Problem with Baze / Chirrut portrait feat

11 posts Member
edited June 2021
A guild mate brought to our attention that there is conflicting info regarding the “One with the force” portrait feat. He won a solo battle with just Baze and did not get the portrait.

Post edited by Kyno on


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    I just won a grand arena battle with Mon Mothma, Baze, and Biggs, and did not get the feat that says "Win a Grand Arena battle using Baze Malbus OR Chirrut Imwe".

    Can anyone report if *just* Chirrut works, or if it actually had to be both of them?

    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI should I send my ally code to get the portrait and rewards?
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    Just Chirrut didn't work either. Lame.
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    Same here. Wrong wording in the feat description. It should have been "both", not "or".
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    I used both independently and it didn't work which kicks rocks because I could have used them both on 1 team with a GL to get the feat.
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    Can confirm that it didn't work for me either. Went in with a Vader, Wampa, and baze as a sacrifice. Won the match, won only 49 banners because of baze sacrifice. Didn't complete feat. So now I wasted 5 banners by sacrificing and didn't get the feat that would have put me in gold.
  • Xhowrude
    228 posts Member
    The problem is that the newsletter says both but in game feat says "OR". NOBODY reads newsletters, they read in game feats. I went against a rebels team with Vader, Wampa, and Baze as a sacrifice and won easily. Costed me 5 banners cause baze died. Didn't get the fest either, wasn't a great feeling and wasted by gold rank and 5 banners cause I didn't get feat.
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    One of my guild mates used baze with gas and didn't get it. This really matters for me chasing top ranks atm. I strongly suspect you need both. @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI @CG_SBCrumb_MINI can you please confirm ASAP.
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    Asking them to confirm ASAP on a Saturday afternoon / evening will only end in disappointment, I’m afraid.
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    Has anyone tried both?
  • Fylik
    12 posts Member
    Same problem here. Used Baze and not Chirrut and didn't get the feat.
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    Confirmed if you use both and win the battle you will get the portrait. I used SLKR/Baze/Chirrut to beat a DR team, and it gave me the portrait. So yes, seems to be following the newsletter.

    But because of the conflicting info I bet many will try with just one and then wonder why they didn’t get it. Hopefully CG makes this right. The feat description is clearly wrong and is contributing to missed opportunities.
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    I've done it with Mon Mothma, Chirrut and Baze and it worked, looks like you need to use both of them
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    Beat 2 separate teams, one with Baze the other with Chirrut and got nothing! The only reason I play GAC is for portraits and titles
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    Yea same thing happened to me. Went into 2 separate battles 1 with Baze other with Chirrut won both got nothing. The feat says “or” not both
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    Ace_RE0S wrote: »
    Beat 2 separate teams, one with Baze the other with Chirrut and got nothing! The only reason I play GAC is for portraits and titles

    Same, I probably wouldn’t even play Gac if it wasn’t for feats and titles
    Hopefully CG either compensates people who did the feat with only one character cause of the conflicting wording between the feat and newsletter with the portrait or rerun the feat in the next Gac bracket (possible since this is gac match 9/12, so there’s a whole ‘nother round after this one) so people who only did it with one of the two in this match can do the feat properly with both of the required characters in one of the next matches
    Lets be honest, Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga is going to be more polished, fun and overall better than Swgoh could ever be
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    Yep. I won 2 battles using one each. Getting the words to match in the newsletter and badge description shouldn’t be that hard!
  • Lozza
    21 posts Member
    Same issue here, put baze in and didn’t get it. Spoke to ea help and they were about as useful as a **** flavoured lollipop .
    Fix your game CG !!!!
  • Cef
    1 posts Member
    I made the mistake of using Chirrut without Baze. The feat showed up for me only for the third round, so I only had one chance to complete it, and I blew it. How can CG mess this up so badly?
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    Same issue, used only maze after reading "or". I wrote to help in-game thinking it is just me who didn't got the feat. If I get an answer I will share here.
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    @Kyno Can you merge the 3-4 threads on this topic? I checked before posting mine, but apparently no one else did...
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    Similar to the “Guardians of the Whills” title first time. Beat it as it was described in game only to have CG come back saying they screwed up and removed the title.

    Still mad at customer service for their “handling” of that.
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    The "OR" word lead me to nothing. Sad
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    swepper08 wrote: »
    Confirmed if you use both and win the battle you will get the portrait. I used SLKR/Baze/Chirrut to beat a DR team, and it gave me the portrait. So yes, seems to be following the newsletter.

    But because of the conflicting info I bet many will try with just one and then wonder why they didn’t get it. Hopefully CG makes this right. The feat description is clearly wrong and is contributing to missed opportunities.

    The fact that many players would have to use that kind of team to complete the feat, shows how silly the feat is....
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Jkane
    220 posts Member
    Had the same issue. Not a super big deal really, but kinda wanted the portrait. Chirrut is one of my favorites.
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    Same issue read the in game feat and did two fights won both and no feat. Would be nice if the in game would be correct as that is the info we normally go by.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2943 posts Member
    Where’s Doja lately? Used to post all the time, now, it’s crickets.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Where’s Doja lately? Used to post all the time, now, it’s crickets.

    Hopefully (and most likely) the silence is either because he’s asleep or cause it’s a weekend so he’s taking a break before going back and doing stuff once Monday arrives.
    Lets be honest, Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga is going to be more polished, fun and overall better than Swgoh could ever be
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    OR or Both, or Both OR, nor Both nor OR but AND?
    Should I learn Logic gates or English? Where am I poor at?
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