Any news on Levi changes?


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    DBuzz wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    Dogwelder you are obviously someone that doesn't have it and thinks we are all complaining for nothing. We invested the time, resources, and a bit of emotional damage to get this day one. To only be rewarded with this. This is my very first major capital unlock on day one and as of right now I am regretting it. Anyways. Best of luck to you.

    That's not what they're saying at all, they just want context to what is a very new and evolving situation. It's like when someone complains that drop rates are super low, or that matchmaking in GAC always horribly mismatches. Context and reproducibility are key to understanding how this game reliably works. If Holdo beats Leviathan repeatedly and consistently that's something which should reasonably be fixed, unless they want that to be the one non-mirror counter obvs. If, however, it is the case that on one occasion, where Levi's RNG went against it, and Holdo's RNG was at its absolute best then you chalk that up to the 0.001% of times that RNG causes a fluke result. I can remember beating Exe with Home 1 even after its buff about one in every twenty times when the RNG significantly went in my favour. Chance occurrences happen.

    For context I'll be unlocking it next month and very much hope that by that time it will reliably be the #1 fleet and only consistently beatable in mirror matches, with the odd loss to Exe and Prof.

    Regardless of all this, the point remains that it was advertised to confidently execute profun and executor fleets. As it stands, this is not the case as you can see by multiple videos on YouTube. As far as holdo goes, if it can happen once it can happen again. It’s easy to sit back and say “well we need more proof of attempts”, but the fact remains that it has happened already. It’s only a matter of time for more videos to pop up showing that it can be beaten with holdo teams. So you can put your head in the sand or just wake up to the facts that the fleet is not performing as advertised.

    I've seen hard node shard farms drop 5 shards for 5 sims too, but I'm not going to plan for that to happen. I've seen ahnaldt get 330 pulls on the gamble packs, but that doesn't mean I'm fool enough to buy them myself thinking it's going to happen for me. If the holdo counter is a 5% success rate then it's not a significant concern. If it's even as high as a 50% success rate then that's a big fat problem.

    I agree that it's not working the way it was sold - and I agree that things need to be fixed. I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise - but if we're going to present evidence to CG that something isn't working right, it's got to be something more than "this fleet in this one video shouldn't win". We need to be giving them examples of what's not working. There's tons of video footage out there at this point with multiple instances of demonstrable, undeniable bugs that clearly show what is or is not happening when it shouldn't or should be happening. Maybe we should focus on those things instead of a one-off video of holdo winning.

    Maybe getting the bugs fixed addresses the holdo issue. If we keep arguing about it we're not contributing to the solution - we're just adding noise to the problems.

    Ok here’s 2 videos then lol.

    I like how you focused on that and ignored everything else in my post. Congrats - you found another video.

    Would you care to point out any actual bugs that can be fixed in either of those two videos, or any other video for that matter?

    Like I said - I don't think anyone is arguing that Leviathan is fine. We all know that Holdo is on record beating it. That's not actionable information and it doesn't exactly move the conversation forward.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Devian
    674 posts Member
    It would be nice, if after capturing enemy's ship unique from "admiral" stopped working, but before that, devs should really fix bugs(guess this will happen right after TW)
  • Options
    DBuzz wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    Dogwelder you are obviously someone that doesn't have it and thinks we are all complaining for nothing. We invested the time, resources, and a bit of emotional damage to get this day one. To only be rewarded with this. This is my very first major capital unlock on day one and as of right now I am regretting it. Anyways. Best of luck to you.

    I'm not defending CG. If you think it needs a buff, data will be more effective than "because a youtuber was lucky once". But well, I give up, ignore me. Good luck.
  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    DBuzz wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    Dogwelder you are obviously someone that doesn't have it and thinks we are all complaining for nothing. We invested the time, resources, and a bit of emotional damage to get this day one. To only be rewarded with this. This is my very first major capital unlock on day one and as of right now I am regretting it. Anyways. Best of luck to you.

    That's not what they're saying at all, they just want context to what is a very new and evolving situation. It's like when someone complains that drop rates are super low, or that matchmaking in GAC always horribly mismatches. Context and reproducibility are key to understanding how this game reliably works. If Holdo beats Leviathan repeatedly and consistently that's something which should reasonably be fixed, unless they want that to be the one non-mirror counter obvs. If, however, it is the case that on one occasion, where Levi's RNG went against it, and Holdo's RNG was at its absolute best then you chalk that up to the 0.001% of times that RNG causes a fluke result. I can remember beating Exe with Home 1 even after its buff about one in every twenty times when the RNG significantly went in my favour. Chance occurrences happen.

    For context I'll be unlocking it next month and very much hope that by that time it will reliably be the #1 fleet and only consistently beatable in mirror matches, with the odd loss to Exe and Prof.

    Regardless of all this, the point remains that it was advertised to confidently execute profun and executor fleets. As it stands, this is not the case as you can see by multiple videos on YouTube. As far as holdo goes, if it can happen once it can happen again. It’s easy to sit back and say “well we need more proof of attempts”, but the fact remains that it has happened already. It’s only a matter of time for more videos to pop up showing that it can be beaten with holdo teams. So you can put your head in the sand or just wake up to the facts that the fleet is not performing as advertised.

    I've seen hard node shard farms drop 5 shards for 5 sims too, but I'm not going to plan for that to happen. I've seen ahnaldt get 330 pulls on the gamble packs, but that doesn't mean I'm fool enough to buy them myself thinking it's going to happen for me. If the holdo counter is a 5% success rate then it's not a significant concern. If it's even as high as a 50% success rate then that's a big fat problem.

    I agree that it's not working the way it was sold - and I agree that things need to be fixed. I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise - but if we're going to present evidence to CG that something isn't working right, it's got to be something more than "this fleet in this one video shouldn't win". We need to be giving them examples of what's not working. There's tons of video footage out there at this point with multiple instances of demonstrable, undeniable bugs that clearly show what is or is not happening when it shouldn't or should be happening. Maybe we should focus on those things instead of a one-off video of holdo winning.

    Maybe getting the bugs fixed addresses the holdo issue. If we keep arguing about it we're not contributing to the solution - we're just adding noise to the problems.

    Ok here’s 2 videos then lol.

    It's like a whale being taken out by an intergalactic harpoon.
  • Aiscalp
    22 posts Member
    Years later and still HT holds better than the combined force of 2 current meta tanks B28+Fury
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    I like how you focused on that and ignored everything else in my post. Congrats - you found another video.

    Would you care to point out any actual bugs that can be fixed in either of those two videos, or any other video for that matter?

    Like I said - I don't think anyone is arguing that Leviathan is fine. We all know that Holdo is on record beating it. That's not actionable information and it doesn't exactly move the conversation forward. [/quote]

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.
  • Devian
    674 posts Member
    Would you care to point out any actual bugs that can be fixed in either of those two videos, or any other video for that matter?
    btw, "Whenever an enemy's debuff expires, a random Sith ship gains 1 stack of Ferocity for 2 turns". Sith ships should have that like wildfire after each "explosion"(if not even resist).

  • TargetEadu
    1620 posts Member
    DBuzz wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    Dogwelder you are obviously someone that doesn't have it and thinks we are all complaining for nothing. We invested the time, resources, and a bit of emotional damage to get this day one. To only be rewarded with this. This is my very first major capital unlock on day one and as of right now I am regretting it. Anyways. Best of luck to you.

    That's not what they're saying at all, they just want context to what is a very new and evolving situation. It's like when someone complains that drop rates are super low, or that matchmaking in GAC always horribly mismatches. Context and reproducibility are key to understanding how this game reliably works. If Holdo beats Leviathan repeatedly and consistently that's something which should reasonably be fixed, unless they want that to be the one non-mirror counter obvs. If, however, it is the case that on one occasion, where Levi's RNG went against it, and Holdo's RNG was at its absolute best then you chalk that up to the 0.001% of times that RNG causes a fluke result. I can remember beating Exe with Home 1 even after its buff about one in every twenty times when the RNG significantly went in my favour. Chance occurrences happen.

    For context I'll be unlocking it next month and very much hope that by that time it will reliably be the #1 fleet and only consistently beatable in mirror matches, with the odd loss to Exe and Prof.

    Regardless of all this, the point remains that it was advertised to confidently execute profun and executor fleets. As it stands, this is not the case as you can see by multiple videos on YouTube. As far as holdo goes, if it can happen once it can happen again. It’s easy to sit back and say “well we need more proof of attempts”, but the fact remains that it has happened already. It’s only a matter of time for more videos to pop up showing that it can be beaten with holdo teams. So you can put your head in the sand or just wake up to the facts that the fleet is not performing as advertised.

    I've seen hard node shard farms drop 5 shards for 5 sims too, but I'm not going to plan for that to happen. I've seen ahnaldt get 330 pulls on the gamble packs, but that doesn't mean I'm fool enough to buy them myself thinking it's going to happen for me. If the holdo counter is a 5% success rate then it's not a significant concern. If it's even as high as a 50% success rate then that's a big fat problem.

    I agree that it's not working the way it was sold - and I agree that things need to be fixed. I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise - but if we're going to present evidence to CG that something isn't working right, it's got to be something more than "this fleet in this one video shouldn't win". We need to be giving them examples of what's not working. There's tons of video footage out there at this point with multiple instances of demonstrable, undeniable bugs that clearly show what is or is not happening when it shouldn't or should be happening. Maybe we should focus on those things instead of a one-off video of holdo winning.

    Maybe getting the bugs fixed addresses the holdo issue. If we keep arguing about it we're not contributing to the solution - we're just adding noise to the problems.

    Ok here’s 2 videos then lol.

    First video isn’t against a 7* Levi, second onr the opposing Levi brought in EP’s Shuttle instead of the Mark VI for an instakill. I don’t know Raddus well enough to know if that makes a difference, but it’s significant.
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    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Salatious_Scrum
    2356 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    If there isn’t a dedicated test server there really needs to be one created.

    There are a few alarming bugs like Mk6 being able to knock out a capital ship that I don’t understand how it was QA’ed.
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    This fleet needs to land debuffs to win and a simple tenacity up stops that.
    They have no way of getting around a taunt.
    They dont have the damage output to destroy tanks.

    Fix any of those three things and this fleet would instantly be better.
  • Devian
    674 posts Member
    Devian wrote: »
    It would be nice, if after capturing enemy's ship unique from "admiral" stopped working
    so it was actually a bug...

  • VladoVDD
    149 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    we can help CG - just tell us how much it costs to hire 1 tester in Pakistan - I'm sure it'll help greatly. some charity streaming could do the job as well i think or a few bucks "for beta tester pack"
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    Is this a joke? They're still trying to confirm all the bugs.

    Between Levi and Mk6, they're up to six unique bugs now, probably more coming. It'll be days before its fixed,
    , and deployed.
    Co-GL, Empire's 501st
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Is this a joke? They're still trying to confirm all the bugs.

    Between Levi and Mk6, they're up to six unique bugs now, probably more coming. It'll be days before its fixed,
    , and deployed.

    Oh it's definitely going to be more.

    Dagger is 100% bugged and doesn't assist on specials, only basics (but not the cap ship despite cap ships also counting as allies which is why Profun can be called to assist by the rebels).

    Takes 1-2 battles and rewatching footage to figure out. Beta testers ftw.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    Maybe those dark and broody Sith Empire ships could do some actual damage instead of lobbing cotton balls at rebel ships who constantly heal every tiny scratch and dispel all debuffs (including fear, without missing a turn).

  • OmegaIV
    110 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

  • Options
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    Once they implement said fixes then we can reevaluate the situation. However THIS is the product they released to us. So we are going to evaluate based on how they released it. They clearly deemed it worthy enough to release and gave it their blessing right?
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    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    Once they implement said fixes then we can reevaluate the situation. However THIS is the product they released to us. So we are going to evaluate based on how they released it. They clearly deemed it worthy enough to release and gave it their blessing right?

    I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on the expected quality of releases from CG.

    Maybe it’s cynical, but I treat every new toon/ship/zeta/omicron as subject to a possible buff/nerf. There’s just too much evidence to consider trusting them that a day one release won’t be altered. If I’m honest, at this point I’d be surprised if they do any testing beyond making sure the unit and abilities don’t cause the app to crash. Actually seeing if the balance is correct will be sorted by the beta program AKA the community. I’d rather they admit the community is the beta test, but they won’t do that for obvious reasons. As such, I simply work with the game they provide.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
  • VladoVDD
    149 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.

    "Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate" - correct, BUT only into your mind - that's why i wrote you the previous post. "naive" - correct, BUT only because YOU support it and continue doing it. "free game" - correct, BUT only if you don't buy that real money packs. everything on the market is "free" according your logic - when you pay for something do you want that something to be safe, tested, working properly etc. or not? nah - don't bother me answering to this. "Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand" - wrong, you don't see the whole picture. "Hasn’t in the past, won’t now" - wrong, you don't know the past or you don't remember it, or your "past" is too near to our present
    noone stops you to report bugs,but I want to stop you to support selling of untested products - this will help us as well
  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.

    "Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate" - correct, BUT only into your mind - that's why i wrote you the previous post. "naive" - correct, BUT only because YOU support it and continue doing it. "free game" - correct, BUT only if you don't buy that real money packs. "Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand" - wrong, you don't see the whole picture. "Hasn’t in the past, won’t now" - wrong, you don't know the past or you don't remember it, or your "past" is too near to our present
    noone stops you to report bugs,but I want to stop you to support selling of untested products - this will help us as well

    Don't really understand much of that.

    But CG has released a lot of bugged content and units that were subsequently patched. I don't see this as really any different, despite the histrionics.

    CG put stuff out. That's the testing. Then they evaluate it. Well, that's my take anyway.
  • Options
    I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on the expected quality of releases from CG.

    Maybe it’s cynical, but I treat every new toon/ship/zeta/omicron as subject to a possible buff/nerf. There’s just too much evidence to consider trusting them that a day one release won’t be altered. If I’m honest, at this point I’d be surprised if they do any testing beyond making sure the unit and abilities don’t cause the app to crash. Actually seeing if the balance is correct will be sorted by the beta program AKA the community. I’d rather they admit the community is the beta test, but they won’t do that for obvious reasons. As such, I simply work with the game they provide.[/quote]

    I can understand your side. Us being the beta testers essentially. Until they do come out and say that though I’m going to review their products according to how they are delivered to us. If they want to say this is a beta release then great I will treat it as such. If they want to say we put our stamp of approval on this release then I am going to treat it as such as well. Anything less is dangerous as it essentially absolves the company from an accountability for their products we pay for.

    I also understand this is par for the course with CG. I get the whole “it’s to be expected at this point”. But at what point do we stop making excuses for them? When things finally get so bad that they release a new ship or toon and it just completely wrecks arenas with the game shutting down, logins unable to occur, etc. Granted we aren’t at that point yet and may never be but with all the excuses we hand to CG that may be the future we are headed into here.
  • KDC99X
    761 posts Member
    May 4, 2023, introduction of Krayt raid.
    When things finally get so bad that they release a new ship or toon and it just completely wrecks arenas with the game shutting down, logins unable to occur, etc.

  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on the expected quality of releases from CG.

    Maybe it’s cynical, but I treat every new toon/ship/zeta/omicron as subject to a possible buff/nerf. There’s just too much evidence to consider trusting them that a day one release won’t be altered. If I’m honest, at this point I’d be surprised if they do any testing beyond making sure the unit and abilities don’t cause the app to crash. Actually seeing if the balance is correct will be sorted by the beta program AKA the community. I’d rather they admit the community is the beta test, but they won’t do that for obvious reasons. As such, I simply work with the game they provide.

    I can understand your side. Us being the beta testers essentially. Until they do come out and say that though I’m going to review their products according to how they are delivered to us. If they want to say this is a beta release then great I will treat it as such. If they want to say we put our stamp of approval on this release then I am going to treat it as such as well. Anything less is dangerous as it essentially absolves the company from an accountability for their products we pay for.

    I also understand this is par for the course with CG. I get the whole “it’s to be expected at this point”. But at what point do we stop making excuses for them? When things finally get so bad that they release a new ship or toon and it just completely wrecks arenas with the game shutting down, logins unable to occur, etc. Granted we aren’t at that point yet and may never be but with all the excuses we hand to CG that may be the future we are headed into here. [/quote]

    For fear of being called a shill; CG might have decided that the best way is to let the new thing out into the wild and see how it goes in term of balance. They then have some 'real world' data to work from and compare that with the design and performance intentions.

    Not saying this absolutely is the case, but it's my take on big, new things. 🤷‍♂️
  • VladoVDD
    149 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.

    "Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate" - correct, BUT only into your mind - that's why i wrote you the previous post. "naive" - correct, BUT only because YOU support it and continue doing it. "free game" - correct, BUT only if you don't buy that real money packs. "Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand" - wrong, you don't see the whole picture. "Hasn’t in the past, won’t now" - wrong, you don't know the past or you don't remember it, or your "past" is too near to our present
    noone stops you to report bugs,but I want to stop you to support selling of untested products - this will help us as well

    Don't really understand much of that.

    But CG has released a lot of bugged content and units that were subsequently patched. I don't see this as really any different, despite the histrionics.

    CG put stuff out. That's the testing. Then they evaluate it. Well, that's my take anyway.

    yes - correct - you don't understand - maybe you will begin to understand when you buy yourself a new tv and you can use it only as a radio until the manufacturer fix it and you could see some picture on it
  • Notthatguyfrombefore
    1099 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.

    "Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate" - correct, BUT only into your mind - that's why i wrote you the previous post. "naive" - correct, BUT only because YOU support it and continue doing it. "free game" - correct, BUT only if you don't buy that real money packs. "Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand" - wrong, you don't see the whole picture. "Hasn’t in the past, won’t now" - wrong, you don't know the past or you don't remember it, or your "past" is too near to our present
    noone stops you to report bugs,but I want to stop you to support selling of untested products - this will help us as well

    Don't really understand much of that.

    But CG has released a lot of bugged content and units that were subsequently patched. I don't see this as really any different, despite the histrionics.

    CG put stuff out. That's the testing. Then they evaluate it. Well, that's my take anyway.

    yes - correct - you don't understand - maybe you will begin to understand when you buy yourself a new tv and you can use it only as a radio until the manufacturer fix it and you could see some picture on it

    If you buy that TV from a manufacturer that has a history of doing exactly that then you should be going in with your eyes open. Caveat emptor and all that.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
  • herd_nerfer
    2032 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    AlexanderG wrote: »

    For fear of being called a shill; CG might have decided that the best way is to let the new thing out into the wild and see how it goes in term of balance. They then have some 'real world' data to work from and compare that with the design and performance intentions.

    Not saying this absolutely is the case, but it's my take on big, new things. 🤷‍♂️

    Don't be afraid of being called a shill - it doesn't hurt, I don't lose sleep, and my birthday still comes every year.

    Honestly it's the people on this forum that get labeled a "shill" or "CG apologist" that seem to have the most rational and grounded take on a lot of things. Too many people here seem base their arguments on their feelings and end up invalidating otherwise cogent points with hand wringing, pitchfork waving, and internet rage. But take a truly logical and sober approach to things and suddenly people think you're on CG's payroll. (speaking of, I didn't get my check last week CG - come to think of it, I haven't got one yet - what's up with that?)
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    AlexanderG wrote: »

    For fear of being called a shill; CG might have decided that the best way is to let the new thing out into the wild and see how it goes in term of balance. They then have some 'real world' data to work from and compare that with the design and performance intentions.

    Not saying this absolutely is the case, but it's my take on big, new things. 🤷‍♂️

    Don't be afraid of being called a shill - it doesn't hurt, I don't lose sleep, and my birthday still comes every year.

    Honestly it's the people on this forum that get labeled a "shill" or "CG apologist" that seem to have the most rational and grounded take on a lot of things. Too many people here seem base their arguments on their feelings and end up invalidating otherwise cogent points with hand wringing, pitchfork waving, and internet rage. But take a truly logical and sober approach to things and suddenly people think you're on CG's payroll. (speaking of, I didn't get my check last week CG - come to think of it, I haven't got one yet - what's up with that?)

    CG told me my pay cheque was coming just as soon as they fix my tusken raiders omi. Must be any day now.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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