Very Stupid Balance of Power



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    At this point, I just hope the OP doesn’t quit the game.

    It's fine if the player leaves the game. It's a game. It's not meant to be our lives.

    I want the player to be happy and enjoy life. If that involves playing this game, great! If it involves quitting b/c they realize that they have a different fundamental idea of fairness than CG and that means that they can never enjoy SWGOH, well I'm glad that they know themselves well enough to understand what makes them happy and I wish them well.

    If they stay, I'll be around to answer future questions that they ask. I try to provide help to all players, when I can. But if what's best for them is leaving the game then I won't be telling them that they should stick around.
  • scuba
    14110 posts Member
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    The “OP Mind” is thinking the game is pure Speed Only.
    You telling him the game is Speed Only does nothing except reinforce the Imbalance the OP believes exists

    What? I never said the game is speed only. Not once. If you want to participate productively, you're going to have to have some idea of what other people are actually saying.

    The OP came to the thread upset because his relic characters lost.
    Forum players didn’t respond the best way.

    After the OP shared his Ally code, the following happened:
    - Salatius told the OP his MOD’s were poor due to no Speed.
    - Wolverine told the OP 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone.
    - Wolverine - than said Speed is King

    At which point, the OP had a melt down.
    OP already upset his characters lost and is being told 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone due to low speed.

    Can you blame OP for having a melt down?
    The OP began cursing out game.
    The OP began cursing out developers.

    Afterward, the OP began saying the game shouldn’t be a Speed only game.
    At which point, Forum posters began responding to the OP.

    - TVF told the OP he needs to join in, don’t care, or quit
    - Veskasakstar told OP he is bad at game and should try playing candy crush.
    - Deathbringer told OP speed is name of the game.

    So you are correct Seedy.
    It wasn’t you specifically who told the OP the game is Speed Only.
    No one besides the OP used the term, but forum players did reinforce the idea by telling him the above.

    Which is why I said what I said.
    At this point, I just hope the OP doesn’t quit the game.

    Hopefully, my words helped the OP calm down and realize he can still salvage the situation.
    It will be sad to lose a potential teammate or friend.

    Truth hurts. Speed is king in this game and has been for the last 7years. Don't see it changing so yeah join in or leave.
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    The “OP Mind” is thinking the game is pure Speed Only.
    You telling him the game is Speed Only does nothing except reinforce the Imbalance the OP believes exists

    What? I never said the game is speed only. Not once. If you want to participate productively, you're going to have to have some idea of what other people are actually saying.

    The OP came to the thread upset because his relic characters lost.
    Forum players didn’t respond the best way.

    After the OP shared his Ally code, the following happened:
    - Salatius told the OP his MOD’s were poor due to no Speed.
    - Wolverine told the OP 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone.
    - Wolverine - than said Speed is King

    At which point, the OP had a melt down.
    OP already upset his characters lost and is being told 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone due to low speed.

    Can you blame OP for having a melt down?
    The OP began cursing out game.
    The OP began cursing out developers.

    Afterward, the OP began saying the game shouldn’t be a Speed only game.
    At which point, Forum posters began responding to the OP.

    - TVF told the OP he needs to join in, don’t care, or quit
    - Veskasakstar told OP he is bad at game and should try playing candy crush.
    - Deathbringer told OP speed is name of the game.

    So you are correct Seedy.
    It wasn’t you specifically who told the OP the game is Speed Only.
    No one besides the OP used the term, but forum players did reinforce the idea by telling him the above.

    Which is why I said what I said.
    At this point, I just hope the OP doesn’t quit the game.

    Hopefully, my words helped the OP calm down and realize he can still salvage the situation.
    It will be sad to lose a potential teammate or friend.

    So, that's great - if you're just chiming in to make OP feel better, stick to platitudes and niceties. If you want to actually help OP with the problem they're having - offer them actionable advice that actually helps. Telling people to double down on bad mods because there's five characters in the game that can use them doesn't help anyone - in particular the OP. Indeed, it could serve to make the game harder for people that believe you.

    I never want to see people leave the game - even people that I think have bad takes on the forums - I hope everyone sticks around and supports the game.

    So here are some resources - you would benefit from exploring these yourself as it's some of the best advice in the game regarding mods. Fatal and Xaereth both hang around in Kyber 1 but they've gone out of their way to make guides that are approachable to players of all levels, with mod farming strategies that are easy to understand and easy to implement. Fatal's Mods 101 guide has been mentioned several times here, for good reason. Check them out, they're very helpful.

    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »

    Maybe this can help clear up some of the confusion...

    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    Do we think it's confusion
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Do we think it's confusion

    It's the dawn of a new, kinder, gentler herd_nerfer
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    Just because speed is king, it doesn't mean there are no other stats in the royal court. But speed is king.

    I stand by everything in my first post.
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    Just because speed is king, it doesn't mean there are no other stats in the royal court. But speed is king.

    I've been looking for a good offense cross with a high jester secondary, to no avail.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    I've been looking for a good offense cross with a high jester secondary, to no avail.

    I feel like I'm getting nothing but jester secondaries for the last 3 weeks.
  • Jarvind
    3929 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Just because speed is king, it doesn't mean there are no other stats in the royal court. But speed is king.

    I've been looking for a good offense cross with a high jester secondary, to no avail.

    ur fase is a high jester secondary
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    I've been looking for a good offense cross with a high jester secondary, to no avail.

    I feel like I'm getting nothing but jester secondaries for the last 3 weeks.

    So unfair
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Just because speed is king, it doesn't mean there are no other stats in the royal court. But speed is king.

    I've been looking for a good offense cross with a high jester secondary, to no avail.

    ur fase is a high jester secondary

    If that were true I wouldn't need to farm it.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    The “OP Mind” is thinking the game is pure Speed Only.
    You telling him the game is Speed Only does nothing except reinforce the Imbalance the OP believes exists

    What? I never said the game is speed only. Not once. If you want to participate productively, you're going to have to have some idea of what other people are actually saying.

    The OP came to the thread upset because his relic characters lost.
    Forum players didn’t respond the best way.

    After the OP shared his Ally code, the following happened:
    - Salatius told the OP his MOD’s were poor due to no Speed.
    - Wolverine told the OP 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone.
    - Wolverine - than said Speed is King

    At which point, the OP had a melt down.
    OP already upset his characters lost and is being told 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone due to low speed.

    Can you blame OP for having a melt down?
    The OP began cursing out game.
    The OP began cursing out developers.

    Afterward, the OP began saying the game shouldn’t be a Speed only game.
    At which point, Forum posters began responding to the OP.

    - TVF told the OP he needs to join in, don’t care, or quit
    - Veskasakstar told OP he is bad at game and should try playing candy crush.
    - Deathbringer told OP speed is name of the game.

    So you are correct Seedy.
    It wasn’t you specifically who told the OP the game is Speed Only.
    No one besides the OP used the term, but forum players did reinforce the idea by telling him the above.

    Which is why I said what I said.
    At this point, I just hope the OP doesn’t quit the game.

    Hopefully, my words helped the OP calm down and realize he can still salvage the situation.
    It will be sad to lose a potential teammate or friend.

    So, that's great - if you're just chiming in to make OP feel better, stick to platitudes and niceties. If you want to actually help OP with the problem they're having - offer them actionable advice that actually helps. Telling people to double down on bad mods because there's five characters in the game that can use them doesn't help anyone - in particular the OP. Indeed, it could serve to make the game harder for people that believe you.

    I never want to see people leave the game - even people that I think have bad takes on the forums - I hope everyone sticks around and supports the game.

    So here are some resources - you would benefit from exploring these yourself as it's some of the best advice in the game regarding mods. Fatal and Xaereth both hang around in Kyber 1 but they've gone out of their way to make guides that are approachable to players of all levels, with mod farming strategies that are easy to understand and easy to implement. Fatal's Mods 101 guide has been mentioned several times here, for good reason. Check them out, they're very helpful.

    Players told the OP 90% of his MOD’s are bad.
    Players told the OP he is bad at the game and should try different game called Candy Crush.

    Their was nothing helpful, nice, or constructive about what was said.
    Players were simply being mean.

    The OP was feeling down and players came to thread to kick the OP while he was down.
    Don’t try to defend players being evil.

    In addition, Don’t manipulate my words.
    I never told the OP to double down on bad MOD’s.
    Players should always strive to improve their MOD collection.

    I simply was saying things are not as bad as people are trying to make it out to be.
    They are blowing the situation out of proportion because they are trying to be mean.

    Do you honestly believe 90% of the OP MOD’s are bad?

    The OP is a beginner.
    No beginner is going to have perfect MOD’s at the start of the game.
    You have to use what you have available and slowly improve.

    Lastly, Thank you for MOD videos.
    I watched them because I enjoy learning.
    Hopefully, the OP can watch them.

    You are 2nd person on the thread besides me who actually tried to help the OP in nice way.
  • Salatious_Scrum
    2356 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Players told the OP 90% of his MOD’s are bad.
    Players told the OP he is bad at the game and should try different game called Candy Crush.

    Their was nothing helpful, nice, or constructive about what was said.
    Players were simply being mean.

    The OP was feeling down and players came to thread to kick the OP while he was down.
    Don’t try to defend players being evil.

    In addition, Don’t manipulate my words.
    I never told the OP to double down on bad MOD’s.
    Players should always strive to improve their MOD collection.

    I simply was saying things are not as bad as people are trying to make it out to be.
    They are blowing the situation out of proportion because they are trying to be mean.

    Do you honestly believe 90% of the OP MOD’s are bad?

    The OP is a beginner.
    No beginner is going to have perfect MOD’s at the start of the game.
    You have to use what you have available and slowly improve.

    Lastly, Thank you for MOD videos.
    I watched them because I enjoy learning.
    Hopefully, the OP can watch them.

    You are 2nd person on the thread besides me who actually tried to help the OP in nice way.

    1) Yes, his mods are bad. I’m not going to sugar coat that just so it sounds nicer.
    2) His mods are as bad as we say. Here’s why: he is dumping a lot of resources into mods that will not serve him well. As a general rule, mods with no speed stat as a secondary aren’t of good use.
    3) 90% is being generous. On a cursory look I want to say a higher percentage of the equipped mods are bad.
    4) We’re not being mean; we are being blunt.
    5) OP has more than 5m GP and looks to have been playing well over a year, therefore I would not call him a beginner.

    My advice? Farm more mods and stop dumping resources into the bad ones.
  • Options
    Only one person I saw threw insults at the op.
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Not worth mentioning Advanced stuff.
    It would just confuse you.

    You simply can’t see it due to the clouds you have surrounded yourself in.
    If you could only climb higher to get your head above the clouds, you would be able to truly see clearly.
    Than you will see the balance.

  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    I know we've covered mods, but has anyone mentioned OMI's as a possible issue too?
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    I know we've covered mods, but has anyone mentioned OMI's as a possible issue too?

    I think the DATACRONS might be lacking as well.
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    That's probably true.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Stokat wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    I know we've covered mods, but has anyone mentioned OMI's as a possible issue too?

    I think the DATACRONS might be lacking as well.

    I can fully understand a newer player not having a lot invested in DATACRON's and even mods to a certain extent. That being said, you only get so many mod slicing MAT's so they are best used on upgrading good mods with SPEED. If op doesn't have good mods with SPEED they should be using their mod ENERGY on acquiring new mods to slice before farming MAT's. Depending on CRYSTAL income op may want to consider doing a few refreshes.

    Since tvf mentioned OMI's, they are important for all players and should be placed carefully just like ZETAS and OMEGAS but none of that matters if your characters don't get a turn because there is no SPEED on your mods.
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    The “OP Mind” is thinking the game is pure Speed Only.
    You telling him the game is Speed Only does nothing except reinforce the Imbalance the OP believes exists

    What? I never said the game is speed only. Not once. If you want to participate productively, you're going to have to have some idea of what other people are actually saying.

    The OP came to the thread upset because his relic characters lost.
    Forum players didn’t respond the best way.

    After the OP shared his Ally code, the following happened:
    - Salatius told the OP his MOD’s were poor due to no Speed.
    - Wolverine told the OP 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone.
    - Wolverine - than said Speed is King

    At which point, the OP had a melt down.
    OP already upset his characters lost and is being told 90% of his MOD’s need to be redone due to low speed.

    Can you blame OP for having a melt down?
    The OP began cursing out game.
    The OP began cursing out developers.

    Afterward, the OP began saying the game shouldn’t be a Speed only game.
    At which point, Forum posters began responding to the OP.

    - TVF told the OP he needs to join in, don’t care, or quit
    - Veskasakstar told OP he is bad at game and should try playing candy crush.
    - Deathbringer told OP speed is name of the game.

    So you are correct Seedy.
    It wasn’t you specifically who told the OP the game is Speed Only.
    No one besides the OP used the term, but forum players did reinforce the idea by telling him the above.

    Which is why I said what I said.
    At this point, I just hope the OP doesn’t quit the game.

    Hopefully, my words helped the OP calm down and realize he can still salvage the situation.
    It will be sad to lose a potential teammate or friend.

    So, that's great - if you're just chiming in to make OP feel better, stick to platitudes and niceties. If you want to actually help OP with the problem they're having - offer them actionable advice that actually helps. Telling people to double down on bad mods because there's five characters in the game that can use them doesn't help anyone - in particular the OP. Indeed, it could serve to make the game harder for people that believe you.

    I never want to see people leave the game - even people that I think have bad takes on the forums - I hope everyone sticks around and supports the game.

    So here are some resources - you would benefit from exploring these yourself as it's some of the best advice in the game regarding mods. Fatal and Xaereth both hang around in Kyber 1 but they've gone out of their way to make guides that are approachable to players of all levels, with mod farming strategies that are easy to understand and easy to implement. Fatal's Mods 101 guide has been mentioned several times here, for good reason. Check them out, they're very helpful.

    Players told the OP 90% of his MOD’s are bad.
    Players told the OP he is bad at the game and should try different game called Candy Crush.

    Their was nothing helpful, nice, or constructive about what was said.
    Players were simply being mean.

    The OP was feeling down and players came to thread to kick the OP while he was down.
    Don’t try to defend players being evil.

    In addition, Don’t manipulate my words.
    I never told the OP to double down on bad MOD’s.
    Players should always strive to improve their MOD collection.

    I simply was saying things are not as bad as people are trying to make it out to be.
    They are blowing the situation out of proportion because they are trying to be mean.

    Do you honestly believe 90% of the OP MOD’s are bad?

    The OP is a beginner.
    No beginner is going to have perfect MOD’s at the start of the game.
    You have to use what you have available and slowly improve.

    Lastly, Thank you for MOD videos.
    I watched them because I enjoy learning.
    Hopefully, the OP can watch them.

    You are 2nd person on the thread besides me who actually tried to help the OP in nice way.

    "Evil" 😂😂😂

    This is supercilious claptrap. OP was being obnoxious and was got the appropriate responses. I personally couldn't give two hoots if they quit the game or not, what with it being a game and everything, and neither do you... also candy crush is good, super addictive.
  • Options
    PlayerJ wrote: »
    Kindness, Honesty, and Goodness are the virtues of the Light.

    Why did the Jedi not free Anakin's mother from slavery?
    Why did they ask Anakin to commit treason?
    Why did they lie to Luke about his father?
    Why do the Jedi use the Jedi Mind Trick?
    Why did the Jedi not trust Ahsoka and turn on her?
    Why did Luke try to kill Ben Solo in his sleep?

    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • TVF
    36715 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Why did Luke try to kill Ben Solo in his sleep?

    He didn't.
    I need a new message here.
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