Best investment ever in Swgoh?

In lieu of the upcoming changes to characters I've been thinking about what the best unit in the history of swgoh is to have invested in? I'm going with Hounds Tooth. It was unbeatable when it first came out, it currently can make any team viable in fleet arena, and it looks like it's going to be part of the core for the next Meta fleet. It's been around longer than any GL or Meta in arena, it has a decent pilot that you don't feel bad gearing up, and it can be used as a solo destroyer of fleets when coupled with Thrawn in GAC. Is there another character that you think has been a better investment?


  • raybron99
    129 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    JKR. He was the top unit in game for months. He is still part of a top meta team with JML. His lead is still AMAZING years later. He is used in multiple GL counters, and can beat them all in the right team except SEE.
    This game will be long dead before he ever turns into a toon you won't use in GAC/TW.

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    raybron99 wrote: »
    JKR. He was the top unit in game for months. He is still part of a top meta team with JML. His lead is still AMAZING years later. He is used in multiple GL counters, and can beat them all in the right team except SEE.
    This game will be long dead before he ever turns into a toon you won't use in GAC/TW.


    I totally agree with you about JKRs past importance. My reason for not choosing him is his future viability. He's not a part of JMK squads, He would be an extremely unlikely pairing for Lord Vader, and with the incoming changes I wonder about his viability to be a standalone lead for a GL counter like he is currently. You also have to consider the cost of both units. If someone who just started the game asked me to give them one thing to farm I'm more likely to say HT than all of the characters required for JKR.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Agreed with HT, it basically warps the whole fleet meta since it came out. No matter how good a fleet is otherwise, if it has no way to deal with HT, it will never get near the top.
    As for charaters, I would say Wat. Much like HT, he can be plugged almost anywhere and be good. Although I'm not that sure about his position after the nerf.
  • Joebo720
    651 posts Member
    Would say Malak.
  • WD_40
    113 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Agreed with HT, it basically warps the whole fleet meta since it came out. No matter how good a fleet is otherwise, if it has no way to deal with HT, it will never get near the top.
    As for charaters, I would say Wat. Much like HT, he can be plugged almost anywhere and be good. Although I'm not that sure about his position after the nerf.

    The tank tech at least will still be relevant, but I'm with you on the nerfs. Wat and Thrawn got absolutely hosed by the nerfs, with nothing added to their kits to balance out. They'll still be great, but never quite what they once were.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    Love CLS.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    CLS might be the oldest-best toon who is still relevant.
    I don’t remember whether his req’s were heavy, but he was a game changer.

    His requirements were super easy. R2 Could arguably be the hardest one given you need 5 more characters not on the CLS unlock team. Other hardest being that Leia and STH are both in arena store. Still, a brand new player can have CLS in just a few months.
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    Ships: Hounds Tooth
    Chars: That’s tough. JKR, for reasons stated above, takes my vote, but CLS comes close.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Ships: HT

    Character: SLKR. One of the best if not the best event based character in the game. Guaranteed solo for HSTR
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    Ships: Home One- You collect it as you play and it is useful early and late game.
    Characters: Going to have to say Padme here- She can do so many things with leftover galactic republic and with the full team she can still take out most of the near-meta teams. Geos aren’t hard to get I order to unlock her, and if you use GG instead you get another good team.
    3v3 FTW
  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    Best investment for me was always the newest meta. Rey/SLKR and SEE/JML changed that calculus a little, but JMK seems to have righted the ship.
    I need a new message here.
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    Hounds Tooth - If it’s not in your roster, your fleets are stunted compared to everyone who has.

    JKR - Still the best character in the game. He is a beast. His standard team is amazing and has so much utility. He can be slotted so many other places. You can be ready to go with his required toons and their gear level before you’ve even opened his event. Outstanding character.

    SLKR - Still the best GL. The farm isn’t too bad and you can 7* every single toon req before you’re even 85. The teams you farm are the teams you use, no need for fancy paywall, GET, or endgame event walls. He ranges from great to amazing in every game mode. Easily the most accessible, and least wasteful, GL farms there is. All GL farms should be like him.
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    Crayons wrote: »
    Hounds Tooth - If it’s not in your roster, your fleets are stunted compared to everyone who has.

    JKR - Still the best character in the game. He is a beast. His standard team is amazing and has so much utility. He can be slotted so many other places. You can be ready to go with his required toons and their gear level before you’ve even opened his event. Outstanding character.

    SLKR - Still the best GL. The farm isn’t too bad and you can 7* every single toon req before you’re even 85. The teams you farm are the teams you use, no need for fancy paywall, GET, or endgame event walls. He ranges from great to amazing in every game mode. Easily the most accessible, and least wasteful, GL farms there is. All GL farms should be like him.

    This, I completely agree.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    Malevolence for me. I was in a lower guild and struggled for get 2 and got the malevolence to 5 star when most of my fleet shard had 7 star negotiators.

    It allowed me to climb to the top. Join my fleet discord and earn me that sweet 400 crystals a day which seriously boosted my progress
  • LordDirt
    5092 posts Member
    HT and SLKR
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Artumas
    324 posts Member
    I'm actually going to say a couple odd choices here. Except for one.

    Ships: Hound's Tooth. Hands down. There's no beating this, and this game's going to have to last a very, very long time for any new ship to come close to it. While I'm sure Executor and by extension Razor Crest are going to end up absolutely amazing, they just aren't going to beat the sheer dominance of Hound's tooth. And it can even solo certain TB combat missions on top of all of that if you throw it under thrawn!

    Characters though?
    While many are great, I actually feel like people are focusing too much on leads and current meta characters.
    So my choices are thus.
    Han Solo. He's great under many teams, counts as a scoundrel for all of those events, hard counters SO MANY characters, including Wat, and is arguably pretty much the first true plug and play character to an extent. He's gotten better and better over the years, with the CLS team becoming amazing and his interaction with Chewie.
    He's a requirement for Han's Falcon, which is also one of the absolute best ships in the game, and being a pilot, gets double boosts from investment. Additionally, he's now soft and hard required for JKL and JML, and has continued to retain complete relevance pretty much since his introduction to the game. And, unlike CLS and Chewie, he works under MANY different leads and on MANY different teams if you need to use him for something else - From Qi'Ra to BAM to Ackbar to CLS to GL Rey, you have many potential uses for him.

    Boba Fett.
    Need I say more?
    Still relevant.
    Has never not been relevant.
    Has a decent ship.
    Required for Han's falcon.
    Soft required for every Bounty Hunter event, which ranges from credits to "free GET1" to zetas and relic mats.

    Both Yodas.
    Both great units when they were first introduced, both of them have simply gained more and more relevance in the years since. GMY being used for JKR, then JKL, then JMK KAM, among many other uses and teams.
    Hermit Yoda being used for much the same teams, an incredible plug and play character, JKL reqs, and used on many GL teams, and an absolute MVP in raids.

    Honorable mentions go to...
    Geo Ship Trio
    and Wat for being the single most universally usable character.
    ...and someone else that I was considering putting as an actual section and then immediately forgot who it was.

    GLs/major investment meta chars
    GL Rey.

    GAS has to be the single most worthwhile investment in the game other than the full CLS team.
    Used on every LS GL team, under every GR and Jedi lead, leader of a S Tier team of his own.
    Used in multiple GL counters and able to very easily extremely low-man many lower tier teams.

    GL Rey simply feels like she has the absolute most utility and long-term viability of all current GLs, as she's not really reliant on any specific faction, and the most wide-spread utility, having good pvp viability in all modes, good GC and Conquest viability and decent to great raid viability. And because of her sort of "universal utility", it's not like that utility is really ever going to be negated by eventual powercreep, since she can just use whatever the current LS meta team is relatively effectively.

    While others are generally better in specific spots, Rey feels like she has the least likelihood of being entirely outclassed by any singular addition, which basically makes her a GL version of something like JKR. She's always going to find use for everything she's allowed in, even if she's not the absolute best.
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    I’m surprised no one has mentioned General Kenobi here. I heard he was part of a meta team before I started playing in 2017 (or maybe around the time I started). He was part of the JKR meta team, the JML meta team (some of them at least), the JMK meta team, and he’s the pilot of what’s been the best capital ship for almost 2 years now.

    That’s relevance in both fleet and arena meta teams for 4 years!
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    Probably because you just acquire him
    Everyone does. It’s not someone you picked or had to farm, he just comes with the guilds AAT, and everyone can do Heroic AAT now
  • Jkane
    220 posts Member
    Crayons wrote: »
    Probably because you just acquire him
    Everyone does. It’s not someone you picked or had to farm, he just comes with the guilds AAT, and everyone can do Heroic AAT now

    Makes the ROI even better:)
  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    Jkane wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    Probably because you just acquire him
    Everyone does. It’s not someone you picked or had to farm, he just comes with the guilds AAT, and everyone can do Heroic AAT now

    Makes the ROI even better:)

    IMO ROI on exclusivity is higher.
    I need a new message here.
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    Ship wise, I'd have to go with Hounds Tooth.

    Character wise, it's a toss up between CLS, Palpatine, and JKR.
  • Damon_Skye
    82 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Have to agree with the popular choices of JKR and HT.

    An alternative way of thinking would be GMT's Executrix. Unlocking that early on gets you access to a decent ship, sure, but most importantly, regular Zeta's 3 times a week!
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    For me it would be GG. I unlocked him and grinded him up right when he got reworked, unlocked padme with him, then GAS came a long and I was all ready to go.

    He was a huge investment as F2P it paid off big time. Allowed me to go from CLS to GAS and then JML all f2p rather easily.
  • nurm
    107 posts Member
    Ships: definitely the ITB. With the bomber, the finalized can beat nego and male so easily. It was definitely the best investment for me.
    Best char investment was definitely sklr. He brought me in arena to the top and still helps me to climb even there are dark clouds on the horizon.
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    Thrawn comes to mind. Very low investment to unlock him, good capital ship pilot, and a fantastic plug-in toon for various team comps.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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    Rex all the way for me. He is and always has been the swiss army knife of this game. One of a select few I actually bought those packs to level up to 7 and worth every penny. Just his kit enabled me back in the day to place top 3 in Rancor which lead to some great gear rewards at the time. Oh well, lets just nerf everybody.
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    Rex and it isn't even close. Best purchase value in game by a country mile. He was meta so many times, raid stud, and is currently used heavily in multiple game modes.
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    Bounty Hunter ships. All of them.

    You’ll get to a point where so many things are locked behind them.
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