations for a long time. I don't need it that much at the moment, because there are more priority decisions, but I will use it again when it comes to planning my farms at 85, when most of those early decisions and farms are done
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    Yeah I have other sheets for farming priorities as well. Those are easy to build I just keep adding stuff to the bottom as the plan evolves. Helps to have it just written down even though day to day you know what you are doing. It’s in those times when you are finishing a part of the plan trying to decide where to go next, or if you need to insert a new priority, where it comes in handy.

    I tried to do a schedule for character farming, mod farming, where to get key gears, and gear priority.

    Using really helps too to see why gear you’ll need in the future
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    So keeping it up before the weekend:

    Logray is done - decided to do a bunch of Clone-Shards, but always keeping a stack of guild tokens for quick adaptions, like gear

    FO Tie is now 5* - I think we said, I should leave it there?
    So now I can invest more GW shards into my Geo ships and Zeb again?!

    Vulture though is still only 40/65 - that super slow farm is killing me.

    What about Levels on my Jedi - should I keep them 5 lvl below my player level or should I get them up?
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    So now I can invest more GW shards into my Geo ships and Zeb again?!

    FO Tie is now 5* - I think we said, I should leave it there?

    You don't need it any higher anytime in the near future. Eventually you need 7*, but that has nothing to do with the current plan.
    Vulture though is still only 40/65 - that super slow farm is killing me.

    Yeah, I hear you. If you want that one node to be the only one you give a 25 crystal refresh to, just until you hit 65/65 then go back to 5 attempts a day, I can understand that. Remember the game should stay fun. If it's more frustrating than fun, then forget the most efficient path to power, however well planned it seems, and do what's fun. If the game stops being fun the plans are no good anyway, because you'll just quit. (And you should! If a game isn't fun, then it's not a game, it's work.)

    It's hard to say during the 8 extra days or so that you have the ship at 5* will allow you to somehow earn earn 25*8 = 200 extra crystals. (If you don't earn them in those 8 days, of course, then you will have caught up and there should be no difference in performance or rewards.) But even so... maybe it's just the right call if you're feeling frustrated?
    What about Levels on my Jedi - should I keep them 5 lvl below my player level or should I get them up?

    That's all about managing credits. If you have the credits you can boost them up to 3 levels below, and Bastila can be 1 level below, but as long as you're finishing GW they are doing their job and it would be better to make sure you have the credits for your Pilots & Arena toons.

    I think if you have 5M in the bank to instantly push all your pilots & squad arena toons up a level the instant you gain a player level, you can probably do more leveling with the rest of your cash. For you, though, I think I would still want to push Vader & Boba up to level 70 before pushing any Jedi up any more.

    One semi-exception might be if someone has an important Omega that changes how they function. You might zoom them up extra levels to be able to place the Omega, then let the slowly slide back while others catch up.

    For instance, Grand Master Yoda is currently level 75, but he gets a truly awesome ability for just a 5 Omega mats at level 78: Masterstroke. So boosting GMY 3 levels right away can get you an important advantage. I probably wouldn't have done it right when you hit player level 78. it's not quite that important & you have a lot of toons to manage. That said, you're not level 78 anymore. Scooting GMY ahead and snagging this ability is a worthwhile use of your credits if you have them to spare.

    Jedi Knight Anakin's special "Overpowering Assault" is also a good ability with a good Omega. Not quite as good as GMY's, but still, very good. Taking JKA to level 78 soon for that Omega might also be worth it.

    Of course, that presumes you have Omegas to spare.

    Currently these Omegas might be more useful because of the position of your Geo on both Fleet & Squad arena teams:
    1. Sun Fac: Spiteful Strike
    2. Geo Spy: Silent Strike
    3. Geo Spy: Illicit Intel
    4. Geo Soldier: Basic
    5. Sun Fac: Basic

    If you can do those & still have 5-10 Omegas left, try to boost GMY and JKA so you can Omega their best abilities as well.
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    Poggle, by the way, has 2 Omegas that are worth it at your level:

    Poggle: Warlord's Resolve
    Poggle: Hive Tactics

    But Poggle isn't in both squads, so it's not nearly as important as Omegas for crossover toons in both Squad & Fleet arenas. I would rank these as approximately the same value as GMY's, just because Poggle is in your Arena squad, but neither is really as good as GMY's special (or JKA's for that matter).
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    Game's still fun, no worried there 😊 But the Vulture farm just feels extra slow. But I didn't think about node refreshing tbh. Because I'm very conservative with crystals and credits most of the time.

    I have around 9m credits right now, so I will get my roster up a little - I calculated 5m credits are needed, when I unlock GBA, to push him to lvl 83

    So 5m+5m = ~10m are needed around level 83. Should be manageable. Though there are a few toons, that are ready or ready soon for 7* (Bastila, Kanan, Chopper mainly)

    I have around 20-25 omegas so calculating them too.
    I don't get too much Omega mats rn, the Challenge is unlocked at 81 or later I think. And the Galactic Challenges that give omegas are too hard, because I don't have the teams needed set up yet. (Which is normal, because you'll only have the right team, if it's one of the focus teams at my stage)
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    Getting things done step by step :)

    One thing though:
    I have finished Bastila - so one more fleet hard node would be available. But I can't go on to the Jolee node, because the Sion node is stopping me. They are ripping my SF ship apart and he seems more like a glass cannon than a tank.
    Any tips are appreciated.
    SF ship is already 6* - profile needs to be updated in a few hours

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    I'll go play that node just to remind myself what's there, but I probably won't see any reinforcements because it's hard not to blow through them: all my ships are pretty highly powered.

    I promise I'll use my worst Admiral and the lowest-end, non-faction ships I can cobble together to see what's going on.
  • MasterSeedy
    5072 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    So starting three are Slave 1, TIEAdv-x1, and ImpTIE.

    First reinforcement against me was Biggs, 2nd was Gauntlet.

    Cap Ship was Thrawn.

    Forgot you don't have HT. Ignore what's below the spoiler, though other people reading along for help can find useful info for HT owners.
    They can't throw up a taunt right away, but they can skip turns on your b/c of the TM boost on dodge from ImpTIE. So you have to prevent ImpTIE from dodging. With foresight, you can't help it, but other than with Foresight you have an option: Breach.

    Hound's Tooth has a special attack which inflicts Breach and cannot be evaded. While HT is present on the battlefield, any ship with Breach has -25% evasion.

    So your first ships attack Vader. When HT gets its first turn, use special on ImpTIE. If ImpTIE gets Foresight up, do not attack unless the Cap Ship (Chimaera) has its TM almost full - this limits how much TM the TIE can give to it.

    However, once HT has inflicted breach, if Foresight isn't up, you hit the TIE as hard as you can, as fast as you can. Whenever you're not hitting TIE b/c foresight or because Breach isn't up yet, you're hitting Vader.

    Kill order:
    1. Vader or TIE (TIE if it has Breach with no Foresight, otherwise Vader)
    2. Whichever you didn't kill in step one
    3. Preferably Slave 1, but if you got rid of Vader & ImpTIE going hard for Biggs isn't bad.
    4. Slave 1 if you got rid of Biggs, Gauntlet if it's on the Board, otherwise Biggs
    5. Whatever is left.

    Be aware that Thrawn is going to use his heal at some point, possibly very early. That's fine. When he's healing he isn't doing damage.

    So here's what you do with no HT and good Geos:
    • IF you have the cash, bring Executrix up to Level80 and improve Executive Order and Imperial Assault abilities. (You shouldn't worry about upgrading the others)
    • Ignore ImpTIE & use no AoEs from your cap ship. ==> this part is VITAL
    • Trash Vader first, because if Vader is still alive when Biggs enters, things get very hard (he'll keep healing Biggs every time he inflicts Target Lock). Burn through Slave 1 if you can as well - the Geos great strength is fire power. They're not fast, they don't heal a lot, but they can dish the damage... so thrash Vader and do whatever you can on Slave 1.
    • Biggs drops. If Vader and Slave 1 are gone, you should be able to punch through just fine. If Slave 1 is still there, Biggs will get more healing than he would otherwise. This is not ideal, but not a disaster.
    • Once Biggs is gone, Slave 1 is either about to use or has already used Seismic Charges (the AoE that ignores protection). This attack gets more lethal as the battle goes on, so you want to get that ship out of the way. So getting rid of Slave 1 is your highest priority.
    • Gauntlet is almost certainly out by now. Go hard after Gauntlet or anything else that drops EXCEPT the ImpTIE.
    • Once everything else is off the map and you have nothing to hit except the TIE, go hard after it and pray it doesn't dodge too many times.
    • The good thing is that if you've gotten this far, you've had time to bring in reinforcements. If one of those is Ahsoka, remember that you can dispel the Foresight without triggering the TM gain using Ahsoka's reinforcement ability.
    • You should have at least 1 or two ships that can survive the Chimaera Ultimate if you got to the point where you're only facing TIE (and maybe a wounded Gauntlet).
    • The TIE really isn't a threat on its own, so the point is just to make sure you're not plinking at it and giving it lots of chances to bring Chimaera's ultimate into play early. (Also to slow down the introduction of reinforcements, which will also be accelerated if you're attacking the TIE too soon.)
    • If you get to the point where Executrix Ultimate is up, you can use it even though it's an AoE so long as ImpTIE is the only ship left or there's only ImpTIE & one other and the other is pretty wounded. It doesn't matter if Chimaera gains TM if you blow away the rest of the fleet and win the battle.
    Post edited by MasterSeedy on
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    So starting three are Slave 1, TIEAdv-x1, and ImpTIE.

    First reinforcement against me was Biggs, 2nd was Gauntlet.

    Cap Ship was Thrawn.

    Forgot you don't have HT. Ignore what's below the spoiler, though other people reading along for help can find useful info for HT owners.
    They can't throw up a taunt right away, but they can skip turns on your b/c of the TM boost on dodge from ImpTIE. So you have to prevent ImpTIE from dodging. With foresight, you can't help it, but other than with Foresight you have an option: Breach.

    Hound's Tooth has a special attack which inflicts Breach and cannot be evaded. While HT is present on the battlefield, any ship with Breach has -25% evasion.

    So your first ships attack Vader. When HT gets its first turn, use special on ImpTIE. If ImpTIE gets Foresight up, do not attack unless the Cap Ship (Chimaera) has its TM almost full - this limits how much TM the TIE can give to it.

    However, once HT has inflicted breach, if Foresight isn't up, you hit the TIE as hard as you can, as fast as you can. Whenever you're not hitting TIE b/c foresight or because Breach isn't up yet, you're hitting Vader.

    Kill order:
    1. Vader or TIE (TIE if it has Breach with no Foresight, otherwise Vader)
    2. Whichever you didn't kill in step one
    3. Preferably Slave 1, but if you got rid of Vader & ImpTIE going hard for Biggs isn't bad.
    4. Slave 1 if you got rid of Biggs, Gauntlet if it's on the Board, otherwise Biggs
    5. Whatever is left.

    Be aware that Thrawn is going to use his heal at some point, possibly very early. That's fine. When he's healing he isn't doing damage.

    So here's what you do with no HT and good Geos:
    • IF you have the cash, bring Executrix up to Level80 and improve Executive Order and Imperial Assault abilities. (You shouldn't worry about upgrading the others)
    • Ignore ImpTIE & use no AoEs from your cap ship. ==> this part is VITAL
    • Trash Vader first, because if Vader is still alive when Biggs enters, things get very hard (he'll keep healing Biggs every time he inflicts Target Lock). Burn through Slave 1 if you can as well - the Geos great strength is fire power. They're not fast, they don't heal a lot, but they can dish the damage... so thrash Vader and do whatever you can on Slave 1.
    • Biggs drops. If Vader and Slave 1 are gone, you should be able to punch through just fine. If Slave 1 is still there, Biggs will get more healing than he would otherwise. This is not ideal, but not a disaster.
    • Once Biggs is gone, Slave 1 is either about to use or has already used Seismic Charges (the AoE that ignores protection). This attack gets more lethal as the battle goes on, so you want to get that ship out of the way. So getting rid of Slave 1 is your highest priority.
    • Gauntlet is almost certainly out by now. Go hard after Gauntlet or anything else that drops EXCEPT the ImpTIE.
    • Once everything else is off the map and you have nothing to hit except the TIE, go hard after it and pray it doesn't dodge too many times.
    • The good thing is that if you've gotten this far, you've had time to bring in reinforcements. If one of those is Ahsoka, remember that you can dispel the Foresight without triggering the TM gain using Ahsoka's reinforcement ability.
    • You should have at least 1 or two ships that can survive the Chimaera Ultimate if you got to the point where you're only facing TIE (and maybe a wounded Gauntlet).
    • The TIE really isn't a threat on its own, so the point is just to make sure you're not plinking at it and giving it lots of chances to bring Chimaera's ultimate into play early. (Also to slow down the introduction of reinforcements, which will also be accelerated if you're attacking the TIE too soon.)
    • If you get to the point where Executrix Ultimate is up, you can use it even though it's an AoE so long as ImpTIE is the only ship left or there's only ImpTIE & one other and the other is pretty wounded. It doesn't matter if Chimaera gains TM if you blow away the rest of the fleet and win the battle.

    Yup. This rlly helps.

    Also, ik ur not lvl 85, but if you have crystals to spare, double check with Master Seedy, but I think spending on Bossk shards from shipments just for unlock, can result in you having a great ship.
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My -
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    if you have crystals to spare, double check with Master Seedy, but I think spending on Bossk shards from shipments just for unlock, can result in you having a great ship.

    It's a decent idea, but I just checked Jango and he's 4*, so at most they have 144 shards, and probably less. Which means that it's unlikely that they have 80 shards of HT (since HT will be approximately, but not exactly, 1/2 the blueprints that they have in Jango shards).

    Yeah, though, purchasing through Shipments where available is an excellent plan if they have enough crystals.
  • Options
    if you have crystals to spare, double check with Master Seedy, but I think spending on Bossk shards from shipments just for unlock, can result in you having a great ship.

    It's a decent idea, but I just checked Jango and he's 4*, so at most they have 144 shards, and probably less. Which means that it's unlikely that they have 80 shards of HT (since HT will be approximately, but not exactly, 1/2 the blueprints that they have in Jango shards).

    Yeah, though, purchasing through Shipments where available is an excellent plan if they have enough crystals.

    Well I get what you are saying, but what if I told you multiple member in my guild have had a 5* HT before a 4.5* Jango
    My discord - BabyYoda#4470 My -
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    what if I told you multiple member in my guild have had a 5* HT before a 4.5* Jango

    I'd be surprised, but anything is possible, I suppose. The ABs have the potential to drop HT shards and Jango shards. If you keep getting one but not the other, supplement that with a few direct purchases from shipments?

    In any case, purchasing Bossk from shipments is a good plan, as you say, provided HT is sufficiently developed, which we won't know until Nec Azares speaks up on the issue.
  • Nec_Azares
    82 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    So yeah - been reading all the information you gave me. I didn't try the tactics you gave me yet @MasterSeedy because first of all on my days I finish the farm nodes and then spend extra energy on tries to carry on ;)

    My HT is 68 of 25 (unlock)
    So far there are only Jango Shards in the Shipments (ironically, not? :D)
    But to be honest I was tempted some time ago to spent the 25 or so dollars,euro,bucks for the HT pack, which also would give me a unlocked Bossk.
    Still don't know though :/ But it would also give my crystals

    My Executrix lacks a little bit of ship credits to get to 80 though, and I evenly upped all the skills

    edit: calculating on it, makes just more sense to invest the bucks now, because, if I'm right its 80 shards to get HT to 4* (so that's provided with the pack) adding my already farmed 68 shards would instantly give me a 5* HT, that would also give me access to Zeta I right?
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    80 shards to get HT to 4* (so that's provided with the pack) adding my already farmed 68 shards would instantly give me a 5* HT, that would also give me access to Zeta I right?

    Should be right!

    And at your stage of the game, 5* HT can be difficult to get past. If you do this, though, make sure you go all in on Bossk gear up to g11. That's the way to make your investment most worth it.
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    I also changed my priorities short term gearwise yesterday.
    Because Credit Heist popped up, I put Boba and Jango up on the list and fed them gear - so I was able to at least 1* the highest stage.
    Was pretty quick, could have been 3* but Dengar and CW/StHan or any 5th are just too weak

    If I do the HT buy, should I put HT at frontline or as reinforcement?
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