[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    TVF wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Amazing. CG took a game mode that only needed a few minor tweaks to make it enjoyable and went completely the other way with it and managed to turn the entire mode into a monotonous, nonsensical time-suckling mess.

    Please point me to the myriad of posts of players demanding things that take more and more time, fight the same battles over and over and required useless characters and their entire teams to be relic'd and remodded.

    Listen to the players? Ummmmmm...not even a little bit.

    I'm out.

    It's completely obvious that too many people (in CG's determination) were able to get CAT, so they're gonna dial back the number of Mauls. Unfortunately it seems like they dialed it way down instead of a little down.

    Dialing down or turning a decent game mode into an abomination? If they’re worried about too many Maul’s make him a Marquee or Legendary…don’t ruin an entire game mode over him or any other characters. What’s driving the bus the characters or the game mode? Shouldn’t it be the game mode?
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    Oh CG, you got me good. A few days ago my sector 1 reward was Booming Voice. Now I get to pick from three pieces I won’t even use.
    Awesome. Love the randomness.
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    It's completely obvious that too many people (in CG's determination) were able to get CAT, so they're gonna dial back the number of Mauls. Unfortunately it seems like they dialed it way down instead of a little down.

    That's not even the problem, at least not from my perspective (and those of many others). If for some game balance or other reason Maul has to be highly exclusive, so be it. Make Maul hard to get.

    The real problem is consistently choosing less fun options over more fun options. If I had a great time failing to get Maul, then then game actually did its job. Games are supposed to be fun. Lots of games don't have Maul and are still fun. Lots of games have no characters with which I was familiar before playing that specific game and are still fun.

    I've played entire campaigns of Dungeons & Dragons where my characters never got above level 5 and never got anything like a powerful/unique/exclusive magic item. Still had fun.

    In fact, I played a seaborne pirate themed campaign where I played the 2nd mate, Lammik Schmoe, who was deliberately average in nearly everything (his highest stat was a 13 CON, and this was in Advanced D&D days when a 13 got you essentially no modifiers whatsoever). He started play with a nonmagical arquebus that had been handed down to him from the previous 2nd mate (who died shortly before the campaign began) and ended the campaign at level 5 with the same nonmagical arquebus as his main weapon, albeit with a much larger supply of black powder and a +1 short sword for emergency hand to hand fighting. I had a GREAT time playing Lammik Schmoe. He was never the hero, he never the leader, he never had even a skill that no one else had. He was just a 2nd mate who had a gun that did decent damage but had a high chance of jamming or backfiring, which created many situations where RNG could create a huge swing in outcomes from killing himself to finishing off a dangerous enemy.

    Lammik Schmoe was fun, even though he never got the big treasure, never got the shiny special thing. He was just fun.

    That's all we need Conquest to be. It doesn't have to give out Maul shards, at least not to everyone. It doesn't have to be easy. It just needs to be fun. For a lot of people snagging a shiny is part of the fun, so throw some rewards in, but only in the service of the fun.

    This is a game. The fun is all.
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    Absolute gaaaaarbage, boring repetitive garbage. It's like an old school school punishment. Calling it right now, I honestly think it'll tank the game. It's just so terrible.
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    Yup, still bugged. Won’t divulge disks but 501 are unstoppable.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Amazing. CG took a game mode that only needed a few minor tweaks to make it enjoyable and went completely the other way with it and managed to turn the entire mode into a monotonous, nonsensical time-suckling mess.

    Please point me to the myriad of posts of players demanding things that take more and more time, fight the same battles over and over and required useless characters and their entire teams to be relic'd and remodded.

    Listen to the players? Ummmmmm...not even a little bit.

    I'm out.

    It's completely obvious that too many people (in CG's determination) were able to get CAT, so they're gonna dial back the number of Mauls. Unfortunately it seems like they dialed it way down instead of a little down.

    I know it's been awhile, but I recall CG being very happy when Gen Sky released and there were only like a couple thousand that were claimed that first event. Maybe less?

    Now if those are the numbers they're wanting for CAT and Maul, someone needs to remind those managers that that was Pre-GLs. And all GLs are of comparable power. So anyone with a GL is much likelier to get the newest shiny when released in a format of "Beat this mode". Seems kinda like poor planning from the ppl who tout their 'five year plan' they're always plotting in advance.
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    Flaming hot garbage,,, you may have finally pulled the junk to get me to quite….
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    again, this is redundant and reduces a playr's choice..

    If this Event is all about choice, then why reduce our options? The game can be better designed than this..
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    More feedback for you to bring to the dev team Doja..... this game feels more and more like a second job. Aside from the small detail of I'm not getting paid for my time.

    We're supposed to be having fun with our time. I enjoy messing around in game while in a doctors waiting room, while chilling at the bar solo waiting for friends to show up, mess around a bit before bed at night. This new conquest style is the final nail in the coffin for me. It feels a like like the very small percentage of top end players (not necessarily top end GP) who spend hours a week watching Youtbe vids, watching others play the game, remodding etc is who you are gearing this towards. I always thought I was in the majority for my playstyle but seems I was wrong.
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    Sewpot wrote: »

    Yup, still bugged. Won’t divulge disks but 501 are unstoppable.

    So what? 501 can't get the BH or Nightbrothers or Phoenix or NS feats done, right? How many different feats can you knock out with just the 501st?
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    These feats are so ridiculous. It’s such a time consuming event with many repeated battles just to make a fear go from 9/100 -> 12/100. And I thought the goal was to eliminate repeated events that cause a waste of time? Crazy…

    Huge waste of opportunity. Went from my fav game mode to my least fav now. Probably just going to go thru each battle once and get those rewards. I’m not playing each battle to get the Phoenix feat. Then the Darth Maul feat. Then the no tanks feat. THEN I’m in sector 2
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    Where are the crystal refunds from the start of conquest 7 at?!?!?! I'm pretty broke atm and spent at least 400 crystals on the one that was so bugged it had to be closed out. Come on CG.
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    Is this foreshadowing?? No rewards? Lol.

    On a serious note though, at this point I'm feeling that the squeeze isn't worth the juice. I don't want to play conquest just for the next toon, and I don't feel like the grind is worth the rewards anymore, especially since I have zero chance at top box and low chance for gold box.

    Very dissatisfied, and disappointed. The original feats were quite creative, some were bland, but others were fun to try and work out. Kill x opponents with y, is not fun, it's just a time sink.rqe43wz55grl.jpg
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    I think I'm out... the time sink here is just stupid. And all that time is still going to keep me behind a R8 paywall. I would rather go fishing. Going to pop in so as not to keep my guild in a lerch, but I see the light at the end of this five year tunnel and I am taking off toward it. Gratz CG, you just took a hopeless grind to a new bottom.
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    This is by far the worst update and change to the game in 5+ years. Took a game mode that was new and fun and still difficult. And turned it into a mind numbing complete waste of time that only whales can max. Big FU to the players of this game. After 5+ years I think it's time to say good bye to this game. Devs don't care about the players at all (not new but this is beyond obvious).. punishing the masses because some spent crystals and beat the old conquest in days. Big woop. Increased cost of energy and nodes along with what seems like 500 feats is a complete slap in the face to us average players. My roster is 7.5m+ and I don't have a shot at several feats without making major gear commitments to worthless toons that aren't used anywhere in the game. This combined with the nerfing of characters who were around before GLs is too much. No longer fun so time to say goodbye.
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    Congrats on ruining conquest. I’m all for some competitive gaming but I think you missed the part where it gets harder as you progress? You see, I dont like it when the goal posts are moved. Firstly, nerfing toons that we farmed/paid for isnt cool. You can say you own the content and thats fine but when MY GL’s struggle against some of these garbage teams I see a double standard that I don’t like. Its ok if your basic toons can be pumped up with steroids and defeat my GL’s but if we find a toon that can defeat your GL’s its not ok and your gonna nerf them?

    I’ll say it one more time. The Ahsoka 30 shard max rewards is complete and utter rubbish. There was no indication it was going to change, it rewards the people that maxed her out, they had almost two months with a exclusive toon. They were able to farm at 90, 65, and 50 intervals and now some players are going to have to wait 2-4 more conquests to get Ahsoka. I’m glad the players grinded out the hard nodes for max rewards. They earned it. However, you’ve just iced out a lot of players that were relatively close to getting her, to have to wait ANOTHER two+months. Do you see the problem here or is this falling on deaf ears? Haven’t heard one reply as to why this changed.
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    Being forced to use certain uncompetitive , out dated faction is just bad

    People play games to have fun, but CG’s strategy is to annoy and frustrate players (rage spending?)

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    Congrats on ruining conquest. I’m all for some competitive gaming but I think you missed the part where it gets harder as you progress? You see, I dont like it when the goal posts are moved. Firstly, nerfing toons that we farmed/paid for isnt cool. You can say you own the content and thats fine but when MY GL’s struggle against some of these garbage teams I see a double standard that I don’t like. Its ok if your basic toons can be pumped up with steroids and defeat my GL’s but if we find a toon that can defeat your GL’s its not ok and your gonna nerf them?

    I’ll say it one more time. The Ahsoka 30 shard max rewards is complete and utter rubbish. There was no indication it was going to change, it rewards the people that maxed her out, they had almost two months with a exclusive toon. They were able to farm at 90, 65, and 50 intervals and now some players are going to have to wait 2-4 more conquests to get Ahsoka. I’m glad the players grinded out the hard nodes for max rewards. They earned it. However, you’ve just iced out a lot of players that were relatively close to getting her, to have to wait ANOTHER two+months. Do you see the problem here or is this falling on deaf ears? Haven’t heard one reply as to why this changed.

    At least you can get her in 2 months. I just unlocked kenobi and I have only 15 CAT shards. I was super busy last few months and didn't grind out conquest. Now that life is back to normal I am screwed on CAT shards. I would have never made kenobi my latest GL if I had known I wouldn't be able to get CAT. Saying that to say this. Things could be worse. You could be in my shoes. Gonna have to work on maul to make sure this doesn't happen again......and that really sucks. I need CAT right now and it's not possible any time soon unless they change the rewards.
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    I earned max rewards in Hard GC the last 4 events, now I will not get close due to you incredibly STUPID feats..... Since my guild, that I lead, is nowhere close to CPit raid completion, you have STOPPED me and everyone like me from getting R8. Since you screwed Fleet Arena, you are now taking crystals from me also. I used to be #1 every day, but I and others are booted down by whales camping in the top 5 with Executor, which requires 2 R8 characters. So to recap, you stop of from getting R8, you stop us from advancing in fleets, you reduce our crystal income thus making further advancements harder... WHAT IS THE POINT? Contemplating quitting the game....
  • Shadow1989
    130 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Stage 2-cant find a team my semi relic nightsister can beat.

    Tried 4 times for 80 energy. this conquest is horrible
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    Is anyone else finding that there is only Padme, Gas, Bad Batch teams(Galactic Republic over all) showing up everywhere in conquest. Unless if I missed the memo that it was all Republic/Separtist themed only.
    It’s not really a mix mode of factions

    There is only one feat that’s completely tedious. Which is the potency down.

    The challenge abilities at the end of phase are actually really cool to have for later.
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    I'm sorry, I know it's not helpful in any way but this conquest is just trash.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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    Shadow1989 wrote: »
    Stage 2-cant find a team my semi relic nightsister can beat.

    Tried 4 times for 80 energy. this conquest is horrible

    Same here, I guess with all those changes rushing all sectors and grinding later with helpful data discs is the only possible way now..
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    That's kinda the goal.

    Make it more difficult to drive up sales of R8 bundles. That's what all of these changes are about. Nothing else.
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    Yep, I get that.... but when the audience shrinks cause you **** them off too much, it's just numbers that sales will inevitably go down as well.
    mickyluv wrote: »
    That's kinda the goal.

    Make it more difficult to drive up sales of R8 bundles. That's what all of these changes are about. Nothing else.

  • Straegen
    194 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    I really liked Conquest v1 and could see a lot of possibilities to make it even better. However, like all good things we end up with a massive grind that is about as fun as a root canal. Y'all took this game mode out back and beat the $%@* out of it.

    This is the first time I felt like quitting over an update and y'all have pushed out some doozies. You do know the game is actually supposed to be fun right?
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    TroopJF713 wrote: »
    Is anyone else finding that there is only Padme, Gas, Bad Batch teams(Galactic Republic over all) showing up everywhere in conquest. Unless if I missed the memo that it was all Republic/Separtist themed only.
    It’s not really a mix mode of factions

    There is only one feat that’s completely tedious. Which is the potency down.

    The challenge abilities at the end of phase are actually really cool to have for later.

    The weaker team are night sisters bh and mandalorians only
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    YouTubers has to spend whatever amount necessary to get the new contents quick, so viewers, esp those subscribed to the channel are indirectly funding them to screw to the business model of the game
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