Old Ben and too smart AI

1246 posts Member
edited April 2016
Please adjust Old Ben so that he is more usable against the AI. The AI consistently leaves Old Ben until the final kill. This is obviously very smart of the AI so kudos to it. Smart players against Old Ben is why he isn't really useable in Arena battles on defense. However his entire kit is unique in that he is the only character built to die early in matches so by making the AI recognize this you make him pretty much worthless.

You've given him a huge HP pool, a high dodge rate, and have apparently made it so that the AI treats him like a leper and doesn't touch him unless it's a counter or AoE attack. I have kept him at 4 stars on purpose and yet he still sits around and watches every Jedi in his squad die while he does nothing more than an occasional offense down and taps Dooku with his light saber in disguise. It's actually made up of cardboard paper towel holders taped together around a glow stick.

You don't need to buff him although if anyone is deserving of a taunt it is him. You don't even need to change HIM at all. Just stop letting the AI ignore him until he's the last man standing.


  • Options
    Hope devs fix his leader b4 AI at least...
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    If they fix his leadership it'll be even more broke than Dooku. But he still won't be able to do much of anything in game.
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    I agree, Old Ben is a worthless character since AI never attacks him. With a buff that relies on him dying he should have more aggro than anyone else. Or at least give us the option to strip all of his gear to send him in as a sacrificial lamb.
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    old ben is not useless. you have mentioned some of his qualities already but missed his best which blocks abilities and offence down against all enemies. that is huge. with that offence down for 2 turns enemies hit you with a water gun while you burn them down

    people usually complain that AI is too dumb, so don't complain that it is too smart. if there is a real complaint vs AI it is the ridiculous proc rate it has.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Old Ben was better before the update when battles were more fast paced and his skill had an impact on a larger percentage of the turns. Now he burns his one good skill and then sits around with not much to contribute for four turns.
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