New Raid - Motion Sickness



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    The moving background is indeed a pain to look at. Don’t they do any testing? 🙈👎
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    Just another player chiming in- The new raid graphics are giving me a bad case of motion sickness. Just running it on auto right now. Hopefully some fix is in the works.
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    It takes several rounds of me playing it but I too begin to feel motion sickness kicking in. My motion sickness has not been as bad has others, but the last thing I want is to play the game and begin feeling sick. Luckily I recognized the symptoms and then hit auto and looked away.
  • Olderaan
    184 posts Member
    edited December 2023
    CG, are you listening to your customers?
    Several people have indicated that the scrolling background of the new raid causes health problems. Why don't you respond to this? You wrote here to monitor the raid:
    But how could you monitor this problem? You don't see that many people are feel dizzy and feel motion sickness because of the raid!
    How is it possible that a part of the game that causes a health problem is still not fixed?
    Please allow the moving background to be turned off!
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    I have huge motion sickness issues with video games, never been able to play 1st person shooters for example, but this hasn't affected me. Sure, I auto most of it, but I'd expect it to still affect me it it's that bad.
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    Any update from the devs on this issue or will players forever need to hit auto and turn over the screen?
  • Sdtbarbarossa
    380 posts Member
    edited January 3
    Any update from the devs on this issue or will players forever need to hit auto and turn over the screen?

    looks like the devs dont care at all
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    Maybe they're still trying to figure out how to address this and cover their butts at the same time
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    I can't watch it, I just pick 3 toons and hit auto and look away. (play on an Ipad)
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    Like Datacrons, the Raid is temporary and will fix itself when it obsoletes.
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    Any update from the devs on this issue or will players forever need to hit auto and turn over the screen?

    looks like the devs dont care at all

    They definitely don't. Meat didn't even bother to tell them about it unitil a few weeks after raid release, even though the problem existed in the event they stole the background from for months prior.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Any update from the devs on this issue or will players forever need to hit auto and turn over the screen?

    looks like the devs dont care at all

    They definitely don't. Meat didn't even bother to tell them about it unitil a few weeks after raid release, even though the problem existed in the event they stole the background from for months prior.

    Why are we blaming Meat
    I need a new message here.
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Any update from the devs on this issue or will players forever need to hit auto and turn over the screen?

    looks like the devs dont care at all

    They definitely don't. Meat didn't even bother to tell them about it unitil a few weeks after raid release, even though the problem existed in the event they stole the background from for months prior.

    Why are we blaming Meat

    You're right. Even if he'd told them as soon as he knew it was a problem, they still wouldn't have done anything about it.
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    How is this not being addressed? I can't look at this screen for more than a couple of seconds without getting ill. This is unacceptable. I can't even imagine what this is like for people with more serious issues.
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    Yea. I really hope CG never trys stuff like this again. Because they are simply bad at that.
  • Tcetter
    55 posts Member
    edited March 12
    The raid is horrible period. Day 1 player and this just isn’t fun.
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    I think there are 2 things for CG to consider here:

    1, what is the cost to CG to do nothing? How many players are so negatively impacted that they are spending less? How many people aren't negatively effected but are reducing spending on principle?

    2, what is the cost to CG to add a background effect toggle or just turn it off?

    I'd wager CG determined that 1 < 2, and so did nothing.
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    I think there are 2 things for CG to consider here:

    1, what is the cost to CG to do nothing? How many players are so negatively impacted that they are spending less? How many people aren't negatively effected but are reducing spending on principle?

    2, what is the cost to CG to add a background effect toggle or just turn it off?

    I'd wager CG determined that 1 < 2, and so did nothing.

    Sounds about right.

    Quite a few folks in my guild have to carefully play it on auto without looking at the screen, so it isn't an isolated issues.
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