Bonus drops? What bonus drops.

The bonus drop rate is abysmal.....and that's the kindest word I could put here.
MQG and POO(padowan Obi One) drops are basically nonexistent. I've spent over 500 cantina energy for 4 pulls....and over 700 regular energy for 22 pulls....
And once again GG is bugged in the event. If I won the billion dollar lottery, I'd buy out CG and actually fix the game to make it enjoyable and reward people for bugs and glitches. Ffs. Who is in charge of this company? I don't mean EA. I mean like lead game that person and hire someone CG_Carrie. Failure of a leader leads to failure of product.


  • Options
    And I don't mean hire Carrie back....she was a terrible leader as well. I mean fire this person or oust this person like Carrie was.
  • Nameisunavailable
    58 posts Member
    edited June 21
    I tell all my guild memebers not to hoard energy becuase of this. Sounds like vegas odds wern't on your side this time. You do realize that these events are like gambling right? You won't win them all...........

    I've had some really good drops rates in past events but I've also had a few event's that just caused me to go broke with nothing to show for it.
  • Options
    Yes but they tell us bonus drops and maybe what the scaling is. According to other posts, it sounds like they flat out lied about the % drop rate. Good old fashion fraud.
  • Options
    Over the 8 years I now only do like 3-5 sims at once, to me it seems like I get less when I use lots of energy at once.
  • 1NSaNe
    18 posts Member
    The bonus drop rate is abysmal.....and that's the kindest word I could put here.
    MQG and POO(padowan Obi One) drops are basically nonexistent. I've spent over 500 cantina energy for 4 pulls....and over 700 regular energy for 22 pulls....
    And once again GG is bugged in the event. If I won the billion dollar lottery, I'd buy out CG and actually fix the game to make it enjoyable and reward people for bugs and glitches. Ffs. Who is in charge of this company? I don't mean EA. I mean like lead game that person and hire someone CG_Carrie. Failure of a leader leads to failure of product.

    1100 energy spent for 11 shards :neutral:
  • Options
    Over the 8 years I now only do like 3-5 sims at once, to me it seems like I get less when I use lots of energy at once.

    I find I get more when I am standing with only my left foot
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
  • Legit
    51 posts Member
    Yeah it is way less than the normal rate. There’s no point in even going for this.
  • Options
    1NSaNe wrote: »
    The bonus drop rate is abysmal.....and that's the kindest word I could put here.
    MQG and POO(padowan Obi One) drops are basically nonexistent. I've spent over 500 cantina energy for 4 pulls....and over 700 regular energy for 22 pulls....
    And once again GG is bugged in the event. If I won the billion dollar lottery, I'd buy out CG and actually fix the game to make it enjoyable and reward people for bugs and glitches. Ffs. Who is in charge of this company? I don't mean EA. I mean like lead game that person and hire someone CG_Carrie. Failure of a leader leads to failure of product.

    1100 energy spent for 11 shards :neutral:

    That's really atrocious....good lord lol.
  • Gblv
    1 posts Member
    1200 energy 11 shards, 1250 cantina 12 shards. Thank you CG for the worst drop rate ever. Can you do worst ?
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Yes but they tell us bonus drops and maybe what the scaling is. According to other posts, it sounds like they flat out lied about the % drop rate. Good old fashion fraud.

    How could they have lied when they never said anything about the drop rate
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    And it's not fraud because we are getting exactly what was offered
    I need a new message here.
  • Legit
    51 posts Member
    edited June 22
    TVF wrote: »
    And it's not fraud because we are getting exactly what was offered

    I have seen many times where they do these drops with certain characters and ships and it has never been this bad. When you set a standard it is expected to be kept. They didn’t increase it because they want you to spend money for the rest. This has CG greed all over it.
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    Legit wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    And it's not fraud because we are getting exactly what was offered

    I have seen many times where they do these drops with certain characters and ships and it has never been this bad. When you set a standard it is expected to be kept. They didn’t increase it because they want you to spend money for the rest. This has CG greed all over it.

    The only standard that is kept by CG is not being standard.
  • nottenst
    728 posts Member
    You just have to consider the bonus drops this time as pure "bonus." Don't do anything different from your regular routine and you end up with a few bonus shards by the end of the day. If you consider it that way, then you won't be disappointed.
  • Franke
    139 posts Member
    nottenst wrote: »
    You just have to consider the bonus drops this time as pure "bonus." Don't do anything different from your regular routine and you end up with a few bonus shards by the end of the day. If you consider it that way, then you won't be disappointed.

    Exactly! Its bonus drops. What if we didnt get them at all? Then no one would complain because there wouldnt be any droprate to talk about.
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    1NSaNe wrote: »
    The bonus drop rate is abysmal.....and that's the kindest word I could put here.
    MQG and POO(padowan Obi One) drops are basically nonexistent. I've spent over 500 cantina energy for 4 pulls....and over 700 regular energy for 22 pulls....
    And once again GG is bugged in the event. If I won the billion dollar lottery, I'd buy out CG and actually fix the game to make it enjoyable and reward people for bugs and glitches. Ffs. Who is in charge of this company? I don't mean EA. I mean like lead game that person and hire someone CG_Carrie. Failure of a leader leads to failure of product.

    1100 energy spent for 11 shards :neutral:

    I didn’t pay attention before but knew it was low, this morning I did refreshes and got 4 in 470 energy which is similar to your rate. I am just continuing my usual farms as I think it’s pointless to chase.
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    Franke wrote: »
    nottenst wrote: »
    You just have to consider the bonus drops this time as pure "bonus." Don't do anything different from your regular routine and you end up with a few bonus shards by the end of the day. If you consider it that way, then you won't be disappointed.

    Exactly! Its bonus drops. What if we didnt get them at all? Then no one would complain because there wouldnt be any droprate to talk about.

    Sure they would when marquee characters “usually” get a chase event as they go into shipments or become farmable 😂. Comments would just be “what no chase event this time?”.
  • cboath7
    483 posts Member
    1NSaNe wrote: »
    The bonus drop rate is abysmal.....and that's the kindest word I could put here.
    MQG and POO(padowan Obi One) drops are basically nonexistent. I've spent over 500 cantina energy for 4 pulls....and over 700 regular energy for 22 pulls....
    And once again GG is bugged in the event. If I won the billion dollar lottery, I'd buy out CG and actually fix the game to make it enjoyable and reward people for bugs and glitches. Ffs. Who is in charge of this company? I don't mean EA. I mean like lead game that person and hire someone CG_Carrie. Failure of a leader leads to failure of product.

    1100 energy spent for 11 shards :neutral:

    On the gungan event like this, i got nearly 50 shards off 1600 currency. This one? 16 off 1600. It's cheaper to wait for the packs. Completely worthless. Plus, it's loads harder to burn 1600 when it has to be hard modes - another bad idea.

    600 cantina energy got me 9 shards.

    This is a worthless event. I know they can't all be super awesome, but they shouldn't ever be just worthless.
  • cboath7
    483 posts Member
    Franke wrote: »
    nottenst wrote: »
    You just have to consider the bonus drops this time as pure "bonus." Don't do anything different from your regular routine and you end up with a few bonus shards by the end of the day. If you consider it that way, then you won't be disappointed.

    Exactly! Its bonus drops. What if we didnt get them at all? Then no one would complain because there wouldnt be any drop rate to talk about.

    But is it a bonus when a crap ton of currency gets you next to nothing. If you stick to normal farming routines and do 15 runs on a hard mode using just your free currency it's like 2 shards a day. Is that really a bonus of note?

    When the toons are in shipments (which i think they are), you can get 16 shards for 1280. That's a better return rate than what's going on now.
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    edited June 22
    That’s the key thing, the shard drop rate provides the value of involvement in the chase. I usually do 100 refresh daily for relic mats and the odd omicron mat. Previous drops on cantina such as the gungan drops were so good I did 200 refresh on cantina, the drops are so poor this time I would not even specifically do 100 refreshes for it.

    Hard light or dark energy are difficult to spend energy during a chase as I don’t need many of character shards and gear is better farmed through event and activity stores so I have been ignoring that one and continued kyro farming on easy nodes. And that decision was based on the much better drop rate on the previous chases.

    And I am/ planning to farming these two through shipments but I think it would be cheaper crystals to just purchase through shipments than to refresh during the chase.
  • Legit
    51 posts Member
    edited June 22
    Got an extra 1,000 cantina energy from new packs and I got one qui gon shard. I’m at a loss for words. Not other game acts like CG. They must be really struggling. This is the equivalent for homeless man trying to clean a car at a stop light with a dirty rag hoping to get a dollar.
  • Options
    I just did 5 sims on the boss nass node. Got 2 boss shards, 7 bonus shards and 5 tickets. Thanks CG! These extra shards are a really good idea!
  • cboath7
    483 posts Member
    Legit wrote: »
    Got an extra 1,000 cantina energy from new packs and I got one qui gon shard. I’m at a loss for words. Not other game acts like CG. They must be really struggling. This is the equivalent for homeless man trying to clean a car at a stop light with a dirty rag hoping to get a dollar.


    They would have to have the worlds worst management to be struggling...brought in over 1b.
  • Options
    Over the 8 years I now only do like 3-5 sims at once, to me it seems like I get less when I use lots of energy at once.

    Hi! I'm Egnards! Nice to meet you!

    Over the last 8 years there have been quite a few conspiracy theories in this game, and throughout that time I've set to disprove them all.

    They told me that simming in X amounts would change the drop rates! So I went about collecting about 20,000 data points to disprove this theory

    They told me that as you get close to the end of a farm CG throttles the drops! So I got together 12 other people and tracked over 150 farms, and 50,000+ data points to disprove this theory

    They told me that the drop rate on subsequent refreshes of a node would leader to higher drops! So I tracked a couple thousand data points to find that there was actually no long term difference at all

    They told me that omicrons never ever drop from cantina ever and they're basically a conspiracy rarer than omegas! Well I've got about 20,000 of my own data points and another 20,000 across 5 other accounts that tell me the drop is somewhere around 1:220-1:240 [or basically 1x per week if you're doing triple refreshes]

    All of your theories/thoughts/beliefs? They're wrong.
  • Options
    I tell all my guild memebers not to hoard energy becuase of this. Sounds like vegas odds wern't on your side this time. You do realize that these events are like gambling right? You won't win them all...........

    I've had some really good drops rates in past events but I've also had a few event's that just caused me to go broke with nothing to show for it.

    The thing is there is no "you got screwed" or "you didn't get screwed," each set of bonus drops have a very specific "%/energy spent" drop rate associated with it, and sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad.

    The first really good ones were about 3 years ago, I believe it was the FO/Resistance tanks that gave us a pretty decent bonus drop percentage. In general all of the bonus drop events up until the last 3 months have been relatively generous - With the first "what the hell is going on?" one being the most recent bonus zeta drops [which people tracked at about 1%/energy spent].

    Typically bonus drops for shards are very generous [3-4%/energy spent], you can find a whole listing of these tracking dating back years and years thanks to Dex on the Events Discord server who basically keeps a log of all of the data points and past trackings.
  • cboath7
    483 posts Member
    That's the thing though, they DO change the drop rate.

    Changing to hard mode only drops it some as it adds additional costs and limits to refreshing thing. You can't really do too many additional refreshes (typically 2 extra) without the cost starting to get prohibitive. Sure, you can find 16 different nodes to do, but that simply becomes a royal pain to go through 16 characters (if you're doing 1600 shards) to avoid refresh charges. If you're doing 8 and just adding one refresh, that still adds 200 crystals to spend on top of the currency.

    So, with that working against you, they though it'd be a good idea to cut the drop rate 66%?

    As people pointed out, what's the point of an event like that if you can get more shards out of shipments for less? If you want people to participate and spend, you have to make it worth their while to do so. This event, flatly, does not. It's not a conspiracy, it's just a very poor event. Making it worse is it came on the heels of a very good one (gungans). The gungan event led to something on the calendar - Jar Jar. This? isn't leading to anything we know of short of a raid team for the new raid.

    Economics 101. If you want people to pursue something and spend (whether it's currency, crystals, or cash), you have to make it attractive for them to do so and make it worth their while. The failed here. Plain and simple.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    edited June 23
    lol this is why CG shouldn't give us any bonuses
    I need a new message here.
  • Rius
    397 posts Member
    People like Egnards are so needed but he probably will get more trolling than people looking at their own inner bias or belief that theres a conspiracy. Ok its additive drops so im thankful that we can get a bit more but the entitlement some display is beyond reason

    It’s not entitlement to be frustrated by poor RNG if you invest in hoarding or purchasing energy. It’s a fairly normal response. And Egnard’s comment involves large data sets on previous drops. These threads usually are full of players with bad RNG trying to get confirmation if CG moved the goals on drop rates or if they are having a personal bad run with bad RNG. Because one account is not sufficient know. Usually there’s a good old mix, which disproves the “conspiracy theory” if you can even call it that. It certainly appears to be an emerging pattern these are low odds experienced by multiple players, without too many cases disproving it yet. But I am sure someone will supply a large dataset eventually.

    Personally if something is running fairly routine such as chase events dramatically altered drop rates should be pre-advertised as they are required to do for packs with RNG. Then we can decide if it’s worth chasing. The. You would have less moaning.

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