Nihilus Annihilate

Currently, when using Nihilus’s annihilate, should i not regain health? I used to… For example i was on red health, used annihilate on someone with perfect health, but i regained nothing, then was defeated.


  • UdalCuain
    5038 posts Member
    edited November 2023
    Working as intended. He gains Max Health of the opponent. Whatever their health stat is, it gets added to his maximum. Annihilate isn't doing damage (apart from against those immune to Destroy effects) so he isn't gaining health back through Health Steal either.
  • Options
    He is gaining numeric HP (Example, if he was at 20% of 10k health, 2k health, and then annihilated a 10k unit, he would retain 20% of his total 20k health, now 4k. You won't notice an increase in the % of the bar filled, but you might notice the segments become more closely grouped, and it does add to his survivability.*

    *Beware of DoTs and Thermals, as their damage is based on max HP
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