Proving Grounds for Interceptor

Wow. Might be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in this game.


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    Do we know when this will hit Proving Grounds? Let's say its conquest started on 2/7/22 and ended on 4/19/22, would it show up a year after it started or after it ended? Is that even the cycle?

    Trying to determine how to use crystals and conquest currency.
    Thank you
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    They just added TIE interceptor to proving grounds. The ship will be in after this current conquest. They add the unit to PG after the first of three instead of at the end of the third.
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    My god, they've made inquisitorius invincibilitus
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    This is completely unacceptable. CG needs to push a hotfix today or else send the entire community 20 interceptor shards. Yet another blunder in a short amount of time.
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    It is ludicrous. If nothing else they just confirmed they don't do any testing.
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    I tryed the proving grounds for interceptor with SLKR team, SEE team, 501 team, Lord Vader team,CLS rebels team, all with no sucess. this is impossible for a regular player
  • gymghi
    30 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    did it with GL Rey, Bando, Raid han, cat, dash

    most other teams died instantly, interestingly
    GL Rey, jtr, ben, can't remember who else, i got bored, it got down to just JTR and Reva trading blows
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    What the heck? What speed are they?? They basically exterminate your squad before you get a move.

    R3 required. Lol.
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    It's a real SHAME ....
    They should put R10 minimum required with 7 dot mod ....
    As ridiculous as their game has become...
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    Wow they really want to trick people into buying these inquisitors.
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    Try Traya (L), Sion, Malak, Nihilus, SEE. but tbh can replace see with Talon i suspect will be as good. Traya, sion, Nihilus all R5 Malak SEE R7
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    Try R7 SEE and R5 Enfys Nest. They physically can’t take out Nest which will let you charge up Sith Eternal’s ult. They’ll keep targeting her for most of the match.
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    Try R7 SEE and R5 Enfys Nest. They physically can’t take out Nest which will let you charge up Sith Eternal’s ult. I think the only way to beat this is massive amounts of cheese
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    I think my fastest character is LV at 582 speed and he's seriously out run in this event.
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    i think dash got 1 go with his basic, Bando healed han a couple of times, who just used his basic a couple of times, rey 1 aoe and 1 ultimate aoe, i was a bit surprised having seen everyone else die.

    gucci palp team sort of did quite well, even though vader was insta killed
  • Tialishoma241
    77 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    Just ridiculous. They're just mocking us now. They nerf our stuff that beats galactic legends, then they release stuff like this in which whole gl teams don't even get a turn
  • Joebo720
    653 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    Traya, Scion, Nihlus, Talon, (other sith, i used LV but wasn't a difference maker) Malak would have been better
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    What the heck? What speed are they?? They basically exterminate your squad before you get a move.

    R3 required. Lol.

    Gotta be at least 800. Even with JMK they'll run circles around you with no bonus TM.
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    As recommended above, Traya lead works.
  • Screerider
    1444 posts Member
    edited February 2023
    Not sure serious. My R7 Nest got deleted on first try.

    On 2nd try, she's the only one left standing, and, yeah, she's not going anywhere, but I'm never taking a turn either so...

    Ah well... 20 blueprints of SSC would be nice.
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    my relic 7 slkr tem got deleted!!
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    Traya (r3) LV (r7) DN (r3) Malak (r5) Malgus (r5) got it on the 6th attempt for me.

    Also, hilarious that CG does this every time. Clown college up in here.
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    My favorite part of this whole situation is that Meathead made a post thanking us for "bringing to our attention an issue with the TIE Interceptor Proving Grounds battle allowing you to run it when you have 330 Shards already".

    I cannot believe that this is the concern given what is going on. Imagine being concerned that people who consistently max out conquest are given a little extra shard currency.
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    Traya lead. I only lost Malax Sith triumvirate, SEE and Malak.
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    First time in a loooong while that I've wanted to just bin the game. What a let down. Previous tiers were possible with the right modding and strategy, whereas this just feels like a big middle finger to the community.
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    **** are CG smoking? Why make these things so difficult for players that obviously didn't have the rosters to get the toons in conquest initially? This is just frustrating and unenjoyable.

    This convinces me even more that they don't test the game at all.
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    Screerider wrote: »
    Not sure serious. My R7 Nest got deleted.

    Ah well... 20 blueprints of SSC would be nice.

    I had third sister and grand inquisitor linked the entire game, I’m sure that helped.
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    I got 2 stars with this, but full heartily agree it's ridiculous. Absolutely destroyed my slkr and seep teams.
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    The difficulty of proving grounds needs to be fixed, it should be a chance for the people who do normal conquest to actually get these characters. CG NEEDS to actually listen to it's player base (broken record and dead ears ik)
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    i dont have traya... guess im done here
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