POW free webstore shards?



  • Vozek
    11 posts Member
    Quite a bad move to change the deal to this casino like thing. I really hate it.
  • Taliana
    75 posts Member
    How many kyros did we get at level 4? I don’t remember and the whole thing where we can’t see rewards until a tier is unlocked means I can’t check :-/

    It was either 2 each or 5 each I think, but I just don’t recall.
  • Winterwolves
    1774 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Just CG seeing who will buy 3 packs. Always moving the goal posts and seeing what the community will do.

    I think any data gathered this time will be skewed by players who assume that it is the same as gungans and buy 2 packs before checking the webstore. Then they buy a third, because they feel otherwise the first two were just thrown away.
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    ... the thing is for the most value you have to decide today so you can get the kyro and shards for today. If you wait until tomorrow that’s 5 shards less in the long run.

    No, not exactly.

    You have to decide before the event counter flips over, which is 24 hours after it was released. The event counter does NOT flip over at midnight local time. So while the definition of "tomorrow" changes with your time zone, at the time I wrote that most players still had a midnight between them and when they had to decide for sure.

    Also, in my defense, I happen to be the same timezone as CG and I was mostly thinking from CG's perspective. If they figure this out in the morning -- or late afternoon, but don't do anything until the morning -- they can still act with a couple hours left before the event counter flips over.

    I mean, I think we're on the same page: people should know as soon as possible, and this sort of change (if it is a change) should be explicit so that people can make good decisions.

    I just don't want people to think that they can't still take advantage of the full value even if they wait another 16 hours after this comment: they can.
  • LordDirt
    5172 posts Member
    edited May 9
    Taliana wrote: »
    How many kyros did we get at level 4? I don’t remember and the whole thing where we can’t see rewards until a tier is unlocked means I can’t check :-/

    It was either 2 each or 5 each I think, but I just don’t recall.

    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Taliana
    75 posts Member
    As seedy says, it’s average 72 crystal per shard.

    That’s a no brainer for people who buy shipments.

    For people who just farm, it’s ….. not so clear.

    It’s approximate break-even to doing a 100c node refresh with 50c energy refreshes on a 20 energy hard node.
    It’s more expensive than 200c cantina refreshes up to 12 energy nodes, cheaper than 200c cantina refreshes on 16 energy nodes.

    But I don’t usually do 100c node refreshes or 200c cantina refreshes while farming.

    So I need to figure out kyro equivalent and see what that does to change the math I guess.

    The way CG has been scheduling farming to event deadline cutoffs, it’s not usually as advantageous to hard-farm toons as it was in the old days - you can’t hard farm your way to the first gate anymore, and there is usually plenty of time until the 2nd cutoff for any semi-aggressive farming.
  • Moorebid
    505 posts Member
    I don't even see the 1299 crystals packs! God damnit!
  • Taliana
    75 posts Member
    Ok so - for our 3900 crystal we get 4*7= 28 kyros, and 19+35=54 shards.

    Farming cost, 28 kyros would be 28x21 crystal = 588 crystal

    So let’s subtract out the kyro equivalent and take our shard marginal cost out of 3900-588 crystal , or 3321. That makes it 3321/54 = 61 crystal per shard.

    Now that is closer to where I usually farm hard nodes when I am hard farming.

    It’s still a big psychological let down from the clear win on the gungan farms though :-/
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    Including the Kyros is a good call for helping to clarify costs & benefits.
    I know it seems inconceivable, but I'm actually at a place where I'm not worried about Kyros anymore, so it's less important. Not zero important (yet) but much less. It's been a while since I got a new character that I couldn't instantly take to g11 with all the Kyros. And it's been a long time since I took a character to 7 stars and didn't have the Kyros for the g12 finisher.

    That said, I don't actually have g12 finishers on all my toons yet. I'm effectively done with Kyro computers, but not with shock prods.

    So while I can put those gyros to use, I don't place a lot of value on them.
  • Taliana
    75 posts Member
    I’ve got ~900-1000 of each kyro stored away, but I know better than to think that is a lot with all the gungans and QA toons ungeared ;-) I will feel more comfortable if I ever get to 2000 each.
  • Options
    ... the thing is for the most value you have to decide today so you can get the kyro and shards for today. If you wait until tomorrow that’s 5 shards less in the long run.

    No, not exactly.

    You have to decide before the event counter flips over, which is 24 hours after it was released. The event counter does NOT flip over at midnight local time. So while the definition of "tomorrow" changes with your time zone, at the time I wrote that most players still had a midnight between them and when they had to decide for sure.

    Also, in my defense, I happen to be the same timezone as CG and I was mostly thinking from CG's perspective. If they figure this out in the morning -- or late afternoon, but don't do anything until the morning -- they can still act with a couple hours left before the event counter flips over.

    I mean, I think we're on the same page: people should know as soon as possible, and this sort of change (if it is a change) should be explicit so that people can make good decisions.

    I just don't want people to think that they can't still take advantage of the full value even if they wait another 16 hours after this comment: they can.

    Totally. That’s my bad I thought it was midnight but it’s event reset time. And yeah at the end of the day just give us a heads up either yes or no.
  • Options
    Taliana wrote: »
    I’ve got ~900-1000 of each kyro stored away, but I know better than to think that is a lot with all the gungans and QA toons ungeared ;-) I will feel more comfortable if I ever get to 2000 each.

    Yeah I have 1k of each but with all the gungans and Jar Jar and then QA, POW and MQGJ they’ll be gone in no time so a little bump is nice but the shards are more important to me at least.
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    I used to hang onto Kyros until a toon was at least 6 stars, but not any more.

    I just take them all straight to g11+4 or +5 or however many gear pieces you can stack that aren't gated to 7-stars. My POW is already g11+4. I had 850-900 of each before I dropped a bunch on him just now. QA and nuQGJ will drop close together, so it's possible that I might not have all nuQGJ's Kyros available the moment of unlock? But I think I will.
  • Options
    I used to hang onto Kyros until a toon was at least 6 stars, but not any more.

    I just take them all straight to g11+4 or +5 or however many gear pieces you can stack that aren't gated to 7-stars. My POW is already g11+4. I had 850-900 of each before I dropped a bunch on him just now. QA and nuQGJ will drop close together, so it's possible that I might not have all nuQGJ's Kyros available the moment of unlock? But I think I will.

    Yeah if I don’t have plans for them I don’t use kyro but I did take all gungans to g11 right away. Might do the same for these GR toons but idk. I like to wait in case they drop a new GL and requirements or something.
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    Rolled twice, got 7 each. So I'm 1 shard short of 4 stars.

    I'm not rolling again. I'll wait to farm him. So calculate that into your metrics, cg.
  • MasterSeedy
    5215 posts Member
    Rolled twice, got 7 each. So I'm 1 shard short of 4 stars.

    I'm not rolling again. I'll wait to farm him. So calculate that into your metrics, cg.

    Do what you want, but the next 1300 crystals gets you 40 shards minimum.
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    Rolled twice, got 7 each. So I'm 1 shard short of 4 stars.

    I'm not rolling again. I'll wait to farm him. So calculate that into your metrics, cg.

    Do what you want, but the next 1300 crystals gets you 40 shards minimum.

    Yeah I got 7 both times as well. Holding out until midnight to see if maybe they show up tomorrow before opening the 3rd pack. But no way am I not opening the 3rd one after opening 2 already with the bonus shards and kyro for 1300
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    I'm boycotting the crystal purchases to reach 4*. Taking away the chance of a single pull being all you need, now requiring 2 minimum and more than likely 3 for most people. No longer worth it for me.
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    Officially reset on west coast and no free shards.
  • Magruffin
    835 posts Member
    I pulled a 10 and 7
  • Ferril9909
    57 posts Member
    edited May 10
    I'm boycotting the crystal purchases to reach 4*. Taking away the chance of a single pull being all you need, now requiring 2 minimum and more than likely 3 for most people. No longer worth it for me.

    Well, a single pull was all you ever technically needed.
    With the Gungan marquee - it was at most two
    Now it's most likely three.

    Gungan Math:
    the gungans released with 55 shards from tier 1 (giving you 3 stars +5 shards, so you are at 5/30 for 4 stars)
    then 10 shards for completing tier 2 (so 15/30 for 4 stars)
    then 5 shards from the webstore (so 20/30 for 4 stars)
    then two gambles, which is minimum of 10 shards guaranteed 4 stars.

    This allowed you to just do a single refresh (10 attempts) once they became farmable to obtain them in the same amount of time as doing two refreshes (15 attempts), for a near breakeven on the crystal cost. Which made sense if you have a crystal stash to use, and then you got some kyros for spending now vs later.

    Regardless, a bit of warning would have been preferred, as opposed to folks buying two packs and then going... um, what happened?
  • Options
    I've gone ahead and bought the 3rd pack. I does alter the math quite a bit.

    we get 35 free shards for qualifying for the next tier.

    that's 3900 crystals spent, total shards for that investment had been (10 to 14) + (35), so 2600/(45 to 49) = 53-58 crystals per shard, a reasonable amount considering the shipments price will be 80 crystals/shard.

    Now it's ~19 + 35, so 3900/54 = 72 crystals/shard.

    Of course individual luck may vary, but you're not likely to spend 1300 or 2600 given that you're hugely likely to get 7 or 5 shards (though much more often 7).

    I went ahead and bought the 3rd pack (I got 7 & 5 on 1st and 2nd pulls, 7 on the 3rd, which is a very typical pull given that these are the two most frequent amounts and 7 is much more likely than 5).

    I'm still saving money over shipments -- assuming that I don't get sick or otherwise have something happen that causes me to miss a day of free shards, so it's not like I can say that the total value is bad, but there are a ton of people who actually think that the shipment price is pretty bad and so for the community as a whole, I think that this change -- if it's official and if it stands, is probably bad for most people and bad for CG if the point is to encourage people to spend crystals.

    I hope that they change it back. It's just luck and longevity that has me with a stack of crystals that allows me to shrug my shoulders and buy one more pack just in case it takes too long for CG to fix this or CG decides not to fix this.

    I got 2x7 and 2x5. Guess I'm just cursed lol.
  • CrispyFett
    1010 posts Member
    I've gone ahead and bought the 3rd pack. I does alter the math quite a bit.

    we get 35 free shards for qualifying for the next tier.

    that's 3900 crystals spent, total shards for that investment had been (10 to 14) + (35), so 2600/(45 to 49) = 53-58 crystals per shard, a reasonable amount considering the shipments price will be 80 crystals/shard.

    Now it's ~19 + 35, so 3900/54 = 72 crystals/shard.

    Of course individual luck may vary, but you're not likely to spend 1300 or 2600 given that you're hugely likely to get 7 or 5 shards (though much more often 7).

    I went ahead and bought the 3rd pack (I got 7 & 5 on 1st and 2nd pulls, 7 on the 3rd, which is a very typical pull given that these are the two most frequent amounts and 7 is much more likely than 5).

    I'm still saving money over shipments -- assuming that I don't get sick or otherwise have something happen that causes me to miss a day of free shards, so it's not like I can say that the total value is bad, but there are a ton of people who actually think that the shipment price is pretty bad and so for the community as a whole, I think that this change -- if it's official and if it stands, is probably bad for most people and bad for CG if the point is to encourage people to spend crystals.

    I hope that they change it back. It's just luck and longevity that has me with a stack of crystals that allows me to shrug my shoulders and buy one more pack just in case it takes too long for CG to fix this or CG decides not to fix this.

    I got 2x7 and 2x5. Guess I'm just cursed lol.

    I think those are the most probable, no? I got 5, 7, 5. Enough to get me to get me to tier 3
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    This is why you hoard crystals
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    Maybe it’s just me, but hoarding crystals really isn’t the issue. I had, and have, enough to buy 3 packs, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth it anymore. I know it’s not much of a difference in the overall cost per shard, but particularly if you have a few of these marquees back-to-back it can start to really diminish crystal reserves having to buy an extra pack, particularly with extra drops and conquest coming up.

    For all four gungans I bought two packs, if they have the same format for MQGJ I won’t be buying any packs for him either.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
  • StewartH
    156 posts Member
    Maybe it’s just me, but hoarding crystals really isn’t the issue. I had, and have, enough to buy 3 packs, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth it anymore. I know it’s not much of a difference in the overall cost per shard, but particularly if you have a few of these marquees back-to-back it can start to really diminish crystal reserves having to buy an extra pack, particularly with extra drops and conquest coming up.

    For all four gungans I bought two packs, if they have the same format for MQGJ I won’t be buying any packs for him either.

    It seems like a lot of us passed this round of Marquees because of the essential 3 purchase requirement.

    CG will presumably use the data to make adjustments but I will be very surprised if they gained enough 3rd purchases to offset all of the people that didn't buy the packs the 1st and 2nd this time.
  • LordDirt
    5172 posts Member
    It's funny, so many seemed to have passed on this marquee due to buying three packs and I decided this and the MQGJ marquee will be the ones I spend a lot of crystals on to get them to 7* ASAP to match the QA release. 3 new characters and 2 old ones to make a solid team was all I needed to spend some of my crystal hoard. If it was 4 or 5 I would always pass but CG got me this time.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Part of the problem is that they offered something (the opportunity to get another tier with just two packs) and then took it away. It might be just an increase of one pack, but it’s a 50% increase proportionally. This kind of change reminds me of something though…

    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
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