Happy with monthly hero?

1000 posts Member
edited April 2016
Resistance trooper

Happy with monthly hero? 199 votes

Green_Legend_Rancosmicturtle333BarrokJabberwockyImperialRebelHuitzyjeremyj26Otrill143dogwelder79Sticare_Courts_0073slmcmrTejparnDarthMasterShawnStarSonjtveclipse12PuglioeffdashPlague_IncKAULIDarkAgeOutlaw 76 votes
Amish_Aceioniancat21SundodgerKhorvog_KarbossaxJazzxHurricaneBerdilioSlythRinnShankskozakjanosBalbesBleachHammerHeadBLuby25benacrowDarth_MangoMateosiusLeoRavusRobbathehuttDaysOfYore 123 votes


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    No opinion. He could be the new meta after the next level cap raise later this month.
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
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    He could be, but I'm sure many were hoping for a new hero
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    He could be meta, but it's a resistence trooper, hell Finn would have been more useful.
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    No opinion. He could be the new meta after the next level cap raise later this month.

    He was meta once. Like every other meta toon he got nerfed :)
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    You know how you get punched in the same place over and over and over....and it just goes numb after a while? Yeah, that's how I am starting to feel about "major" updates from EA.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    After Cad Bane I'll be happy with just about anything I can farm. ;)
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    I've been thinking of an RT and Poe expose team, so yeah I'm happy about it.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    No I want my Vader, give me Vader!
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • StarSon
    7492 posts Member
    I'm working on a Resistance team, so pretty pleased with it, yes.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    You know how you get punched in the same place over and over and over....and it just goes numb after a while? Yeah, that's how I am starting to feel about "major" updates from EA.

    You are on a roll today. Again, i wish we had a like button.

    THIS X1000
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    But hey, April Fools!
  • Huitzy
    79 posts Member
    I was farming him so YES !!
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    Where's the "meh" option? It will be enough shards to allow me to 7* him, but I wasn't actually planning on leveling him. But if/when I decide to do so, at least I'll be able to 7*. So meh.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Sure, why not? It's a free guy I don't yet have. It could've been someone more popular but whatever. Free is free.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
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    I thought someone said it was supposed to be Vader on the forums here yesterday? Was that just an early April Fool's joke?
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    Free shards are free
    Green_Legend_Ran A storm is coming...
  • Puglio
    161 posts Member
    He's not glamorous (just a faceless, nameless soldier), but he's a pretty good attacker. I won't be bringing him to 7* but I'll bring him to 4* for better GW fodder. I'd have to level him to use him in the attacker challenge. I have him at 0/30 and 3* right now.
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    Could be better, but I just got a few days ago shards to 7* RP, so RT with my Poe and Rey makes for an interesting project. So I'm not jumping for joy, but I'm happy with it.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    I thought someone said it was supposed to be Vader on the forums here yesterday? Was that just an early April Fool's joke?

    Yup. I can't see them giving away a very exclusive character like that so easily.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
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    Kinda meh, but I'd rather be optimistic. :)
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    He could be meta, but it's a resistence trooper, hell Finn would have been more useful.
  • Mittens
    967 posts Member
    I thought someone said it was supposed to be Vader on the forums here yesterday? Was that just an early April Fool's joke?

    You can thank @cosmicturtle333 for that :)
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    garublador wrote: »
    After Cad Bane I'll be happy with just about anything I can farm. ;)

    Absolutely! And the fact that the shards given for Cad Bane wouldn't even make possible to unlock him, makes this RT shards better deal.
    Empire did nothing wrong
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    Id much rather have shards for a character that is difficult to farm than one that is easy. (I'm looking at you ig86/magma trooper).
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    I am happy with any hard node character but I am especially happy with this one. I think that those of us who farm and gear him will be shocked at how good he can be but he is not overpowered by any means.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Nope. I forgot I even had him unlocked until this thread. He's just so dull to look at.
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The last two months were perfect, the monthly hero should either be a new toon (Magma) or a difficult to farm toon (RT). Don't give us Someone you can't farm like Cad or an easy farm like 86.

    I'm surprised they put Mags in GW so fast I thought they would wait a month but that's good also
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    I've gotten him up to four stars as a little side project and I like him. I'm happy to get almost halfway to his 5th star for free.

    Any character shards for free is good with me, although Cad Bane month was kind of lame for people who don't pull chromiums. He's gonna be sitting at 30/50 for the foreseeable future.
  • mel
    127 posts Member
    Stoked! Been farming him for a while to 5* 23/85 to 6. I kind of like the no-name toons.
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