#1 in arena! A inside look on the FTP team


Hello everybody!
I've been playing this game since mid December. I've been playing free to play my entire run.Today I reached number 1 in arena for the first time! Today I will give an insight on my team which has characters which are all quite easy to unlock and star up. I will discuss how to use the team and I will give some tips on how to get to rank 1.

The team!:
First a general description of the team:
The team is a bulky AOE team. It has quite a specific way of how it is used, but we'll get into that later. This team is cool because it's very easy to farm for a FTP player, it's easy to use and works well against many archetypes in the current META. On top of that, nearly every character fits well in many other kind of teams AND are good for GW. So farming them is never a waste of time! Both Phasma and Poggle can be farmed in Galactic War, which is the fastest way of farming. Sid is easy to farm with arena tokens and both Kylo and Geo are cantina (slightly slower but both very doable!).

Note that this team has no healer. This team hits hard and fast and honestly is far better of without a healer. I never have been in a situation where I was like geez, I wish I had a healer.

Description of the team members:

Sid: Sid is the lead in this team. Sids leader ability is in most cases worse then Phasma's. But since you can get a critical on every AOE hit, it is in this case superior to Phasma's single target assist ability. Sid is kinda important on this team. His AOE is normally not that scary, but paired with Poggle's attack up and his leader ability, it can deal scary damage. His speed also allows him to dent your main threat with his basic so Geo can snipe it down. This makes setting up your team that much easier.

Geo (mine is only 6 stars ans still very usable!): Geo is pretty much in the team for one reason: Snipe a single massive threat. The team is quite bulky, and can pretty much win if everybody survives a round. But when focussed, some crucial team members might die turn 1. It's Geo's role to snipe your most threatening enemy or at least bring it to KO range so it won't make turn 2.

Poggle: Doesn't need much explanation. Poggle does what he always does. Give the team offense up so that AOE attacks suddenly become scary.

Phasma: Phasma's main goal is using Victory March as soon as possible. Sid and Geo move before Poggle can use his offense up. This means that Sid will probably die before he can use his offense up boosted AOE. With Victory march, you're nearly always guaranteed to get your AOE off with Sid. And honestly, the advantage boost on top of offense up boost isn't that bad either ;). Phasma's Fussillade can be used later on to finish a game in lots of cases.

Kylo: I swear, this guy is made for teams like this. He's bulky and has a great AOE with a great side effect, with a instant cooldown when taking damage! (works well vs counter toons like dooku, free cooldown) His boosted AOE deals scary damage. Together with Sid, he can get allot of characters in KO range for his counter ability.

How to use the team:
Playing this team is a no brainer. Every battles plays out the same! First you attack your main threat with Sids basic (Rey, Yoda or Geo are common first targets). Proceed by sniping the attacked character with Geo, or get it down to AOE KO range. Then it's Phasma's turn to use Victory march. This gets Sid enough turn meter to launch his AOE followed by Kylo's AOE. After that it's mopping up with the rest of the crew.

-Taunters mean nothing to this team. The AOE goes trough them and even without a kill before taunt, lives long enough to destroy most teams.

-These battles are all or nothing. So facing a healer is fun stuff with this team!

Problems of this team:

-Avoid Poe teams at all costs. His taunt is not the problem. His turn meter manipulation+expose is more of an issue. This team has a quite specific way of playing. with turn meter manipulation, it can go wrong big time.

-Dooku's are not fun to play against. Stuns can ruin this team quite fast. His counter is surprisingly no issue at all for an AOE team.

-Single target focussing can be an issue. When a character dies turn one, you could get in problems. Since it's bulky, this doesn't happen much vs AI to be honest.

-QGJ leads can be an issue because of the single targeting problem, since a jedi team might be able to take out one or two characters before the team can set up.

-I do think this team is horrible on defense. This due the specific pattern that's needed when playing this team that the AI does not follow. That and the problem with single target focussing.

Some general tips on getting number 1:
-Don't be afraid of spending crystals on arena refreshes. Top 20>10>5>4>3>2>1 all give 50 extra crystals each step. So sometimes spending 50 crystals for 5 extra battles, or to cool down the timer near payout can work out in your favour. Sometimes it's a risk, but can be worth it.

-To be honest, with all the rank sniping, you sometimes have to stay in a battle just to keep a spot. Today I refreshed 3 battle timers to go directly in a battle to make sure I couldn't be challenged. Even then I got challenged in the 2 seconds in between 2 battles. Luckily, the challenger didn't win so I kept my spot.

-Pick your enemies carefully. You don't always have to fight the highest ranked opponent. Sometimes challenging a opponent a rank lower can be more beneficial in the long run. A place lower is better then losing and not progressing at all.

So, that's it for my team analyses! I hope you guys can enjoy the read. My English isn't all that good and I wrote this while tired, so it excuse my for my flawed English. I still think it's readable enough for most people, so thanks for reading and good luck getting number one!



  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    Nice guide pal! I'm FTP and working on an assist/FO based team myself (phas-dooku-QGJ-kylo-FOTP) don't want to farm GS for reasons :)

    Anyway appreciate the set up and your English is fine by the way lol
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    Oootini wrote: »
    Nice guide pal! I'm FTP and working on an assist/FO based team myself (phas-dooku-QGJ-kylo-FOTP) don't want to farm GS for reasons :)

    Anyway appreciate the set up and your English is fine by the way lol

    Sounds like a fun team! Let us know how the team works out when it's finished. :) might inspire other ftp players to get high up in the ranks! Also thanks for the kind words, apriciate it!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I consistently and easily beat that team comp on my server with Jedi.
    QGJ(L), Yoda, Ahsoka, Luminara, Eeth
    Granted, I leave Sid until last, but he eventually dies to the 3-5 Dudes I still have.

    Arena wins are a crystal investment that mostly pays off if you are 7*.

    Swapping Phasma for Dooku, and making him lead, would greatly improve your defense vs Jedi in specific, and really most teams in general. Swapping Kylo for Luminara would give even better general defense.
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    It's a nice team, but mostlyit's a rather easy win when the ai controls it. I sometimes bring in my phasma when I see RG teams in the top spots, but I'd really rather keep her benched because I'm such an easy target if I sacrifice speed for buffers. It's not that I can defend with my speed team anyway, but since people WILL get losses when my Rey, qgj, gs crit, they will pick someone like you instead, because there won't be any surprises there.

    I'm also f2p btw and got my first #1 spot a couple of months back. Phasma and poggle are awesome... - just not very hard to beat.
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    Nice post, but want to ask why your not running Phasma as the leader? Doing so would give you extra attacks per fight, which would easily triple the damage you are getting from Sids crit leader ability.
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    Thanks for all the feedback guy! Some mixed opinions, so here is what I think:
    Taking dookubas lead sounds like a good options. I feel like swapping him for phasma and putting him as lead is my best option. Someone mentioned i should replace poggle for dooku, but dooku's offense up is inconsistent. So i rather keep poggle and replace phasma with dooku and use him as lead.

    Also i chose sid over phasma because sids ability does better on AOE based teams if i temember right. I think @JohnnySteelAlpha did the calculations once? He played with AOE based teams allot if i recall correctly.

    Ps @JohnnySteelAlpha , whats your opinion about this team and thread? Any comments or feedback? :)
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    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda
  • Options
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.t
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda

    He is ranked one though! Must be doing something right. Right?

    I am also rank 1 at my payout time, for quite a while. What I am saying is that his team has many problem areas and not all in all strong. Fact that he is number one relies mostly upon teams of his competition, which must be fairly average.

  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Spend enough crystals on refreshes, become #1.
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member

    Hey man, congrats. That first time at number one is a sweet feeling, and the first one is always the hardest. Now do it again!!

    @everyone else

    No this team isn't meta. No he doesn't have QGJ/Rey/RG/Dooku like EVERY other team out there. Give him a break, his team isn't much easier to beat than any of your cookie cutter teams. Dude just landed #1 for the first time. Tell him congrats!
  • SubjectZero
    176 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.t
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda

    I'm working on both QGJ and Dooku. dooku on hard nodes since i started playing (and will do cantina after geo is 7*) and QGJ since he was ftp. Yet even when fully investing in them, they are still not 7*. I will use them when i'm done farming them, but tbh this team isnt as bad as you describe. I can get in the upper ranks quite easily beating most teams without to much effort. Just like most people mentioned, defending is an issue. Since only thing I truly agree with is the fact that phasma could have a better replacement, but not with what I got curently. Dooku will replace her when he's done.

    Yeah it's not the best team, not the META, but for an easy to farm FTP team, it's good enough to reach #1. And more importantly pretty fun.

    I dont know how good the competition in my server is. Lots of yodas, QGJs, droids, dookus, pretty much what i expect from most servers. Just not many teams with whale exclusive toons near my payout.

    (Also rey and yoda aren't really easy to farm for FTP, so yeah on that...)

    I do appreciate the input, and I will keep improving my team according to the feedback I get.
    JoshG wrote: »

    Hey man, congrats. That first time at number one is a sweet feeling, and the first one is always the hardest. Now do it again!!

    @everyone else

    No this team isn't meta. No he doesn't have QGJ/Rey/RG/Dooku like EVERY other team out there. Give him a break, his team isn't much easier to beat than any of your cookie cutter teams. Dude just landed #1 for the first time. Tell him congrats!

    Thanks man :)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Did I not say congrats?!

    Sorry, my bad, but all the whining lately has clouded my headspace.

    Grats and well done.
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    but all the whining lately

    Can't argue with that. There is enough tears on this forum to float the titanic....
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.t
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda

    I'm working on both QGJ and Dooku. dooku on hard nodes since i started playing (and will do cantina after geo is 7*) and QGJ since he was ftp. Yet even when fully investing in them, they are still not 7*. I will use them when i'm done farming them, but tbh this team isnt as bad as you describe. I can get in the upper ranks quite easily beating most teams without to much effort. Just like most people mentioned, defending is an issue. Since only thing I truly agree with is the fact that phasma could have a better replacement, but not with what I got curently. Dooku will replace her when he's done.

    Yeah it's not the best team but for an easy to farm FTP team, it's good enough to reach #1.

    (Also rey and yoda aren't really easy to farm for FTP, so yeah on that...)

    I do appreciate the input, and I will keep improving my team according to the feedback I get.

    Rey yes, difficult, but QGJ and Yoda are very obtainable for Ftp - and of course your team will be seriously stronger with these two (as well as with Dooku). And when you change 3 out of 5 in your team for this trio, you will agree that current setup is not very good :)
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    @OP, Sorry that everyone else has to voice their opinion about your team since it's totally off topic. I guess it's a forum but geez, you're F2P, hit #1 arena and wrote up a nice guide for everyone else. +1000 to you and congratulations on the achievement.
  • SubjectZero
    176 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.t
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda

    I'm working on both QGJ and Dooku. dooku on hard nodes since i started playing (and will do cantina after geo is 7*) and QGJ since he was ftp. Yet even when fully investing in them, they are still not 7*. I will use them when i'm done farming them, but tbh this team isnt as bad as you describe. I can get in the upper ranks quite easily beating most teams without to much effort. Just like most people mentioned, defending is an issue. Since only thing I truly agree with is the fact that phasma could have a better replacement, but not with what I got curently. Dooku will replace her when he's done.

    Yeah it's not the best team but for an easy to farm FTP team, it's good enough to reach #1.

    (Also rey and yoda aren't really easy to farm for FTP, so yeah on that...)

    I do appreciate the input, and I will keep improving my team according to the feedback I get.

    Rey yes, difficult, but QGJ and Yoda are very obtainable for Ftp - and of course your team will be seriously stronger with these two (as well as with Dooku). And when you change 3 out of 5 in your team for this trio, you will agree that current setup is not very good :)

    Like i said before, my team is not the meta or the best, but good enough to get #1 and fun non the less. And yes if i make a team with these other toons i have a different team all together. Changing it up is fun every once in a while, you should try it.

    I disagree with QGJ and Yoda. QGJ is 5 shards every day or 2 with 1 cantina refresh. Thats slow no matter how you look at it. Yoda requiring a full team of 7* toons also takes ages for FTP players unless you already had a few 7* jedi.

    Not saying you're wrong, just saying you're not completely right.
    djlott wrote: »
    @OP, Sorry that everyone else has to voice their opinion about your team since it's totally off topic. I guess it's a forum but geez, you're F2P, hit #1 arena and wrote up a nice guide for everyone else. +1000 to you and congratulations on the achievement.

    Apriciate it man! :)
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    Congrats, I hit #7 yesterday for the first time after hitting #20 for the first time the day before. I'm aiming for top 3 today.

    Completely F2P also with Maxed Dooku, Savage, Lumi, Poggle, IG86
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    Congrats Man good build way you Explian it make sense on how it Works so Well!!!
  • SubjectZero
    176 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    DarthPoe94 wrote: »
    Congrats, I hit #7 yesterday for the first time after hitting #20 for the first time the day before. I'm aiming for top 3 today.

    Completely F2P also with Maxed Dooku, Savage, Lumi, Poggle, IG86

    Grats on top 10! :) keep on improving and strife for the top! And don't forget to have fun ;)
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.t
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda

    I'm working on both QGJ and Dooku. dooku on hard nodes since i started playing (and will do cantina after geo is 7*) and QGJ since he was ftp. Yet even when fully investing in them, they are still not 7*. I will use them when i'm done farming them, but tbh this team isnt as bad as you describe. I can get in the upper ranks quite easily beating most teams without to much effort. Just like most people mentioned, defending is an issue. Since only thing I truly agree with is the fact that phasma could have a better replacement, but not with what I got curently. Dooku will replace her when he's done.

    Yeah it's not the best team but for an easy to farm FTP team, it's good enough to reach #1.

    (Also rey and yoda aren't really easy to farm for FTP, so yeah on that...)

    I do appreciate the input, and I will keep improving my team according to the feedback I get.

    Rey yes, difficult, but QGJ and Yoda are very obtainable for Ftp - and of course your team will be seriously stronger with these two (as well as with Dooku). And when you change 3 out of 5 in your team for this trio, you will agree that current setup is not very good :)

    Like i said before, my team is not the meta or the best, but good enough to get #1 and fun non the less. And yes if i make a team with these other toons i have a different team all together. Changing it up is fun every once in a while, you should try it.

    I disagree with QGJ and Yoda. QGJ is 5 shards every day or 2 with 1 cantina refresh. Thats slow no matter how you look at it. Yoda requiring a full team of 7* toons also takes ages for FTP players unless you already had a few 7* jedi.

    Not saying you're wrong, just saying you're not completely right.
    djlott wrote: »
    @OP, Sorry that everyone else has to voice their opinion about your team since it's totally off topic. I guess it's a forum but geez, you're F2P, hit #1 arena and wrote up a nice guide for everyone else. +1000 to you and congratulations on the achievement.

    Apriciate it man! :)

    The only problem for Yoda is QGJ. Rest is Lumi, JC, Bariss, Eeth (all easily and quickly farmable for ftp). QGJ requires time and refreshes (which, if you do well in arena, you can afford sometimes at least) - but just take your time.

    P.S. It's not like I try to devalue your achievement - not at all. Very well done, all I am saying is that it's always room for improvement and further development. When I hit rank 1 for the first time, my team also was somewhat weaker than it is now (featuring, for example, a 7* Jawa) - but with time and effort it evolved further (and will become better soon, when Rey hits 7* and will be included to the team - it was a very long project which is about to be completed in a few days)
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    Hello everybody!
    I've been playing this game since mid December. I've been playing free to play my entire run.Today I reached number 1 in arena for the first time! Today I will give an insight on my team which has characters which are all quite easy to unlock and star up. I will discuss how to use the team and I will give some tips on how to get to rank 1.

    The team!:
    First a general description of the team:
    The team is a bulky AOE team. It has quite a specific way of how it is used, but we'll get into that later. This team is cool because it's very easy to farm for a FTP player, it's easy to use and works well against many archetypes in the current META. On top of that, nearly every character fits well in many other kind of teams AND are good for GW. So farming them is never a waste of time! Both Phasma and Poggle can be farmed in Galactic War, which is the fastest way of farming. Sid is easy to farm with arena tokens and both Kylo and Geo are cantina (slightly slower but both very doable!).

    Note that this team has no healer. This team hits hard and fast and honestly is far better of without a healer. I never have been in a situation where I was like geez, I wish I had a healer.

    Description of the team members:

    Sid: Sid is the lead in this team. Sids leader ability is in most cases worse then Phasma's. But since you can get a critical on every AOE hit, it is in this case superior to Phasma's single target assist ability. Sid is kinda important on this team. His AOE is normally not that scary, but paired with Poggle's attack up and his leader ability, it can deal scary damage. His speed also allows him to dent your main threat with his basic so Geo can snipe it down. This makes setting up your team that much easier.

    Geo (mine is only 6 stars ans still very usable!): Geo is pretty much in the team for one reason: Snipe a single massive threat. The team is quite bulky, and can pretty much win if everybody survives a round. But when focussed, some crucial team members might die turn 1. It's Geo's role to snipe your most threatening enemy or at least bring it to KO range so it won't make turn 2.

    Poggle: Doesn't need much explanation. Poggle does what he always does. Give the team offense up so that AOE attacks suddenly become scary.

    Phasma: Phasma's main goal is using Victory March as soon as possible. Sid and Geo move before Poggle can use his offense up. This means that Sid will probably die before he can use his offense up boosted AOE. With Victory march, you're nearly always guaranteed to get your AOE off with Sid. And honestly, the advantage boost on top of offense up boost isn't that bad either ;). Phasma's Fussillade can be used later on to finish a game in lots of cases.

    Kylo: I swear, this guy is made for teams like this. He's bulky and has a great AOE with a great side effect, with a instant cooldown when taking damage! (works well vs counter toons like dooku, free cooldown) His boosted AOE deals scary damage. Together with Sid, he can get allot of characters in KO range for his counter ability.

    How to use the team:
    Playing this team is a no brainer. Every battles plays out the same! First you attack your main threat with Sids basic (Rey, Yoda or Geo are common first targets). Proceed by sniping the attacked character with Geo, or get it down to AOE KO range. Then it's Phasma's turn to use Victory march. This gets Sid enough turn meter to launch his AOE followed by Kylo's AOE. After that it's mopping up with the rest of the crew.

    -Taunters mean nothing to this team. The AOE goes trough them and even without a kill before taunt, lives long enough to destroy most teams.

    -These battles are all or nothing. So facing a healer is fun stuff with this team!

    Problems of this team:

    -Avoid Poe teams at all costs. His taunt is not the problem. His turn meter manipulation+expose is more of an issue. This team has a quite specific way of playing. with turn meter manipulation, it can go wrong big time.

    -Dooku's are not fun to play against. Stuns can ruin this team quite fast. His counter is surprisingly no issue at all for an AOE team.

    -Single target focussing can be an issue. When a character dies turn one, you could get in problems. Since it's bulky, this doesn't happen much vs AI to be honest.

    -QGJ leads can be an issue because of the single targeting problem, since a jedi team might be able to take out one or two characters before the team can set up.

    -I do think this team is horrible on defense. This due the specific pattern that's needed when playing this team that the AI does not follow. That and the problem with single target focussing.

    Some general tips on getting number 1:
    -Don't be afraid of spending crystals on arena refreshes. Top 20>10>5>4>3>2>1 all give 50 extra crystals each step. So sometimes spending 50 crystals for 5 extra battles, or to cool down the timer near payout can work out in your favour. Sometimes it's a risk, but can be worth it.

    -To be honest, with all the rank sniping, you sometimes have to stay in a battle just to keep a spot. Today I refreshed 3 battle timers to go directly in a battle to make sure I couldn't be challenged. Even then I got challenged in the 2 seconds in between 2 battles. Luckily, the challenger didn't win so I kept my spot.

    -Pick your enemies carefully. You don't always have to fight the highest ranked opponent. Sometimes challenging a opponent a rank lower can be more beneficial in the long run. A place lower is better then losing and not progressing at all.

    So, that's it for my team analyses! I hope you guys can enjoy the read. My English isn't all that good and I wrote this while tired, so it excuse my for my flawed English. I still think it's readable enough for most people, so thanks for reading and good luck getting number one!


    That was really cool and nicely articulated with the pros and cons. Hope to get to #1 some day! Congratulations!

  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Well done! :) I also got no1 today. Maybe the 5th or 6th time. It's great but my server early Jan so maybe not as tough as your one. Still a great feeling though. And some extra gems
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    QGJ (lead) poe, GS, FOTP and lumi. All 7*. Is that a good team?
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    QGJ (lead) poe, GS, FOTP and lumi. All 7*. Is that a good team?

    Yes, a good one. but with RG instead of Poe or Rey/Dooku instead of Poe, would be even better
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    Not a good team in my opinion. The only char that is an absolute no brainer is GS.
    Many problems:
    1) Phasma not in lead is simply a weak character
    2) Kylo Ren is simply not strong
    3) both Phasma and Kylo Ren are extremely slow
    4) Poggle is not that good outside droid squads, and there are other ways to get offence up

    Why don't you use at least those characters that are easily available: QGJ, Dooku? There are also chars like Rey and Yoda

    Phasma is not bad at all when not in the lead role. Her use is simple: victory march. This is essentially a time walk for your team.

    I am f2p as is the op. My comp is: dooku, GS, qgj, daka and phasma. I too rank first in my shard. Phasma allows my team to take a second turn before my opponent. And, phasma allows me to "catch up" to my opponents Poe taunt.

    Unlike the op, I prefer single target. However, aoe is strong vs rg though. Sometimes a toon just needs a poke to die. Even phasma's aoe can work in this instance.

    Poggle is an incredibly reliable way to get offense up for everyone. Dooku is random and qgj can blank on his attempt to make it happen. Poggle is fast and makes it happen quickly.

    I agree with kylo. He isn't too impressive.
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    I can wreck your team anytime in defence and offence with Yoda. Period.

    But gz for #1
    line id: naso_fin
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    Naso wrote: »
    I can wreck your team anytime in defence and offence with Yoda. Period.

    But gz for #1

    No, you can't, that's the point.

    Yoda in defence is utterly worthless.
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    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    I can wreck your team anytime in defence and offence with Yoda. Period.

    But gz for #1

    No, you can't, that's the point.

    Yoda in defence is utterly worthless.

    True. Not having much problems with yoda on offense. But like mentioned, my team is bad on defense.
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