New TB info: MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR Complaints


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    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either
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    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

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    scuba wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Once again, this is for high end guilds. Why do people think they have to play the newest stuff asap?

    Maybe because CG said ....
    .....we expect Guilds to generally move to this Territory Battle when they are earning around 20 stars from Light Side Geonosis Territory Battle or getting close to Max Stars on Dark Side Geonosis Territory Battle.

    CG says a lot of things. It's more about what they say with their actions than with their words.
    scuba wrote: »
    Little different here though with required relic levels.
    This won't even be preloading, it will just be deploy and forget it.

    Could be worse, they could limit the deploying with the relic requirements too. Lol

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    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    What timescale are you using? The rate of development of this game is faster and faster. When I started playing it took a full year to get my first journey character, CLS, and I remember working out a 3 month plan to get him one zeta ability. One.

    My assumption is that the reward crates will lean towards g13+, allowing guilds who start getting stars to get more and more teams up.

    Why are people looking at the r9 requirements at all? They are not part of the plan I've made for my guild. Neither are r8. I don't even expect to need many full r7 teams.

    R5 will be tough for some. That is what the progression through Hoth and Geonosis will still be there for.

    Personally, I think it would be better without the relic level lock-out, but the sky isn't falling. If the relic lockout wasn't there, players wouldn't be able to get any more rewards. The battles will be too tough. They flat out said higher relic levels than the minimum, and great mods will be needed.

    Are they supposed to make new content that end game players and long time spenders find trivial? No, they need their just-enough-frustration-to-encourage-spending system to roll on.
  • Electricboa
    69 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    I do think not a lot of players can engage in last 2-3 phases at all

    And once the data comes out that only 100 out of 300k players can engage in the new TB i'm sure CG will do something to make it easier for people to play the content

    Worst case, they lower the reqs to R8 or R7 but tuned for R9

    That’s correct—because the vast, vast majority don’t have full R8 or R9 teams. The only reason they can’t engage with those phases is because CG arbitrarily decided to make those relic level minimums.

    You think CG doesn’t already know how many people have R8 and R9 teams? Maybe the backlash could give them pause or embarrass them into lowering it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. They knew full well what they were doing when they set those minimums. They knew there was no good reason to do it. Does Hermit Yoda or C-3PO need to be R9 to function in their teams? Nope.

    The truth is a combination of CG being lazy, greedy, and not testing stuff. They want to artificially gate the TB so they don’t have to work on another TB for half a decade. They want to pressure everyone to buy more to stay at the forefront of content. And how many times has CG given ‘recommended’ gears for legendary or other events, but players figure out how to do it well under that? That’s what would happen. R9 is almost certainly not needed for the last two phases. It’s the same situation as the Profundity. They claimed Raddus needed to be at R9 because it would compete with R9 Pietts. Completely untrue. Profundity almost certainly would have been just as effective at R5, maybe less. They just wanted to force people to do R9. That’s it. Same general mentality here, just on a larger scale.
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    Arrite, this is what I think, and a question.

    I am, totally fine with the combat missions are gated behind some specific characters and relic levels, yes I am fine with that.

    but the truth is, some of those characters, are outdated, or simply weak, I am afraid that even I have meet the requirements and still get stomped by the enemies.

    I mean, Bodhi Rook, he's a hero in the new TB, has some special buffs. I like the character so I have him at R3, and no problem to take him to R9. But I dont think a R9 Bodhi Rook will have the impact(s) at latter stages. that's something comes into my mind.
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    At least I finally have an excuse to r9 my cup. That’s the 1 good thing to come out of this
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its endgame long term content

    Not something you want to finish the day it launches

    Something to work towards, and hopefully getting to r9 gets easier without spending

    I haven’t heard anyone say they should be able to get max stars on the first day. They just want to be able to attempt it without insane and arbitrary minimum requirements. Trying to frame it like you did is a pure strawman.

    I do think not a lot of players can engage in last 2-3 phases at all

    And once the data comes out that only 100 out of 300k players can engage in the new TB i'm sure CG will do something to make it easier for people to play the content

    Worst case, they lower the reqs to R8 or R7 but tuned for R9

    Just keep it tuned to r9 but have no relic gate. Let us get our butts kicked, at least we can play it
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    There is a difference between bei
    Antario wrote: »
    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

    Really? It took them how long, 5 years to speed up the purple gear acquisition, and you are expecting them to speed up relic mats acquisition faster than that?
    Maybe by r20 the r9 mats will be easier to obtain.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    DarthGrff wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its endgame long term content

    Not something you want to finish the day it launches

    Something to work towards, and hopefully getting to r9 gets easier without spending

    I haven’t heard anyone say they should be able to get max stars on the first day. They just want to be able to attempt it without insane and arbitrary minimum requirements. Trying to frame it like you did is a pure strawman.

    I do think not a lot of players can engage in last 2-3 phases at all

    And once the data comes out that only 100 out of 300k players can engage in the new TB i'm sure CG will do something to make it easier for people to play the content

    Worst case, they lower the reqs to R8 or R7 but tuned for R9

    Just keep it tuned to r9 but have no relic gate. Let us get our butts kicked, at least we can play it

    Past experience proves people would be just as mad at this.
    I need a new message here.
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    I admit I got caught overestimating cg especially when I heard modular in the first tease of this tb and that the expectation was guilds at 20 plus ls geo stars were expected to switch to the new tb. I’m in wait and see mode but I just don’t see guilds dropping ls geo anytime soon. Loot will definitely be the deciding factor but with what’s been teased as the get3 purchasable items I’m not convinced yet. The elimination of get 1 to purchase kyros or relic mats doesn’t seem to be enough on its face.

    Now had they approached this as I hoped with the three paths having significantly different difficulty and the expectation that they could replace one path a year while upping difficulty then I could have seen it. Ls would have started slightly harder than the current ls geo then ds then neutral with the expectation that next December ls would be replaced with a “new story.” Obviously I misunderstood what they meant by modular and their ability to generate new content that doesn’t have to last for years.
  • Perfzilla
    60 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Once again, this is for high end guilds. Why do people think they have to play the newest stuff asap?
    I've been playing this game for 6 freaking years every single day. Give me more than one lousy phase Sheesh
  • Krjstoff
    634 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    It's the same GD crying everytime something new comes out. "Why do we need 5 toons with 21k GP to try the event?", "Why do we need 4 mil GP to try the event?", "Why do we need R5 to try the challenge pit?", "Why do we need an R9 team in the last phase of the latest end game content?"...

    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons. And even if you could, you would contribute absolutely nothing to your guilds progress.

    A side effect of having such hard requirements is, that they can effectively eliminate farming guilds from getting the newest stuff, which (I suspect) is a pretty hard argument from absolute top end players.

    Also get into your heads that most of the people driving the game is the 10M+ GP players - many of which have been here since around 2016. CG has to do something to keep these players invested in the game. And if CG always have to baby all the 5M GP players and below, those top end players won't get anything for their massive investment of time into the game. And if they get a feeling, that they can't get challenging new stuff, because every single salty whiner with a 5M GP account needs to have their way, those 10M+ accounts are going to quit. And Dear 5M GP player, you don't want that. Because that will be the beginning of the end for the game.

    Want something fun to do? Start by maxing out hard conquest every single time.
    Or maybe just try to max out Geo TB - I'm pretty sure that's still a very sufficient challenge for where you're at. HEll, I'm in a 400M guild, and LS Geo TB is still a massive challenge for us.

    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.
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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.
    As a 9million GP player who has been playing since 2016. I would like to engage in more than a single phase or two of new content.
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    scuba wrote: »
    There is a difference between bei
    Antario wrote: »
    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

    Really? It took them how long, 5 years to speed up the purple gear acquisition, and you are expecting them to speed up relic mats acquisition faster than that?
    Maybe by r20 the r9 mats will be easier to obtain.

    We will see about that.
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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    It's the same GD crying everytime something new comes out. "Why do we need 5 toons with 21k GP to try the event?", "Why do we need 4 mil GP to try the event?", "Why do we need R5 to try the challenge pit?", "Why do we need an R9 team in the last phase of the latest end game content?"...

    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.

    I don’t know, maybe because arbitrary and capricious minimums make no sense and they always get called out for it? Shocking though it may seem, there is no good reason to lock Hard Conquest behind 4 million GP. Even more startling—brace yourself—you could get damage on the Challenge Rancor with a sub-R5 team. I know, it’s difficult to believe.

    Now, I will grant you I’m not a 10 million GP account. I’m only 9.6 million and have been playing since the end of 2015. Who cares? If I think it’s wrong to do something, then I think it’s wrong whether I can engage in the content or not. Though if your position is no one below 10 million can have a valid opinion here, I can’t help but notice you’re 9.3 million.

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    Maybe it’s not that different to preloading Geos when they launched?
    — Step 1 = accept that most of us aren’t touching phase 4/5/6
    — Step 2 = R6 key teams to take part in phase 1 and 2
    — Step 3 = R7 Inquis 🤮 to reach Reva
    — Step 4 = R7 key teams to consolidate P2 and P3

    And just like GeoTBs when they launched stick to the preceding TB - in that case Hoth until Step 2 is achieved… what do I know though 🤷‍♂️
  • Lumiya
    1564 posts Member
    Antario wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    There is a difference between bei
    Antario wrote: »
    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

    Really? It took them how long, 5 years to speed up the purple gear acquisition, and you are expecting them to speed up relic mats acquisition faster than that?
    Maybe by r20 the r9 mats will be easier to obtain.

    We will see about that.

    We already did... they will double the prices to scrap for relics on purpose because they don't want to make it easier to relic characters. In a game where g12 is worth nothing anymore.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Options
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    It's the same GD crying everytime something new comes out. "Why do we need 5 toons with 21k GP to try the event?", "Why do we need 4 mil GP to try the event?", "Why do we need R5 to try the challenge pit?", "Why do we need an R9 team in the last phase of the latest end game content?"...

    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons. And even if you could, you would contribute absolutely nothing to your guilds progress.

    A side effect of having such hard requirements is, that they can effectively eliminate farming guilds from getting the newest stuff, which (I suspect) is a pretty hard argument from absolute top end players.

    Also get into your heads that most of the people driving the game is the 10M+ GP players - many of which have been here since around 2016. CG has to do something to keep these players invested in the game. And if CG always have to baby all the 5M GP players and below, those top end players won't get anything for their massive investment of time into the game. And if they get a feeling, that they can't get challenging new stuff, because every single salty whiner with a 5M GP account needs to have their way, those 10M+ accounts are going to quit. And Dear 5M GP player, you don't want that. Because that will be the beginning of the end for the game.

    Want something fun to do? Start by maxing out hard conquest every single time.
    Or maybe just try to max out Geo TB - I'm pretty sure that's still a very sufficient challenge for where you're at. HEll, I'm in a 400M guild, and LS Geo TB is still a massive challenge for us.

    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.

    Yeah another not 4-5 million gp account here. I remember the days of getting to double digit wave count in ls geo being an accomplishment. It wasn’t fun though the loot was better than Hoth so we did it. Now I still enjoy ls geo getting closer and closer to a perfect tb but not quite there as my best is 72 waves. But I’m not looking forward to returning to platoon and deploy. Why does pve content need to be designed to last three years? What’s the point of touting the modular aspect of the new tb if it’s going to take that long to beat?
  • Perfzilla
    60 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    Maybe it’s not that different to preloading Geos when they launched?
    — Step 1 = accept that most of us aren’t touching phase 4/5/6
    — Step 2 = R6 key teams to take part in phase 1 and 2
    — Step 3 = R7 Inquis 🤮 to reach Reva
    — Step 4 = R7 key teams to consolidate P2 and P3

    And just like GeoTBs when they launched stick to the preceding TB - in that case Hoth until Step 2 is achieved… what do I know though 🤷‍♂️

    I mean even if you're just going for the first phase only you still have to cajole some poor guild member to R5 their Eeth Koth and another to R5 freaking Teebo. I mean Teebo is like the worst Ewok.
  • Options
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons.

    Correction, it's not end game content for the game right now. It is designed to be the end game content for years from now.

    Even the 10m+ Players are not meant to be participating into the later phases right now.

    The problem is, as Scuba pointed out, CG said guilds would move to this TB at around 20* in LSTB. Which really isn't the case based off these requirements.
  • Options
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons.

    Correction, it's not end game content for the game right now. It is designed to be the end game content for years from now.

    Even the 10m+ Players are not meant to be participating into the later phases right now.

    The problem is, as Scuba pointed out, CG said guilds would move to this TB at around 20* in LSTB. Which really isn't the case based off these requirements.

    We get 33/36 in Geo LSTB - which is fairly upper end & will be initially stuck in P1/2 I’d imagine…..

  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Once again, this is for high end guilds. Why do people think they have to play the newest stuff asap?

    Because they stated themselves that guilds clearing 20* in LSGeoTB are meant to tackle this new event. However they then relic locked it to even participate.
    Screerider wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Once again, this is for high end guilds. Why do people think they have to play the newest stuff asap?

    Some folks are just like that.

    Or some folks just believe what CG themselves said regarding who should be able to play the new TB.
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its endgame long term content

    Not something you want to finish the day it launches

    Something to work towards, and hopefully getting to r9 gets easier without spending

    Nobody is asking to finish it day 1. We can’t even finish LSGeoTB because they made it mathematically impossible. However, people are asking to be able to at least participate in it based on what CG said. As for R9 becoming easier, they just finished their gear economy updates and went so far as to keep G12 a choke point by not touching kyrotechs at all. G12 for old toons and G8 for new ones is a far cry from R9.
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    i mean even being stuck in super early phases may have better rewards than geo tb.
  • Starslayer
    2421 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    Krjstoff wrote: »
    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.

    Gating the most interesting missions with very hard requirements is not the same as gating everything with hard requirements.

    Glass quarter full: I'll probably R7 my inqs for Reva (and it's kinda fair even if I won't enjoy gearing them, I'm used to hard prerequisites to get a new character), so I'll have at least 1 team to engage with the new content. I doubt that my guild will be able to engage past R7 phase for quite some time anyway.

    Edit: if phase 3 is reachable with my 20+ stars in LS geo guild, which is not a given
  • Eyo
    34 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its endgame long term content

    Not something you want to finish the day it launches

    Something to work towards, and hopefully getting to r9 gets easier without spending

    I'm 9m+, 6 legends with really close to jabba, 400m guild, 4/4 on all CM in LSTB. I'm in upper 1% of playerbase, and I won't be really able to play it? Most of my teams got mixed relics, at phase 2 I won't be even able to play most CM since relic 5 is the way to go for most toons. Phase 3+? That's years and years of grinding, 24h phases and GL platoons on top of that? XD. Another middle finger from CG, with gear changes as smoke screen.
    There is a difference between being able to max something and not even being able to engage in something.
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    Love how they increased the new standard min relic for your teams by at least 1 relic level (to progress through P2), maybe even 2.

    Can now upgrade all those R5 chars (Rex, 3Pac, DR & BSF, Sith Trio, Inquis, BB, etc.) by 1-2 relic lvls because CG moved the border once again.

    Thx god they made it easier to relic up chars below R8-9, everyone is swimming in bronziums cuz they're so easy to get, right? /s
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    It's not even pay to win anymore, it's pay to play. Not sure what kind of insanity will be required to actually win, and I guess I won't find out anytime soon anyway. I was expecting some greedy moves from CG, it would be foolish not to, but this goes way beyond anything they have done before.
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    i'm at 9.4m gp. i definetly can get teams up and running for the early phases at that level. the relic 8 and 9 requirements for compoete teams are out of reach of course, but i don't expect my guild to get to this phases in the near future anyway. so i feel not much pressure.
    i can imagine those players in the highest top end guilds feel the pressure much more. i already feel bad for them when they r9 their complete teams and then realize that they did all this to be a testplayer and find the bugs for cg.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Love how they increased the new standard min relic for your teams by at least 1 relic level (to progress through P2), maybe even 2.

    Can now upgrade all those R5 chars (Rex, 3Pac, DR & BSF, Sith Trio, Inquis, BB, etc.) by 1-2 relic lvls because CG moved the border once again.

    Thx god they made it easier to relic up chars below R8-9, everyone is swimming in bronziums cuz they're so easy to get, right? /s

    Bronziums yes, CCB no.
    I need a new message here.
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