How long have you been playing?


  • Wed_Santa
    1011 posts Member
    I started playing in nov 15 because my partner had just had a baby and I needed something to do at night when I was sitting up. I played until magmatrooper and then took a little over two years off because I switched phones & wasn’t that invested to change over. Started again in Aug 2018. Now I’ve got three little kids I never go out so this keeps me sane. Don’t spend hardly anything (obvs). Kinda middling to ok roster and mostly enjoy territory battles and conquest. Point for me is the game is something to fill a void. But if I had a thousand bucks to spare and nothing to nail me down I wouldn’t be spending it on packs. Lagavullin maybe? Bus tickets? Mysterious strangers? Getting lost in the desert? Imho all less likely to bore
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    sloweagle wrote: »
    Started on 12/19/2015 (in iOS you can find out the date in Game Center achievement)
    Daily player except a few days while on cruise.
    $0 spent.
    8m+ GP with 4 GLs and 13 R8, the 5th GL incoming.

    I think swgoh is the best f2p game as one can comfortably play the game competitively while remaining completely f2p. This kept me going. Barring unforeseen situations, I think I might play this to the end, lol

    Bro - you're a unicorn though! :D

    Seriously, if you ever did a stream for f2p, any f2p player would be a fool not to auto-subscribe. Keep on keeping on. May the force be with you.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Samurai54351
    169 posts Member
    edited June 2021
    I started in January 2016 but I have had 2 times where I stopped playing for a long period of time. I was without a guild for a year once also. I did struggle to make real progress until December 2019 when I got my first G12 toon. Now I’m only 3 requirements away from SLKR and I have a full R5+ Jedi team with JKR lead. It takes time, but I have got 85% of the SLKR requirements done in 5 months. I’m 100% free to play by the way.
    Post edited by Samurai54351 on
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    February 2016. I have spent a little here and there—most of which was within the first year of playing, but even that was at most like $200 maybe?—to support the game, but never whaled out.

    Got two Legends now and chipping away at a third.

    I could throw money at whatever my current thing is, but why? Instant gratification isn’t worth it.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Guttus
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2021
    Started the day it was released (4-5 years ago) Haven't spent over $500 since then and most was at the start on shard packs. I play to have fun and not make it a grind to be the best in my guild. It's the only mobile game I play and I do play daily. I have every character expect the GLs , KAM and new Asoka unlocked and all but 10 at 7 star level 85.

    F2P takes a bit longer but makes the game a bit more enjoyable for me....... As I am currently looking to buy crystals to supply my relic upgrades......
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Options
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

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    Played since March 2018. Spent a little bit over the years.
    1GL shortly will be 2 with JMK

    Wish I knew about the game from release missed the early development
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    kcdad2806 wrote: »
    I am curious, as to how long you have been playing and when the boredom sets in.
    I have reached a point where for almost 2 months I have not been able to advance one major character or ship. I have been playing for about 4 months and spent about $1000.
    Lately, I have been autoplaying and multi-simming all of the battles and events.

    You haven’t been able to advance a single character in 2 months? I’m not sure how to help ya if that’s really the case....
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    This is becoming a brag post 😄
    I’ve been playing since Nov. 2018. Spent a little here and there, but went F2P after I unlocked SLKR. Now I got 3 GLs and am working on the forth (SEE), which I will unlock tomorrow. Then I successfully finished my personal goal of unlocking four GLs under 6m GP. After that I will work on the Dark Trooper, the Armorer (as sidekick for SEE) and getting the shards ready for JMK requirements.

    My advice for a successful longterm gameplay: Set concrete non-conflicting goals at a time and work on them with focus. Follow the mainstream but don‘t let the game totally define the pace for you.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    I'd bet at least one of the above lines isn't true....
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    I'd bet at least one of the above lines isn't true....

    Hi lucas gregory, which one isn't true?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    I'd bet at least one of the above lines isn't true....

    Hi lucas gregory, which one isn't true?

    I have no idea - but sloweagle is the best f2p player in the game. He's got 4 GLs and just over 8 million GP and has been playing a year+ longer. Just sayin' - the math doesn't add up.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    What does it matter? All yall like "omg Im f2p btw" " bro, btw, Im f2p" "mate, IM f2p man" " oh yeah, Im f2p btw" xD "best f2p" like its an achievement on its own.

    Im the best in a one legged race that doesnt matter to anyone but me :p
  • FofoBett
    137 posts Member
    I joined in Dec 2015 when it launched but then played other Star Wars games which had a Clash Royale flavour and opted for that as development was faster and holotables were a bit boring. I picked up the game on 4th April 2017 while on holiday and have pretty much played every day since. Been in three guilds and my current one Ryno Hans are a great bunch. Discovered youtube videos in about 2018 and my game developed after watching Cubs Fan etc. I do get distracted by those pesky packs and spend a bit but for me it saves time but I am in no rush to be complete roster with 7*'s or R8.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    I'd bet at least one of the above lines isn't true....

    Hi lucas gregory, which one isn't true?

    I have no idea - but sloweagle is the best f2p player in the game. He's got 4 GLs and just over 8 million GP and has been playing a year+ longer. Just sayin' - the math doesn't add up.

    He forgot to mention that he's f2p since 3 weeks.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Haydigan
    414 posts Member
    I started in Dec 2015 and still ain't bored.

    7.1M GP and FTP. 2 GL's with another one coming in another couple of months.

    I'm not super competitive (sloweagle is my hero), but I just aim to progress every day and slowly, but surely, chip away at my goals.
  • Options
    Been playing since April/May 2020
    1.7 mil GP
    9 gear 13s
    Almost have GAS
    having a lot of fun with this game (f2p if it matters)
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    I have been playing longer than the time it takes to drive around the world. And I've made at least as many friends, maybe more. <3
    I need a new message here.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    TVF wrote: »
    I have been playing longer than the time it takes to drive around the world. And I've made at least as many friends, maybe more. <3

    I have no idea what any of this means....but it's wonderful! <3
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    If you spent $1,000 already then I think you put it into many different characters. You won’t get anywhere in this game if you focus on 10 characters at once. I’d say hard focus max on 3 characters at a time preferably 2. And any other energy laying around use it on passive farms. With $1,000 you could just about fully upgrade a character.
  • Stokat
    832 posts Member
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    Hi, I would like to learn this power, could you please post your link?
  • Options
    Stokat wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    Hi, I would like to learn this power, could you please post your link?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Stokat wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    Hi, I would like to learn this power, could you please post your link?

    If that's a f2p since account that started in 2017, I'm 6' 4" 210 lbs. and look like a cross between Brad Pit and Ryan Gosling and have Fabio's hair. :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • sloweagle
    485 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Stokat wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    Hi, I would like to learn this power, could you please post your link?

    If that's a f2p since account that started in 2017, I'm 6' 4" 210 lbs. and look like a cross between Brad Pit and Ryan Gosling and have Fabio's hair. :D

    You knew I have always been questioned in the past on how my account can be totally f2p, so I don’t like to question if other making similar claim on a strong account. Everyone’s f2p definition could be different, maybe his is not the same as mine. Lol.

    Btw, I got my 5th GL done too now.

  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    sloweagle wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Stokat wrote: »
    Play since feb 2017
    7.2M GP
    5 GL

    Hi, I would like to learn this power, could you please post your link?

    If that's a f2p since account that started in 2017, I'm 6' 4" 210 lbs. and look like a cross between Brad Pit and Ryan Gosling and have Fabio's hair. :D

    You knew I have always been questioned in the past on how my account can be totally f2p, so I don’t like to question if other making similar claim on a strong account. Everyone’s f2p definition could be different, maybe his is not the same as mine. Lol.

    Btw, I got my 5th GL done too now.

    There is only one FTP definition. 0 dollars spent. If you spent any amount of money, you are not FTP. Using gifted gift counts as spending.

    Launch player, $450 total in those five years, 7 mil, 4 GL’s.
  • Options
    You know, you can't just buy FTP status.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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