Any offical word from the Devs about fixing Savage?

I have been working on maxing him out since the news about the upcoming shift in meta and I just read about the bug Savage currently has. The one where anyone with QGJ can give their whole team a free offense up with humbling blow even when he doesn't have any buffs active. I searched around and couldn't find any official mention from Jesse or any of the other Devs.
Is this working as intended? Seems broken to me. I hope they change this and make him viable for the arena as I was hoping to do.


  • BeWary
    368 posts Member
    I think that might not be a bug. Things happen in certain orders behind the scenes, and I believe the QGJ hit would go something like this:
    1) Damage applied
    2) Savage gains buffs
    3) QGJ removes buffs

    Result: QGJ and team get offense up. Savage has no buffs.
  • Options
    I have not heard about this. I have QGJ as lead and just last night I got the last 5 shards for Savage Opress and upgraded him to 7*...finally! He's pretty cool but not likely a permanent fixture on my team a few months from now.

    Can you explain the possible bug a little more clearly so I can understand it? Thanks. If I am facing another team with QGJ, he gives his team offense up because I have Savage? Is that what you are saying? Is there a video of this?
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    I thought someone said they fixed it already, but I haven't tried it lately.

    What happens is QGJ does Humbling Blow on a toon that gets buffs when attacked, like Savage. Savage gets his buffs, QGJ dispells the buff and gives his team offense up. Savage ends up with no buffs and the opposing team all has offense up.

    Presumably it should work where Humbling Blow doesn't do anything because the toon didn't start with any buffs, Savage gets his buff and the QGJ team does not get offense up.
  • giggsy
    88 posts Member
    Same thing can happen with yoda. When he uses his aoe he gets savages buffs.
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    Sounds like a bug to me. Debuffing abilities should only apply to existing buffs, not ones that come about as a result of the debuff attack.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    It Was a bug and it was fixed. QGJ no longer debuffs Savage before he gets them.
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    It was not fixed unless they just hotfixed it 10 minutes ago. I just played on the arena against someone else's Savage and hit him with my QGJ and vuala, offense up for everyone. Feels cheap.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member

    May change with combat upgrade.
  • DomLon
    64 posts Member
    It is the same problem that kylo causes.
    Kylo has his counter buff, QGJ uses humbling blow, removes the buff and kylo counters.
    It is all because of the way the code is written.
    I think it is silly, but it seems the Devs want it like this
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    Well I know that Yoda was stealing his buffs with masterstroke in a similar fashion.
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    Why? Games like this are based on counters.

    I get what you're saying, but it seems wrong to me that you can debuff someone that isn't buffed when you attack them. Stunning works pretty well against Savage already.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    BeWary wrote: »
    I think that might not be a bug. Things happen in certain orders behind the scenes, and I believe the QGJ hit would go something like this:
    1) Damage applied
    2) Savage gains buffs
    3) QGJ removes buffs

    Result: QGJ and team get offense up. Savage has no buffs.

    No it's a bug,
    I run a QGJ speed leader team and even I have to admit SO is broken.

    QGJ gets first turn unless other has Dooku. That means my entire team gets offense up for free first turn out the gate and I OHKO everyone.

    Definately NOT how Savage should work.

    Now according to these posts Yoda gets the same buffs.

    Savage is the WORST character in the game because he is the only one that is a guarantee insta win for any team that has QGJ. He's also the only character that hands over free whole team buffs first turn to the opponent.

    which means he has absolutely zero value in arena.

  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Also I can guarantee Savage is NOT fixed, I've tested this multiple times in GW. Can't test it in arena because no one uses him there.
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    Any chance we can get an official word on this being worked on or not please?

    If it's working as intended I'd like to spend my arena tokens elsewhere and cut my losses now.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    And I spent all that time getting him unlocked... SMH.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Options
    BeWary wrote: »
    I think that might not be a bug. Things happen in certain orders behind the scenes, and I believe the QGJ hit would go something like this:
    1) Damage applied
    2) Savage gains buffs
    3) QGJ removes buffs

    Result: QGJ and team get offense up. Savage has no buffs.

    BeWary is correct, this is currently how it is functioning. I'll check with our design team to see if there are plans to change it or not.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    BeWary wrote: »
    I think that might not be a bug. Things happen in certain orders behind the scenes, and I believe the QGJ hit would go something like this:
    1) Damage applied
    2) Savage gains buffs
    3) QGJ removes buffs

    Result: QGJ and team get offense up. Savage has no buffs.

    BeWary is correct, this is currently how it is functioning. I'll check with our design team to see if there are plans to change it or not.

    If this is the case, Savage has got to be the worst character in the game, at least other characters can act as tanks without handing over free buffs first turn.

    quite disappointing, I've almost maxed him out in hopes of a fix in the future.

    please let us know if the devs plan to change it.

    thank you
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    "QGJ - the Savage Oppress hunter."

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    "QGJ - the Savage Oppress hunter."

    Not maul LOL
  • Jeff
    30 posts Member
    Well reading this has definitely confirmed my savage vs 86 dilemma. Thanks for the info all :)
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    That seems ridiculous, dividing up the actions internally effectively into turns.

    It should apply damage and debuff any existing buffs, end of attack.
    If the character gets a buff from being attacked, it should happen after the attack that triggered it. The attacker shouldn't get to hold the second part of the action until the reaction buff is up.

    It's like the reverse where a Fives being attacked by Daka gets to counter first before being stunned. Makes no sense. I can't believe this Savage QGJ situation was planned that way.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Fade5x
    73 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    BeWary wrote: »
    I think that might not be a bug. Things happen in certain orders behind the scenes, and I believe the QGJ hit would go something like this:
    1) Damage applied
    2) Savage gains buffs
    3) QGJ removes buffs

    Result: QGJ and team get offense up. Savage has no buffs.

    BeWary is correct, this is currently how it is functioning. I'll check with our design team to see if there are plans to change it or not.

    This can't be anything but a bug otherwise Savage is completely useless. How can QGJ or Yoda attack and remove a Buff that wasn't there at the start of the turn. Savage should get his buff after taking the damage and the turn is over. Otherwise QGJ or Yoda is technically conducting two functions in one turn.
  • Waz675
    193 posts Member
    Worst design ever if savage is working as intended. Not having any buffs before making the move that gains something powerful as offence up buff should not be considered buffed because said move (humbling blow) was cast.

    It's like saying I want to swat a fly that isn't there but when you slap a wall, a splattered fly appears because you slapped the wall, lol
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I'm glad I read this. I've been avoiding Savage in the arena because he's somewhat of a tank and powerful. I just used this on him and won with no problem.

    I was saving arena tokens for Savage but think I'll hold off for now.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    kalidor wrote: »
    Why? Games like this are based on counters.

    I get what you're saying, but it seems wrong to me that you can debuff someone that isn't buffed when you attack them. Stunning works pretty well against Savage already.

    Qui Gon KNOWS that Savage will try to buff, so he counters with a reverse.

    So predictable, Sith Lords are, always attacking.
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    So if the order is:
    1) Attacker deals damage
    2) Defender actions go off
    3) Attacker bonus effect goes off

    Then QGJ isn't debuffing, say, defense up, before he deals his attack damage. That just seems wrong. If that's intended behavior, then at the very least the ability should be reworded to clarify the order of effects; "Deal Special damage to target enemy AND remove all positive status effects" doesn't imply that the second effect won't take place same time as the first.

  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    See store for details.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    BeWary wrote: »
    I think that might not be a bug. Things happen in certain orders behind the scenes, and I believe the QGJ hit would go something like this:
    1) Damage applied
    2) Savage gains buffs
    3) QGJ removes buffs

    Result: QGJ and team get offense up. Savage has no buffs.

    BeWary is correct, this is currently how it is functioning. I'll check with our design team to see if there are plans to change it or not.

    Thanks for commenting on this issue @EA_Jesse
    Please do get back to us and tell us what the design team says about it.
    Just doesn't add up to me. I think @Waz675 makes a great analogy of why I think it's a bunk implementation of an ability. My vote is QGJ would have to hit Savage second go around to get offense up. Way more balanced and doesn't make Savage useless.
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