Been playing since 2016...

46 posts Member
So I've been playing SWGOH for almost 6 years now. I'm not a kraken, but I might be something like a narwhal or large dolphin. So I've spent more money than I care to think about. I've been in top 20ish guilds for most of that time. Never really thought about quitting before, but datacrons are pushing me that way faster than a fully functioning Millennium Falcon.

This game was built on an ecosystem where things were relatively predictable. Level your toons, gear/mod them up, know your kit, incorporate new toons/squads as they come. Now come datacrons. Counters no longer work. Toons you spent years investing in are negated by an overlay that seems to have no purpose other than forcing us to purchase materials not available in any game mode but GC. It's beyond frustrating. For me at least, it's a deal-breaker.

I get there is a need to make money, and maybe people haven't been buying r9 materials as fast as you hoped they would. But when you squeeze for too long and we get so little in return (when was the last time you actually gave us new content?), it just wears too thin. Hoping you do an about-face on this disaster in the next few weeks. Otherwise I'm out at the end of the month.


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    Even if I wanted to I can't get anymore datacron pieces until weekly reset. They missed an opportunity to make money
  • Salatious_Scrum
    2328 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Even if I wanted to I can't get anymore datacron pieces until weekly reset. They missed an opportunity to make money

    Please don’t spend money on datacrons. You might as well put your wallet in a blender
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Couldn’t agree more. This past year has seen so many exit the game it’s unreal.
    I’m in a top end guild as well and we have had lots and lots leave and more say they are going to asap once they find replacements. (Who?)
    Nothing new to play with our rosters is ridiculous. Why have a roster then?
    Every year we should be getting at the least 1-2 new areas to play. Not vs each other but to ourselves.
    I like playing vs others but more so enjoy playing content with a good storyline.
    Haven’t had that in years I’m afraid.
    I will see my almost 10 1/2 mil account go to trash by Xmas at this rate.
    No communication- no bug/ QOL fixes- no new content- no make goods anymore for being unpaid beta testers- officers burnt out (me included).
    Game was so good it was the top of the list, then some **** hat decided that they should put the game on cruse control and stop making new content and since then has slowly killed the game. Why!?!?
    Game use to make millions and millions. Why not keep that cow alive? Is Kathleen running the show from behind the scenes? Lol
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    Even if I wanted to I can't get anymore datacron pieces until weekly reset. They missed an opportunity to make money

    Please don’t spend money on datacrons. You might as well put your wallet in a blender

    I'm out of the mk1 pieces. There is no way to spend money or crystals on them... I think.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
  • WookieWookie
    1460 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    You can currently buy a few thousand c worth per week, from either free or paid crystals.

    The single intern working on this game forgot to hit the 'publish' button on the DataCON paid $100 packs during their one weekly hour of time allocated on the shared, single dev laptop at CG.

    More realistically, I think the intention during all 'experimental/pilot exhibitions' is to gauge crystal spending, engagement, use, and bugs. I'm sure they'll be properly monetized after the exhibition period. Not that I would ever recommend spending on something as temporary, (IMHO) lazy, and poorly balanced as dataCONs, the seasons after the exhibition will actually be a better 'investment,' as they'll last six months before auto-scrapping instead of three.
  • Whatelse73
    2172 posts Member
    You can currently buy a few thousand c worth per week, from either free or paid crystals.

    The single intern working on this game forgot to hit the 'publish' button on the DataCON paid $100 packs during their one weekly hour of time allocated on the shared, single dev laptop at CG.

    More realistically, I think the intention during all 'experimental/pilot exhibitions' is to gauge crystal spending, engagement, use, and bugs. I'm sure they'll be properly monetized after the exhibition period. Not that I would ever recommend spending on something as temporary, (IMHO) lazy, and poorly balanced as dataCONs, the seasons after the exhibition will actually be a better 'investment,' as they'll last six months before auto-scrapping instead of three.

    Yes, you can "buy" materials to upgrade datacrons with crystals, ally points and shard shop currency. For datacrons that will expire in a couple months and then more will be added. Datacrons are temporary omicrons used to suck resources out of players that they might be hoarding, or using to buy gear (you know, that stuff CG PROMISED us they were working to improve output of?) What's up with the gearlaxy anyway? you haven't said squad about it in 6 months now?

    At that, CG has taken a temporary piece of garbage and added it to the game which devalues any roster. Temporary abilities that, if you're lucky enough to get the stupidly overpowered ones, reduce the opponent's team to uselessness. (Along with the AI purposely targeting non-stunned characters to stun them) Yes, a level SIX datacron ability stunning entire teams and keeping them that way for an entire match. How is that fun again CG? And again, who's idea was it to make these so stupidly excessive? If you get specific datacrons and place them on defense in GAC, TW, or arena, only someone else with luck or similarly stupid datacron unlocks will be able to pass. (I know! Just waste more resources on materials for temporary omicrons in hopes of getting the excessive abilities, either through upgrading more datacrons or rerolling them!)

    As an example, the stunning every character with every ability, even if it's an attack that MISSES is extra stupid. Like, who seriously thought this was a good idea to implement? (Yes, I've tried rerolling and burned through materials trying to get it. I'm not that lucky I guess.) What good is it to have R8 and R9 characters if they get stunned the entire match because of your stupid datacron abilities?

    Seriously CG, you just have no clue how stupid this garbage is. The "idea" of datacrons is fine, it's taking the abilities to the infinite level of excessiveness is what's stupid. Stop taking things in the game to 4500 when you should be taking them to "11". It's stupid.

    This is the kind of thing that makes people stop playing. You're trying to implement something "new" and make new "content" but then some putz who makes the decisions and is more concerned about revenue than the game being fun decides to turn up the stupidity level of new content. (If your goal is to get players to stop playing, then I guess it's working?)

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    Datacons devalue the investment we’ve put into our rosters, by potentially giving someone an “I win” button through pure RNG.

    Please understand this, CG. This is part of why it’s being received so poorly.

    When opponents have the super-OP Datacons, it significantly devalues all the time and resources we’ve put into building our rosters over the last 7 years.
  • mikk207
    242 posts Member
    I played swgoh almost since the beginning and deinstalled it after the last tb.
    conquest and datacrons killed it for me.

    swgoh has become such a time sink and datacrons pushed me over the edge.
    tbh, I am glad they introduced datacrons.
    it is such a relieve leaving swgoh behind me and not logging into it several times a day.
    with my free time I can make forum posts about a game I don't play anymore.
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    Datacons devalue the investment we’ve put into our rosters, by potentially giving someone an “I win” button through pure RNG.

    Please understand this, CG. This is part of why it’s being received so poorly.

    When opponents have the super-OP Datacons, it significantly devalues all the time and resources we’ve put into building our rosters over the last 7 years.

    Not only for building rosters, but also modding, scouting, watching counter videos....
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    cit. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play
  • Krjstoff
    633 posts Member
    IDK ... I get that datacrons suck, and if you want to be competitive in PvP game modes, you're kind of forced to go for them.

    But so far I haven't spent any money on datacrons. Sure I spent some in game resources - shard shop currency, ally points and also crystals - but nothing that I wouldn't have spent on other things anyway. I have a lvl 9, a lvl 8 and a lvl 6 as my best ones so far. And it didn't cost my anything other than a slight shift in resource focusing.

    On the guild side of things, we've had 3 people leave our guild due to datacrons - but so far it has been players who were already kind of burned out on the game, and had considered quitting anyway. But if I remember correctly we actually had more people leave when they revamped Conquest into it newer more grindy form.

    So IDK ... I hate datacrons as much as the next guy, but I don't think they will break the game much more than Relics or the Conquest revamp have done.

  • Ltswb1
    550 posts Member
    LastNeuron wrote: »
    cit. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play

    Now that’s an old movie. Great quote.
  • sloweagle
    485 posts Member
    Just don’t spend on DC, and don’t be frustrated about GAC loss. GAC now is just another fixed stream of crystals which requires little attention. Stabilizing at 50% win rate at a skill range lower than what your true skill and roster strength indicate is less time-consuming but with same crystals income anyway. Haha
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    You are not alone in that feeling, seeing that across the community at the moment. Besides why would you spend in this game when CG doesn't care about cheaters or do anything to deter their behavior?
  • Ghost666
    328 posts Member
    LastNeuron wrote: »
    cit. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play
    Well...tic tac toe SWOGH this issue only appears after several MONTHS or YEARS of i am actually not much concerned personally...(i am already at the bottom of datacrons usage...just not very important...yet)
  • Options
    sloweagle wrote: »
    Just don’t spend on DC, and don’t be frustrated about GAC loss. GAC now is just another fixed stream of crystals which requires little attention. Stabilizing at 50% win rate at a skill range lower than what your true skill and roster strength indicate is less time-consuming but with same crystals income anyway. Haha

    GAC and TW were many players favorite game modes
  • Options
    I've been playing this game since it came out. So that is seven years or so? I don't plan on quitting, but the game is getting more frustrating. Every time I feel I've moved up, I am actually taking two steps back. I'd love to see Wat shards appear elsewhere because my guild is probably two years away from getting Wat to seven stars.

    Speaking of guilds, ours has seen some of the top players and long-time contributors since guilds debuted quit the game. That is very telling. If more quit, I may be forced to find a new guild for the first time since guilds became a thing.
  • Options
    I've been playing this game since it came out. So that is seven years or so? I don't plan on quitting, but the game is getting more frustrating. Every time I feel I've moved up, I am actually taking two steps back. I'd love to see Wat shards appear elsewhere because my guild is probably two years away from getting Wat to seven stars.

    Speaking of guilds, ours has seen some of the top players and long-time contributors since guilds debuted quit the game. That is very telling. If more quit, I may be forced to find a new guild for the first time since guilds became a thing.

    What guild are you in?
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Starslayer
    2418 posts Member
    Been playing diligently for 7 years and i’m playing less and less lately. I usually don’t take 1st in fleet arena anymore because i no longer want to play the same boring fight 4-5 times a day just for rewards. Very likely it will soon be the same for ‘do this x times’ feats in Conquest. I don’t bother changing my defense in gac as i face the same rosters every round but still enjoy playing my offense a little bit. When i will stop having fun for good i will stop playing.
    However, datacrons have nothing to do with it, they don’t affect my gaming experience. Just regular boredom after 7 years of farming.
  • Screerider
    1372 posts Member
    I guess they will go away after the Exhibition period.

    I felt similar "insta-win" concerns when GLs came out, but that was less RNG and more $$$. I think I kinda prefer RNG to $$$, since I don't $$$.
  • Stokat
    829 posts Member
    AG88 wrote: »
    So I've been playing SWGOH for almost 6 years now. I'm not a kraken, but I might be something like a narwhal or large dolphin. So I've spent more money than I care to think about. I've been in top 20ish guilds for most of that time. Never really thought about quitting before, but datacrons are pushing me that way faster than a fully functioning Millennium Falcon.

    This game was built on an ecosystem where things were relatively predictable. Level your toons, gear/mod them up, know your kit, incorporate new toons/squads as they come. Now come datacrons. Counters no longer work. Toons you spent years investing in are negated by an overlay that seems to have no purpose other than forcing us to purchase materials not available in any game mode but GC. It's beyond frustrating. For me at least, it's a deal-breaker.

    I get there is a need to make money, and maybe people haven't been buying r9 materials as fast as you hoped they would. But when you squeeze for too long and we get so little in return (when was the last time you actually gave us new content?), it just wears too thin. Hoping you do an about-face on this disaster in the next few weeks. Otherwise I'm out at the end of the month.

    I can only agree. Datacrons is the single worst thing they have implemented in the game.
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