I'm changing my stance on the Dooku led squads


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    As always, I think Dooku is OP. He was OP before he was buffed.

    I'm considering getting him just to screw with people using him. A team with Dooku lead, along with Yoda, Sidius, Lumi, and Old Ben would be evading everything.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    So 15% dodge from dooku are op and the other dodge leaders like luminara with 13% are fine?

    Allies dodging with Lumi leader don't get offense up. That's a HUGE difference...especially in the DPS meta.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    JoshG wrote: »
    In the arena what % of matches would you estimate you currently lose vs Dooku(L) teams?

    I don't keep track. It's not often. I can't remember the last time I finished outside the top 3. I made it very clear my beef isn't about winning or losing. It's about the implementation of a mechanic that results in even more loss of what little skill is involved in this game.

    Changes like what they did to RG are great and healthy for the game. It adds a new layer of strategy that doesn't allow you to just nuke one toon after the other. RG interrupts the flow of a match and requires at least a little thought into the use of specials.

    The current incarnation of dodge is dummy proof. Throw any of the fast, heavy hitting toons we all already use behind him and boom....they're even better than before.

    Where I could get behind the potency of dodge in its current form is if it was restricted, in it's full amount, to a specific class (i.e. Jedi).
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    JoshG wrote: »
    In the arena what % of matches would you estimate you currently lose vs Dooku(L) teams?

    I don't keep track. It's not often. I can't remember the last time I finished outside the top 3. I made it very clear my beef isn't about winning or losing. It's about the implementation of a mechanic that results in even more loss of what little skill is involved in this game.

    Changes like what they did to RG are great and healthy for the game. It adds a new layer of strategy that doesn't allow you to just nuke one toon after the other. RG interrupts the flow of a match and requires at least a little thought into the use of specials.

    The current incarnation of dodge is dummy proof. Throw any of the fast, heavy hitting toons we all already use behind him and boom....they're even better than before.

    Where I could get behind the potency of dodge in its current form is if it was restricted, in it's full amount, to a specific class (i.e. Jedi).

    Now this I agree with. But I feel like 90% of people on here lose one arena match and then run here to cry for a nerf.
  • Eaywen
    422 posts Member
    What kinda annoys me is how ahsoka is a specific leadership but it's **** tier than both dooku and the broken old ben dodge that affects everyone.
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Dodging is a legitimate defense in a lot of battle games. Many dice games have a 1/3 dodge rate, sometimes even 1/2. The strategy is plan to use more attacks than usual. Don't kid yourself that both of the assist attacks will hit, plan on another attack or two to take them out. It only needs fixed if it's game breaking, which it isn't. Game changing, sure, for teams that lack depth. But that's exactly what needs to happen.

    What happens when there's no direct counter stat (such as accuracy) and/or the dodge teams have equivalent, or nearly so, speed?

    I've always loved dodge as a strategy. It's one of my favorite stats to min/max towards. However, in every game I've ever played, that I can think of, there is a direct counter to it. The risk is that when you are countered you get rocked. The reward is that when it works, it's beautiful.

    However, we have no direct counter to dodge and, in general, we're seeing the same exact fast heavy hitters. The teams, for the most part, haven't changed except to swap the position of QGJ and Dooku in the squad.

    There's no change in strategy. I play exactly the same as before. The only difference is that RNG now plays a much bigger role in the outcome of a match. This isn't some new met that has turned things on its heels or is causing people to panic. This hasn't forced anyone to reevaluate toons, grind new ones, or restrategize how they attack. This is simply the same meta as before with a new and improved RNG.

    True, there is no counter stat, but it isn't as if there is no counter strategy. Play a team geared toward generating extra attacks. FYI: speed doesn't mean extra attacks, especially in an arena filled with high-speed characters. Phasma is a great lead against Dooku.

    And I'm not sure if, by your last paragraph, you mean your strategy against a Dooku lead doesn't change or if your strategy in making a Dooku team isn't different, i.e. high "dps." But if you mean your strategy against Dooku doesn't change then there must not be a problem or you are choosing to just power through the weakness your team has against it.
  • Noktarn
    401 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Generating extra attacks? That's even worse- you just feed the Dooku counter attack machine. So does AOE. There is not counter to the dooku-dodge except more dooku-dodge. You also just end up giving all their DPS toons Offense Up.

    Is Old Ben still broken? At least then we could see 2x different types of dodge comps. I can't seem to get any dodges working with my old ben at 15%.
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    I got my butt kicked by a Dooku lead, so I started my own Dooku lead team, granny Hangfire didn't raise no fool.
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    Noktarn wrote: »
    Generating extra attacks? That's even worse- you just feed the Dooku counter attack machine. So does AOE. There is not counter to the dooku-dodge except more dooku-dodge. You also just end up giving all their DPS toons Offense Up.

    Is Old Ben still broken? At least then we could see 2x different types of dodge comps. I can't seem to get any dodges working with my old ben at 15%.

    Are you speaking from experience? It seems unlikely because that is exactly how I win. I'm offering a solution that works. AoE is a really bad idea but if you don't have the characters to build a team that does what I know works, then don't just feed the flames with speculations of how it doesn't.

    Use Phasma lead, Stormtrooper Han, Hoth Rebel Scout, Luminara, and GS and let me know how it does.

    This forum doesn't need to be the cesspool of uncreative complaints feeding on other uncreative complaints that it is. The truly degenerate aspect of this game (the Poe coin flip) was never suppose to function that way and was corrected to work as intended. IMO his speed didn't even need to be reduced, but that's beside the point. The speed meta complaints, the now Dooku meta complaints, they are unfounded in the strategic sense. The idea that anything in this game is so strong that you have to play it to succeed is simply not true. Sorry about the rant, but seriously, expand your ideas if you are losing. Confirming isn't the only way.
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    People who haven't dealt with hitting 0/100 attacks in a match are the ones that call people the criers. I've said this before, this makes the game based solely on luck, not who has the better characters or who's the better player. Fixing the Dooku lead ability made this game awful.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Dodging is a legitimate defense in a lot of battle games. Many dice games have a 1/3 dodge rate, sometimes even 1/2. The strategy is plan to use more attacks than usual. Don't kid yourself that both of the assist attacks will hit, plan on another attack or two to take them out. It only needs fixed if it's game breaking, which it isn't. Game changing, sure, for teams that lack depth. But that's exactly what needs to happen.

    What happens when there's no direct counter stat (such as accuracy) and/or the dodge teams have equivalent, or nearly so, speed?

    I've always loved dodge as a strategy. It's one of my favorite stats to min/max towards. However, in every game I've ever played, that I can think of, there is a direct counter to it. The risk is that when you are countered you get rocked. The reward is that when it works, it's beautiful.

    However, we have no direct counter to dodge and, in general, we're seeing the same exact fast heavy hitters. The teams, for the most part, haven't changed except to swap the position of QGJ and Dooku in the squad.

    There's no change in strategy. I play exactly the same as before. The only difference is that RNG now plays a much bigger role in the outcome of a match. This isn't some new met that has turned things on its heels or is causing people to panic. This hasn't forced anyone to reevaluate toons, grind new ones, or restrategize how they attack. This is simply the same meta as before with a new and improved RNG.

    True, there is no counter stat, but it isn't as if there is no counter strategy. Play a team geared toward generating extra attacks. FYI: speed doesn't mean extra attacks, especially in an arena filled with high-speed characters. Phasma is a great lead against Dooku.

    And I'm not sure if, by your last paragraph, you mean your strategy against a Dooku lead doesn't change or if your strategy in making a Dooku team isn't different, i.e. high "dps." But if you mean your strategy against Dooku doesn't change then there must not be a problem or you are choosing to just power through the weakness your team has against it.

    Phasma is an atrocious lead against Dooku. Sorry, I don't agree at all. Phasma is inferior to both QGJ and Dooku. On top of that most people, regardless of whether they run QGJ or Dooku as lead, already run QGJ and/or GS as part of their cookie cutter speed/DPS team. That's an assist attack every other turn, generating a fair amount of extra attacks.

    The priority targets haven't change because the team compositions haven't changed. The strategy for defeating the cookie cutter speed/DPS teams led by Dooku doesn't change just because Dooku and QGJ have swapped positions within the squad. It has nothing to do with me being stubborn, unable to adapt, needing to l2p, or any other asinine argument that others have made in this thread. I run a cookie cutter Dooku lead high DPS/speed team. I'll repeat one more time for posterity, this has nothing to do with winning or losing. Nothing about the fundamental strategy on who to target or how to play a match has changed. The only thing that has changed is how much RNG plays a role in your win or loss.

    Why is this leader ability universally effective while most others require a specific class to receive the full benefit?
  • Lamb
    300 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Algren wrote: »
    Well obviously anyone running dooku is happy with it how it is :,) thanks for your input guys, "i have him so it's great, you're just sore". :,)

    I guess the issue being hes one of the better early toons as well and easy to get so lots DO have him.

    Yes guin, rock paper scissors where dooku is fire and beats everything else :,) till they bring in a water balloon. I can list 3 squads that will beat qgj lead. I'm struggling to find one that will beat a team that can't be hurt. But hey, thats just me.

    Not that obvious.. Dooku teams still have to fight dooku teams u know.... Rock paper scissors isn't healthy for the game at all, take Poe for example. However, dooku teams are easy to beat without, you just have a small chance of getting rolled on. Which is healthy.

    I'm using qgj lead, rp, dooku to which I'm thinking of swapping for hrs, lumi, GS. Works like a charm 9 out of 10 time plus or minus 2.
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Dodging is a legitimate defense in a lot of battle games. Many dice games have a 1/3 dodge rate, sometimes even 1/2. The strategy is plan to use more attacks than usual. Don't kid yourself that both of the assist attacks will hit, plan on another attack or two to take them out. It only needs fixed if it's game breaking, which it isn't. Game changing, sure, for teams that lack depth. But that's exactly what needs to happen.

    What happens when there's no direct counter stat (such as accuracy) and/or the dodge teams have equivalent, or nearly so, speed?

    I've always loved dodge as a strategy. It's one of my favorite stats to min/max towards. However, in every game I've ever played, that I can think of, there is a direct counter to it. The risk is that when you are countered you get rocked. The reward is that when it works, it's beautiful.

    However, we have no direct counter to dodge and, in general, we're seeing the same exact fast heavy hitters. The teams, for the most part, haven't changed except to swap the position of QGJ and Dooku in the squad.

    There's no change in strategy. I play exactly the same as before. The only difference is that RNG now plays a much bigger role in the outcome of a match. This isn't some new met that has turned things on its heels or is causing people to panic. This hasn't forced anyone to reevaluate toons, grind new ones, or restrategize how they attack. This is simply the same meta as before with a new and improved RNG.

    True, there is no counter stat, but it isn't as if there is no counter strategy. Play a team geared toward generating extra attacks. FYI: speed doesn't mean extra attacks, especially in an arena filled with high-speed characters. Phasma is a great lead against Dooku.

    And I'm not sure if, by your last paragraph, you mean your strategy against a Dooku lead doesn't change or if your strategy in making a Dooku team isn't different, i.e. high "dps." But if you mean your strategy against Dooku doesn't change then there must not be a problem or you are choosing to just power through the weakness your team has against it.

    Phasma is an atrocious lead against Dooku. Sorry, I don't agree at all. Phasma is inferior to both QGJ and Dooku. On top of that most people, regardless of whether they run QGJ or Dooku as lead, already run QGJ and/or GS as part of their cookie cutter speed/DPS team. That's an assist attack every other turn, generating a fair amount of extra attacks.

    The priority targets haven't change because the team compositions haven't changed. The strategy for defeating the cookie cutter speed/DPS teams led by Dooku doesn't change just because Dooku and QGJ have swapped positions within the squad. It has nothing to do with me being stubborn, unable to adapt, needing to l2p, or any other asinine argument that others have made in this thread. Nothing about the fundamental strategy on who to target or how to play a match has changed. The only thing that has changed is how much RNG plays a role in your win or loss.

    Why is this leader ability universally effective while most others require a specific class to receive the full benefit?

    I must again point out that I'm speaking from experience of what works for me against Dooku and QGJ leads. If you simply refute me for the sake of it, there's nothing more I can say to convince you.

    To the others who will read this: if you are using the same team, targeting in the same order and telling me a team you must not have played (or played correctly) is inferior to the teams you play and the ones you're playing against, you must understand that I already know the results my team generates. I'm not looking for confirmation from naysayers: I'm offering advice. My advice has been scoffed and generally ill-received by those claiming to not be stubborn, but it doesn't make it any less true.

    I'm sure all of you who disagree with my advice can forgive me for wasting your time.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Dodging is a legitimate defense in a lot of battle games. Many dice games have a 1/3 dodge rate, sometimes even 1/2. The strategy is plan to use more attacks than usual. Don't kid yourself that both of the assist attacks will hit, plan on another attack or two to take them out. It only needs fixed if it's game breaking, which it isn't. Game changing, sure, for teams that lack depth. But that's exactly what needs to happen.

    What happens when there's no direct counter stat (such as accuracy) and/or the dodge teams have equivalent, or nearly so, speed?

    I've always loved dodge as a strategy. It's one of my favorite stats to min/max towards. However, in every game I've ever played, that I can think of, there is a direct counter to it. The risk is that when you are countered you get rocked. The reward is that when it works, it's beautiful.

    However, we have no direct counter to dodge and, in general, we're seeing the same exact fast heavy hitters. The teams, for the most part, haven't changed except to swap the position of QGJ and Dooku in the squad.

    There's no change in strategy. I play exactly the same as before. The only difference is that RNG now plays a much bigger role in the outcome of a match. This isn't some new met that has turned things on its heels or is causing people to panic. This hasn't forced anyone to reevaluate toons, grind new ones, or restrategize how they attack. This is simply the same meta as before with a new and improved RNG.

    True, there is no counter stat, but it isn't as if there is no counter strategy. Play a team geared toward generating extra attacks. FYI: speed doesn't mean extra attacks, especially in an arena filled with high-speed characters. Phasma is a great lead against Dooku.

    And I'm not sure if, by your last paragraph, you mean your strategy against a Dooku lead doesn't change or if your strategy in making a Dooku team isn't different, i.e. high "dps." But if you mean your strategy against Dooku doesn't change then there must not be a problem or you are choosing to just power through the weakness your team has against it.

    Phasma is an atrocious lead against Dooku. Sorry, I don't agree at all. Phasma is inferior to both QGJ and Dooku. On top of that most people, regardless of whether they run QGJ or Dooku as lead, already run QGJ and/or GS as part of their cookie cutter speed/DPS team. That's an assist attack every other turn, generating a fair amount of extra attacks.

    The priority targets haven't change because the team compositions haven't changed. The strategy for defeating the cookie cutter speed/DPS teams led by Dooku doesn't change just because Dooku and QGJ have swapped positions within the squad. It has nothing to do with me being stubborn, unable to adapt, needing to l2p, or any other asinine argument that others have made in this thread. Nothing about the fundamental strategy on who to target or how to play a match has changed. The only thing that has changed is how much RNG plays a role in your win or loss.

    Why is this leader ability universally effective while most others require a specific class to receive the full benefit?

    I must again point out that I'm speaking from experience of what works for me against Dooku and QGJ leads. If you simply refute me for the sake of it, there's nothing more I can say to convince you.

    To the others who will read this: if you are using the same team, targeting in the same order and telling me a team you must not have played (or played correctly) is inferior to the teams you play and the ones you're playing against, you must understand that I already know the results my team generates. I'm not looking for confirmation from naysayers: I'm offering advice. My advice has been scoffed and generally ill-received by those claiming to not be stubborn, but it doesn't make it any less true.

    I'm sure all of you who disagree with my advice can forgive me for wasting your time.

    I've run/tried Phasma. I'm speaking from personal experience. I use refreshes in arena daily and retreat from GW for the sole purpose of trying numerous squads repeatedly in various scenarios. The last thing I'm doing is refuting you simply for the sake of doing that. I'm not sure why you'd jump to that conclusion.

    The success rate of a Phasma led team versus Dooku led ones was significantly lower in my experience. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't write off my replies or advice in the same manner you don't want yours written off.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Lamb wrote: »
    However, dooku teams are easy to beat...

    Good... twice the pride, double the fall.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    @Telaan , didn't want to quote your whole post but yeah, I agree. I'm using a Dooku team and the RNG has almost always favored me. I'm loving the Dooku meta but like you pointed out, I now always pray to the RNG gods when getting into a fight. But before the Dooku meta, I used to run a Sid/88/Kylo AoE team against the ever virulent GQJ meta and even then, RNG had to be with me to win. Maybe if I was running QGJ, Rey, GS etc, RNG was not a factor but with any other team apart from the meta. Given that, I'm still better with the current situation, seeing I haven't started farming GS yet.
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    Another cryer


    Stop crying noobs
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    MrClean621 wrote: »
    JoshG wrote: »
    Dooku the Noobslayer strikes again??

    Negative... Far from a noob here. Generally in the top 10-20. I can put together several different squads. It doesn't matter. If you can't hit them you can't beat them. It's not even Dooku himself. I have always been able to deal with him just fine. There is no strategy against dodge.

    I'm seconding to this opinion. Have about 20 7* lvl 70 max gear toons and have enough shards/credits/mat3 to add another 5 to that list overnight.

    But Dooku lead is all about RNG. Call me cry baby, but I somehow suspect that evasion % is higher on D. Faced Dooku-led teams with my Dooku-led team and lost close to 80% of fights. Small sample base (15-20 matches) yes, but still statistically it should be close to 50% if pure chance. I'll keep trying though.
  • StormTro0p3R_H
    1643 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Dodging is a legitimate defense in a lot of battle games. Many dice games have a 1/3 dodge rate, sometimes even 1/2. The strategy is plan to use more attacks than usual. Don't kid yourself that both of the assist attacks will hit, plan on another attack or two to take them out. It only needs fixed if it's game breaking, which it isn't. Game changing, sure, for teams that lack depth. But that's exactly what needs to happen.

    What happens when there's no direct counter stat (such as accuracy) and/or the dodge teams have equivalent, or nearly so, speed?

    I've always loved dodge as a strategy. It's one of my favorite stats to min/max towards. However, in every game I've ever played, that I can think of, there is a direct counter to it. The risk is that when you are countered you get rocked. The reward is that when it works, it's beautiful.

    However, we have no direct counter to dodge and, in general, we're seeing the same exact fast heavy hitters. The teams, for the most part, haven't changed except to swap the position of QGJ and Dooku in the squad.

    There's no change in strategy. I play exactly the same as before. The only difference is that RNG now plays a much bigger role in the outcome of a match. This isn't some new met that has turned things on its heels or is causing people to panic. This hasn't forced anyone to reevaluate toons, grind new ones, or restrategize how they attack. This is simply the same meta as before with a new and improved RNG.

    True, there is no counter stat, but it isn't as if there is no counter strategy. Play a team geared toward generating extra attacks. FYI: speed doesn't mean extra attacks, especially in an arena filled with high-speed characters. Phasma is a great lead against Dooku.

    And I'm not sure if, by your last paragraph, you mean your strategy against a Dooku lead doesn't change or if your strategy in making a Dooku team isn't different, i.e. high "dps." But if you mean your strategy against Dooku doesn't change then there must not be a problem or you are choosing to just power through the weakness your team has against it.

    Phasma is an atrocious lead against Dooku. Sorry, I don't agree at all. Phasma is inferior to both QGJ and Dooku. On top of that most people, regardless of whether they run QGJ or Dooku as lead, already run QGJ and/or GS as part of their cookie cutter speed/DPS team. That's an assist attack every other turn, generating a fair amount of extra attacks.

    The priority targets haven't change because the team compositions haven't changed. The strategy for defeating the cookie cutter speed/DPS teams led by Dooku doesn't change just because Dooku and QGJ have swapped positions within the squad. It has nothing to do with me being stubborn, unable to adapt, needing to l2p, or any other asinine argument that others have made in this thread. Nothing about the fundamental strategy on who to target or how to play a match has changed. The only thing that has changed is how much RNG plays a role in your win or loss.

    Why is this leader ability universally effective while most others require a specific class to receive the full benefit?

    I must again point out that I'm speaking from experience of what works for me against Dooku and QGJ leads. If you simply refute me for the sake of it, there's nothing more I can say to convince you.

    To the others who will read this: if you are using the same team, targeting in the same order and telling me a team you must not have played (or played correctly) is inferior to the teams you play and the ones you're playing against, you must understand that I already know the results my team generates. I'm not looking for confirmation from naysayers: I'm offering advice. My advice has been scoffed and generally ill-received by those claiming to not be stubborn, but it doesn't make it any less true.

    I'm sure all of you who disagree with my advice can forgive me for wasting your time.

    I've run/tried Phasma. I'm speaking from personal experience. I use refreshes in arena daily and retreat from GW for the sole purpose of trying numerous squads repeatedly in various scenarios. The last thing I'm doing is refuting you simply for the sake of doing that. I'm not sure why you'd jump to that conclusion.

    The success rate of a Phasma led team versus Dooku led ones was significantly lower in my experience. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't write off my replies or advice in the same manner you don't want yours written off.

    Your results couldn't be any starker of a contrast to mine. I've run Phasma through the "speed meta" and now the "Dooku meta." She's good, though you simply write her off as inferior in your post. I'd be more inclined to believe you if you had run a Phasma team up until the Dooku meta, like I have, and ran into such trouble that you were forced to change. It seems obvious that your amount experience with the team isn't the same as mine. You are jumping to a grossly erroneous conclusion from your limited experience. If you insist that you are not, then I will again point out that my day-in and day-out experience with Phasma lead (not just GW and experimentation) shows the opposite of your conclusion. It may also be fair to say that my arena experience is at least as challenging as your GW experiments considering it is at the top of my server and not simply a node in GW, though I can't claim anything about the times you may have used Phasma in your arena.

    So your limited GW and expeimental experience or my daily arena experience? I'm not "writing off" your replies, I'm disagreeing with them for great reason. Your "I agree with someone else, Phasma is inferior" without any further explanation is what I mean by "writing off."
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    So 15% dodge from dooku are op and the other dodge leaders like luminara with 13% are fine?

    Allies dodging with Lumi leader don't get offense up. That's a HUGE difference...especially in the DPS meta.

    They are not good at balancing heroes at all. That said i hate the dodge mechanic in this game so yar lol.
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    TLDR: All meta characters I don't run aren't fair
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    I changed to a Dooku lead and actually managed to force my way back into top 100.

    Come at me haters.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Dodging is a legitimate defense in a lot of battle games. Many dice games have a 1/3 dodge rate, sometimes even 1/2. The strategy is plan to use more attacks than usual. Don't kid yourself that both of the assist attacks will hit, plan on another attack or two to take them out. It only needs fixed if it's game breaking, which it isn't. Game changing, sure, for teams that lack depth. But that's exactly what needs to happen.

    What happens when there's no direct counter stat (such as accuracy) and/or the dodge teams have equivalent, or nearly so, speed?

    I've always loved dodge as a strategy. It's one of my favorite stats to min/max towards. However, in every game I've ever played, that I can think of, there is a direct counter to it. The risk is that when you are countered you get rocked. The reward is that when it works, it's beautiful.

    However, we have no direct counter to dodge and, in general, we're seeing the same exact fast heavy hitters. The teams, for the most part, haven't changed except to swap the position of QGJ and Dooku in the squad.

    There's no change in strategy. I play exactly the same as before. The only difference is that RNG now plays a much bigger role in the outcome of a match. This isn't some new met that has turned things on its heels or is causing people to panic. This hasn't forced anyone to reevaluate toons, grind new ones, or restrategize how they attack. This is simply the same meta as before with a new and improved RNG.

    True, there is no counter stat, but it isn't as if there is no counter strategy. Play a team geared toward generating extra attacks. FYI: speed doesn't mean extra attacks, especially in an arena filled with high-speed characters. Phasma is a great lead against Dooku.

    And I'm not sure if, by your last paragraph, you mean your strategy against a Dooku lead doesn't change or if your strategy in making a Dooku team isn't different, i.e. high "dps." But if you mean your strategy against Dooku doesn't change then there must not be a problem or you are choosing to just power through the weakness your team has against it.

    Phasma is an atrocious lead against Dooku. Sorry, I don't agree at all. Phasma is inferior to both QGJ and Dooku. On top of that most people, regardless of whether they run QGJ or Dooku as lead, already run QGJ and/or GS as part of their cookie cutter speed/DPS team. That's an assist attack every other turn, generating a fair amount of extra attacks.

    The priority targets haven't change because the team compositions haven't changed. The strategy for defeating the cookie cutter speed/DPS teams led by Dooku doesn't change just because Dooku and QGJ have swapped positions within the squad. It has nothing to do with me being stubborn, unable to adapt, needing to l2p, or any other asinine argument that others have made in this thread. Nothing about the fundamental strategy on who to target or how to play a match has changed. The only thing that has changed is how much RNG plays a role in your win or loss.

    Why is this leader ability universally effective while most others require a specific class to receive the full benefit?

    I must again point out that I'm speaking from experience of what works for me against Dooku and QGJ leads. If you simply refute me for the sake of it, there's nothing more I can say to convince you.

    To the others who will read this: if you are using the same team, targeting in the same order and telling me a team you must not have played (or played correctly) is inferior to the teams you play and the ones you're playing against, you must understand that I already know the results my team generates. I'm not looking for confirmation from naysayers: I'm offering advice. My advice has been scoffed and generally ill-received by those claiming to not be stubborn, but it doesn't make it any less true.

    I'm sure all of you who disagree with my advice can forgive me for wasting your time.

    I've run/tried Phasma. I'm speaking from personal experience. I use refreshes in arena daily and retreat from GW for the sole purpose of trying numerous squads repeatedly in various scenarios. The last thing I'm doing is refuting you simply for the sake of doing that. I'm not sure why you'd jump to that conclusion.

    The success rate of a Phasma led team versus Dooku led ones was significantly lower in my experience. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't write off my replies or advice in the same manner you don't want yours written off.

    Your results couldn't be any starker of a contrast to mine. I've run Phasma through the "speed meta" and now the "Dooku meta." She's good, though you simply write her off as inferior in your post. I'd be more inclined to believe you if you had run a Phasma team up until the Dooku meta, like I have, and ran into such trouble that you were forced to change. It seems obvious that your amount experience with the team isn't the same as mine. You are jumping to a grossly erroneous conclusion from your limited experience. If you insist that you are not, then I will again point out that my day-in and day-out experience with Phasma lead (not just GW and experimentation) shows the opposite of your conclusion. It may also be fair to say that my arena experience is at least as challenging as your GW experiments considering it is at the top of my server and not simply a node in GW, though I can't claim anything about the times you may have used Phasma in your arena.

    So your limited GW and expeimental experience or my daily arena experience? I'm not "writing off" your replies, I'm disagreeing with them for great reason. Your "I agree with someone else, Phasma is inferior" without any further explanation is what I mean by "writing off."

    The TLDR of your post was: your experience > mine because you main Phasma. Lol ok, that's why Phasma didn't dominate the leader board when QGJ did and doesn't now that Dooku is doing the same.

    You won on offense: /golf clap. People are getting rank 1 with CUP as their leader. You've entirely missed the point and are attempting to boil this down to an argument over winning vs losing or who is more op, when I have repeatedly, specifically said, this has nothing to do with that. This has to do with turning more control of the game over to RNG.

    Please just stop with your Phasma fanboyism. Just because you can win vs a Dooku led team with her does not make her the counter to a ridiculous system that so heavily favors RNG.

  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I caved in and ran a Dooku led team (Dooku, Yoda, Kylo, RG, Daka). It absolutely sucks for offense. Lost two battles today. But apparently ppl are scared shitless because I didn't drop a single rank overnight. Whenever I put in a team that's actually efficient, ppl love attacking it.

    And thus, people tell themselves that their Dooku led team must be great since they didn't drop any ranks. Whereupon they hit the forums and tell everybody how good Dooku is. Which fans the flames of expectation, and ppl start to take every dodge as proof of how OP Dooku is.

    Which in turn generates posts like these, where people who had a few bad matches are now so utterly convinced of this one leadership skill's OP-ness that they blatantly state that the game is reduced to RNG coin flips with no skills involved.

    I heard the exact same story being retold in the Poe era and the QGJ era, and now again with Dooku. It's all about the power of psychology.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Gurley30 wrote: »
    TLDR: All meta characters I don't run aren't fair
    A post like this says to the rest of the forum: "I lack the intellectual capacity for a nuanced discussion". So noted.
    Nonemo wrote: »
    I caved in and ran a Dooku led team (Dooku, Yoda, Kylo, RG, Daka). It absolutely sucks for offense. Lost two battles today. But apparently ppl are scared shitless because I didn't drop a single rank overnight. Whenever I put in a team that's actually efficient, ppl love attacking it.
    Thanks for posting this. Every time I try a Dooku evasion team on offense I lose. Yet everyone is using them on my shard. It's confused me for a long time.
    I do find the teams annoying, but no more than a lot of others.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Noktarn
    401 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Noktarn wrote: »
    Generating extra attacks? That's even worse- you just feed the Dooku counter attack machine. So does AOE. There is not counter to the dooku-dodge except more dooku-dodge. You also just end up giving all their DPS toons Offense Up.

    Is Old Ben still broken? At least then we could see 2x different types of dodge comps. I can't seem to get any dodges working with my old ben at 15%.

    Are you speaking from experience? It seems unlikely because that is exactly how I win. I'm offering a solution that works. AoE is a really bad idea but if you don't have the characters to build a team that does what I know works, then don't just feed the flames with speculations of how it doesn't.

    Use Phasma lead, Stormtrooper Han, Hoth Rebel Scout, Luminara, and GS and let me know how it does.

    This forum doesn't need to be the cesspool of uncreative complaints feeding on other uncreative complaints that it is. The truly degenerate aspect of this game (the Poe coin flip) was never suppose to function that way and was corrected to work as intended. IMO his speed didn't even need to be reduced, but that's beside the point. The speed meta complaints, the now Dooku meta complaints, they are unfounded in the strategic sense. The idea that anything in this game is so strong that you have to play it to succeed is simply not true. Sorry about the rant, but seriously, expand your ideas if you are losing. Confirming isn't the only way.

    I've tried assist builds- quigon/geo/ig-86 and multi attackers such as Rey and Kit. They all suck and pretty much just generate more chances for them to dodge and power up.

    Congrats on your RNG working out for you, but don't expect the rest of the world to have the same (apparently) exceptional outcome as you.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again for you. Good game balance/design doesn't offer a tactic without a solution. There is no anti-dodge effect like sure-shot or "ignores dodge" or "always hits". AOE traditionally in other games are how Devs add in a counter. It's hard to "dodge" a massive firey explosion.

    So for now everyone enjoy their ~25% dodge chance *every single attack* on their Rey's- hopefully it doesn't last if the Devs are smart.
  • Heisen
    364 posts Member
    Nonemo wrote: »

    I heard the exact same story being retold in the Poe era.

    Are you really suggesting that RNG was not a huge factor in the Poe era?

    Some RNG is okay, it makes things a little more interesting and less predictable, and forces players to make decisions that involve "what if" scenarios that one must consider. That being said, too much RNG is just frustrating and not fun, regardless if it's OP or not. Hopefully, with the upcoming changes, RNG will be less of a factor.
  • Options
    Current meta is Dooku lead DPS/Speed team. When you play a similar team RNG decides the match. This is bad for the game.
  • Options
    I'm sure all of you who disagree with my advice can forgive me for wasting your time.

    I forgive you.

  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Heisen wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »

    I heard the exact same story being retold in the Poe era.

    Are you really suggesting that RNG was not a huge factor in the Poe era?

    Some RNG is okay, it makes things a little more interesting and less predictable, and forces players to make decisions that involve "what if" scenarios that one must consider. That being said, too much RNG is just frustrating and not fun, regardless if it's OP or not. Hopefully, with the upcoming changes, RNG will be less of a factor.

    I was always of the opinion that Poe could be circumvented with the right setup. The problem wasn't ONLY Poe (although the adjustment to his abilities and stats was probably necessary), but the fact that everybody set up the exact same teams of four glass cannons and Poe. When two identical teams like that meet, ofc it all comes down to who goes first.

    But that's in many ways another discussion. I made my views very clear back then, and I know a lot of knowledgeable and skilled players disagreed. All good. Life goes on.
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