Kit Reveal: Admiral Trench Coat of ArMs



  • DaarthBrewer
    1968 posts Member
    edited January 2023
    When would the next Conquest start though?

    August. Er, no, Monday. I am not sure which Monday though, the 30th?
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    @StickSurfer @TVF

    It's 25 shards. You get zero Trench shards for anything less than max (red) crate on normal, but if you max out Normal TB you get the same number of shards as the most minimal crate on Hard TB, which is 25.

    What I don't remember is if you get lesser #s of shards of the most-recent-past conquest toon. So Red Normal will get 25 shards x 3 of Trench while featured, but possibly a few more shards for the 3 months after that??? Not sure.

    Either way, if you can max your Normal TB, Stick, you can have 75 shards (maybe even more!) to boost you on your way.
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    Not even bothering to read the omicrons at this point. It’s never gonna happen
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    @StickSurfer @TVF

    It's 25 shards. You get zero Trench shards for anything less than max (red) crate on normal, but if you max out Normal TB you get the same number of shards as the most minimal crate on Hard TB, which is 25.

    What I don't remember is if you get lesser #s of shards of the most-recent-past conquest toon. So Red Normal will get 25 shards x 3 of Trench while featured, but possibly a few more shards for the 3 months after that??? Not sure.

    Either way, if you can max your Normal TB, Stick, you can have 75 shards (maybe even more!) to boost you on your way.

    Wait, so 75 Shards for this Conquest? Better than I thought.

    Sad that I can't get Wat for maximum synergy.
    Hello there.
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    @StickSurfer @TVF

    It's 25 shards. You get zero Trench shards for anything less than max (red) crate on normal, but if you max out Normal TB you get the same number of shards as the most minimal crate on Hard TB, which is 25.

    What I don't remember is if you get lesser #s of shards of the most-recent-past conquest toon. So Red Normal will get 25 shards x 3 of Trench while featured, but possibly a few more shards for the 3 months after that??? Not sure.

    Either way, if you can max your Normal TB, Stick, you can have 75 shards (maybe even more!) to boost you on your way.

    Wait, so 75 Shards for this Conquest? Better than I thought.

    No, she meant 25 each conquest. There's three before the next unit is introduced.
    I need a new message here.
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    I can still get Trench shards in the crates after the next unit is introduced, right?
    Hello there.
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    Still not sure how it works in normal, but I assume so. In hard it reduces from 90 to 30.
    I need a new message here.
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    You won't be able to unlock Trench until you reach 4M GP and get access to both Hard conquest and Proving Grounds (where Trench will be added a year from now).
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    So it's impossible to unlock any Conquest character on Normal?

    (Excluding easy stuff like Conquest store.)
    Hello there.
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    So it's impossible to unlock any Conquest character on Normal?

    (Excluding easy stuff like Conquest store.)

    By now you should've realized that already
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    Bringing trench into the game, Does this mean we will get a trench Capital ship, since he is one of the strongest naval leaders for the sepertist army?
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    hm. new character. cool. when do we get a ban wave for fleet arena cheaters?
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    edited January 2023
    LordClay23 wrote: »
    Bringing trench into the game, Does this mean we will get a trench Capital ship, since he is one of the strongest naval leaders for the sepertist army?

    All for his ship the Invincible


    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    edited January 2023
    Got to love the double posts
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    deadline for questions is earlier than the reveal post ???
  • Dragon88
    11 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    Fantastic character, thanks for adding hím into the game! It's time to gear up the Armorer for SEE and Sabine Wren for the Mandalorians as replacements of Wat and Jango. So let's gear them up and see Trench's full potential! ;)
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    edited March 2023
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    CaesarAM wrote: »
    Oh look, another DS thing. Just like the last 2 GLs, the last 2 legendaries, the last 2 DC sets, and five of the previous eight Conquest units. And most of the best omicrons.

    Yet there are 132 LS characters and only 109 DS characters.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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