Massive Yoda/Rex problem, "Tenacity Up" not working as intended?

555 posts Member
edited April 2016
Ok. Clickbait title, but I need to bring actual attention to this issue. Tenacity Up (arguably the strongest selling point for Yoda and one of the better aspects of Rex) is currently able to be dispeled by Humbling Blow.
I am going to be testing this with Yoda and with additional dispel effects. But this is a very troubling development.

Is this intentional (has Tenacity Up become merely a % increase to tenacity)? Or is this a side effect of some other effect (Humbling Blow order of operations perhaps)? Or is this a function of the new patch?

Community testing and developer responses would be appreciated.

Post edited by CookieCrispp on


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    Tenacity up is a status effect therefore it can be dispelled simple as that
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    GOfish52 wrote: »
    Tenacity up is a status effect therefore it can be dispelled simple as that

    Tenacity Up, prior to the 4/16 update provided dispel/debuff immunity from everything but turn meter reduction. We were informed that it was working as intended as such (the Sid extra debuffs were actually fixed because they did not function appropriately for this).
    I suspect this is more of a bug created by QGJ's humbling blow re-ordering (potentially a tenacity check is being skipped). If it is a true change to the mechanics of the game, I'd appreciate at least official acknowledgement as to this change.
  • Kiora
    30 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I just used Humbling Blow to dispel Tenacity Up in an arena battle.

    If you have Yoda on your arena squad I would swap him out until this gets fixed.
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    Every effect should have a counter.
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    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    Every effect should have a counter.

    I believe the counter argument to your 'argument' is that the counter to dispels was Tenacity Up. I know that I, and I assume many others, used a well-timed Squad Discipline or Battle Meditation to "cover" a tank's taunt with dispel immunity.

    The problem with statements such as every effect should have a counter is that it actually can be interpreted both ways. Currently dispels have no counter (unless you argue that running 0 buffs, a true feat with level 80 toons) is their counter. But I thought that Tenacity (Leadership, Buffs) was the counter to dispels (and debuffs).
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    You know.. If you made your title something less "clickbait" it might get the attention your post deserves from someone in development. Just a thought. :)
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    If it stays this way the developers just turned a nerfed average character into absolutely useless one... which is ok .. as far as they find a way to compensate us for the months of preparation and fair amounts of money/crystals/ time invested for getting it....
    Hope this is a bug and will be fixed as soon as possible ...
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Tenacity: Increases the chance to ward off detrimental effects.

    Humbling blow isn't putting a detrimental effect on yoda like speed down, DOT, etc. It's just removing a positive effect.

    Battle Meditation seems to be 100% effective against detrimental effects being put on a character.
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    You know.. If you made your title something less "clickbait" it might get the attention your post deserves from someone in development. Just a thought. :)

    I've tried that. I actually considered it. Which is why I dropped a similar, but less "bait-y" post in the bugs forum. However I figured that the benefits of a clickbait title were worth it in this case.
    Consider what clickbait titles offer.
    - Higher post counts. We've seen that the developers do seem to at least visit (and respond to) the more active threads.
    - Higher visibility. It's hard to get the message out when no one reads it.
    - It's the weekend, so I'm fighting for community visibility right now. The likelihood of heavy developer traffic on the weekend is probably somewhat low (Yes, I am aware of the 4/16 update, but I figure that the Devs are probably concerned with actually seeing their families. Because they are people too, and reading forums all weekend seems kinda silly).
    - Higher community awareness. I would assume that your average player does not own Rex, and doesn't really care what Yoda's fourth ability is called. As such, stating a less common buff, or even the moves that provide said buff, is less likely to make players it effects them. "Battle Meditation/Squad Discipline Bugs" doesn't immediately scream "Rex and Yoda just got their utility less useful, more at 11."
    All it does is hurt me in my heart and diminish what little (was there ever any?) credibility I have when I post serious comments. But I am willing to take this hit for the sake of raising Rex awareness. Because we all love him.

    Trust me. I feel dirty enough for resorting to calling this a "Massive Nerf". And I will probably change the title once it hits what I'd consider critical mass of views/responses. You're right though, and you're more than welcome to change the title. I was thinking "Tenacity Up no longer prevents dispels," or "Humbling Blow dispels Tenacity Up."
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Tenacity: Increases the chance to ward off detrimental effects.

    Humbling blow isn't putting a detrimental effect on yoda like speed down, DOT, etc. It's just removing a positive effect.

    Battle Meditation seems to be 100% effective against detrimental effects being put on a character.

    Agreed, however there are aspects of this game we simply have not been aware of. For instance, it has been accepted that Tenacity effected dispel defense just as Potency increased the success rate of dispels. If this is still the case, then I assume that Tenacity Up is *not* working as intended. If, however, there was a change to the Tenacity Up buff, or a change to the overall mechanics of Tenacity, Potency, and Dispels, then this is obviously all a moot point.

    Humbling Blow is (as far as I know), attempting to land a "negative" effect (a 'dispel' effect of sorts). It is possible that the Devs changed this mechanic (to change the requirements for assigning O up), leading to the unforeseen change we are observing between Humbling Blow and Tenacity Up.
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    Humbling blow can be resisted. Happens all the time. Therefore you would assume that with 99,999 tenacity (or whatever it is) that humbling blow would not be able to debuff tenacity up.

    On a side note... I was going to make a thread about this but I don't feel like Yoda's leader ability is working. +25% tenacity is a significant increase. It seems the difference should be noticeable if you put Yoda lead. I have been experimenting with him in the lead and his ability seems to stop nothing. Bens debuffs get through, too many stuns get through. This is grand master Yoda!! His leader ability should have a substantial impact. Especially considering what we all went through to get him!
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    That sucks.
    Yoda is getting beaten to death with that nerf bat.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    I don`t believe this is intentional nerf, otherwise they would spent time to post it together with the other much useless information for the update like "Audio added for tapping Daily Activities" . Most probably it has something to do with reworking the Humbling blow skill of Qui and tenacity up check is probably missing now. Can someone tryif Mace Windu for example is able to remove the Tenacity up in some GW battle?
  • dkredsox
    242 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Apostilo wrote: »
    I don`t believe this is intentional nerf, otherwise they would spent time to post it together with the other much useless information for the update like "Audio added for tapping Daily Activities" . Most probably it has something to do with reworking the Humbling blow skill of Qui and tenacity up check is probably missing now. Can someone tryif Mace Windu for example is able to remove the Tenacity up in some GW battle?

    This'll be a good test, I'll try and let you know the results here.

    I'm also curious if QGJ can gain offense up from attacking someone with Foresight now.
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    dkredsox wrote: »
    Apostilo wrote: »
    I don`t believe this is intentional nerf, otherwise they would spent time to post it together with the other much useless information for the update like "Audio added for tapping Daily Activities" . Most probably it has something to do with reworking the Humbling blow skill of Qui and tenacity up check is probably missing now. Can someone tryif Mace Windu for example is able to remove the Tenacity up in some GW battle?

    This'll be a good test, I'll try and let you know the results here.

    Thanks mate, i would do it myself , but my GW and Arena battles are on cooldown already until the reset in few hours...
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    Update: Mace can remove the Tenacity Buff as well, just tried in GW.
  • scuba
    14123 posts Member
    I hope all Dispellers can remove tenacity up. I my opinion it should be able to do that.
    The abilities state remove all positive status effects. Well tenacity up is a positive status effect and should be removable.
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    Ok. Clickbait title, but I need to bring actual attention to this issue. Tenacity Up (arguably the strongest selling point for Yoda and one of the better aspects of Rex) is currently able to be dispeled by Humbling Blow.
    I am going to be testing this with Yoda and with additional dispel effects. But this is a very troubling development.

    Is this intentional (has Tenacity Up become merely a % increase to tenacity)? Or is this a side effect of some other effect (Humbling Blow order of operations perhaps)? Or is this a function of the new patch?

    Community testing and developer responses would be appreciated.


    As it was not announced in the update notes i would urge all dedicated Yoda users to sent an official bug report immediatelly .. no need to waste time , waiting devs to read the post ... they have enough reading to do anyway because of the 14/04 Update .. : )
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    scuba wrote: »
    I hope all Dispellers can remove tenacity up. I my opinion it should be able to do that.
    The abilities state remove all positive status effects. Well tenacity up is a positive status effect and should be removable.

    Yes this is true, but Tenacity, as it's listed, "Increases the chance to ward off detrimental effects". A dispel is a detrimental effect. So if the tenacity up buff increases tenacity by an astronomical amount then it shouldn't be removable.
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    I also tested whether or not Foresight could be dispelled but it still caused a dodge when a dispel attack was used.
  • Apostilo
    137 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    dkredsox wrote: »
    Update: Mace can remove the Tenacity Buff as well, just tried in GW.

    This is heartbreaking news :( if it works as intended ... Yoda has become totaly useless , low HP, Low Damage, No tenacity up available before you kill Qui ... oh wait probably you have to kill some RG first ... no masterstroke available vs dooku+Qui teams /cos Dooku counter will harm you badly /most ikely stunn you/ ... so Yoda remains with 2 skills to use against 99 % of the teams out there ... and the damage of those is ... barris level..
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    bm is still useful to ward off dooku and daka stuns as well as 5's and phasma's slows. that's why I still use yoda
    mighty chlorians
  • scuba
    14123 posts Member
    dkredsox wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    I hope all Dispellers can remove tenacity up. I my opinion it should be able to do that.
    The abilities state remove all positive status effects. Well tenacity up is a positive status effect and should be removable.

    Yes this is true, but Tenacity, as it's listed, "Increases the chance to ward off detrimental effects". A dispel is a detrimental effect. So if the tenacity up buff increases tenacity by an astronomical amount then it shouldn't be removable.

    Obviously the only one who know the true answer is the Dev's and hopefully they will provide a response one if these days.

    To me a dispels is not a detrimental effect.

    A detrimental effect is a debuffs that adds negative status to a character.

    A dispel is removing positive status from a character and putting them back to normal, and should not be resisted.

    I feel the same way for offense. If an ability states it will remove all negative status effects it should do it and not be resisted.
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    There is always a chance for an effect to land regardless of tenacity...experience with a luke lead would back that up.
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    dkredsox wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    I hope all Dispellers can remove tenacity up. I my opinion it should be able to do that.
    The abilities state remove all positive status effects. Well tenacity up is a positive status effect and should be removable.

    Yes this is true, but Tenacity, as it's listed, "Increases the chance to ward off detrimental effects". A dispel is a detrimental effect. So if the tenacity up buff increases tenacity by an astronomical amount then it shouldn't be removable.

    I think detrimental effects are applied and a dispell is a removal thus a semantic bug probably
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    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    Every effect should have a counter.

    I believe the counter argument to your 'argument' is that the counter to dispels was Tenacity Up. I know that I, and I assume many others, used a well-timed Squad Discipline or Battle Meditation to "cover" a tank's taunt with dispel immunity.

    The problem with statements such as every effect should have a counter is that it actually can be interpreted both ways. Currently dispels have no counter (unless you argue that running 0 buffs, a true feat with level 80 toons) is their counter. But I thought that Tenacity (Leadership, Buffs) was the counter to dispels (and debuffs).

    Ability block hard counters dispel.

    Stun hard counters dispel.

    Stealth counters dispel, kinda.

    Everything should have a counter.
  • dkredsox
    242 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Apostilo wrote: »
    dkredsox wrote: »
    Update: Mace can remove the Tenacity Buff as well, just tried in GW.

    This is heartbreaking news :( if it works as intended ... Yoda has become totaly useless , low HP, Low Damage, No tenacity up available before you kill Qui ... oh wait probably you have to kill some RG first ... no masterstroke available vs dooku+Qui teams /cos Dooku counter will harm you badly /most ikely stunn you/ ... so Yoda remains with 2 skills to use against 99 % of the teams out there ... and the damage of those is ... barris level..

    @Apostilo Yoda is still very useful... In a player's hands. His basic still does great damage, and foresight extends his HP/Protection dramatically. He is incredible for me when attacking in arena and is an essential toon in the new GW. I feel that using him in arena makes me an easier target though, since he's a **** in the hands of the AI.
  • JherenKharr
    49 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Old_Tallen wrote: »
    Every effect should have a counter.

    Whether it not this is what is intended, the fact remains that Tenacity Up is definitely behaving differently than it has in the past; it is no longer 100% preventing negative statuses and dispel attempts, and is in fact now highly susceptible to dispel attempts. If this is an intended change, then the Dev team should state so. EA Jesse said he'd check with the team on Monday.
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    You should be able to dispel resistance buffs
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