Icon removed


this is just stupid - u guys removed TW shortcut and TB to add the selling crap and that stupid info : we know that is an event active - we can see it - no need to keep there and remove what is important like TW icon and TB icon


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    Events should aways have priority over packs. Looks like the Conquest Pass icon slipped through
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    TW and TB doesn't registered as events? some guild members (because they have RL life) almost forgot there is TW - because the icon disappear. the TW (now after adding new rewards to it) should have priority over char shard
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    FatalFrame wrote: »
    TW and TB doesn't registered as events? some guild members (because they have RL life) almost forgot there is TW - because the icon disappear. the TW (now after adding new rewards to it) should have priority over char shard

    I think you are misunderstanding me. The TW icon should be where the Conquest Pass icon is.
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    yeah, exactly my point - this things - for an company who have soo much money should be tested before they put it in game. they only know to sell us pack but dont care to test things before they put them online
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    This is not a mistake. They need to peddle those passes to reach end of year bonuses for management.
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    It's a despicable paywall for ease of access to guild activities
  • E3P0
    111 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    So currently you either have to:

    Swipe to the left
    Tap/Click Guild Banner to enter the Guild area
    Tap/Click Guild Events
    Tap/Click Enter on the Events tab
    Tap/Click Enter on the specific TB tab


    Tap/Click the bottom left circle
    If a raid is running, click the top right Shield button to enter the Guild area
    Tap/Click Guild Events
    Tap/Click Enter on the Events tab
    Tap/Click Enter on the specific TB tab

    Similar rundown for when TW is running (which has also been pushed off by these icons for the next 6+ days).

    That's either a swipe and 4 taps/clicks, or 5 taps/clicks to enter two of the most fundamental game modes in the game. Unbelievably clunky user interface.
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    I mean, I wouldn’t even mind the additional tapping if I had to enter through the guild menu. My biggest issue is that it is gone as a reminder/notification. Most players in our guild only play casually, and are busy with work and family, we don’t communicate a lot. Having the icon on the right hand side is very important to remind people of the TW/TB that is going on.
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    Yes, the only way to get rid of the icons is to buythem...
  • Deepjungle
    25 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Yes, the only way to get rid of the icons is to buythem...

    Never ever
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    At a minimum-- no need for the Galactic Challenge icon. Nothing to buy, and it is multiple days in the daily event tab that people go into.
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    TB / TW icons were very usefu, indeed moreso than the GC icon.
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    Yes, the only way to get rid of the icons is to buythem...
    OK - what should I buy to get rid of the !-Event-Icon?
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    So on the right we’re missing a button and on the left there’s space for one more button:jz9d3a4ssfna.jpeg
    I don’t care what reasoning is used but please, CG, put a button there
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    Rag_Scrag wrote: »
    So on the right we’re missing a button and on the left there’s space for one more button:jz9d3a4ssfna.jpeg
    I don’t care what reasoning is used but please, CG, put a button there

    Since the raid button is guild related it would only make sense to put another guild related button there.

    Could move either TW or TB button there (or a new merged button that opens the TB/TW selection screen).

    But that would probably break the game. Or at least the economy. But definitely the fun and engagement.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
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    Would be nice if there was 1 Icon for events that expands like the "auto"-button during fights ...
    In this "submenu" would be enough space for all events
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    yeah this is absolute trash. I didn't even know a TB started yesterday until the guild chat message was updated
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    kiar1404 wrote: »
    Would be nice if there was 1 Icon for events that expands like the "auto"-button during fights ...
    In this "submenu" would be enough space for all events

    Brilliant idea!
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
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    We don’t care about your stupid conquest pack. Remove it from the Home Screen. This is beyond ridiculous.
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    Thanks for making a thread about it. I was about to start one since I wouldn't have realized we are at a TB if not for a guild officer reminding us, but then I found this one.

    I can't understand why CG doesn't get rid of the Galactic Challenge icon, since GCs are in the Events tab, which we are used to check every day anyway since a new event starts every day (Endor omega battles tomorrow, followed by Ground War on Wednesday, General's Command on Thursday and so on).

    Or use the space at the left side, as someone said. There's no excuse for 'hiding' important events like this ones. Guild events, where no participation often means getting removed from the guild.
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    We've had a couple guildmates miss a phase because of this. And if you're going to put a conquest icon up there, please let it go to the conquest screen rather than what's essentially a pack.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
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    Coming soon: GALACTIC PASS

    Get UI improvements, remove pack and sales icons and popups, customize your shortcuts, autojoin GAC, get a BETTER MOD MANAGEMENT UI, everything for only 30 USD/month.

    It's supposed to be a joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do something like that.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Rag_Scrag wrote: »
    I don’t care what reasoning is used but please, CG, put a button there

    Be careful what you wish for cuz knowing CG it’ll be,

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    Yeah, this is ridiculous. Have people missing the TB because everyone is used to there being an icon on the screen indicating it’s up and running. May be less of an issue in a full on guild, but some of us are dealing with casual players that aren’t going to hunt this down. These pack icons are getting out of hand.
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    Cuzzins wrote: »
    These pack icons are getting out of hand.

    Now there are two of them!
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    First world problems up in here
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Who is stupid enough to buy the conquest pass 1 week before the end and then do not benefit of the pass itself ?
    Just erase this icon ....
    The whales has already bought them and the others won't ....
  • Ultra
    11554 posts Moderator
    Rag_Scrag wrote: »
    So on the right we’re missing a button and on the left there’s space for one more button:jz9d3a4ssfna.jpeg
    I don’t care what reasoning is used but please, CG, put a button there

    What kind of button do you want?
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