A congratulation when it is well deserved

Thanks CG team, thanks CG_Puck for FINALLY fixing the Unending Loyalty bug, that's like the best news I've heard in a while lol

I know lots of people weren't really having issues because of this bug, but it was hell annoying, thank god it's gone!

Good job guys!


  • Options
    While I am glad it is finally fixed, I am also wondering…

    Which part of Executor’s kit (or unreleased support ship) was hitting multiple instances of triggering the unending loyalty bug? Some kind of ‘plague’ effect hitting under protection?

    Or just instant cooldown of Boba’s AOE bomb?
  • Options
    TheJEFFtm wrote: »
    While I am glad it is finally fixed, I am also wondering…

    Which part of Executor’s kit (or unreleased support ship) was hitting multiple instances of triggering the unending loyalty bug? Some kind of ‘plague’ effect hitting under protection?

    Or just instant cooldown of Boba’s AOE bomb?

    Find out next time on Dragonball Z.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    TheJEFFtm wrote: »
    While I am glad it is finally fixed, I am also wondering…

    Which part of Executor’s kit (or unreleased support ship) was hitting multiple instances of triggering the unending loyalty bug? Some kind of ‘plague’ effect hitting under protection?

    Or just instant cooldown of Boba’s AOE bomb?

    I think you hit the nail right on the head, protecting the new shiny toy is exactly the kind of motivation that works for CG. My guess is the Boba bomb, it's a way to improve his ship under Executor without actually changing it.
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    Good job guys![/quote]

    Really? Hasn't that been a known bug for a couple of years?
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    And well done on fixing the Teebo stealth bug too!
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Good job guys!

    Really? Hasn't that been a known bug for a couple of years? [/quote]

    Indeed it has, it has been since the release of the Nego lol

    Being known doesn't mean it does not need to be fixed, right?
  • Themy
    96 posts Member
    mariogsh wrote: »
    Thanks CG team, thanks CG_Puck for FINALLY fixing the Unending Loyalty bug, that's like the best news I've heard in a while lol

    I know lots of people weren't really having issues because of this bug, but it was hell annoying, thank god it's gone!

    Good job guys!

    You realize they only fixed this so more people will want to spend and get their new ship, right? Otherwise nego was beating it in their testing I'm sure.
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    So now to fix that same bug with JMK, right? Lol
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    Oh. Well that should make the mirror matches easier. It’s been the bane of my existence as of late.
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    A congratulations for fixing a bug that’s been known for how long? That’s where the bar is now?
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Kvothe25 wrote: »
    A congratulations for fixing a bug that’s been known for how long? That’s where the bar is now?

    Has it ever been higher?
  • Options
    Nauros wrote: »
    Kvothe25 wrote: »
    A congratulations for fixing a bug that’s been known for how long? That’s where the bar is now?

    Has it ever been higher?

    it's certainly getting lower than it used to be.
  • Options
    Nauros wrote: »
    Kvothe25 wrote: »
    A congratulations for fixing a bug that’s been known for how long? That’s where the bar is now?

    Has it ever been higher?

    it's certainly getting lower than it used to be.
    Nauros wrote: »
    Kvothe25 wrote: »
    A congratulations for fixing a bug that’s been known for how long? That’s where the bar is now?

    Has it ever been higher?
    Kvothe25 wrote: »
    A congratulations for fixing a bug that’s been known for how long? That’s where the bar is now?

    Hey, at least there has to be some happy thing going on, huh? After all those nerfs coming, the fact that a GL like requirements ship (Executor) will be launched and ONLY will reward it at 4*

    I need to find a needle to be happy about
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    After years of ignoring it you think they deserve credit?
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    Thank you to the OP for the kind words, especially pointing out CG_Puck's efforts!

    I didn't realize how the timing of the announcement would trigger folks to theorize the fix only happened due to the arrival of Executor on the holotables. In hindsight, it's a bummer this was the reaction, but I understand how frustration can lead to speculation. So, it is what it is.

    But I will say this; I am unaware of any aspect of Executor's kit and interactions that would affect it's status in the fleet meta due to the Unending Loyalty bug. It took so long to fix because it was like trying to shoot a rubber band gun and hit a fly in a rainstorm that would only appear during an eclipse in an odd numbered month.

    Maybe not that difficult, but you get the point. It was a frustrating bug to fix, it was difficult to track down and reproduce, and I'm glad it's gone.
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    Yea I’m just happy it’s fixed!!!
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    Yes, thank goodness it finally got fixed like 2 weeks after I unlocked Negotiator. Excellent.


    Seriously though, nice to see progress on some long standing bugs.
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    Esharan wrote: »
    It's unfortunate it took you 2 years to find one bug and fix it. Any other coder tasked with this would be fired for failure to do their job.

    A competent coder.

    Wouldn't a competent coder recognize that the reason it wasn't fixed sooner was almost certainly because they were told to prioritize other tasks/projects/bugs rather than that they were incapable of fixing it?
  • th3evo
    358 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    I didn't realize how the timing of the announcement would trigger folks to theorize the fix only happened due to the arrival of Executor on the holotables. In hindsight, it's a bummer this was the reaction, but I understand how frustration can lead to speculation. So, it is what it is.

    This is what happens when you train your community to always expect the worst. You reap what you sow.
    If you want more speculation - Conquest was delayed just as you announced several R8 requirements. What a weird coincidence.
    (you as a company - not you personally Doja_Fett)
  • Options
    Thank you to the OP for the kind words, especially pointing out CG_Puck's efforts!

    I didn't realize how the timing of the announcement would trigger folks to theorize the fix only happened due to the arrival of Executor on the holotables. In hindsight, it's a bummer this was the reaction, but I understand how frustration can lead to speculation. So, it is what it is.

    But I will say this; I am unaware of any aspect of Executor's kit and interactions that would affect it's status in the fleet meta due to the Unending Loyalty bug. It took so long to fix because it was like trying to shoot a rubber band gun and hit a fly in a rainstorm that would only appear during an eclipse in an odd numbered month.

    Maybe not that difficult, but you get the point. It was a frustrating bug to fix, it was difficult to track down and reproduce, and I'm glad it's gone.

    If "shooting a rubber band gun and hitting a fly in a rainstrom that would only appear during an eclipse in an odd numbered month" was a sport I would've been Olympic champion in this case...

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Acymetric wrote: »
    Esharan wrote: »
    It's unfortunate it took you 2 years to find one bug and fix it. Any other coder tasked with this would be fired for failure to do their job.

    A competent coder.

    Wouldn't a competent coder recognize that the reason it wasn't fixed sooner was almost certainly because they were told to prioritize other tasks/projects/bugs rather than that they were incapable of fixing it?

  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Acymetric wrote: »
    Esharan wrote: »
    It's unfortunate it took you 2 years to find one bug and fix it. Any other coder tasked with this would be fired for failure to do their job.

    A competent coder.

    Wouldn't a competent coder recognize that the reason it wasn't fixed sooner was almost certainly because they were told to prioritize other tasks/projects/bugs rather than that they were incapable of fixing it?

    So what you are saying is that CG doesn’t prioritize the players feedback or experience and disregards it almost completely? I’m shocked.
    Many people experienced this bug daily, me being one of them. This bug has cost me crystals in fleet for years…and all we get is “it was hard, our bad”. No “hey, we know you guys had to deal with this bug for YEARS, here’s some crystals and some CWC shards for sticking around”.
    I wonder who decided to stop any and all compensation over there….must of been after some “internal review”.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Lol @ this bug affecting people so horrifically. Have people itt tried gitting gud?

    Rtt: its* 😏
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Lol @ this bug affecting people so horrifically. Have people itt tried gitting gud?

    Rtt: its* 😏

    “Have people it’s tried gitting gud?” Lol at your grammar.

    I have raged over this bug for years, so it’s a sore spot for me.
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    "Difficult to reproduce"

    Meanwhile I had it happening in 50% of the battles when I used the TIE fighter lineup against Ahsoka lineups in Nego mirrors.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
  • Mohrg
    206 posts Member
    oddly I never saw it, I've only had the neg for about 4 months, but i kept trying to figure out what this bug was, mentions of invincible ETA's but never once have i seen it.

    I can understand the frustrations of trying to fix an intermittent bug, I've worked in software development (not as a coder) so I get the whole, this is the strategy of the company so make these changes and leave that bug/ tech debt till later.
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    So now to fix that same bug with JMK, right? Lol

    This, I guess they won't fix it unless Lord Vader has a hard time beating JMK.

    I already reported in EA Answers, they gave a generic answer and then ignored it.

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