Still Waiting for that Aayla Secura farm method!

26 posts Member
Hopefully being able to farm Aayla comes soon :(. It is one of the heroes that I really want to farm (whether GW, Arena, or Cantina Battles, not cantina shipments), and would definitely complete my jedi team! Anyone else agree?


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    Yes please! I would agree!
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    Her or Leia would be awesome additions but sadly they're some of the highest sought after in chromium characters so I don't see either being released for awhile.
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    I think every toon should be farmable by at least one hard modes. Besides that, I'd love her or other new characters to farm but I can't level/gear/star all the ones I currently have.
  • scuba
    14111 posts Member
    Yes please!
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    too many jedi have been released from chromium to f2p...doubtful she would be released, but i would be pleasantly surprised if she was!
    mighty chlorians
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Definitely I want Aayla. Im already 63/80 for Anakin 45/80 for Ima gun Di 60/80 Rey and unlocked Old Ben today. Already I added him to my arena team I put him to level 70 purple gear within seconds of unlocking him.
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    This would be great, I have her at 4* 42/65 and she is fun but not viable. Spent about 80$ trying for that last couple shards but realizing chromium is just throwing money into the wind if you want something specific.
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    I have her 7* maxed, as well as leia. Thay are a charm.. ^_^

    I consider them nice and all around balanced toons, i mean leia hits hard, but at least she is a known hero *cough* gs *cough* so she has that going for her.
    As for secura, she has some fun interactions and does some decent but no op dmg.

    This is what the game should be about, fun interactions, and proper strategy applying to your fights, not toons that hit 10k + especially with no lore to them. We all know these offenders..
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    Ya I'm pretty sure if GS was someone like Scourge from old republic nobody would care. Also if they're going to take some liberties? Make an Ewok Sith. Ewok Sith would be much more tolerated than a bug soldier
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    I planted some Aayla seeds a while ago but the ground is still frozen so I guess farming will take a while :disappointed:
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Sure... it would be interesting.
    I want to have her badly, but f2p like me is hard to get her shard without spend the money :s:D
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    She'd be a great addition to Arena tokens which is where her kit comes into play. She'd be a preferred option over Eeth for Jedi crews.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Would prefer Maul or Leia over her
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