So, update should drop in the next couple hours... Any thoughts on what the extra surprise is?



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    5Strogino wrote: »
    The surprise will be that on GW is all 12 battles versus full purple gold 7* 80 level chars (Dooku, Rey, Lea, Yoda and QGJ)

    Surprise? Ha, this is to be expected, not a surprise
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    It would be fantastic if this gear thing was an April fools joke. I can't fill up the stun cuffs and blow dryers that I already have... Let alone more gear!
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    The gear thing is not an April fools joke. Where do people come up with this stuff?
    Team iNstinct --
  • BeWary
    368 posts Member
    I'd love to see a new daily game mode so there's actually something to do besides get frustrated with GW. :)

    Or... how about an Emperor Palpatine event (a la Yoda)? He also on the title screen, and we haven't seen him except in the occasional credit/droid event. That would be awesome, except I'm nowhere near having 5 7* Sith. In fact, I only have Vader now that I think about it. :( Anyway, seeing Palpatine lightning strike the entire enemy team would be cool!
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    @harmonica Is your profile pic from Once upon a time in the west?
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    It is. Best Western film of all time. Charles Bronson is a badass!
    Team iNstinct --
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    Blurryface wrote: »
    Bruce Jenner character
    I suppose he will be a Nightsister?
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    Personally, I hope they give us in-game guilds. Its probably a long shot but one can hope eh

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    Harmonica wrote: »

    It is. Best Western film of all time. Charles Bronson is a badass!

    Could not agree more :smiley: It really is an exceptional film - incredible cast, beautiful touching music, amazing sweeping outdoor scenes, and THE most dramatic final shoot out. Man I need to see that again sometime.
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    General Kenobi!! Or Rebels TV show characters
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    So what was the surprise?
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    Armando wrote: »
    So what was the surprise?

    April Fools; they simply made farming harder. They made us think there would be a positive change which would be the surprise.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yoda event return is the surprise.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
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    I think the surprise was hidden with the easter egg I haven't found but can smell.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Yoda event return is the surprise.

    An event that has been rehashed twice already - and was brought back early to screw up people who were trying to plan to get him. That's THE surprise? Really?

    Wow. A new low for this game.

    Since the devs say they read the forums -

    "Thank you for screwing over your long-time customers."
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Um seriously go whine to a friend.

    Yay Yoda! Yay level 80.
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