What would you like to come to SWGOH or change?

I personally would like different clone companies and for CG to listen to the community. This discussion is meant for improvements on CGs end and content you'd like, not for slandering CG and their moderators or for saying dcs are bad (a fact everyone knows and nothing is done about).


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    DCs are bad!!
    "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light"
  • xpgammer
    146 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    sorry wrong place nevermind.
    Sometimes a door is just a door
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    Add ship raids and agent callus. also let us do battles for fun with our allies.
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    laxkings40 wrote: »
    and for CG to listen to the community.

    Not gonna happen.
    laxkings40 wrote: »
    This discussion is meant for improvements on CGs end and content you'd like, not for slandering CG and their moderators or for saying dcs are bad (a fact everyone knows and nothing is done about).

    See above.
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    I would love a squads tab for ships. Squad-rons.
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
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    Antario wrote: »
    laxkings40 wrote: »
    and for CG to listen to the community.

    Not gonna happen.
    laxkings40 wrote: »
    This discussion is meant for improvements on CGs end and content you'd like, not for slandering CG and their moderators or for saying dcs are bad (a fact everyone knows and nothing is done about).

    See above.

    I know, its just about what you want, not what's plausible
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    I would love a reworked Hyper Drive Bundle - The current is kind of outdated.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Remove datacrons.
    Add challenge difficulty to Conquest where even whales and veterans get stuck partway through. Of course, the rewards would have to start where hard mode rewards end, and probably not give more shards to keep the cadence.
    Add other challenging solo content, like endless mode or personal raids.
    Make the web store not kick us out of the game when we buy something. The two phase authentication is enough, this is just an annoyance.
    Actually listen to the community, including this thread.
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    let us do battles for fun with our allies.

    I second this but...

    I would say don't limit it to allies or even guild mates - enter ally code, then fight. I'd love to see this happen. I think it would do a lot for the longevity and life-span of the game. It would also open the door to community-curated events like ad-hoc, player/guild/CC sponsored tournaments and that kind of thing. It would also give us the opportunity to practice counters, and learn how to handle datacrons in TW and GAC. Let us toggle game mode flags to turn on or off the omicrons we want to test. There don't have to be any in-game rewards for this - it would be just playing the game for... you know... fun.

    I think CG would be shocked at how much such a thing would increase player engagement in the game as a whole.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    let us do battles for fun with our allies.

    I second this but...

    I would say don't limit it to allies or even guild mates - enter ally code, then fight. I'd love to see this happen. I think it would do a lot for the longevity and life-span of the game. It would also open the door to community-curated events like ad-hoc, player/guild/CC sponsored tournaments and that kind of thing. It would also give us the opportunity to practice counters, and learn how to handle datacrons in TW and GAC. Let us toggle game mode flags to turn on or off the omicrons we want to test. There don't have to be any in-game rewards for this - it would be just playing the game for... you know... fun.

    I think CG would be shocked at how much such a thing would increase player engagement in the game as a whole.

    This is one of the best ideas I've heard
  • Options
    let us do battles for fun with our allies.

    I second this but...

    I would say don't limit it to allies or even guild mates - enter ally code, then fight. I'd love to see this happen. I think it would do a lot for the longevity and life-span of the game. It would also open the door to community-curated events like ad-hoc, player/guild/CC sponsored tournaments and that kind of thing. It would also give us the opportunity to practice counters, and learn how to handle datacrons in TW and GAC. Let us toggle game mode flags to turn on or off the omicrons we want to test. There don't have to be any in-game rewards for this - it would be just playing the game for... you know... fun.

    I think CG would be shocked at how much such a thing would increase player engagement in the game as a whole.

    You just described like the best possible thing i could wish for (except for ship raids)
  • Options
    let us do battles for fun with our allies.

    I second this but...

    I would say don't limit it to allies or even guild mates - enter ally code, then fight. I'd love to see this happen. I think it would do a lot for the longevity and life-span of the game. It would also open the door to community-curated events like ad-hoc, player/guild/CC sponsored tournaments and that kind of thing. It would also give us the opportunity to practice counters, and learn how to handle datacrons in TW and GAC. Let us toggle game mode flags to turn on or off the omicrons we want to test. There don't have to be any in-game rewards for this - it would be just playing the game for... you know... fun.

    I think CG would be shocked at how much such a thing would increase player engagement in the game as a whole.

    But... But... But...

    Who paids for the servers to run the game? That's why there's "energy" to collect because CG doesn't want people playing the game all day, only when it is required and at a "limited" time so as to create a false sense of urgency.

    How does CG get paid to run the game on the servers??

    Right, @CG_Tusken_Meathead???

    Sarcasm aside, love the idea and to get the Community involved with a positive spin (streaming matches, tournaments, etc) I am in favor of..
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    The sandbox idea above is a good one. On the simpler side, it would be a nice QOL improvement if we could include datacrons in our preset squads. Would also be great to have preset fleets as someone else mentioned.
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    Fix Grand Arena matchmaking (again). I don't know why they can't seem to get this right, but the current "skill-based" system is still obviously broken.

    I am 3.7 mil GP with 9 g13s, and I have been matched with an opponent that's 6.3 mil GP with 47 g13s. The only determiner of if I win or lose is simply whether my opponent shows up or not. If he plays, I lose. If he doesn't, I guess I win, but I didn't actually get to compete. Skill has absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of this match.

    A system that calls this a fair, "skill-based" match cannot possibly be considered anything but broken.
  • TVF
    36744 posts Member
    It's not skill based, it's skill rating based. And the distinction is important.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • begem_ua
    39 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    - sandbox mode. any possible at the very least would be great. but perfectly with ability to switch omicrons on/off and equip datacrons (as it was mentioned)

    - preset fleet loadouts

    - keep TB data/stats available to check for 24 hrs (same as TW stats)

    - more ships

    - [updated] in-game counter for the feats progression
    Post edited by begem_ua on
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    TVF wrote: »
    It's not skill based, it's skill rating based. And the distinction is important.

    However you slice it, the end result is broken all the same: I'm not matched against someone I can have a fair, competitive, enjoyable game with.
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    I'm just starting GAC, just hit 85 and got chewie unlocked today, how is that system going to beneficial for someone like me? I know theres someone in my bracket with 6.5 mil gp so if i keep winning I'll eventually match up against them. It should go back to be being gp based matchmaking
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    Make fun a priority again. I don't need another job.
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    Hit the brakes CG, we dont need new characters every other week. Its impossible for 90% of the players to keep up.

    Another thing. Make alle marquess replayable

    3rd thing Please make a remake for the HDB and let players with the original Bundle, buy the new one for a reduced price.
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    Cg will never listen, that topic pops from time to time but they never listen to dont give a rats **** about what the playerbase at large wants. They care about what their echo chamber the people who message their ego for a living wants.

    Want to see conquest and datacrons removed, fun new content added(tb and raids).
    Want to see better UI for all things because even basic stuff cg messes up like the icons when the game is busy with guild events.
    Want to see communication outside of swgoh events discord(where if you say anything negative meathead tells you to quit) or youtube channels with premeditated questions and a bunch of softball marketing ****.
    Want to see the currently broken and unfair matchmaking systems both in tw and gac change to include things that were discussed alredy countless times.
    Want to see lowered crystal cost for cantina energy or different energy for relic materials if cg intends to release characters to cantina node.
    All in all the issues with the game would require a lot more time to write up because theres so many.
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    Intrapido wrote: »
    Cg will never listen, that topic pops from time to time but they never listen to dont give a rats **** about what the playerbase at large wants. They care about what their echo chamber the people who message their ego for a living wants.

    Want to see conquest and datacrons removed, fun new content added(tb and raids).
    Want to see better UI for all things because even basic stuff cg messes up like the icons when the game is busy with guild events.
    Want to see communication outside of swgoh events discord(where if you say anything negative meathead tells you to quit) or youtube channels with premeditated questions and a bunch of softball marketing ****.
    Want to see the currently broken and unfair matchmaking systems both in tw and gac change to include things that were discussed alredy countless times.
    Want to see lowered crystal cost for cantina energy or different energy for relic materials if cg intends to release characters to cantina node.
    All in all the issues with the game would require a lot more time to write up because theres so many.

    Is there anything you'd like to see added to the game that doesn't have to share space with a list of complaints? I'm pretty sure your post is the opposite of what the op was looking for.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Yeah, I kinda was looking for improvements/new content that could be added, not dogging on CG because we already know how bad they are. This post was meant for sharing ideas plausible or not.
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    laxkings40 wrote: »
    Yeah, I kinda was looking for improvements/new content that could be added, not dogging on CG because we already know how bad they are. This post was meant for sharing ideas plausible or not.

    I'm always open to listen to suggestions when folks tell me how bad I am :eyeroll:
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    laxkings40 wrote: »
    Yeah, I kinda was looking for improvements/new content that could be added, not dogging on CG because we already know how bad they are. This post was meant for sharing ideas plausible or not.

    I'm always open to listen to suggestions when folks tell me how bad I am :eyeroll:

    ? What do you mean by this? CG doesn't listen to the community normally so it's not like I expected any of these to be put into action. This was meant for the players to share ideas, not for CG to tell us no again.
  • TVF
    36744 posts Member
    CG not giving the community everything they want /= CG not listening

    The community wants a lot of things that I wouldn't give them either.

    With that said I'll take fleet loadouts.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • TVF
    36744 posts Member
    laxkings40 wrote: »
    laxkings40 wrote: »
    Yeah, I kinda was looking for improvements/new content that could be added, not dogging on CG because we already know how bad they are. This post was meant for sharing ideas plausible or not.

    I'm always open to listen to suggestions when folks tell me how bad I am :eyeroll:

    ? What do you mean by this? CG doesn't listen to the community normally so it's not like I expected any of these to be put into action. This was meant for the players to share ideas, not for CG to tell us no again.

    You told people not to slander CG in this thread and then you went ahead and did it yourself.
    laxkings40 wrote: »
    we already know how bad they are.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Yes I didn't want further slandering. This was a fact stated. Also, what would you not give the community? You can't agree with CG and then ask them for something anyway. Besides why'd you comment on this thread if you didn't have anything to say to do with the question asked?
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