Time to bring up availability of KAM and Wat... Again....

Well, here we are again.
I'm sure a lot of people have this issue. They were new to the game and joined after the change to the new TB, or were in smaller guilds and moved to bigger ones doing the current TB. Either way, they are stuck farming Wat and KAM with GET3 tokens , which is slow due to how little of them you get AND with how much people are over charged for Wat and KAM shards. As things stand I get 10 shards every TB . At the Current price , you would expect 10 shards, not 5.

I believe it is time that Wat and KAM finally follow the other GET shards over to the Raid token store.
This is putting a massive bottle neck on newer players unlocking JMK and now , making the new raid less appealing, as KAM is needed and at this point, unless you have almost finished him, or got him already, will never be used.

Capital Games, you claim to want to help new players. Then put your money where your mouth is and make the change. What will it break? Due to the rewards most guilds move straight to RoTE , so making these characters easier to get is the right thing to do.
And speaking of the "right thing to do" we really need a talk about Droid Brains and putting them too on the Raid token store.
And if anyone mentions Duel of the Fates have them, then I will counter with, "but hidden behind the Relic 9 that you use the brains for"

Right sorry for the rant. If people can please comment and like enough , so we can get CG's attention and maybe a answer, that would be epic.


  • cboath7
    484 posts Member
    Can't really disagree. I was around when both were added to the game. I have Wat, and still haven't even unlocked KAM. And now with the new TBs we don't do the old ones. Unless you're smoking the new TBs GET3 doesn't come nearly quick enough for farming KAM.
  • Options
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.
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    Hopefully they make it easier to access through in game changes or a light speed bundle.
  • TVF
    36838 posts Member
    edited June 30
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • SrDiscrepo
    4 posts Member
    edited June 30
    Same here. I stop playing few years ago, and now i comeback and joined to a big guild... So i cant farm Wat properly.

    Maybe creating an event where u have to got geonosians reliq to ger shards every month will help and will be fun.
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    As with the last time this came up, hard agree. KAM progress has halted for pretty much every player. A Galactic Bounties III (GB3) event seems like it would be a solution most in the players favor and it's one that I would like to see. But GB3 alone would not be fast enough to make KAM a reasonable goal for most players interested in working up teams for the new raid, so an alternative purchasing option through the use of GET1/2 and/or MK1/2 would be helpful as well.

    Maybe while the Naboo raid is active, KAM can count as a raid character for the purposes of the shop and could have a slot that costs 700 MK1 for 10 shards, along the lines of Han, GK, and Traya.
  • Taliana
    80 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    And yet, however they got there, they are in this position now - along with other players who recently became more engaged, or returning players, or the new players we need to keep this game healthy. Rather than blaming them for past choices, we need to look at how to solve the problem so we can keep that part of the playerbase engaged, active, and moving forward.

    I was working with a new player (came in from another game collapse, is willing to dolphin or minor-whale for packs) on roster development the other day. The rate of Wat shards through shipment shops is slow enough that it is not practical for them to farm towards JMK at all, even if all of their currency is used just on shards.

    CG has done an excellent job of improving many aspects of the new player experience. This is a place where they could remove a barrier that older players wouldn’t really care about - as you say, we’ve all had Wat for years!

    (It almost physically pains me to say that the same considerations will hold for KAM after all the work we put into that mission but… there it is.)
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    Yeah gotta agree, Wat and KAM aren't gamebreaking to have so there's no reason they shouldn't be more accessable at this point in this game. That said there are some really old conquest characters that need to be made much more f2p accessable like CAT and Maul. And no I don't mean GET3 accessable, I mean Razor Crest levels of accessable. It's stupid that some of these characters are gated behind PG or forced usage of GET3 for months/years on end. Newer characters? Fine. But these are not new characters.
  • Cheesio
    16 posts Member
    My problem is his rarity
    Sure my guild only gets enough for 5 KAM shards with some change per TB,, but I’m lucky to see him in the store at all.. maybe get 5-10 shards a month and that’s checking store every reset
  • Cheesio
    16 posts Member
    Oh and to add to this…. I have a weird gut feeling KAM is gonna be a GL Ashoka req
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    I am a returning player. I get 10 KAM shards per TB from GET3... need 2 more TB's to get him 6 Stars. Then 10 more TB's to make him 7 Stars. Thats around 6 Month. By the time i 7 Star KAM, the Naboo Raid will be nearly over.
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    I agreed! I recently write the similar post in LSB topic. I returned to the game and also joined to the nice local guild. But I have big issue with farming of these characters, so I would be happy if EA carry of this problem and use or propose nice solution.
    Hello there
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    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    I was Guild master for years and felt it important to continue to help and support our guild, yes it was my choice but gaming is about enjoyment and friendship as well as progress.
    Hopefully enough people agree that WAT and KAM need a farmable option so CG take note and offer some help to the many people in the situation whereby farming under current options just doesn't work.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    Wait, so because someone didn’t do something specific at a certain time, they should be punished? Wow.

    CG have already acknowledged the need to make some characters more accessible, Han, Traya, GK moving to raid tokens.

    It’s really not a big ask to move Kam and Wat to GET1 and have them unlock like GAS or Malak.
  • samcgui
    40 posts Member
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    I started playin by june of 2016.. and i'm in the same spot as you. Still haven't unlock Kid Adi Mundi.
    i'm buyin his shards with ROTE Money.. and maybe in four years i'll finish his farm.. but the game is getting boring.. dunno if i'll keep playin untill there..
  • cboath7
    484 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    NO, that's on cg for requiring a near high end guild to get the character. The fact that people feel the first priority for people is to bail on a guild full of people they like is part of the problem.
  • Mohrg
    207 posts Member
    I've got 90 KAM shards to go.
    We even went back to Geo to try and try our hand at getting a bunch of shards, I was the only person that managed the event. Still 4.5 months to go so I should have him sorted as the raid ends :D
  • Skynobi
    36 posts Member
    We should have something like this posted daily. I've just accepted the fact that I'll never have KAM. I'll keep using my GET3 on kyros and if he ends up being a req then that just sucks. I have a whopping 40 shards of 330 so without some kind of change, it is what it is.
  • Rius
    401 posts Member
    cboath7 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    NO, that's on cg for requiring a near high end guild to get the character. The fact that people feel the first priority for people is to bail on a guild full of people they like is part of the problem.

    The thing is with guilds you need players on the same page. If they rush to do the latest TB before everyone has Wat and you need Wat then the priorities do not align and you need to move. It’s not seeing all of this is choice is that is a problem and that if you truely want Wat or KAM accelerated it’s fully within your power to seek out one of the guilds still running this mission with high shards. They tend to have players move in and out according to their needs. So you can return to your “friends” once you have the character.

    But if you stay in the guild and blame the system it’s not helping anyone.
    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    Wait, so because someone didn’t do something specific at a certain time, they should be punished? Wow.

    CG have already acknowledged the need to make some characters more accessible, Han, Traya, GK moving to raid tokens.

    It’s really not a big ask to move Kam and Wat to GET1 and have them unlock like GAS or Malak.

    Han, Traya and GK are from obsolete raids when they have created the new raid to be accessible at all levels, which is why you can get them with “raid tokens”.

    The most efficient way to get shards is to do the TB at your guilds level, which is still relevant, and work as a team to get the shards, if your guild rushes to RotE and yield poor Mk3 then that’s the issue. Your guild is the issue in not helping with your objective. Mk3 was introduced to help finish off once you progress to RotE as in mid level guilds some had KAM/Wat and newer recruits did not. Which complicated the switch over. I don’t really see a point in changing it when there is a means to get them. Just seems like people are not utilising guilds to their advantage. Finding a guild aligned to your goals is key for enjoyment and progress.
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    The amount of GET3 and time that you need to unlock those guys... i cant even put to words because i will get banned xD
    KAM is one of the hardest farms in game but at least hes not a req, i feel bad to the new players that need to slow farm Wat!
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    I was in the same situation of staying in a guild trying to help them out for far too long and didn’t get KAM. I bought my 7 star KAM using the expensive GET 3 route. But I agree it should be much easier to get him now even if it wouldn’t benefit me anymore.
    One option would be to let the guild select if the Reva shard mission in Rote would give KAM/Wat/Reva each round. It would be the same shard shop currency for me but it could help out the less fortunate players in the guild.
  • dogwelder79
    1538 posts Member
    Someone suggested adding wat and kam missions on their respective planets in the rote TB. It isn’t a bad idea. Some shard shop currency for those who have them wouldn't break the economy.
  • Wrathe
    213 posts Member
    Well, here we are again.
    I'm sure a lot of people have this issue. They were new to the game and joined after the change to the new TB, or were in smaller guilds and moved to bigger ones doing the current TB. Either way, they are stuck farming Wat and KAM with GET3 tokens , which is slow due to how little of them you get AND with how much people are over charged for Wat and KAM shards. As things stand I get 10 shards every TB . At the Current price , you would expect 10 shards, not 5.

    I believe it is time that Wat and KAM finally follow the other GET shards over to the Raid token store.
    This is putting a massive bottle neck on newer players unlocking JMK and now , making the new raid less appealing, as KAM is needed and at this point, unless you have almost finished him, or got him already, will never be used.

    Capital Games, you claim to want to help new players. Then put your money where your mouth is and make the change. What will it break? Due to the rewards most guilds move straight to RoTE , so making these characters easier to get is the right thing to do.
    And speaking of the "right thing to do" we really need a talk about Droid Brains and putting them too on the Raid token store.
    And if anyone mentions Duel of the Fates have them, then I will counter with, "but hidden behind the Relic 9 that you use the brains for"

    Right sorry for the rant. If people can please comment and like enough , so we can get CG's attention and maybe a answer, that would be epic.

    Your counter to Duel of the Fates makes no sense. You can get R9 well before that. Join TW and you get Brains. Win and you get even more.

    Everyone else put in time farming Wat and KAM as they were critical characters, you get to buy them w/ tokens. That's just F2P options, they sell packs now and then if you want to accelerate it. I mean, this is how we got Vader and GG, mostly through the Fleet Arena / Shard Stores respectively. We won't even talk about GAS! We walked uphill both ways! :smiley:

  • Wrathe
    213 posts Member
    Taliana wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    And yet, however they got there, they are in this position now - along with other players who recently became more engaged, or returning players, or the new players we need to keep this game healthy. Rather than blaming them for past choices, we need to look at how to solve the problem so we can keep that part of the playerbase engaged, active, and moving forward.

    I was working with a new player (came in from another game collapse, is willing to dolphin or minor-whale for packs) on roster development the other day. The rate of Wat shards through shipment shops is slow enough that it is not practical for them to farm towards JMK at all, even if all of their currency is used just on shards.

    CG has done an excellent job of improving many aspects of the new player experience. This is a place where they could remove a barrier that older players wouldn’t really care about - as you say, we’ve all had Wat for years!

    (It almost physically pains me to say that the same considerations will hold for KAM after all the work we put into that mission but… there it is.)

    What you're calling a "problem", we're calling, "the game". Some farms are long and painful. Just be glad you don't have to coordinate streaming 50 people in order to get KAM. Some farms just take awhile. It's the long play part of your planning. Do you go gear, or shards? Decisions, decisions.

    If they wanted to expand it somewhere, send it to Squad Arena currency. Add some relevancy to that again.
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    No GC on this thread? 🥺 They dont read us. Lets up with this post.
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    Someone suggested adding wat and kam missions on their respective planets in the rote TB. It isn’t a bad idea. Some shard shop currency for those who have them wouldn't break the economy.

    Another good suggestion.
    Time to dust of Geo's and do some WAT missions in ROTE.
    Started with KAM mission requirements: ShaakTi and clones but never took them to Relic 5+
  • TVF
    36838 posts Member
    cboath7 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    NO, that's on cg for requiring a near high end guild to get the character. The fact that people feel the first priority for people is to bail on a guild full of people they like is part of the problem.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • TVF
    36838 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Jesro58 wrote: »
    Completely agree, have played since March 2016 and have recently moved to a stronger guild after our friendly guild couldn't survive. We got WAT but never managed to farm KAM. My current guild does ROTE and I can't see how I will get KAM unless he is made more readily available. Am sure that many people need WAT as well.
    Just my two cents.

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    Wait, so because someone didn’t do something specific at a certain time, they should be punished? Wow.

    CG have already acknowledged the need to make some characters more accessible, Han, Traya, GK moving to raid tokens.

    It’s really not a big ask to move Kam and Wat to GET1 and have them unlock like GAS or Malak.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • TVF
    36838 posts Member
    edited July 2
    Taliana wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »

    You're almost a launch player without KAM?

    That's on you for staying in a weaker guild all these years.

    And yet, however they got there, they are in this position now - along with other players who recently became more engaged, or returning players, or the new players we need to keep this game healthy. Rather than blaming them for past choices, we need to look at how to solve the problem so we can keep that part of the playerbase engaged, active, and moving forward.

    I was working with a new player (came in from another game collapse, is willing to dolphin or minor-whale for packs) on roster development the other day. The rate of Wat shards through shipment shops is slow enough that it is not practical for them to farm towards JMK at all, even if all of their currency is used just on shards.

    CG has done an excellent job of improving many aspects of the new player experience. This is a place where they could remove a barrier that older players wouldn’t really care about - as you say, we’ve all had Wat for years!

    (It almost physically pains me to say that the same considerations will hold for KAM after all the work we put into that mission but… there it is.)

    Independent of the overall problem, in this specific case it's absolutely the poster's fault. Or rather, if you are a launch player without KAM, that's a choice you made, and not something CG needs to solve for you
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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