Hyperdrive Bundle - if I already have a char 7 stars

if I already have a 7stars character that also belong to the bundle, will my character lose the current stars and come back to 5, or will keep the 7stars and receive the shards from the bundle to change in the shards shop??
Thanks in Advance!


  • UdalCuain
    5038 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    Keep the stars, no shard shop currency.

    There are technically no shards in the bundle. Your current shards are merged with the bundle contents to the point where the character is at 5*.

    The HB post is pretty clear, found here: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/220084/hyperdrive-bundle-details#:~:text=Players will not collect duplicate,or the player's current collection

    Relevent section:
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    Thanks a lot for your anwser! This really clarify my doubts ;)
  • PlayerJ
    210 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    I recently bought the hyper bundle.
    It is amazing.

    The first week I played F2P, but I got tired of not being able to join a team.

    Most guilds only let lvl 85 players join.
    So that’s why I decided to do it.

    I been playing a total of about 3-4 weeks now.
    I think it’s worth it to be honest
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    I recently bought the hyper bundle.
    It is amazing.

    The first week I played F2P, but I got tired of not being able to join a team.

    Most guilds only let lvl 85 players join.
    So that’s why I decided to do it.

    I been playing a total of about 3-4 weeks now.
    I think it’s worth it to be honest
    You got tired after how many weeks of being F2P? 2? This game might not be for you.

    The HDB is good value, especially for someone who has just started and wants to get a massive leg up, but as you get deeper into the game spending money has much less benefit.
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    You got tired after how many weeks of being F2P? 2? This game might not be for you.

    The HDB is good value, especially for someone who has just started and wants to get a massive leg up, but as you get deeper into the game spending money has much less benefit.

    I was F2P for 1 week.
    Than I got upset I couldn’t do Dark Side Campaign battles.

    You need to have 4 Dark side characters to unlock Dark Side Campaign.
    I got tired of waiting and I saw a Dark Side pack which had Darth Maul + Darth Sidious for 15 bucks.

    I decided to buy it because Darth Maul & Darth Sidious are 2 of my favorite Star Wars characters.
    After buying the pack, I was able to do Dark Side Campaign which was fun.

    I tried joining a team with my new awesome power, but no one would accept me.
    All the guilds in the game seem to require level 85 players.
    They don’t accept players under level 85.

    I got upset that I couldn’t join a team.
    I decided to spent 50 bucks to get Hyper Bundle.
    This allowed me to join a team.


    As of right now, I am 4 weeks in.
    I have completely all of Journey Tier 1 Characters.
    I have reached Carbonite 4 in GAC.

    I hover between 500-1000 rank in Squad Arena.
    I hover between 21- 50 rank in Fleet Arena.

    I have been focusing on 1 team.
    The starting team I chose to focus on is Phoenix.
    The Phoenix Ground Units + Air Units.

    My Main Ground Phoenix team is:
    - Hera
    - Captian Rex
    - Chopper
    - Ezra
    - Kanan

    My Main Air Phoenix team is:
    - Ackbar
    - Ghost
    - Phantom 2
    - Bigs
    - Wedge


    I planned for my Phoenix teams to help unlock:
    - Emperor Palpatine
    - Grand Master Yoda
    - Thrawn
    - Chimera

    I have already used a combination of my Phoenix team to get EP + GMY


    My Hera + Rex + Chopper are not 7 Star, yet.
    I used a few other supplement characters as stand in to see if I could win and it turns out I did win.


    I am in the process of completing my Tier 2 & Tier 3 Journey Guide.
    I just need to 7 star them.



    The teams I plan to use to win are shown above.
    I don’t know if they will win, but I plan to test it.

    I believe by Week 5.
    I will own Thrawn, Chimera, & R2D2 all 7 stars.
    I should be knocking on CLS door at that point.

    At week 5, I am planning to have 2 Operational Ground teams + 2 Air Teams
    - Phoenix Ground Team
    - Phoenix Air Team
    - Emperor (Palpatine) Ground Team
    - Emperor (Tarkin or Thrawn) Air Team

    The Critical Week will be week 6.
    Week 6 will be sink or swim week of my account for sure!

    At Week 6, I should own CLS, but he will not be full power.
    All the high level CLS teams I have observed run Chewie + C-3PO with him.
    I will not own them as they are other Journey Guide Legends.

    There are so many different paths to take on week 6.
    - Chewie Path
    - C-3PO Path
    - Padme Path
    - BAM Path
    - Jedi Knight Revan Path
    - Darth Revan Path

    Very difficult to decide what the best path is at that point.
    Every Path needs different teams in order to unlock Main Character.

    I still have 2 weeks to figure out what best Path is.
    If I chose poorly, my account may spiral down into an abyss of non-progression and stale mate.
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    You got tired after how many weeks of being F2P? 2? This game might not be for you.

    The HDB is good value, especially for someone who has just started and wants to get a massive leg up, but as you get deeper into the game spending money has much less benefit.

    I was F2P for 1 week.
    Than I got upset I couldn’t do Dark Side Campaign battles.

    You need to have 4 Dark side characters to unlock Dark Side Campaign.
    I got tired of waiting and I saw a Dark Side pack which had Darth Maul + Darth Sidious for 15 bucks.

    I decided to buy it because Darth Maul & Darth Sidious are 2 of my favorite Star Wars characters.
    After buying the pack, I was able to do Dark Side Campaign which was fun.

    I tried joining a team with my new awesome power, but no one would accept me.
    All the guilds in the game seem to require level 85 players.
    They don’t accept players under level 85.

    I got upset that I couldn’t join a team.
    I decided to spent 50 bucks to get Hyper Bundle.
    This allowed me to join a team.


    As of right now, I am 4 weeks in.
    I have completely all of Journey Tier 1 Characters.
    I have reached Carbonite 4 in GAC.

    I hover between 500-1000 rank in Squad Arena.
    I hover between 21- 50 rank in Fleet Arena.

    I have been focusing on 1 team.
    The starting team I chose to focus on is Phoenix.
    The Phoenix Ground Units + Air Units.

    My Main Ground Phoenix team is:
    - Hera
    - Captian Rex
    - Chopper
    - Ezra
    - Kanan

    My Main Air Phoenix team is:
    - Ackbar
    - Ghost
    - Phantom 2
    - Bigs
    - Wedge


    I planned for my Phoenix teams to help unlock:
    - Emperor Palpatine
    - Grand Master Yoda
    - Thrawn
    - Chimera

    I have already used a combination of my Phoenix team to get EP + GMY


    My Hera + Rex + Chopper are not 7 Star, yet.
    I used a few other supplement characters as stand in to see if I could win and it turns out I did win.


    I am in the process of completing my Tier 2 & Tier 3 Journey Guide.
    I just need to 7 star them.



    The teams I plan to use to win are shown above.
    I don’t know if they will win, but I plan to test it.

    I believe by Week 5.
    I will own Thrawn, Chimera, & R2D2 all 7 stars.
    I should be knocking on CLS door at that point.

    At week 5, I am planning to have 2 Operational Ground teams + 2 Air Teams
    - Phoenix Ground Team
    - Phoenix Air Team
    - Emperor (Palpatine) Ground Team
    - Emperor (Tarkin or Thrawn) Air Team

    The Critical Week will be week 6.
    Week 6 will be sink or swim week of my account for sure!

    At Week 6, I should own CLS, but he will not be full power.
    All the high level CLS teams I have observed run Chewie + C-3PO with him.
    I will not own them as they are other Journey Guide Legends.

    There are so many different paths to take on week 6.
    - Chewie Path
    - C-3PO Path
    - Padme Path
    - BAM Path
    - Jedi Knight Revan Path
    - Darth Revan Path

    Very difficult to decide what the best path is at that point.
    Every Path needs different teams in order to unlock Main Character.

    I still have 2 weeks to figure out what best Path is.
    If I chose poorly, my account may spiral down into an abyss of non-progression and stale mate.

    you have 2 courses of action:

    You begin
    Have fun…………………….Get upset continue playing patiently………..spend lots have fun but don’t rush…get everything asap

    The choice is yours, but if you want to enjoy this game, don’t buy everything because of impatience.
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    PlayerJ wrote: »
    post too long to include in a quote
    I take it back. If you get your wallet out at the first sign of a barrier to progress, maybe this is exactly the game for you.
  • F2Paccount
    75 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    I have been F2P for about a year and 3 months. You definitely need to have a plan before playing this game. It is still frustrating I cannot do certain things in the game. But I know with time, I will get there. I keep reminding myself that this is a marathon, not a race.

    Also, knowing that you will not catch up to players that have been playing since day 1 helps as well.
    Post edited by F2Paccount on
    Check me out everyday 7:30p est @ twitch.tv/Gnomersi where I stream my Only SWGOH account. (Lost my F2P Tag Oct. 5th, 2023)
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    The HD Bundle is a great deal, but, honestly, the Grind from 0-85 was my favorite time playing the game.

    Once you get to 85 its a much slower grind that wears on you over time. IMO.
  • Options
    The HD Bundle is a great deal, but, honestly, the Grind from 0-85 was my favorite time playing the game.

    Once you get to 85 its a much slower grind that wears on you over time. IMO.

    this is true. it may feel like it takes forever to get to 85, but in comparison to everything else in the game, it is nothing. it took me about six months, and it felt like an eternity. i remember a month and a half (maybe 2) of playing and i was level 50, and i thought that that was gonna be one of the longest grinds. boy was i wrong. enjoy the beginning stages, and learn the game young, you don’t want your mistakes to come when you are in more important stages. figure out counter, mods, and buffs/debuffs while you can.
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