Farming Tip

483 posts Member
edited April 2016
Since CG/EA wants to bend everyone over in this game, especially on drop rates, I figured I'd share something I've noticed.

If you are farming for shards, or items, farm until you get the item/shard, then go back to the menu and force close your app. Open the app back up and repeat. The drop rate will reset (if you had just got a shard and kept farming chances are your next 2-3 drops won't be shards) and if you're lucky, the first will be a shard.

I've done this repeatedly the last week getting shards and item drops, and it's dramatically increased my drop rate. Takes time, but not as much time as waiting for your energy to refresh after only getting 2 shards.


  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Please keep track of your next 100 pulls using this technique and report back with how many you get out of 100
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    I haven't been keeping track, but it's obvious I've been over doubling my drop rate.

    I'll keep track starting now though and let you know.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Random is random... You are implying a secret code that screws you over, which would be an unfair business practice... Not likely that EA knowingly exposes themself to prosecution and lawsuits...
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    LOL for starters, there's no implication, nor any "secret code". All I'm stating is we know the drop rates are approximately 33-60%, depending on the item and your luck (I know some people say all items drop the same but I swear some character shards are a lower drop rate, like FOTP). I'm also saying that force closing your app simply resets the roll of probability on these drop rates. I've tested in in campaign and cantina both with positive, noticeable results.

    You can go ahead and file suit against EA for "unfair business practice" but you'd be wasting your time and money buddy. Or you can just take some friendly advice and help yourself out - or not.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    So some of us in my guild thought this, and we documented it and it was within percentage points of just straight up farming. Plus, it's a huge headache time wise.
  • Morketh
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I just got my post deleted for a personal attack.. I imagine If I fo it again I get to go to Banned Camp.
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    I'm going to try testing it out over 100 tries.
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    Tips like this shouldn't be posted, otherwise the devs will fix the bug and I'll never get the rest of my Bariss shards. :P
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    I love it when people convince themselves they are somehow beating those rascally developers at their own game.

    If months down the line you are statistically ahead of the rest of us by a reasonable margin then kudos to you, but you won't be.
  • TheMadTwadder
    483 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    ldiot is not a proper noun, so you don't need to capitalize it kiddo...
  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Since the drops are determined on the server side, I seriously doubt any local shenanigans like force closing app on your device will have any effect on on random numbers generator. To prove that this works you'll have to do at least 1000 farms straight up and 1000 farms using force close and compare drop rates. I bet they won't be much different.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Zetto wrote: »
    Since the drops are determined on the server side, I seriously doubt any local shenanigans like force closing app on your device will have any effect on on random numbers generator. To prove that this works you'll have to do at least 1000 farms straight up and 1000 farms using force close and compare drop rates. I bet they won't be much different.

    But, force closing is USING THE FORCE... so it should help to some degree... amirite?
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    That's not how the force works
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Random is random... You are implying a secret code that screws you over, which would be an unfair business practice... Not likely that EA knowingly exposes themself to prosecution and lawsuits...

    Oh please! I'm sorry, but is that a joke? Or sarcasm that went over my head? It has to be!
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    I'm going with the force argument on this one. Maybe it's because I've been doing it to farm Old Ben and he's strrrrrrrrooooooonnnng with the force. Oh wait, that was Anakin...
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    This would only be valid IF there is a guaranteed fail-safe that you will pull one item per every N attempts (I.e a guaranteed minimum drop rate). It's been suggested, rumored, and sworn as law by everyone except the people that wrote the code. Until then, you have to assume the law of probability holds: your probability of receiving the item is p on every single attempt, regardless if you restart the client, spin around 3 times, or say the magical incantation prior to simming the battle.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    I want to try this, but force closing the app doesn't work for me. I put my iPad at the foot of my bed, I stand in the opposite corner and extend my hand, and then I squint my eyes really hard. The app stays open! Can anyone help me with this "force" closing of the app? Thanks!
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    I'm sorry, but you're too old to train in the ways of the force.
  • Qleak
    420 posts Member
    Random phenomenon can induce superstitious behavior in pigeons, people aren't that different :smile:
  • Waz675
    193 posts Member
    I want to try this, but force closing the app doesn't work for me. I put my iPad at the foot of my bed, I stand in the opposite corner and extend my hand, and then I squint my eyes really hard. The app stays open! Can anyone help me with this "force" closing of the app? Thanks!

    You need to throw the ipad against a hard object with enough force to close the app, hence force close.
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    I'm sorry, but you're too old to train in the ways of the force.

    No! It can't be! That's impossible!
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    I haven't been keeping track, but it's obvious I've been over doubling my drop rate.

    I'll keep track starting now though and let you know.

    A couple of points.
    1. Until you keep track stating you have over doubled your drop rate isn't fact. It's based on your mind/memory with no hard data to back up your claim making it confirmation bias. At the same time I look forward to seeing your data on this
    2. I believe drop rates are random. The definition of this meaning the previous roll does not impact the next etc. If it were not random there would be clear patterns in drop rates.
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
    It's a proven fact that the drop rate increases with a porn star avatar.

    I've done this repeatedly the last week and it's dramatically increased my drop rate.

    You want to know more about it? Call 768-SECRET-CODE :-)
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Smite wrote: »
    It's a proven fact that the drop rate increases with a porn star avatar.

    I've done this repeatedly the last week and it's dramatically increased my drop rate.

    You want to know more about it? Call 768-SECRET-CODE :-)

    Ok OK, I get it. I called that number and switched to a porn star and it didn't work? I just got April Fooled!
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    my technique is 100% reliable and tested

    you get a drop all the time

    1. stand on one leg
    2. keep your other leg exactly 1 foot from the ground
    3. flap you arms (60bpm)
    4. cackle like a chicken
    5. if you want to know the last crucial step - no payment required just come and fill a 1000 page survey
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Cognitive Bias. There is no "resetting". Every piece of loot gets rolled on the same table each time. There's no hidden count that's being checked.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Beewl
    129 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I just say "Hey Siri, farm Rey's nodes." I get redirected to adult film websites.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Beewl wrote: »
    I just say "Hey Siri, farm Rey's nodes." I get redirected to adult film websites.

    Just don't ask Cortana to farm Rey's nodes. She gets very, VERY jealous.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • ElToro
    149 posts Member
    Are you April fooling us? Oh well I'm desperate I'll try anything
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    Yudoka wrote: »
    Cognitive Bias. There is no "resetting". Every piece of loot gets rolled on the same table each time. There's no hidden count that's being checked.


    Why would they overcomplicate the logic when they can just use a loot table with fixed drop rates.

    Pray to RNGsus.
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