GAC is over and guess what

360 posts Member
edited January 2022

I’m a day one player and have enjoyed his content from day one. It’s a shame he is not recognized at all by this company.
Post edited by Kyno on


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    I used to enjoy his content, and then he got all cringey with his “grand admiral” persona. There are a lot of other streamers I’d rather spend my time watching than Ahnald
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    He’s too outspoken against them. He has a heavy following to boot so if they feed into that it’ll be bad for business. Ahnald is without a doubt my fav content creator cause he tells it like it is. Wish MobileGamer was still playing cause they made great collabs together.

    I also enjoy Cubs, APGains and Hynsey of course. They’ve got some great stuff rolling out but Ahnald is just in a separate tier as far as entertainment. It’s a shame CG won’t actually listen to content creators like all of them for ideas, since they have such big followings. Oh well, CG’s loss
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    He’s too outspoken against them. He has a heavy following to boot so if they feed into that it’ll be bad for business. Ahnald is without a doubt my fav content creator cause he tells it like it is. Wish MobileGamer was still playing cause they made great collabs together.

    I also enjoy Cubs, APGains and Hynsey of course. They’ve got some great stuff rolling out but Ahnald is just in a separate tier as far as entertainment. It’s a shame CG won’t actually listen to content creators like all of them for ideas, since they have such big followings. Oh well, CG’s loss

    ...My loss too as a member of the player base. 😢.

    That being said, no one voice should dominate the conversation. There's a lot of great ideas out there and some bad ones too. I don't think the majority always gets it right either.
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    I'm not a day one player and I couldn't give a Gundark's squishy bits about Grand Admiral Clickbait. :D
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    I have enjoyed his content at times. Some do and some don't. They both do just fine without eachother. He already has the largest influence of any CC so not sure what he gains by working with them at this point.

    And no company is going to "partner" with someone that is constantly slamming them. For it to ever work someone needs a reason to think they need the other person. And that's just not in cards right now.
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    Drim wrote: »

    I’m a day one player and have enjoyed his content from day one. It’s a shame he is not recognized at all by this company.

    I doubt he will ever be formally recognised honestly. He says it how it is and CG probably don’t like that. In saying that though, he is incredibly tame compared to how he probably should be. I remember first playing this game and with fresh unknowing eyes, god this game preys on monetisation. The HB itself was easily 10 times the value it should be. I’m a converted player though and have spent my share. What Ahnald says it’s 99% true and he is entertaining to say the least.

    But again they simply won’t. I mean I would love to be proven wrong, but CG also said they’re listening to feedback about conquest and it’s got progressively worse since so I’m not holding my breath haha
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
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    From a learning PoV, I prefer watching other content creators, who are definitely better players. Unfortunately, not so many can whale into the bracket he's currently in.

    Finish 6th in the new GAC mode does not mean you are among the best players of the world. It just means your are among the best whaling players.

    I'm honestly a bit surprised he got up to 6th place. Let me honestly worry about the real skill level among the whaling players :lol:
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    He doesn't, "say it how it is", he says what he thinks. He should be thankful that CG doesn't embarrass him for claims he made when he was flat out wrong due to facts CG doesnt publicly divulge. He makes claims as if he sees everyone's cards. He doesn't, it's not tactful, and it puts the P.R. side of a business in a precarious spot because it can make them have to deal publicly with half-truths; so unfortunately they are forced to ignore him instead of include him.
  • jonnysiniwal
    675 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    You are going to get flamed by all the anti ahnald hipsters. He has a big following so everyone is going to try and earn cool points by slamming him.
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    Ahnald is pretty good from an entertainment perspective and to see what teams the whales use. However itsjustian is more at my player level (even faced him a few times) so in terms of developing my game I tend to prefer to see streamers running teams that i can use.
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    TVF wrote: »

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    He doesn't, "say it how it is", he says what he thinks. He should be thankful that CG doesn't embarrass him for claims he made when he was flat out wrong due to facts CG doesnt publicly divulge. He makes claims as if he sees everyone's cards. He doesn't, it's not tactful, and it puts the P.R. side of a business in a precarious spot because it can make them have to deal publicly with half-truths; so unfortunately they are forced to ignore him instead of include him.

    He does say how it is. He calls them out on their mistakes while others keep quiet about it so they can continue to get their interviews and first looks. Every single content creator has speculations about upcoming content and that’s not a bad thing. It engages the community and peaks interest.

    If they don’t like that he calls them out when necessary and that’s bad on a PR level for them, maybe don’t make those mistakes? Maybe don’t do things like ignore….sorry people don’t like that word…disregard feedback on conquest and double down on the very things players hate, perhaps they don’t catch that backlash? Maybe don’t wait years for gear economy changes? Maybe don’t muzzle your Community Managers and let them interact with us on a regular basis? Maybe actually ban cheaters and don’t make back door deals with them based on how much people spend and actually enforce rules? 🤔
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    He’s too outspoken against them. He has a heavy following to boot so if they feed into that it’ll be bad for business. Ahnald is without a doubt my fav content creator cause he tells it like it is. Wish MobileGamer was still playing cause they made great collabs together.

    I also enjoy Cubs, APGains and Hynsey of course. They’ve got some great stuff rolling out but Ahnald is just in a separate tier as far as entertainment. It’s a shame CG won’t actually listen to content creators like all of them for ideas, since they have such big followings. Oh well, CG’s loss

    I have met Ahnald, Cubs, and many other Content Creators while running Gaming Fans. They know a lot. Like a LOT. This is the reality of it all - Ahnald is telling the crowd how it is while also understanding full well he is an entertainer. I find his info accurate and entertaining at the same time.
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    sure he placed #6 but he had to whale hundreds on every character to get there, wished mobilegamer was still playing too to see where he would've ended up
  • bap1234
    126 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    i love the grand admiral and conquest is my fav mode (so far). cheating, missing buttons, executor rng fest are 100000000000% times worse than conquest, CG should get criticized for not doing enough about cheating than conquest.
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    Antario wrote: »
    From a learning PoV, I prefer watching other content creators, who are definitely better players. Unfortunately, not so many can whale into the bracket he's currently in.

    Finish 6th in the new GAC mode does not mean you are among the best players of the world. It just means your are among the best whaling players.

    I'm honestly a bit surprised he got up to 6th place. Let me honestly worry about the real skill level among the whaling players :lol:

    Link your GAC history for us to judge then Mr High and Mighty

    LOL What do you want to judge? I'm not the one claiming being one the best players of the world. (But some guy mentioned here did and then lost a match by timing out to a r8 Nest) :lol:

    btw. anyone can easily google my account by searching "Swgoh Antario"

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    Hell i found out i dropped rank
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    Antario wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    From a learning PoV, I prefer watching other content creators, who are definitely better players. Unfortunately, not so many can whale into the bracket he's currently in.

    Finish 6th in the new GAC mode does not mean you are among the best players of the world. It just means your are among the best whaling players.

    I'm honestly a bit surprised he got up to 6th place. Let me honestly worry about the real skill level among the whaling players :lol:

    Link your GAC history for us to judge then Mr High and Mighty

    LOL What do you want to judge? I'm not the one claiming being one the best players of the world. (But some guy mentioned here did and then lost a match by timing out to a r8 Nest) :lol:

    btw. anyone can easily google my account by searching "Swgoh Antario"

    Well being rank 6 kind of puts weight to the claim of being one of the best, wouldn’t you say? Also if you watch his streams he has some pretty good plays and compositions so it’s not just his credit card doing the talking.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    From a learning PoV, I prefer watching other content creators, who are definitely better players. Unfortunately, not so many can whale into the bracket he's currently in.

    Finish 6th in the new GAC mode does not mean you are among the best players of the world. It just means your are among the best whaling players.

    I'm honestly a bit surprised he got up to 6th place. Let me honestly worry about the real skill level among the whaling players :lol:

    Link your GAC history for us to judge then Mr High and Mighty

    LOL What do you want to judge? I'm not the one claiming being one the best players of the world. (But some guy mentioned here did and then lost a match by timing out to a r8 Nest) :lol:

    btw. anyone can easily google my account by searching "Swgoh Antario"

    Well being rank 6 kind of puts weight to the claim of being one of the best, wouldn’t you say? Also if you watch his streams he has some pretty good plays and compositions so it’s not just his credit card doing the talking.

    I watched his last round against Peempo. His wins using Padme/Jawa vs MM/KK and Troopers vs DR/Talon were surely incredible and fun to watch. But did he win because of skill or luck? I'm not sure. What I'm sure of is, he sometimes gambles more than necessary, at least way more than a really good efficiency player would. Certainly, his viewers want entertaining content and he has to deliver. I get that. But pulling spectacular wins does not makes you best player. I mean he's a good player (credit card certainly is not everything) and he certainly has knowledge of the game. I really hope he has chance to be invited to the next speed gac tournament to prove himself.
  • NS4Life1979
    71 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    it just amazes me, the number of times he says... I need this character to go first, or this needs to happen or that needs to happen at the start of a battle, and 9/10 times it actually happens.. for me if i tried that it would be I need this character to go first and it is a toss of a coin 9/10 times it swings the other way.

    Either way it is impressive, but very lucky a lot of the time.
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    One loss from 1st! To my post still no news on the winners from the 1st real GAC from CG talk about tone deaf 1000’s of players we’re watching this 1st round and not a peep from CG.
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    Whether you believe it or not, BOTH Ahnald and CG are benefiting from this adversity between them. Both of them know it and both of them are enjoying that adversarial relationship because of the benefits from it.

    He's got some solid stuff and for the most part I don't mind, it's just occasionally that he goes overboard and I have to turn it off.
  • Wookieebush
    92 posts Member
    edited January 2022
    He doesn't, "say it how it is", he says what he thinks. He should be thankful that CG doesn't embarrass him for claims he made when he was flat out wrong due to facts CG doesnt publicly divulge. He makes claims as if he sees everyone's cards. He doesn't, it's not tactful, and it puts the P.R. side of a business in a precarious spot because it can make them have to deal publicly with half-truths; so unfortunately they are forced to ignore him instead of include him.

    Amazing, every word of what you just said was wrong.
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Whether you believe it or not, BOTH Ahnald and CG are benefiting from this adversity between them. Both of them know it and both of them are enjoying that adversarial relationship because of the benefits from it.

    He's got some solid stuff and for the most part I don't mind, it's just occasionally that he goes overboard and I have to turn it off.

    I'm curious about that. I absolutely see how Ahnald benefits from the adversarial relationship, but I fail to see how CG capitalizes on that at all. They are the villain to thousands (and maybe hundreds of thousands) of players (sidenote: i have no idea why players who hate this game/CG will still continue play it and bash it - it's beyond me). How does that benefit CG?
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    Drim wrote: »
    One loss from 1st! To my post still no news on the winners from the 1st real GAC from CG talk about tone deaf 1000’s of players we’re watching this 1st round and not a peep from CG.
    First real GAC? :D:D:D

    GAC is now WAC - Wallet Arena Championship - because the only way to the top is a high GP roster with all the latest toys and the really good players are scattered throughout the leagues, not even necessarily showing up in the top 50 of their current league / division.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    One loss from 1st! To my post still no news on the winners from the 1st real GAC from CG talk about tone deaf 1000’s of players we’re watching this 1st round and not a peep from CG.
    First real GAC? :D:D:D

    GAC is now WAC - Wallet Arena Championship - because the only way to the top is a high GP roster with all the latest toys and the really good players are scattered throughout the leagues, not even necessarily showing up in the top 50 of their current league / division.

    Really good players from CG’s perspective are those that spend the most so WAI. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    One loss from 1st! To my post still no news on the winners from the 1st real GAC from CG talk about tone deaf 1000’s of players we’re watching this 1st round and not a peep from CG.
    First real GAC? :D:D:D

    GAC is now WAC - Wallet Arena Championship - because the only way to the top is a high GP roster with all the latest toys and the really good players are scattered throughout the leagues, not even necessarily showing up in the top 50 of their current league / division.

    Really good players from CG’s perspective are those that spend the most so WAI. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Well, before GAC the really good players from the mafias perspective were the ones that engaged into their little groups to profit from it. So, now the mafias from each arena node aren't happy because they can't bully the others for easy cristal income. For me I've never been happier with the game, since my cristal income has doubled because of that.
    "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light"
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    MilHanso wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Drim wrote: »
    One loss from 1st! To my post still no news on the winners from the 1st real GAC from CG talk about tone deaf 1000’s of players we’re watching this 1st round and not a peep from CG.
    First real GAC? :D:D:D

    GAC is now WAC - Wallet Arena Championship - because the only way to the top is a high GP roster with all the latest toys and the really good players are scattered throughout the leagues, not even necessarily showing up in the top 50 of their current league / division.

    Really good players from CG’s perspective are those that spend the most so WAI. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Well, before GAC the really good players from the mafias perspective were the ones that engaged into their little groups to profit from it. So, now the mafias from each arena node aren't happy because they can't bully the others for easy cristal income. For me I've never been happier with the game, since my cristal income has doubled because of that.

    Not sure what this thread has to do with any of that. Nobody was talking about crystal income or the “best” in thousands of mafia controlled shards. That horse is now officially dead, move on.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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