Next "Major" Update Will Make Or Break This Game

492 posts Member
edited April 2016
As the hype from TFA has started to die down and everyone is realizing that this game is simply simming nodes, 5 arena battles where everyone uses teams of Qui-Gon, Dooku, Geo Soldier, RG, and Rey, and Galactic War is a chore rather than fun, they are starting to get bored. The next update is kinda their last chance to save this game and it has to be a good update. Like yes the Yoda event was nice, but it has to be something better than that or many players will begin to quit. They need to add diversity to arena (which I see they are trying to balance it) and they need a new mode (now would be the time to add ship battles or whatever the ship thing is). This is it though, as I along with many, many others are beginning to lose interest in this game and am considering quitting.

Hopefully the "major" update can revamp the game, but if not I think this will be it.


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    I totally agree.
  • CollinF
    203 posts Member
    Yeah this pretty much sums everything up
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    I agree.
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    Add story modes and challenges where you need certain characters. Is it really that hard to do?
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    hnewton wrote: »
    and Galactic War is a chore rather than fun
  • Ziggy23
    62 posts Member
    It's just not fun anymore... The amount of money this game probably makes and lots of empty tables of cool things they could implement.

    Just driving me to stop playing.
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    Haven't fully decided yet.... But I think this update just broke the game.
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    Had a look at the gear requirements, I'm also thinking of leaving if nothing special happens next update.
    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
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    Yeah, I waited for the "surprise."

    It's cool. There are other games. I'll keep an eye on the forums here. But I'm walking away from this game for a little bit. Nothing new to do. April is Resistance Trooper, yippppeeee.

    Phasma shards for iOS. Thanks...she's been 7 stars for months.

    What kills me is the movie is about to be released on blu-Ray and it's some shards. Not new content. Shards of a character that's been around for months. Whatevs.

    I'm out for a while. Have fun y'all!
  • CollinF
    203 posts Member
    I don't think they understand that we just want NEW content. Not "new" levels, gear , etc. Just means more grinding and more frustration for us. For them it means more $$$ tho. There has literally been 0 new game modes added to this game. How about they start working on those ships or something new and exciting
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Not to mention that their 'surprise' was just putting Yoda back in for the 3rd time...hardly a surprise or new content.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    CollinF wrote: »
    I don't think they understand that we just want NEW content. Not "new" levels, gear , etc. Just means more grinding and more frustration for us. For them it means more $$$ tho. There has literally been 0 new game modes added to this game. How about they start working on those ships or something new and exciting

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    benacrow wrote: »
    Not to mention that their 'surprise' was just putting Yoda back in for the 3rd time...hardly a surprise or new content.

    Ironically, the "surprise" is probably completely useless to many people, as those trying to plan wouldn't have been ready as it is early.

    So the only change is the cap level increase - which, according to most polls on the forums, about 85% of the players here were hoping wouldn't happen yet.

    Honestly, I think this update has already decided the fate of this game for many players.

    I'm hanging around for a few days to see if there is any follow up - anything better. But honestly, this was extremely lame. Nothing anybody wanted or can use and a cap level increase and harder to grind gear.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • hnewton
    492 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Not to mention that their 'surprise' was just putting Yoda back in for the 3rd time...hardly a surprise or new content.

    Ironically, the "surprise" is probably completely useless to many people, as those trying to plan wouldn't have been ready as it is early.

    So the only change is the cap level increase - which, according to most polls on the forums, about 85% of the players here were hoping wouldn't happen yet.

    Honestly, I think this update has already decided the fate of this game for many players.

    I'm hanging around for a few days to see if there is any follow up - anything better. But honestly, this was extremely lame. Nothing anybody wanted or can use and a cap level increase and harder to grind gear.
    I'm looking forward to the Cantina characters in level 7, but yeah thats about the only positive thing in this update
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    A communication system will be nice, game is so bored because players have not relations at all, its just vs AI.
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    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
  • hnewton
    492 posts Member
    Pikaqiuqiu wrote: »
    A communication system will be nice, game is so bored because players have not relations at all, its just vs AI.

    Maybe Clans or something. Allies is the closest thing to friends which is pretty lame
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Add alliance vs empire fights or "wars" like Clash and you have some waaaay needed ally/team competition. In-game chat would also rock.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Jenggo
    48 posts Member
    I started to lose interest when my crafted gear went missing, and got bounced around by staff of various nationalities, and some even giving mind-boggling irrelevant answers. @EA_Jesse gave a glimpse of hope when he redirected my issue to the game engineers. But sadly, even then, that was his terminal message with no reply since then, even after several polite reminders.

    The grinds are really a chore. Like someone once said, 'strip the facade of Star Wars and the whole game becomes a glorified slot machine'. 30% probability based RNG grinding... many people including myself experience rates much lower (e.g. 248 energy, and 1 purple hair dryer, 3 straight days of 0 shards for FOTP). The fun has long dissipated.

    I started to ask my friends about the monotony of this game... and all of them have stopped playing. I'm the only occasional player left.

    How I wish i could sell my account. Lol. At least I could cover the amount I had been spending (up till the missing shard).
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    Everyone needs to check their dictionary.

    Update on here really means....price increase

    Content really means.....longer farming

    They could of least gave us a new toon to farm somewhere

    Not mad about this update, just disappointed yet again
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    benacrow wrote: »
    Not to mention that their 'surprise' was just putting Yoda back in for the 3rd time...hardly a surprise or new content.

    Ironically, the "surprise" is probably completely useless to many people, as those trying to plan wouldn't have been ready as it is early.

    So the only change is the cap level increase - which, according to most polls on the forums, about 85% of the players here were hoping wouldn't happen yet.

    Honestly, I think this update has already decided the fate of this game for many players.

    I'm hanging around for a few days to see if there is any follow up - anything better. But honestly, this was extremely lame. Nothing anybody wanted or can use and a cap level increase and harder to grind gear.

    Well said Sir.
  • Jenggo
    48 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Phipps wrote: »
    Everyone needs to check their dictionary.

    Update on here really means....price increase

    Content really means.....longer farming

    They could of least gave us a new toon to farm somewhere

    Not mad about this update, just disappointed yet again

    That's an interesting dictionary. Alas none of us have it. Just the developers.
  • Robdd
    111 posts Member
    I don't know I still like the game a lot,the farming is quite ridiculous (drop rate can be terrible). I haven't even started the dreaded stun cuffs on Geo. Unfortunately more farming, I don't have 5 Jedi ready so for me who cares.
    They could easily do an event with the Emperor. Unlike most I like GW and arena but the other parts your just sim the nood and hope for a good drop rate. So that isn't actual playing.
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    Fully agree. It's kinda irritating that the big "update" was adding ten levels and making gear harder to grind. How is that supposed to inspire anyone to keep playing??? The missions are almost a joke. There's no story to simply kill three stages of AI and move onto the next node where you do the exact same thing. No reason besides getting to the hard missions and seeing who you can sim farm...pretty sad really
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Spent thousands to get my team all the way to 80 and no new content. Die!
  • Puz
    11 posts Member
    I think this update is the end. Nothing positive, all negative. Just a big "eff you" to all the loyal players.
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    I said this a few weeks ago and now that the surprise Gear nerf has been implemented, this update is more "do or die" than ever!!!

    EA is surely skating on thin ice and they'd have to be totally brain dead to not see it.

    I really hope for the sake of the game and the many great people I've met here that EA would finally turn around this mess but I wouldn't lie to you all, it doesn't look good.

    It reminds me of when my Father passed. The doctors came into his room when we were all beside him. The head doctor stood forward and said "I wish I had better news to offer you all. This is very serious right now and I'm afraid we've exhausted our options. Tell me, have you made your final arrangements??"

    On that day, hearing that news gave our family the message that things wouldn't end well and he died in the next 24 hours. Similarly, I'd advise players make those arrangements and expect the worst, since I can only go by EAs track record, which is pretty bad.

    If the next meta change goes like most of EAs updates, expect this meta change will make things harder and if the consequence is players walking away in greater numbers, I'd plan for Endgame just about then and enjoy things before they end....
  • Ziggy23
    62 posts Member
    The fact that other mobile game developers, more than likely have a much smaller budget, are able to produce things that are fun and CHALLENGING(meaning taking actual skill to complete and not luck).

    A game that carries the famous name of Star Wars repeatedly gets killed on the forums with people begging for more content and nothing.

    I regret spending even a dime on this game.

    It was a great time waster, now it's just a waste of time(pretty clever eh?)

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