Play point bundle nerf?


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    I'm not happy they changed it either, but it does have a different name - it's a different pack, so it's not a bait and switch.

    Luckily seeing the different name yesterday stopped me from cashing in points for it.
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    It's a different pack now, it doesn't have the same name.
  • Seytia
    24 posts Member
    It actually was a bait and switch, because the pack that was available during (and for a year prior at least) Googles bonus play point event is no longer available after spending additional money to get more points. On the last day of the bonus points they switched the packs and did not make it clear. The values were the same and the names were close enough to be easily mistaken.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    I’m an iOS user. The reason for removing energy was…taking away a disadvantage? Yet android users still get an advantage…if that was the issue why not scrap it all together. I’m sorry I don’t see the reasoning of this except to hinder everyone from getting extra energy. Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot abs being disingenuous on top of it….yikes

    Wouldn't mind if they got rid of both enhancement kits

    You can still buy Google Play Store Cards ($1, $2, $5, $10) for google play points, while iOS has 10~20% off discounts on their gift cards

    So its balanced for both devices
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    Well, the conversion rate for Play points doesn't come anywhere close to a 10% discount, so not really.
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    I'm not happy they changed it either, but it does have a different name - it's a different pack, so it's not a bait and switch.

    Luckily seeing the different name yesterday stopped me from cashing in points for it.

    Yep, cos we all have memorised the name of all the packs havent we? Similar name, same price, same place, same description. Not much to suggest stealth removal of the only reason i bought it.
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    Arturius wrote: »
    I'm not happy they changed it either, but it does have a different name - it's a different pack, so it's not a bait and switch.

    Luckily seeing the different name yesterday stopped me from cashing in points for it.

    Yep, cos we all have memorised the name of all the packs havent we? Similar name, same price, same place, same description. Not much to suggest stealth removal of the only reason i bought it.

    I said I'm not happy about the change and personally I think it was a scummy thing of CG to do, but it technically is not a bait and switch, as it has a different name.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    I’m an iOS user. The reason for removing energy was…taking away a disadvantage? Yet android users still get an advantage…if that was the issue why not scrap it all together. I’m sorry I don’t see the reasoning of this except to hinder everyone from getting extra energy. Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot abs being disingenuous on top of it….yikes

    Wouldn't mind if they got rid of both enhancement kits

    You can still buy Google Play Store Cards ($1, $2, $5, $10) for google play points, while iOS has 10~20% off discounts on their gift cards

    So its balanced for both devices

    The removal of the energy in the pack though isn’t balanced. Look I never really cared that Android users got a boost (unfair or not) but silently taking it away with no warning in the name of “balance” but still giving android users an edge with that play point pack doesn’t make sense.

    Also where do you see discounts on gift cards?
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    İ'm playing this game on Turkey server and What is google play points??????? until now there was unfair competition Are u kidding me?
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    Arturius wrote: »
    I'm not happy they changed it either, but it does have a different name - it's a different pack, so it's not a bait and switch.

    Luckily seeing the different name yesterday stopped me from cashing in points for it.

    Yep, cos we all have memorised the name of all the packs havent we? Similar name, same price, same place, same description. Not much to suggest stealth removal of the only reason i bought it.

    I said I'm not happy about the change and personally I think it was a scummy thing of CG to do, but it technically is not a bait and switch, as it has a different name.

    Lol, the only thing that was different was a name change that resulted in the name being so similar that no one noticed. A stealthy bait and switch if ever i saw one.
  • th3evo
    358 posts Member
    reduce the disadvantage to players who were unable to purchase the packs due to regional or platform differences
    It's not like players are disadvantaged because we don't have regional prices...oh wait - they are.
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    th3evo wrote: »
    reduce the disadvantage to players who were unable to purchase the packs due to regional or platform differences
    It's not like players are disadvantaged because we don't have regional prices...oh wait - they are.

    We don’t have same taxes, same minimal wages, same wealth at birth neither. Let’s not get carried away, it’s just about what’s inside a pack and if it allows a player to have stuff that another can’t have, even if he was willing to buy it. There might be other motives, but this one makes sense.
  • th3evo
    358 posts Member
    Starslayer wrote: »
    th3evo wrote: »
    reduce the disadvantage to players who were unable to purchase the packs due to regional or platform differences
    It's not like players are disadvantaged because we don't have regional prices...oh wait - they are.

    We don’t have same taxes, same minimal wages, same wealth at birth neither. Let’s not get carried away, it’s just about what’s inside a pack and if it allows a player to have stuff that another can’t have, even if he was willing to buy it. There might be other motives, but this one makes sense.

    Ideally there wouldn't be any purchasable advantages. However they can always adjust prices according to purchasing power.
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    th3evo wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    th3evo wrote: »
    reduce the disadvantage to players who were unable to purchase the packs due to regional or platform differences
    It's not like players are disadvantaged because we don't have regional prices...oh wait - they are.

    We don’t have same taxes, same minimal wages, same wealth at birth neither. Let’s not get carried away, it’s just about what’s inside a pack and if it allows a player to have stuff that another can’t have, even if he was willing to buy it. There might be other motives, but this one makes sense.

    Ideally there wouldn't be any purchasable advantages. However they can always adjust prices according to purchasing power.
    Who’s “they”? CG can’t do that, as has already been explained.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    I’m an iOS user. The reason for removing energy was…taking away a disadvantage? Yet android users still get an advantage…if that was the issue why not scrap it all together. I’m sorry I don’t see the reasoning of this except to hinder everyone from getting extra energy. Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot abs being disingenuous on top of it….yikes

    Wouldn't mind if they got rid of both enhancement kits

    You can still buy Google Play Store Cards ($1, $2, $5, $10) for google play points, while iOS has 10~20% off discounts on their gift cards

    So its balanced for both devices

    I used to rack up 5-8% off, plus use an online shopping portal for airline miles, plus credit card rewards, all using the legit gift card sites (like Raise) but, last year, Apple put an end to many of those sites selling their cards for a discount. :'(
  • SerylT2
    146 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Ultra wrote: »
    Wouldn't mind if they got rid of both enhancement kits

    You can still buy Google Play Store Cards ($1, $2, $5, $10) for google play points, while iOS has 10~20% off discounts on their gift cards

    So its balanced for both devices

    I agree if they simply removed the packs all together that would have made their excuse more digestible.

    But they won't because I can guarantee you that Galaxy of Heroes is getting some additional advertising benefits or something else for taking part in that Google Play points reward system. That is always how these things work.. Google play has to give at least some small incentive to the developers to go along with the rewards system.

    They probably even considered undoing the packs entirely to make their excuse seem more legitimate but then realized they would lose out on the perks they are getting from Google and just decided to remove what was really their issue to begin with.. the energy that players were not spending more Crystals on.

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    What is actually in these packs now that the energy was removed and gear etc added? Is there a list somewhere?
  • th3evo
    358 posts Member
    th3evo wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    th3evo wrote: »
    reduce the disadvantage to players who were unable to purchase the packs due to regional or platform differences
    It's not like players are disadvantaged because we don't have regional prices...oh wait - they are.

    We don’t have same taxes, same minimal wages, same wealth at birth neither. Let’s not get carried away, it’s just about what’s inside a pack and if it allows a player to have stuff that another can’t have, even if he was willing to buy it. There might be other motives, but this one makes sense.

    Ideally there wouldn't be any purchasable advantages. However they can always adjust prices according to purchasing power.
    Who’s “they”? CG can’t do that, as has already been explained.

    I'm not talking about exchange rates. I believe developers can set local prices although it's not as convenient.
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    I hate this and want the energy back. That is all.
  • ZaKent
    21 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Where was the bait and switch?

    BAIT: Pack with energy

    SWITCH: Similarly pack enough that you can easily mistake it for the original one but doesn't contain energy.

    The energy part is the appealing thing about it, the store doesn't give you a warning that it is a new pack, CG didn't tell us about the change before they implemented it, and they offer you no means no refunding it, and actually, tell you to go talk to Google (because apparently google is the guilty party). This change has been planned for over a month looking by the data miined files from 07/14/2021, unfortunately, their content wasn't known back then (and only in hindsight do we have this knowledge).

    So yeah, bait and switch. The minimum about of functional decency was to at least tell us few minutes before the change happened, not the next day with one line on a discord server.
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    Vote with your wallet. Those who like the change keep paying. Those who think it sucks stop paying and go F2P. I will be in the second group.
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    So Doja said energy was removed and more credits, ship building and gear was added inits place. However, i just bought the small bundle and its the same as previous except no energy? When will the new stuff be added? d5kwoibiqok4.jpg
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    lsheldon wrote: »
    Vote with your wallet. Those who like the change keep paying. Those who think it sucks stop paying and go F2P. I will be in the second group.

    What about those who already got the pack b4 realising it had been nerfed?
  • Valeran
    119 posts Member
    As an iOS user it was a big disadvantage for me, however, funny thing is in my country google play points won't even apply to anyone due to some regional rules... :'D
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    Arturius wrote: »
    lsheldon wrote: »
    Vote with your wallet. Those who like the change keep paying. Those who think it sucks stop paying and go F2P. I will be in the second group.

    What about those who already got the pack b4 realising it had been nerfed?

    I fell for it myself. I didn't pay attention to the name on the pack. Live and learn, I'm not happy about it but it's done.

    The thing that shocks me about this most is that so many people actually believe this decision is based purely on fairness.

    No game company ever makes a decision simply based on fairness or because it is the right thing to do. The #1 priority for businesses like this for every decision they make is always first and foremost based on financial considerations. This is purely a money grab in disguise.

    My 2 cents worth. Do with it what you will.
  • Options
    Valeran wrote: »
    As an iOS user it was a big disadvantage for me, however, funny thing is in my country google play points won't even apply to anyone due to some regional rules... :'D

    Again, no it wasn’t. When’s the last time you’ve seen discounted Google Play gift cards? Rarity if ever. iTunes you do see them, constantly. $5 off, $15 off.

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    lsheldon wrote: »
    Arturius wrote: »
    lsheldon wrote: »
    Vote with your wallet. Those who like the change keep paying. Those who think it sucks stop paying and go F2P. I will be in the second group.

    What about those who already got the pack b4 realising it had been nerfed?

    I fell for it myself. I didn't pay attention to the name on the pack. Live and learn, I'm not happy about it but it's done.

    The thing that shocks me about this most is that so many people actually believe this decision is based purely on fairness.

    No game company ever makes a decision simply based on fairness or because it is the right thing to do. The #1 priority for businesses like this for every decision they make is always first and foremost based on financial considerations. This is purely a money grab in disguise.

    My 2 cents worth. Do with it what you will.

    Can't disagree with you on that one
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    google point or not .... why after the update for IOS the 16k crystals cost 99 euros and for Android 110 euros?
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    and where is the advantage here now ??? and yes ... it is in the same country !!!!
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    I said I'm not happy about the change and personally I think it was a scummy thing of CG to do, but it technically is not a bait and switch, as it has a different name.

    The name is nearly identical, and that's what's so shady. If you paid the same amount for a Ford Feista thinking it was a Fiesta, and no one told you otherwise until the first day you took it to the mechanic that it came with a lawnmower engine, you'd be P O'd and call it a bait and switch. If either the dealer disclosed that they had changed the engine, or they had called it the Ford Verde, it would have been less scummy and it would be on you if you still bought it.
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