New TB info: MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR Complaints


  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    There is a difference between bei
    Antario wrote: »
    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

    Really? It took them how long, 5 years to speed up the purple gear acquisition, and you are expecting them to speed up relic mats acquisition faster than that?
    Maybe by r20 the r9 mats will be easier to obtain.

    We will see about that.

    We already did... they will double the prices to scrap for relics on purpose because they don't want to make it easier to relic characters. In a game where g12 is worth nothing anymore.

    They did also double most of the gear sources for that scrap...
    I need a new message here.
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    So utterly disappointed, let down and angry at this TB relic 9 requirement.... My guild is roughly 330m GP and NONE of us have a squad with even 2 R9 toons..... this is total ****!!!!!!
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    TVF wrote: »
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Love how they increased the new standard min relic for your teams by at least 1 relic level (to progress through P2), maybe even 2.

    Can now upgrade all those R5 chars (Rex, 3Pac, DR & BSF, Sith Trio, Inquis, BB, etc.) by 1-2 relic lvls because CG moved the border once again.

    Thx god they made it easier to relic up chars below R8-9, everyone is swimming in bronziums cuz they're so easy to get, right? /s

    Bronziums yes, CCB no.

    I'm not surprised.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    8.5 mil GP account here. This is lazy, and caters to such a small section of the player base. What they said vs what they did is not even close. Why gate it at all? Let people crash against the teams, come up with strategies. Gating it is just lazy development, and it seems to be their only method now.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Legend91 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Legend91 wrote: »
    Love how they increased the new standard min relic for your teams by at least 1 relic level (to progress through P2), maybe even 2.

    Can now upgrade all those R5 chars (Rex, 3Pac, DR & BSF, Sith Trio, Inquis, BB, etc.) by 1-2 relic lvls because CG moved the border once again.

    Thx god they made it easier to relic up chars below R8-9, everyone is swimming in bronziums cuz they're so easy to get, right? /s

    Bronziums yes, CCB no.

    I'm not surprised.

    I need a new message here.
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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    It's the same GD crying everytime something new comes out. "Why do we need 5 toons with 21k GP to try the event?", "Why do we need 4 mil GP to try the event?", "Why do we need R5 to try the challenge pit?", "Why do we need an R9 team in the last phase of the latest end game content?"...

    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons. And even if you could, you would contribute absolutely nothing to your guilds progress.

    A side effect of having such hard requirements is, that they can effectively eliminate farming guilds from getting the newest stuff, which (I suspect) is a pretty hard argument from absolute top end players.

    Also get into your heads that most of the people driving the game is the 10M+ GP players - many of which have been here since around 2016. CG has to do something to keep these players invested in the game. And if CG always have to baby all the 5M GP players and below, those top end players won't get anything for their massive investment of time into the game. And if they get a feeling, that they can't get challenging new stuff, because every single salty whiner with a 5M GP account needs to have their way, those 10M+ accounts are going to quit. And Dear 5M GP player, you don't want that. Because that will be the beginning of the end for the game.

    Want something fun to do? Start by maxing out hard conquest every single time.
    Or maybe just try to max out Geo TB - I'm pretty sure that's still a very sufficient challenge for where you're at. HEll, I'm in a 400M guild, and LS Geo TB is still a massive challenge for us.

    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.

    It’s mathematically impossible to max out LSGeoTB. My guild gets 33* there and wanted to try out the new TB, but if we need that kind of relic gate then I doubt we will want to even bother.
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    K, quick idea but how about they offer three versions of this new tb all with different reqs and rewards. One could be dark geo tb level, the other could be light geo tb level, and this could be the final level. Get 2 for teh first two in increasing quantities when comparing them with a lot lower rewards than the final tier. Gear 12-R3 for the first, R3-R6 for the second and then obviously keep this one. This would make it AVAILABLE to everyone which is the only thing everyone wants. The only problem I see with this would be the changing the character reqs to better fit certain levels but I'm sure CG could do it if they put their mind to it.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I for one am glad that new tb will take less of our times for better rewards for a long time to come. Yes, I would have loved to be at least able to enter to battle to get crushed. But this time saver fact trumps that curiosity.

    You *hope* it's better rewards anyway. Not only do we not have the rewards table yet, but essentially no one will be playing past p3 so looking at probably 12ish stars.
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Once again, this is for high end guilds. Why do people think they have to play the newest stuff asap?

    "High end guilds" aren't playing p4. The top 5 guilds (250 players out of about 320k players) will be able to play the new content. Woo.
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    I do not understand the minimum relic requirements. My guild gets about 20 stars in LS Geo and nearly maxes DS Geo, and I highly doubt that we will be able to access even P2 of this new TB simply because we won’t be able to make enough complete teams. TB is the most stale game mode (unless you count proving grounds as a “game mode”) and after 3 years of neglect they’re trying to sell us on this? When new content in a game is no longer accessible to 95% of its active, high end player base there is a serious problem. If CG wants us to pay to play their game now, they need a lower price tag.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I for one am glad that new tb will take less of our times for better rewards for a long time to come. Yes, I would have loved to be at least able to enter to battle to get crushed. But this time saver fact trumps that curiosity.

    You *hope* it's better rewards anyway. Not only do we not have the rewards table yet, but essentially no one will be playing past p3 so looking at probably 12ish stars.
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Once again, this is for high end guilds. Why do people think they have to play the newest stuff asap?

    "High end guilds" aren't playing p4. The top 5 guilds (250 players out of about 320k players) will be able to play the new content. Woo.

    I vaguely remember them mentioning it will be better rewards for the guilds that gets yada yada stars on geonosis, I'm basing the assumption on that. If it's not as such, my guild will keep on geonosis (450m) and I'll just ignore the existence of a new tb. I'd prefer anything to -core gear- though. I don't need any more core gear, only g12+ stuff and kyros.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    Let me guess, the normal CG thing to do, we NEED r9 toons, but they'll cap our units at r1 or something

    I need a new message here.
  • Jakdnels
    787 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    I thought CG said the new TB would be scalable/dynamic so it wouldn't have to tuned for rosters from 4 years from now. This doesn't seem like it.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    xGriiMErZ wrote: »
    Let me guess, the normal CG thing to do, we NEED r9 toons, but they'll cap our units at r1 or something


    Like they did with Raddus, require you to have r9 Raddus, but gives you a massively weaker version

    This is TB. You use your own units.
    I need a new message here.
  • Joebo720
    653 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    While it is a bit high it will be no different than when people moved into LS Geo. Think for the a while when in the guild i was in started doing it we never got past phase 2. Would preload zones, ect. While R9 is a bit extreme my guess is that this is built for when R10 is introduced to the game. They'll need to do something about impulse detectors but i can see what they are doing.

    Rewards for 11* in LS Geo was better than rewards for Max Hoth.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    R9 is more than "a bit" extreme.

    I'm a 8.9m player (started April 2017) and I have two units at R9.

    Even full R8 teams in the quantities required is more than "a bit" extreme.

    Oh and don't forget about platoons.
    I need a new message here.
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    right so i have 29 x r9 characters, and don't really have a single team that is all R9, i could force a Empire team together around LV. But R9 is so lackluster for anything but Tanks, most of the time and the top teams have been focusing on R9's just on Tanks or characters that benefit from huge health pools and protection boosts.

    R9's listed below.

    LV, Maul, Piett, 9th Sister, Royal Guard

    SEE, Malak, Malgus, SET
    JML, GK, GAS, Juhani,
    Jabba, Krrsantan, Gam Guard,

    SLKR, KRU,
    BossK, Fennec, IG88
    Chewbacca, Han Solo, Stormtrooper Han,
    Ad Raddus,

    So a demand of a whole R9 team is just plainly ridiculous.
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    F2p at 9.4m. I have 11 units at r8+ (besides piett at r9 as a luxury item, all were reqs for something). Of course none of the eligible toons make up a team that can beat anything either. Thus I'm not even worrying about possibly making an eligible team in the future unless they shuffle the cards in some other ways. Even if I had the hoard to make 1 r8 team specifically for tb, those gear are better spent elsewhere chasing new things and strengthening gac/tw oriented teams.
  • Options
    right so i have 29 x r9 characters, and don't really have a single team that is all R9, i could force a Empire team together around LV. But R9 is so lackluster for anything but Tanks, most of the time and the top teams have been focusing on R9's just on Tanks or characters that benefit from huge health pools and protection boosts.

    R9's listed below.

    LV, Maul, Piett, 9th Sister, Royal Guard

    SEE, Malak, Malgus, SET
    JML, GK, GAS, Juhani,
    Jabba, Krrsantan, Gam Guard,

    SLKR, KRU,
    BossK, Fennec, IG88
    Chewbacca, Han Solo, Stormtrooper Han,
    Ad Raddus,

    So a demand of a whole R9 team is just plainly ridiculous.

    You don't like the 9th sister, gam guard, stormtrooper han, fives, and SET team?
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    Perfzilla wrote: »

    I mean even if you're just going for the first phase only you still have to cajole some poor guild member to R5 their Eeth Koth and another to R5 freaking Teebo. I mean Teebo is like the worst Ewok.

    Chances are GL Rebel Leia is the next GL and a lot of these toons will be requirements. So eventually, a lot of people will have r5 Teebo, Logray, Lobot, EK, etc.
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    i can imagine those players in the highest top end guilds feel the pressure much more. i already feel bad for them when they r9 their complete teams and then realize that they did all this to be a testplayer and find the bugs for cg.

  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    OmegaIV wrote: »
    Perfzilla wrote: »

    I mean even if you're just going for the first phase only you still have to cajole some poor guild member to R5 their Eeth Koth and another to R5 freaking Teebo. I mean Teebo is like the worst Ewok.

    Chances are GL Rebel Leia is the next GL and a lot of these toons will be requirements. So eventually, a lot of people will have r5 Teebo, Logray, Lobot, EK, etc.

    We have enough speculation about this TB already
    I need a new message here.
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    The only reason I can think of for the minimums is to prevent cheating. Remember when CPit came out and a bunch of people solo'd it with only 4 R5 tooons in their roster? It's not enough of a reason to hard req all this, but I'm sure it's part of it. I think it's a big reason why all the new journey characters have hard relic requirements.
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    Piatz1019 wrote: »
    The only reason I can think of for the minimums is to prevent cheating. Remember when CPit came out and a bunch of people solo'd it with only 4 R5 tooons in their roster? It's not enough of a reason to hard req all this, but I'm sure it's part of it. I think it's a big reason why all the new journey characters have hard relic requirements.

    Seems the opposite should apply. If you leave no relic gated requirements and see someone completing with undergeared characters then you have probable cause to investigate cheating and permaban. This is just a paywall.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    Jakdnels wrote: »
    Piatz1019 wrote: »
    The only reason I can think of for the minimums is to prevent cheating. Remember when CPit came out and a bunch of people solo'd it with only 4 R5 tooons in their roster? It's not enough of a reason to hard req all this, but I'm sure it's part of it. I think it's a big reason why all the new journey characters have hard relic requirements.

    Seems the opposite should apply. If you leave no relic gated requirements and see someone completing with undergeared characters then you have probable cause to investigate cheating and permaban. This is just a paywall.

    That would require effort on their part. Much easier to relic gate than to actually put effort into finding cheaters for once. Not that I think this has anything to do with it.
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    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7

    "Don't worry about playing more than half of this brand new content! You may be able to play the rest of it in a couple years," is what you just said, in case you were wondering.
  • Lumiya
    1564 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    There is a difference between bei
    Antario wrote: »
    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

    Really? It took them how long, 5 years to speed up the purple gear acquisition, and you are expecting them to speed up relic mats acquisition faster than that?
    Maybe by r20 the r9 mats will be easier to obtain.

    We will see about that.

    We already did... they will double the prices to scrap for relics on purpose because they don't want to make it easier to relic characters. In a game where g12 is worth nothing anymore.

    They did also double most of the gear sources for that scrap...

    So? I know that and you know exactly what I meant. It means relics will not get easier and it will stay the same, so no speeding up or easing the relics.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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