One shot kill

24 posts Member
edited August 2021
JKLS, just managed to get him to the grind of z2 R7, yet is still being one shot or in my cases, 2 shot killed.

Really ?
Post edited by Kyno on


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    By whom under what circumstances?
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    Jkls - Jedi Knight Luke skywalker, I really don't think in any situation a z2 r7 is able to be one shot killed by anything..
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  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    It was 440m before the nerf.
    I need a new message here.
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    thats cute, in the world I play in, my ranking isn't at that level, so why would sqaud teams I'm facing be at that either? they wouldn't be. Why at 200 rank, would a team need 50 turns to start off with? when the team I am facing has less speed and power than me?

    If you use JKLS as I understand, the CPU is set to base speed, so if they are set to base speed, since when did their base start at 255 speed?
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    A - Luke has to take a turn for that to happen.

    B - Who are you facing? Certain teams will run circles around JKL.
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    so in a battle that goes for roughly 4 mins of the 5 allocated, why in the last 45 seconds then does the computer all of a sudden start taking multi turns upward of 5?

    If as you say, Luke needs to take turn, he has, so then that means all those chars are back to base from then on, so if they are at base, how does a less than 100 speed char, take 3 or 4 turns in a row? or their teams mates straight after for that matter?
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    ... Who are you facing? If it's a team that builds their own turn meter, then they'll still take plenty of turns even if slowed down by JKL.

    They aren't reduced to their base speed, they're reduced to your JKL's speed when he enters the battle, including your mods. So if your JKL is say 250 speed, all the enemy units are reduced to 250, or left at their own speed if it's lower than 250 already.
  • UdalCuain
    5040 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    The speed reduction also won't happen if there is a GL on the opposing team, or if there's a JKL leading it. .
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    yes I'm aware it doesn't effect Gl teams, I avoid them because apparently having one GL against my min r5 z1 squads means my squad can somehow be dominated.
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    Nobody can answer your question because nobody knows who you fought.
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    @Ontourallday_nz, who are you facing? We can’t answer your question until you tell us who.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    Pretty sure this is OP.

    I don’t understand the arena team you’re running @Ontourallday_nz . There’s not much synergy between JKL’s lead and CLS, Chewy, Han. They get a bit more Crit chance and damage, but he would be much better off surrounded by 4 Jedi.

    Your modding could also do with a bit of work. You’ve got Health, Tenacity primary on CLS and JKL’s triangle and cross (things that boost their offence / crit damage would be better); and your Hermit Yoda has 3 quite slow mods for triangle, circle, cross.

    Your arena team would perform better if you used CLS lead, Han, Chewy, C3PO and then Chewy/C3PO

    Your JKL would be better off with Old Ben, Hermit Yoda, Grand Master Yoda and then either GK or Shaak Ti.
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    Pretty sure this is OP.

    I don’t understand the arena team you’re running @Ontourallday_nz . There’s not much synergy between JKL’s lead and CLS, Chewy, Han. They get a bit more Crit chance and damage, but he would be much better off surrounded by 4 Jedi.

    Your modding could also do with a bit of work. You’ve got Health, Tenacity primary on CLS and JKL’s triangle and cross (things that boost their offence / crit damage would be better); and your Hermit Yoda has 3 quite slow mods for triangle, circle, cross.

    Your arena team would perform better if you used CLS lead, Han, Chewy, C3PO and then Chewy/C3PO

    Your JKL would be better off with Old Ben, Hermit Yoda, Grand Master Yoda and then either GK or Shaak Ti.

    How are you aware of what I've done to my team?
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    36716 posts Member
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    Don't give away our secrets!
    I need a new message here.
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