Lol its another copy pasted conquest

177 posts Member
edited January 2022
Post edited by Kyno on


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    I don’t think anyone who has paid attention to Conquest will be surprised by the 3rd of a set of 3 having the same global feats.
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    Yeah, dude, they run them in blocks of three. What do you expect? Some massive change where it’s not Book of Boba-related stuff?

    That’s next month.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Any changes to this one will be the regular secret nerfs or arbitrary bugs.
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    Maybe a badger made them do it.

    Otherwise I have no idea what the complaint is.
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    Whaaaat? 3 Conquest in a row being the same? Who would've thought!

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    It’s the third conquest in a set of 3. This isn’t news lol.
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    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.
  • Ultra
    11574 posts Moderator
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest
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    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    I'm afraid of what they'll do next...

    This set of conquests were the worst, after taking notes of our "feedback"
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    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    How do you know? That certainly hasn't appeared to be the case thus far...
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    I don’t think anyone who has paid attention to Conquest will be surprised by the 3rd of a set of 3 having the same global feats.

    Guess OP expected that the computer GC uses to count to three was unavailable...
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    What is news is that this is the last set ... And all the things that are to be changed are not in YET !!!

    Special road path to the hard node etc ?
    Remember ?
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    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Is it? CG’s not good at giving indicators of such things. Lack of communication and all that.
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    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Is it? CG’s not good at giving indicators of such things. Lack of communication and all that.

    Have you read these fora? Who would want to communicate with these people?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Um, they took our feedback and made things worse. Every iteration of 3 conquests have gotten less fun, more tedious, and more excessively OP. I have GL's that get slaughtered by jawas because of someone not going to 11, but going to 457. (and letting Doja and Crumb deal with the wrath of unhappy players.) I can get the red crate, but it seems as if they don't want players to play conquest.

    I'm more fearful of what conquest 13 will be because of that very issue. If they tone it down, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
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    Unfortunately we know they won't tone it down. Basically you need to spend crystals on refreshes or buy the pass in order to get high crates where it was possible solely on the regular energy recharge over the course of the 2 weeks.

    The reasoning that too many players rushed it in 2-3 days than stopped playing it was nothing but ****. Those same players still rush it and stop once they receive max crate.

    With the effectiveness of the Thermal detonator and caustic emissions cards currently they will be changed by the next set of challenges or even removed.

    We all understand money needs to be made but when you make changes that negatively affect the majority of the player base cause they don't or won't spend money it does nothing to but sow dissent.

    At least I was able to get 1 toon to R8 before they made it impossible to get the aeromags through conquest unless you spent crystals/money.

    If the next round of conquests actually improve on that I will be both surprised and impressed.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Because after conquest 7-9 they claimed to have listened to our feedback and literally did almost nothing we asked for. So if their track record is any indication of “listening to feedback” I can’t wait to see how conquest 13-15 are going to be worse than this set.
    NicWester wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Is it? CG’s not good at giving indicators of such things. Lack of communication and all that.

    Have you read these fora? Who would want to communicate with these people?

    Well, I mean you do :)

    Also, maybe if CG didn’t routinely lie to us, refuse to address issues and problems, disregard positive feedback, etc, maybe the forums wouldn’t be as toxic as they are. You know, it is actually possible for them to control how bad things are on the forums by…idk, listening to their players feedback? Not pushing bugged out content and then refuse to fix it? Just saying
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Oh it's not copy pasted. If it was, I wouldn't be wasting energy on battles that were easy wins before. I guess too many people were on track to get Bob without buying the pass...
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Oh it's not copy pasted. If it was, I wouldn't be wasting energy on battles that were easy wins before. I guess too many people were on track to get Bob without buying the pass...

    I have to disagree ... I'm cruising through this one so far ... To me the battles seem much easier.

    It's still a horrible grind, but so far it's an easier grind
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Oh it's not copy pasted. If it was, I wouldn't be wasting energy on battles that were easy wins before. I guess too many people were on track to get Bob without buying the pass...

    I have to disagree ... I'm cruising through this one so far ... To me the battles seem much easier.

    It's still a horrible grind, but so far it's an easier grind

    So maybe it is copy pasted (as was expected) and RNG just **** on me...
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Because after conquest 7-9 they claimed to have listened to our feedback and literally did almost nothing we asked for. So if their track record is any indication of “listening to feedback” I can’t wait to see how conquest 13-15 are going to be worse than this set.
    NicWester wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Is it? CG’s not good at giving indicators of such things. Lack of communication and all that.

    Have you read these fora? Who would want to communicate with these people?

    Well, I mean you do :)

    Also, maybe if CG didn’t routinely lie to us, refuse to address issues and problems, disregard positive feedback, etc, maybe the forums wouldn’t be as toxic as they are. You know, it is actually possible for them to control how bad things are on the forums by…idk, listening to their players feedback? Not pushing bugged out content and then refuse to fix it? Just saying
    I think you’re failing to distinguish between “listening to feedback” and “responding to requests”.

    Don’t get me wrong - I’m not a fan of the direction Conquest has taken, especially as someone that didn’t refresh energy once in Conquests 1-6 and got red crate each time.

    But there is a difference between listening to forumers and just implementing what they suggest / request. Just because they haven’t done the latter, doesn’t mean they didn’t do the former.

    The devs obviously didn’t want people like me or you getting max rewards without shelling out crystals, so it’s unlikely that any feedback or suggestions that would see this become possible again will be acted upon.
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    The devs obviously didn’t want people like me or you getting max rewards without shelling out crystals, so it’s unlikely that any feedback or suggestions that would see this become possible again will be acted upon.

    Then keep the crystal requirement by doubling or tripling the cost of battles and remove the mindless repetitive nature of feats. They are never going to get the time commitment from me that they are currently requiring for conquest. I went from what I would consider a decent customer to someone who no longer spends and commits considerably less time to playing this game now. Job well done CG.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    The devs obviously didn’t want people like me or you getting max rewards without shelling out crystals, so it’s unlikely that any feedback or suggestions that would see this become possible again will be acted upon.

    Then keep the crystal requirement by doubling or tripling the cost of battles and remove the mindless repetitive nature of feats. They are never going to get the time commitment from me that they are currently requiring for conquest. I went from what I would consider a decent customer to someone who no longer spends and commits considerably less time to playing this game now. Job well done CG.

    Or, rather than further increasing the cost of battles, increase the cost of refreshes. Give them cantina pricing and cut the feats in half and the whole thing will be much more bearable.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    The devs obviously didn’t want people like me or you getting max rewards without shelling out crystals, so it’s unlikely that any feedback or suggestions that would see this become possible again will be acted upon.

    Then keep the crystal requirement by doubling or tripling the cost of battles and remove the mindless repetitive nature of feats. They are never going to get the time commitment from me that they are currently requiring for conquest. I went from what I would consider a decent customer to someone who no longer spends and commits considerably less time to playing this game now. Job well done CG.

    Or, rather than further increasing the cost of battles, increase the cost of refreshes. Give them cantina pricing and cut the feats in half and the whole thing will be much more bearable.

    Honestly this to me seems like a great suggestion.
    CG seems to have decided that CAT was gotten to cheaply by to many, which is fair. They have targets to hit. But then increase the crystal cost of refreshes and recude the amount of refreshes needed, that would be welcome.

    Rather, I fear next conquest will be dedicated to legends and have 1 zone for Kyle Katarn, 1 zone for Mara Jade, 1 for Talon, 1 for Dash, 1 for Starkiller. Then we shall see who will red box those feats. I wont.
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    It’s really a shame that CG is trying to get the community to all hate Conquest, isn’t it? Such promise…
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Because after conquest 7-9 they claimed to have listened to our feedback and literally did almost nothing we asked for. So if their track record is any indication of “listening to feedback” I can’t wait to see how conquest 13-15 are going to be worse than this set.
    NicWester wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    I feel like it should be news that once again, CG has successfully ignored all criticism of the current Conquest run.

    Surprising, no. But aggravating.

    How do you know? Current conquest feedback is taken into account in future sets of conquest

    Is it? CG’s not good at giving indicators of such things. Lack of communication and all that.

    Have you read these fora? Who would want to communicate with these people?

    Well, I mean you do :)

    Also, maybe if CG didn’t routinely lie to us, refuse to address issues and problems, disregard positive feedback, etc, maybe the forums wouldn’t be as toxic as they are. You know, it is actually possible for them to control how bad things are on the forums by…idk, listening to their players feedback? Not pushing bugged out content and then refuse to fix it? Just saying
    I think you’re failing to distinguish between “listening to feedback” and “responding to requests”.

    Don’t get me wrong - I’m not a fan of the direction Conquest has taken, especially as someone that didn’t refresh energy once in Conquests 1-6 and got red crate each time.

    But there is a difference between listening to forumers and just implementing what they suggest / request. Just because they haven’t done the latter, doesn’t mean they didn’t do the former.

    The devs obviously didn’t want people like me or you getting max rewards without shelling out crystals, so it’s unlikely that any feedback or suggestions that would see this become possible again will be acted upon.

    But feedback saying “the feats are too grindy and repetitive” isn’t a request. It’s feedback they ignored since we still have “win x battles with this faction” or “get x kills with this toon”. The feats are insanely grindy and repetitive just like 7-9 so that was ignored.

    Honestly I don’t mind the crystal cost involved so long as the game mode was fun and interesting. The fact they lost all the fun with the first few conquests and turned it into what it is now is just insulting. If they put any kind of effort into it and listened to feedback and ideas they could totally get a crystal dump from players while providing something fun in return. People are only doing it now because they have to for some super awesome toon. What happens when people get burnt out from it?

    Idk, they can make conquest fun without hurting their bottom dollar but for whatever reason, they’re choosing to just let things go as is without taking any consideration into player burnout and frustration.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Oh it's not copy pasted. If it was, I wouldn't be wasting energy on battles that were easy wins before. I guess too many people were on track to get Bob without buying the pass...

    I have to disagree ... I'm cruising through this one so far ... To me the battles seem much easier.

    It's still a horrible grind, but so far it's an easier grind

    Same here, feel its easier than previous 2.
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