Next "Major" Update Will Make Or Break This Game



  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    It will be nice when the constant complainers leave...
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    I think the broken promotional events (Lando and platform specific Phasma/Poe) with no word from the devs, are the death knoll for me.

    iOS here with a maxed Phasma, but was anticipating the shard shop trad-in, on the 31st, with no official word...

    Generally poor communication, even when it comes, and @EAJesse making an off hand, smirking while he types it announcement of a "surprise" show to me disregard and all but disdain for the players.

    Sorry CG and EA, no more chances from me. That iTunes gift card I picked up hoping for content in this game is buying a movie instead.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    This update may have put them back in the running:

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • hnewton
    492 posts Member
    That iTunes gift card I picked up hoping for content in this game is buying a movie instead.
    Good choice lol
  • Jenggo
    48 posts Member
    hnewton wrote: »
    That iTunes gift card I picked up hoping for content in this game is buying a movie instead.
    Good choice lol

    I second that
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member

    Sorry CG and EA, no more chances from me. That iTunes gift card I picked up hoping for content in this game is buying a movie instead.
    Solid choice. Enjoy it. That's 90 minutes more fun than you'd have playing the "game". :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    The negativity with each update is what will break the game. How do you think the company feels.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • xJazzx
    808 posts Member
    It's an April fool joke/prank

    You will know tomorrow
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes I agree
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    Well I got about 8k crystals to dwindle down over the next few weeks. Once those are gone, this game goes into maintenance mode. I'm not going to put more time into this game than the devs do. And I'm definitely done supporting them. They made a fun little game that could've been awesome. Too bad. Seems short sighted on their part. Phone games don't have to be like this anymore. They are allowed to be *gasp* real games!
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    Agree with OP. But somehow im sure they will finally add something new (game mode) in next 2 week. Or die..
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    Timitock wrote: »
    It will be nice when the constant complainers leave...

    Just ignore them. New complainers are coming each update.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    It will be nice when the constant complainers leave...

    Just ignore them. New complainers are coming each update.

    Yeah because being critical of something you enjoy is witctcraft.

  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    Foomerang wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    It will be nice when the constant complainers leave...

    Just ignore them. New complainers are coming each update.

    Yeah because being critical of something you enjoy is witctcraft.

    Ignore these fools. They're deluded
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I dont know y u guys thought this would be something big? It was supposed to be a v small update, maily a cap increase. Y u r all bent out of shape it wasnt more is beyond me
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    With all these leaving, lesser ppl sniping arena rank..yeah!!
  • Amth
    197 posts Member
    We all knew cap increase was coming. That being said, when you implement major content in any game, you need to do it 100% or close to it. This patch reaks of being pushed too early. You don't add/change gear and not give the entire playerbase the opportunity to stay on equal footing. With that being said, the Star Wars IP is enough to keep this game going for a while, regardless of how good or bad patches are.

    Game development and design is a constant struggle, endless hours and no matter what is contained in an update, you will have people who love it, and who hate it. Its the nature of games and the industry.

    Going forward, the overall goal is obviously diversity and game balance. Not having the same 5-7 heroes occupy 98% of the top 40-50. So in the case of this game, without a viable PTR or test realm, I understand pushing the 80 cap and following that up with combat changes. They obviously will want to collect metrics based off of the 80 cap battles and apply those metrics to tuning changes.

    As for the next major update making or breaking the game, as previously stated, this IS the Star Wars IP, and it would be hard to completely break a Star Wars Game (well unless you're SOE). I personally expect more backlash out of the next patch than any patch they probably will release within the first 6 months, past, present and future. While the change has to be made for the good of the game and longterm, those who farmed the current meta on a tight budget (either FTP or small spenders) will feel as though they "invested" time into something that no longer is viable.

    Anyways, enough of my rambling. Just my thoughts for the time being.
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  • Thon
    1 posts Member
    Can somebody call 911, this thread really needs a Waambulance

    This entire thread is absolutely rediculous. If you have nothing to do in the game at this moment, then you either A. Spent a fabulous amount of money on it, or B. You built your "perfect team" and you don't think anything else is worth your precious time/energy

    If the answer is A, then you took a FTP game with microtransactions, and then you PAID MONEY so that you could BEAT THE GAME FASTER... now you have beaten the game, so you're mad. Well, look in the mirror, that's who you should be mad at. If the answer is B then you need to branch out and level other toons. Maybe you should stop using SIM tickets and actually, like, PLAY the game?

    I swear, those of you that are unhappy now, would be unhappy no matter what. If there were no SIM tickets you'd be mad that farming takes too long... if there were no real money transaction you'd be mad that farming crystals takes too long to purchase packs... and getting characters takes to long... So instead you used those things to grind through the content quick and get all the toons you wanted, and what's your beef now? "There's nothing to do because we did it all."

    Bunch of Kids that are mad because the ice cream is gone. IT'S GONE BECAUSE YOU ATE IT!

    have a nice day -Thon
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    Foomerang wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    It will be nice when the constant complainers leave...

    Just ignore them. New complainers are coming each update.

    Yeah because being critical of something you enjoy is witctcraft.

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Not to mention that their 'surprise' was just putting Yoda back in for the 3rd time...hardly a surprise or new content.

    Ironically, the "surprise" is probably completely useless to many people, as those trying to plan wouldn't have been ready as it is early.

    So the only change is the cap level increase - which, according to most polls on the forums, about 85% of the players here were hoping wouldn't happen yet.

    Honestly, I think this update has already decided the fate of this game for many players.

    I'm hanging around for a few days to see if there is any follow up - anything better. But honestly, this was extremely lame. Nothing anybody wanted or can use and a cap level increase and harder to grind gear.

    This +1000 Are you even listening devs???? Do you care about the little guys at ALL? It's getting ridiculous, and now farming is THAT much more of a chore. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? Probably gonna get banned for this for talking trash about the devs, hey at least they read the forums enough to ban people for cussing or calling them out! I've had no prior problems with this game but it is starting to get to me and all of the other players. I kinda feel bad for the whales to some point, even though they ARE enabling. I would be livid if I spent $1000's for nothing but neglect
    End of rant
  • xJazzx
    808 posts Member
    U guys are just overreacting

    It's an April fools' prank

    The gear requirement is not increased
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    slampdx wrote: »
    Spent thousands to get my team all the way to 80 and no new content. Die!
    O God.....I am sorry to hear that, makes me glad I don't have the money to do so :disappointed:
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    Please quit so I can take number 1 position with a full light saber squad <3
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    I agree with OP and pretty much everyone else in this thread...only I threw in the towel today after thoroughly viewing things over.
    It was a good run....had high hopes....
    Later all.
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    xJazzx wrote: »
    U guys are just overreacting

    It's an April fools' prank

    The gear requirement is not increased

    I said that earlier and I hoped upon hope that they might have a sense of humor but like someone in another thread said "they know they have to say April fools so everyone doesn't hate them, right?" Haha I think this is gonna be it y'all, I really loved this game, but the creators don't listen to customers whatsoever and just keep making you have to pay more and more to succeed at all
  • Royce
    83 posts Member
    I agree as well. It's getting boring already. and I see many galaxy of heroes youtubers quit already because they got bored. now I'm starting to get bored as well and if the new update won't satisfy me then might as well quit the game since it's eating most of my time.
    In-game name: Royce. Ally code: 844-142-988
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