Any news on Levi changes?



  • VladoVDD
    149 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.

    "Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate" - correct, BUT only into your mind - that's why i wrote you the previous post. "naive" - correct, BUT only because YOU support it and continue doing it. "free game" - correct, BUT only if you don't buy that real money packs. "Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand" - wrong, you don't see the whole picture. "Hasn’t in the past, won’t now" - wrong, you don't know the past or you don't remember it, or your "past" is too near to our present
    noone stops you to report bugs,but I want to stop you to support selling of untested products - this will help us as well

    Don't really understand much of that.

    But CG has released a lot of bugged content and units that were subsequently patched. I don't see this as really any different, despite the histrionics.

    CG put stuff out. That's the testing. Then they evaluate it. Well, that's my take anyway.

    yes - correct - you don't understand - maybe you will begin to understand when you buy yourself a new tv and you can use it only as a radio until the manufacturer fix it and you could see some picture on it

    If you buy that TV from a manufacturer that has a history of doing exactly that then you should be going in with your eyes open.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    **** :) you don't know even simple laws. manufacturers will love you as a customer tho ;) they only don't like people like us - we want what we paid for - yeah,yeah I know we're very bad with such enormous... demands

    What laws have they broken?

    in cg's case now - "fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me" laws. some call them moral laws, others have different names. i can call them now "wolf-sheep" laws. jeez, you still can't grasp anything... hopeless case
    (oh, if you asked for the tv case.. well.. i will bill you for legal consults)
    btw - if you think to spend real money on this game - better don't do it - you'll do more damage to all of us than the opposite (and please don't ask me to explain to you why you'll do a damage - already saw it's very complex to you to understand - my opinion tho)
  • MusteA
    21 posts Member
    False advertising is illegal.
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  • Gawejn
    1130 posts Member
    MusteA wrote: »
    False advertising is illegal.

    Yep, it is.... but there must be someone who would feel like he needs justice...i dont think anyone would make any move to get justice playing mobile game..

    Players spend like a lot of money for something that they cant sell or share, they have only licence to use the account...and nobody is against it.. 200 usd for something like leviathan is nothing really....and soon cg will fix leviathan....
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    Gawejn wrote: »
    MusteA wrote: »
    False advertising is illegal.

    Yep, it is.... but there must be someone who would feel like he needs justice...i dont think anyone would make any move to get justice playing mobile game..

    Players spend like a lot of money for something that they cant sell or share, they have only licence to use the account...and nobody is against it.. 200 usd for something like leviathan is nothing really....and soon cg will fix leviathan....

    “And soon CG will fix leviathan”

    Will they? Lol. Nobody ACTUALLY knows if what they fix will ACTUALLY fix it haha. Why? Because they didn’t test it!
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    That is the weakest straw I have seen someone grasp in defense of CG.

    I don't read it as defending CG - I read it as someone asking for more proof than a single video of it being done - which I don't think is out of line. How many people have really tried it? Can we be sure it wasn't a fluke? Can someone demonstrate that it's repeatable? If so, is that because of one of the current bugs, or is it a problem with the fleet itself?

    As someone with a 7* leviathan, it's in my interest to see the fleet fixed. Isn't it more constructive to have more information than less?

    One of my guild mates can consistently, and easily, take it out with his thrawn line up. Not trying to argue or anything t but I figured I’d add to the discussion about what fleets can counter Leviathan. He keeps showing me videos haha 😂
  • KDC99X
    761 posts Member
    That Thrawn fleet is pretty dank tbh. Empire lineup or the Sith ships? Fury?
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    That is the weakest straw I have seen someone grasp in defense of CG.

    I don't read it as defending CG - I read it as someone asking for more proof than a single video of it being done - which I don't think is out of line. How many people have really tried it? Can we be sure it wasn't a fluke? Can someone demonstrate that it's repeatable? If so, is that because of one of the current bugs, or is it a problem with the fleet itself?

    As someone with a 7* leviathan, it's in my interest to see the fleet fixed. Isn't it more constructive to have more information than less?

    One of my guild mates can consistently, and easily, take it out with his thrawn line up. Not trying to argue or anything t but I figured I’d add to the discussion about what fleets can counter Leviathan. He keeps showing me videos haha 😂

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    glad i dumped all those relic mats into sith so i could have an unusable "meta defining" fleet at low stars, and a meh one at 7* in a year or two
  • Legit
    20 posts Member
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    Assuming you’re not being sarcastic if you’re saying this ship needs no changes you are blind. It’s one of the worst ships in the game at this moment.
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    The list of bugs is so long , and significant, it's hard to judge what the fixed product will be now. For what it's worth I have found I can beat profundity fleets (one r9 pilots on ever crew) using simitar and mk6 as reinforcements in that order , Leviathan specials as they come up , deleted ywing with mk6. What actually concerns me more is I've not found a situation where the Leviathan going first doesn't win, so if the fixes kill other counters it's a coin flip mirror that could decide gac etc.
  • KDC99X
    761 posts Member
    That's pretty much the exact strategy my shard mate shared in terms of reinforcement order, but they axed MilFalc first.
    wildnz wrote: »
    The list of bugs is so long , and significant, it's hard to judge what the fixed product will be now. For what it's worth I have found I can beat profundity fleets (one r9 pilots on ever crew) using simitar and mk6 as reinforcements in that order , Leviathan specials as they come up , deleted ywing with mk6. What actually concerns me more is I've not found a situation where the Leviathan going first doesn't win, so if the fixes kill other counters it's a coin flip mirror that could decide gac etc.

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    KDC99X wrote: »
    That Thrawn fleet is pretty dank tbh. Empire lineup or the Sith ships? Fury?
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    That is the weakest straw I have seen someone grasp in defense of CG.

    I don't read it as defending CG - I read it as someone asking for more proof than a single video of it being done - which I don't think is out of line. How many people have really tried it? Can we be sure it wasn't a fluke? Can someone demonstrate that it's repeatable? If so, is that because of one of the current bugs, or is it a problem with the fleet itself?

    As someone with a 7* leviathan, it's in my interest to see the fleet fixed. Isn't it more constructive to have more information than less?

    One of my guild mates can consistently, and easily, take it out with his thrawn line up. Not trying to argue or anything t but I figured I’d add to the discussion about what fleets can counter Leviathan. He keeps showing me videos haha 😂

    Sorry for the delay. It’s a bad imagine because of how his videos send to me but this is his current lineup.wf8ewdcnmcqb.png
  • KDC99X
    761 posts Member
    Thanks! Yeah that's the standard lineup I use against Executor in GAC, it's super powerful. Will have to give it a spin in my fleet arena when I'm climbing.
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    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »
    VladoVDD wrote: »

    You stated in your earlier comment that it was a “one off”. I’m pointing out that it’s clearly not.

    It is actionable information because why does anyone need to get leviathan when you can just use holdos ship to easily beat it haha.

    Yes Leviathan has issues but it also has a separate issue being how easily it’s counterable by lesser tier ship. CG needs to fix the bugs first and foremost and additionally find away to kaibosh the Holdo issue. Preventing capital ship destruction before a certain number of rounds is possible.

    But fixing the existing issues may have a significant impact on what can counter it. That's why the Holdo thing doesn't hold(o) much water for me right now. People are getting hung up on that and completely ignoring the bigger picture. Holdo can counter a broken ship - big deal. Can Holdo counter Leviathan when Leviathan is working correctly? That's a relevant question that we can't answer until the bugs get addressed.

    I’m not sure anyone can predict the future. I can only talk to the facts as they are presented now. Will Kathleen Kennedy poop a soft or hard ****. Who knows man. Right now holdo beats Levi. Fact.

    Maxed Holdo beats a sub-optimal Levi, that shouldn’t be that unlikely. Imp troopers can beat a poorly led Jabba team. Grievous can beat SEE. These kinds of matchups already exist where non-optimal GL teams can be beaten by lesser opposition. I haven’t yet seen an example of Holdo beating a top Levi fleet. That’s not even accounting for the plethora of bugs that were in the announcement from the devs.

    The bugs need fixing. The bugs will be fixed. Then, and only then, we can start looking at how a functional Levi compares, and if necessary light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks. Saying something happens now, when they’ve already announced a whole bunch of things which need fixing, is just spitting into the ocean.

    spitting into the ocean occurs because people like you - and you just can't grasp the idea. right now the only thing you do with your comments is to support selling on a regular basis products,which aren't tested at all. i hope you'll understand that somehow - stop annoying the community already with your short-sighted lectures when and why someone should light the torches

    Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand. However, we’ve all had enough experience with this game to understand that this is their MO. Release new content, react to the bugs reported by the community. Release a fix. Given that it’s a free game that’s kind of their prerogative. Id rather they actively acknowledge thats their process, but we all know that’s how it works. It has been ever since the leaks over DCs caused them to shut down the beta testing.

    I would simply consider it to be more productive to report bugs through the appropriate channels, and hold off on the rage until such time as we actually know what’s going on. As it stands we have no idea what this fleet is going to look like. Blind indignation on the forums will achieve little unless targeted effectively. If you’ve looked at any of the other threads you’ll see I’m all for them fixing the bugs rife in this fleet. Anyone who thought this fleet would be the BATEA and a finished product from day one though was a smidge naïve. Hopeful, maybe, but still…

    Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate. Hasn’t in the past, won’t now.

    "Impotently shouting into the wind is unlikely to change how CG operate" - correct, BUT only into your mind - that's why i wrote you the previous post. "naive" - correct, BUT only because YOU support it and continue doing it. "free game" - correct, BUT only if you don't buy that real money packs. "Pretty sure I fully understand the issue at hand" - wrong, you don't see the whole picture. "Hasn’t in the past, won’t now" - wrong, you don't know the past or you don't remember it, or your "past" is too near to our present
    noone stops you to report bugs,but I want to stop you to support selling of untested products - this will help us as well

    Don't really understand much of that.

    But CG has released a lot of bugged content and units that were subsequently patched. I don't see this as really any different, despite the histrionics.

    CG put stuff out. That's the testing. Then they evaluate it. Well, that's my take anyway.

    yes - correct - you don't understand - maybe you will begin to understand when you buy yourself a new tv and you can use it only as a radio until the manufacturer fix it and you could see some picture on it

    If you buy that TV from a manufacturer that has a history of doing exactly that then you should be going in with your eyes open.

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    **** :) you don't know even simple laws. manufacturers will love you as a customer tho ;) they only don't like people like us - we want what we paid for - yeah,yeah I know we're very bad with such enormous... demands

    What laws have they broken?

    in cg's case now - "fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me" laws. some call them moral laws, others have different names. i can call them now "wolf-sheep" laws. jeez, you still can't grasp anything... hopeless case
    (oh, if you asked for the tv case.. well.. i will bill you for legal consults)
    btw - if you think to spend real money on this game - better don't do it - you'll do more damage to all of us than the opposite (and please don't ask me to explain to you why you'll do a damage - already saw it's very complex to you to understand - my opinion tho)

    I think you may be getting confused on the legality/morality issue here, and it seems like you don’t fully grasp the point I was making so I’m not going to try and elucidate any further. Thank you for the offer of legal advice, but I might look for a more informed and level-headed approach if I require it.
    MusteA wrote: »
    False advertising is illegal.

    True, but unfortunately puffery isn’t. I would expect that while they have a moral duty to bring Leviathan up to what was implied they aren’t going to be so stupid as to have left themselves open to litigation. I re-read their announcements on releasing Levi and they’ve avoided mention of how it performs on defence. Hopefully when the bugs are fixed we have a clearer picture and can then start to see if Leviathan starts to live up to its billing. I expect we’ll see some sort of buff even after the bug fixes, like with Executor.
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    What do you want to change? Destroy all enemy ships when ult? Seize not just the capital ship, but their man, women and children too?

    They could start by not having it beaten by Holdo.

    How many times have you beaten it with Holdo, and how many tries? Does your Holdo beat it 100% of the times, or was it a stroke of luck? Do you do it always with a concrete lineup, or do you do it with different lineups?
    And "some youtuber did it once" is not a valid answer.

    That is the weakest straw I have seen someone grasp in defense of CG.

    I don't read it as defending CG - I read it as someone asking for more proof than a single video of it being done - which I don't think is out of line. How many people have really tried it? Can we be sure it wasn't a fluke? Can someone demonstrate that it's repeatable? If so, is that because of one of the current bugs, or is it a problem with the fleet itself?

    As someone with a 7* leviathan, it's in my interest to see the fleet fixed. Isn't it more constructive to have more information than less?

    One of my guild mates can consistently, and easily, take it out with his thrawn line up. Not trying to argue or anything t but I figured I’d add to the discussion about what fleets can counter Leviathan. He keeps showing me videos haha 😂

    That’s really useful. Do you know what kind of relic levels are needed for the thrawn ships. I could definitely use that line out and my empire are almost all high relics.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
  • EdSolo
    417 posts Member
    This is exactly why we need a sandbox mode. I don't have time or crystal to waste trying out a dozen different fleets to see what works and what doesn't in arena. I only had enough crystals for 5* Levi. Can it beat anything? No clue. First attempt at a 7* Prof. was pathetic. Tried a Hold vs 7* Levi and that did not go well. They did pull a Imp Shuttle as a reenforcement so I don't know if that screwed things up. Was one away from ultimate and got taken over. Don't think I would have won anyways even if I got the ultimate off, was in pretty bad shape at that point anyways.
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